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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7236955 No.7236955 [Reply] [Original]

Naturally, it still sickens me to recall the sight of that detestable red flag over Berlin, but I try not to think about it too much.

>> No.7236964


>> No.7236979
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Which Touhou is most likely to be Hitler's henchwoman?

>> No.7236987


Which post is most likely to be reported?

>> No.7236988
File: 91 KB, 413x600, HansUlrichRudel.JPG..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure what Rudel has to do with Koishi but whatever; the guy was a one-man air force.

>> No.7237003
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prüfe sie

>> No.7237010

Could Hans Rudel in his Stuka defeat Koishi Komeiji in a danmaku duel?

>> No.7237019


The Stuka is incompatible with curtain fire weapon system.

Alternately, they would never fight, they are best friends.

>> No.7237028

Reimu and Marisa fight and they're best friends.

>> No.7237033


They are, at best, friendly rivals. But my money's on nightly hatefucks.

>> No.7237041

>They are, at best, friendly rivals
Read the fairies manga and CoLA. They're the best of best friends.

>> No.7237047


Fairy manga never happened.

>> No.7237070

You can't deny their love, Anonymous. Especially after that uncensored yuri highfiving scene.

>> No.7237331

Definitely not Keine.


>Oak leaves and swords. No diamonds.

Fail Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross, go back to the front, Koishi.

>> No.7237338


...but it does have diamonds.

>> No.7237345

Says who?

>> No.7237358

Upon further and closer inspection, I do believe that there are in fact diamonds on the Oak leaves.

I would like to make a formal apology to Koishi, she had earned her Knight's Cross in blood, sweat, and tears.

>> No.7237436
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Krautchans /jp/ only has secondaries, /cgl/-fags and real shitty mods who don't know anything about otaku culture.
