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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 43 KB, 355x500, Yume_Miru_Kusuri[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7230178 No.7230178 [Reply] [Original]

I seek to argue that while the visual novel Yume Miru Kusuri: A Drug That Makes You Dream (henceforth referred to as YMK) is overall written very well, the route of Mizuki Kirimiya stands out as exceptionally well done. Though each route provides us with appropriate and believable character development through overcoming a life threatening problem, it's only in Mizuki's route that we are provided with consistent, steady progression of the problem and real insight to the problem that is absent in the other routes.

In the beginning of the visual novel, before entry into any specific route, we meet all three of the heroines. Initially we can see serious problems with Aeka Shiraki and Nekoko. Aeka appears to have a serious bullying problem and we can infer that Nekoko is abusing drugs based on her behavior and delusions. At this point only Mizuki's true problem in unclear. This is something that the writer took great care in slowly unraveling.

Soon we see Mizuki acting rebellious, but the nature and magnitude of the problem remain uncertain. Over the course of the route her behavior becomes more and more out of control, and even dangerous. Starting with simple acts such as smoking, it leads to a life threatening situation in a trip to Hong Kong, with steady progression in between. We are given actual insight to why she has these problems with unique issues such as not being able to see a future in living to the next day. We find that the protagonist and Mizuki learn to rely on each other and the ending resolves Mizuki's issues of not being able to see a future.

-Continued on the next post-

>> No.7230180

-Continued from the last post-
In contrast the routes of Aeka and Nekoko fail to give us real consistent progression of the problem. We see the problem reach a climax, but there is something left to be desired in between. We are hardly given any insight as to why they have these problems. Aeka has a simple bullying problem and Nekoko has a simple drug problem. There is room for analysis of the characters and what they're going through but this is, for the most part, unavailable. Though they have satisfying endings, they don't feel as natural as Mizuki's.

Overall I believe that all the routes are good, but Mizuki's has far more effort put into the writing with insight to a unique look at the problems of a high school girl. I believe that the character development stands out as very consistent much more appropriate than the other routes had.

I would like to defend this point of view against anyone who feels differently. The discussion of any other topic related to YMK is more than welcome. Thank you for taking the time to read this.

>> No.7230186


VNbros, where are you from?
Vote here: http://poll.pollcode.com/jAu

Drug that makes you dream english translation:

Remember don't respond to trolls use filters! http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/33916/

>> No.7230184 [DELETED] 

Why do you come to 4chan? Why don't you get some friends? try to get laid, do something  besides going on 4chan to try and act like a pretentious shitdick. If you had anybody in your life who actually wanted to listen to what you had to say you wouldn't be doing this, and if you weren't a complete piece of shit you would realize that nobody is going to read your point of view you faggot. Just stop or kill yourself, either or is fine with me.

>> No.7230189

Thanks for "your" opinions, they will be duly noted.

>> No.7230191


>> No.7230193


>> No.7230204

is there another reply to this or is that it?

>> No.7230196 [DELETED] 

lol you faggot, we get it, you want to sound intelligent and important and so you go to a forum like this and find some other jizzbag like you who just writes the same shit over and over again to have a debate so that someone can finally listen and hear your point of view because everybody who comes across you isn't interested. You0re not smart, you're not interesting, you're an unemployed dullard who uses 4chan to get the attention he doesnt get at home

>> No.7230232

Do you have a link to the actual game?

>> No.7230246
File: 117 KB, 800x600, 1284168092851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree.
I honestly thought Mizuki had the best and most profound route. Nice insight into things, OP.
She was my favorite route and girl. Haters gonna hate.

>> No.7230248

Thank you, it's nice to see someone appreciates it.

>> No.7230252

It's tricky to summarize this one in a way that doesn't make it sound much better or much worse than it is, but here goes: three stories about helping someone overcome their personal demons and learn to lead a happy life, with you of course.

Each of the three troubled girls is unique and convincingly human. Hence the routes are very different from each other on the surface but share much of the same themes and overall structure. Also, the protagonist and heroines both grow immensely by the (true) end of the routes, leaving all of them with satisfying (true) endings.

Unfortunately, there is a persistent strain on suspension of disbelief for large parts of the game. While never impossible to ignore, it takes effort (or perhaps a really shitty adolescence) to not let it get in the way of empathizing with the characters and their problems. This is mitigated by the fact that a lot of time is spent effectively killing time with slice of life. But I felt that fit the game's relaxed atmosphere, and gave the characterization and (good) comedy plenty of time to do their things.

Score: 7/10

Polarization: High (+2/-3)

Some people will literally laugh at the implausibility of some parts of the stories, while some others will find at least one of the endings deeply moving. Personal experience may be a factor.

Routes/Endings Played: All 3 routes, good and bad endings.

>> No.7230269

This is why you don't post in the daytime OP, you get faggots like these who don't know what the word otaku means.
Anyway, I can see where your getting at but I believe the the other routes were analytical enough that they didn't need to look normal in the beginning.
What's the best way to start a bullying route? Have the girl be bullied and have the main character decide to help or not for each route to see if they are a white knight.
Best way to start a drug problem route? Avoiding spoilers, the way they did that was creative.
If I had to rate this all as a whole I would give it a ten out ten on my lenient scale. It wasted my time when I wanted it to be wasted in an otaku fashion.

>> No.7230281

Need more TVtropes links

Next time try to review something that isn't as old as YMK
Everything about it has been said times and times again

>> No.7230315

Yeah, that's why /jp/ often does not have these types of threads. GSNM on the other hand, when it first came out, could be discussed with fresh information.

>> No.7230326

I can't even tell where the sarcasm is

>> No.7230342

all of it
even this post
even your post
it's a sarcasm festival

>> No.7230428

This. I'd be interested in hearing OP's thoughts on Cross Channel.

>> No.7230429

Has this thread exactly been said?

>> No.7230634


>> No.7230642 [DELETED] 
File: 7 KB, 251x251, costanza2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bashing the game for its dialogue and story when youve only read the shitty jast translation

>> No.7230671

Did the real story have better progression of the girl's problems?

>> No.7232004

I feel as though there is a large torrent of hatred flowing in the background of the readerbase here, which parses threads on /jp/ only to find something to spew bile on. It's nonsensical to say that once a thing has been discussed, it is never relevant again. There is always a chance to revisit, to compare to recent events or releases, hear new perspectives, etc. I use the archive all the time, but it's no substitute, really. With a niche as small as English-translated VNs, there's no way you can ignore the back catalog.

I'd discuss it with you, OP, but I just ordered the game, and don't want to spoil myself any further than just being on /jp/ has done to me already.

>> No.7233175

I've seen this like 3 times before

>> No.7233226

Half of this thread is full of reposts.
That said, I agree with OP in that Mizuki's route was well written even if her character was a bit unrealistic.

>> No.7233235

You do realize this is a reverse troll thread with stale pasta in every other posts?
Get out of /jp/ and play all the damm backlogged VN and eroge that you have instead of complaining about people not caring about your opinions.

>> No.7233245

are reposts

>> No.7233284

Go check those deleted posts then.

>> No.7234028

So I don't get it. She was afraid to sleep?

>> No.7236470

GSNM threads were redirected to /a/ a mere 3 days after it was translated.

>> No.7236487

Ugh, I haven't finished this yet, I'm outta this thread.

>> No.7236488

Why are you always making the same thread and why are there always the same exact replies ?

>> No.7236503

Thanks for the torrent link.
I've been looking to play this for a while now.

>lethargia echill
Holy shit, captcha! Being lethargic IS chill.

>> No.7236931

Ultimately people will let their emotions affect their decisions. And it's a shame.

>> No.7238502

it's not true
