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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7232362 No.7232362 [Reply] [Original]

What do you think about this vn, /jp/?
Is it really as good as many people say it is (even one of the greatest), or it's just some lame trolling?

I'm downloading it right now, and will try it sometime later.

>mfw can't post anymore under yRan ;_;

>> No.7232373
File: 12 KB, 400x225, 1295322797179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It truly is an excellent visual novel.
Ignore everyone who says otherwise.

>> No.7232375

Fairly average, didn't keep me hooked. Too much sex.

>> No.7232382
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Unsure if I should take this post seriously.


So too much sex is bad?

Also, can anyone tell me why I can't post anymore under my old trip, it's like someone blocked it!!

>> No.7232391

The amount of sex is on that uncomfortable point where it detracts from focus on the plot, but there's not so much that it's all you care about. One of the only VN's I've read that actually made me want to skip scenes.

>> No.7232397

Do you like girls who have seriously fucked-up (to the point of trauma and severe health risks) lives?

Can you stand to see someone be hurt over and over, and still stick by them and love them?

Can you man the fuck up and save someone from the horror of their empty life?

In the end, this is a really well-written story. It's long, and while every route has a lot of sex scenes it's by no means a majority of any path. It tackles issues most VNs tend to shy away from, and even handles them realistically (or at least, moreso than would be expected for the medium).

I enjoyed it immensely. I hope you can as well.

>> No.7232402
File: 62 KB, 800x600, 1295158425469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's a must play.

In my opinion Mizuki had both the most fleshed out personality, and the best development.
I believe the visual novel did an excellent job of developing her from an out of control teenager to a more stable young lady.

In the beginning we saw only a little bit of rebelliousness from her. However very slowly she became much more unstable. We saw just how out of control she could really get on her trip to hong kong. Over the rest of the VN the protagonist would help her grow into a stable woman. The ending was very sweet.

As for the other heroines, I am not convinced that the problems they were developed enough.
Nekoko had a drug problem, but there was no consistent character development and we never exactly understood why she had the problem until much later. It was a very sudden shift, learning everything about her all at once. Plus much of her development occurred off screen and we only saw her after she was much better at the amusement park. I believe the route would have been better if constructed in a way to slowly show her character and problem over time.

Likewise Aeka had a simple bullying problem. It was nice to see the protagonist give her someone that was nice to her, but I could not see appropriate character development. If you believe there was, please correct me. The choking scene, in my opinion, served as nothing more than fan service and was completely out of character.

Overall I believe that Mizuki had by far the best route with the best ending and the the most incite into her personality with the most consistent character development.

>> No.7232408
File: 79 KB, 640x480, 1295043771457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You mean "yRan"... Well I'm unable to be yRan anymore, I don't know what the fuck happened, maybe mods blocked my trip, so mad for some reason at me.
Even though I never ever trolled here, or maybe in one or two posts.


Cool bros, thanks for sharing your opinions.

>> No.7232430

It's decent, but by no means great. Aeka route is really the only part that makes it worth playing.

Either way I really doubt anyone would seriously call it one of the greatest eroge unless they've only played like five of them.

>> No.7232438
File: 58 KB, 801x600, ymkvidya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's by no means a majority of any path
H-scenes take up two thirds of the Mizuki route.

>> No.7232459

Game is average/suck. Learn japanese and stop playing this bullshit please.

>> No.7232476
File: 260 KB, 1280x720, 1295157897534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How come that majority of /jp/ claims it's great, then?
All trolls, amirite? LOL!

>> No.7232479

That copy pasta was crappy the first time you posted it.
Mizuki was a bored slut, her story was frivolous. Her voice was like nails on a chalk board.

>> No.7232483

>majority of /jp/
>All trolls
Yeah, that sounds about right.

>> No.7232484

you mad because its the most popular VN ever?

Because It is. Aeka and Nekoko routs anyways. Mizuki was a waste of time.

>> No.7232489

I don't know if they're trolls or not, I don't give a fuck. I'm telling you the game is stupid compared to real VNs out there. If you don't want to believe that then go for it.

>> No.7232494

From what you say, a Real VN is one that has not been translated yet, soon as it gets translated, it becomes shit. Go fuck your self.

>> No.7232498

>you mad because its the most popular VN ever?
Only in the West. And the Western VN fanbase has shit taste and limited experience with the medium.

>> No.7232506
File: 67 KB, 328x335, ohh wow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>talking about western fanbases on a western board

>> No.7232508

I think ero is really holding back the potential of eroge. This medium could be so much more.

>> No.7232512

Instead of telling people how shitty their tastes are, I rather enjoy them circlejerking about the same mediocre game for years on end while knowing how superior my tastes are and laughing at the peasants.

>> No.7232516
File: 46 KB, 320x427, gay_marriage_same_sex1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take out the ero and all you have a ge. I think you can understand why i must disagree with you.

>> No.7232518

Stop falling for copypasta.

>> No.7232542
File: 42 KB, 793x591, Fuck you Cunt..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But it was awesome, no?

>> No.7232543

It was gratifying. I was amazed at how masterfully they ended that arc.

>> No.7232546

I wanted a wedding ending.
I love those.

>> No.7232548

They were on the right path, it would be safe to assume they did get married after they got out of school.

>> No.7232554

I meant CG wise too.

>> No.7232575

Use your imagination. I agree though, I did kinda want to see it. It goes against Otaku culture though. Otaku see the marriage of girls as a personal defeat.

>> No.7232590

Aeka > Mizuki > Nekoko

I honestly didnt liked Nekoko route, i felt it was too boring.

>> No.7232616

I didnt much like their night time exploits, expect for the loli sex. However I did like the various discoveries, like him seeing her at school and when she came down off her high. The ending was the most moving of the 2 routs.

>> No.7232628

Ah, finally downloaded, will post my first impressions, later.

>> No.7232647 [DELETED] 

What you said:
>In my opinion Mizuki had both the most fleshed out personality, and the best development.
What I read:
>In my opinion Mizuki had the most fleshed out breast development.

>> No.7232667 [DELETED] 

>In my opinion Mizuki had the most fleshed out breast development.

Man it must be getting late.

>> No.7232672

>In my opinion Mizuki had the most fleshed out breast development.

Man it must be getting late.

>> No.7232716

>play through Aeka route first
>that random girl from school sees you at the dept. store
>be paranoid for ages that something bad will happen related to that

>save Nekoko route for last
>what a twist, she was the librarian?
>suddenly realise that's the girl from the department store
>you never see her again after that
>she probably overdosed on drugs after realising the guy she was developing feelings for already had a girlfriend

>cry bitch tears

>> No.7232737
File: 175 KB, 850x878, laughing touhous.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey....Isn't this one of those babby's first VNs? - Lol...
I've skipped all of those, since they are for babbys! Haha.

No offenses.

I was going to post this in that Planetarian thread, but i heard that VN is supposed to make the readers cry, and it would be a little gay to see a man like OP crying

>> No.7232768

How to check if its babies first VN.
1. Does it have English Translations.

>> No.7232784

Crescendo is far better. Play that instead.

>> No.7232833

>If it's not in the glorious Japanese language then it's for babies because I'm an elite visual novel reader.

Your weeaboo is showing.

>> No.7232845

Dat Nekoko ending.

WTF Mizuki death during pregnancy ending.

Fuck you I chose the wrong sex option.

>> No.7232859

>Your weeaboo is showing
I found something about this statement odd, so I scrolled to the top of the page to ensure I was on the right board.
So now I suppose I'm just wondering fi you have the foggiest clue what thread you're in, what board it's on, and what site that board is attached to.

>> No.7232862

What. YMK isn't even the most popular in the west.
Maybe if "the west" meant /v/.

>> No.7232881


This is how I know you're new here. /jp/ doesn't give a rat's ass about Japan. We just like the shit they produce. By playing the LOL LOOK WHERE U R IM NO WEEABOO card you outed yourself.

>> No.7232970

That's enough to be a weeaboo. You don't have to give a rat's ass about Japan to be labeled a weeaboo.

>> No.7232998


Being labeled a weeaboo and actually being a weeaboo are different things. Kids these days don't realize words have meanings, they just make up whatever they feel like.
