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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 238 KB, 1275x906, 1300685959422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7235483 No.7235483 [Reply] [Original]

What would it feel like to watch your waifu lose a hard fought danmaku battle from a distance, seeing her fall to the ground bleeding out, her eyes drifting in your direction as she feebly reaches her arm towards you, knowing there's nothing you can do but watch her die?

>> No.7235485 [DELETED] 

       /\     ____   / ̄\
      / `\\w/  _川_  `//⌒  }
      {   ミ /  / _川_ \  ミ    /
      \ ミ ´ノ ( / _川 \ ノ( ミ  /
       ,}彳  ⌒  /ノハヽ\  ⌒ ミY
       彡  ⌒\ 、     r/⌒   `ミ
      彡  ― (l ゝヽ    /(l フ ―   ミ__
      ,彡 ―  ⌒ }    { ⌒  ―   ミ ノ\
       ,彡 ― 、 ⌒',    /⌒ 、  ノ ( ミ   ノ\
      ,ノ⌒ミ  {ミ   ',__/  ミ}  ⌒ ミ /  ,ノ\
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    /\   /_ノヽ-レ‐v^v-レ-イY从ゝ      /   ノ\
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  /\   \   \  ', Vv::j:::vイ/   /   /  /    /   ,}
 /   \       \ \二二/ /  /    {         //

>> No.7235486

It would feel like watch your waifu lose a hard fought danmaku battle from a distance, seeing her fall to the ground bleeding out, her eyes drifting in your direction as she feebly reaches her arm towards you, knowing there's nothing you can do but watch her die a bag of sand.

>> No.7235487
File: 482 KB, 768x1024, Oops.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7235490

No one dies in danmaku thats why they use the system.

>> No.7235496 [DELETED] 

                           _人   _,,.. - ''''"" ̄`"'''7:::∠__
                           )  ,. '"          !ヘ/:::/、
 ___      _l⌒l_            /       ハ, __i  i:::::>!   ',
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(__  ) __ (_/ l⌒l `ー' /     ヽ i  i  イ「ハ     !__,リ ノ | /|    |
  / /(___)   |  l_ │ .○ /ヽ | /.| | ! !ソ     ̄ 〃 レ' |    |
 │ │_        ( ○ _) 丶_/  / /  レソ〃 ,-=ニニ'ヽ.    7 ,'    |
  丶__)        `─'         `ー'   |7!  i     !  u / /!    |
       _l⌒l__ /⌒ヽ         /⌒/ .'ゝ、_ヽ、   _ノ   / / /  i   ,'
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       / / ̄ヽ | `ー'(_/\  /     r| ! ! レ^i/  ̄'7ー-、
      (_/   / /        `ー'       ハ     /ヘ__/// ヽ,
            `ー'              ,. '⌒ヽ,r‐''"´ ̄ト、::::::/     !

>> No.7235495

rape the dying body

>> No.7235500
File: 47 KB, 600x424, Chen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7235503 [DELETED] 

                    ,:'/  ':,
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      ,' ',   ヽ、.,_   ___,,..:' _,' ,.ヘ.   !
     ,'  !    ''"´ ̄      `ヾ''.フ _ |
     i   ゝ'            `ヽ.,__>
     | rァ'     ,'   ',   ':,  、   `ヽ.
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  ',   '、  ! ,. -`ーァ-t‐ァ'" ̄ ̄ `ヽ.   !     `ヽ.    /

>> No.7235507

her face looks more butthurt
"damn now what am i going to do with the dead body"

>> No.7235508 [DELETED] 

                  _. -―‐  .    \ ヽ
                .  ´       \   ヽ
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         {__(__:::ヾ:::', }  /:   ヾ.  l ∨_  っ
     ___ _ノ  \ `ゝ、::} ,′l i   ハ  l ノ 〉
  _ : '´: : : /:\ア´ .ヘ、 `/  l___!、____ ! l´ _)′
 '⌒丶: : / : : : } /イ   ゝ′ !、___,ゝ,_,′ !´}: :`ヽ
      }:/: : : : :!: : : {   { !  ノ"__"ノ{  ノ}リ: : : : :\
     ´ ̄ ̄ヽ'r三、`ー^ゝ彡-く{、iハノ{ヽ`¨ソi:, '´ ̄`ヾ
        / / ̄フ/ /  ハY⌒ヽ ヽ`´
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        /    V  ノ /  /vヘミハ   V}   :,
      {    、( .イ /  /ノ{    ',  lノヽ }
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     V彡、_r ヘ__ノV_/-‐- .__ ′}___ lヽ) ン
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       ´ ̄´ ̄`{=== }`¨⌒´ ̄{ ===}
             `¨¨¨´      `¨¨¨´

>> No.7235510
File: 502 KB, 676x1000, 50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7235513

if she was a youkai, I would just wait for her to respawn. if she was a human, I would probably cut off her head and sail over the lake in a nice boat.

>> No.7235524 [DELETED] 

        l i´ .゙i |
        !-'   丿丿
          l |
            | |
  ウ--,,          ノ フ
  フ   ̄ ̄ヽ...--.../  フ
    フ    ......ヽOノ.............フ___
   フ  /::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::ヽ/
   >ノ:::::::::::::::::::::ノ  ヽ:::::::::::::::::ヽ
   クノ_ノノ_ノ/_ノ,   \ヽ:::_ヽ_ヽ
   __ノ::::::::::r ( ヒ_]    ヒ_ン人::::::)
 ∠:::::::::::::::::|    ,___,   |::::::/
  ノノ >:::::::人.         ,'::::ヽ
  /:::::::::::::::::>,、 ______, .イ::::::::::(

>> No.7235522
File: 118 KB, 697x605, 9000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7235525

i welcome our SJIS overlords

>> No.7235528
File: 1.45 MB, 850x1212, asdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7235533 [DELETED] 

            /:::ヽ        ..,,,,.........
          /:)''(:::|      /..:::::::::.''''''''''
          /:::::(,,,ヽ::|....   /:::/(::.'
         (:::::::/    r""""\( (L
      「:\ )/:::::7        \.;;(
      ヽ:::::{:::}::::::/     ヽ     ヽ
       >:/(:: )ヽ|.   |   |   ヽ  |\
         (:: ) |ハハ,../人....人ノ、__人...ヽ/
         (:: ) ヽレ ⌒    ⌒ヽヽノ
         (:: ) (<///  ,___, /// '( :: )
         (:: )  ヽ    ヽ _ン   ) ( ::)
     「:\(:: )     >.、_     ,イ ( ::)
     ヽ:::::(:: )/:7. ヽ~人 ̄ ̄i'' >  ( ::)

>> No.7235547
File: 44 KB, 450x550, Cirno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7235548

______ while she's still warm

Then eat her body. She wouldn't want it to go to waste.

>> No.7235555 [DELETED] 

         ,----、   / _,,...,,......_ ヽ      
         | | ̄\\/ /    \|
         \\  ),/ ./
      ,':::::::::「\:::// ̄7::::::::::::::::ヽ
      / ̄ ̄ヽ r-{   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ヽ
     |:::::/:::::| rr=-, \( r=;ァ |;:::::::::::::::\  
    /∨:VV| " ̄ ,___,  ̄" |::::i::::::|::::::::::ヽ
    !:::::::|::::ト',    ヽ _ン    |::::|::::::|:::::::::::::|  
    !:::::::|::::::へ、        ノ::人:::/::::::::::::ノ 
    ∨´\:へ:`>r-‐--イ ノ::/」- |:人人ノ 
        ,--/´ {>(永)<} |::ノ」  \     

>> No.7235584

damn, that images

>> No.7235711

Danmaku can't kill. Only tear clothes. The worst that could happen is a Touhou slapping my dick after catching me fap to her

>> No.7235721
File: 110 KB, 600x600, 1299558591461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7235742

Cheer, for I'm in gensokyo, living the dream.

>> No.7235745


says the person who actually likes alice.

>> No.7235755

Realize that nobody dies in a danmaku battle and wake the fuck up from this terrible nightmare.
