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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 62 KB, 640x480, rinmoemoe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7226987 No.7226987 [Reply] [Original]

New version is out. No, I do not know what is new in this one.


The files are a mess. City/Rin quests have assorted stages mixed here and there. I really have to wonder how these people manage this thing.

>> No.7227015

How do you translate it? Is this version translated?

>> No.7227028

I take humble Notepad++ and translate it line per line, although context is nice so I have to go replay the thing so I know that it matches.

No, this is not translated, just posted an image I have in my HD.

>> No.7227040

I tried using the agth program, which does what you are doing but automatically. But it was too challenging to set up

>> No.7227045

Is it a garbled bunch of text that makes no sense or is it actually good?

>> No.7227070

I herd from hongfire that it is actually good, but you have to manually add things like weird names to it

>> No.7227534

so what's updated in this version?

>> No.7227590

Saw this thread addressed to you yesterday:

>> No.7229449

I think they're reworking the Rin quests a lot, trying to make it part of a larger quest or something.

>> No.7231253

OP, checking out the idea thread might give you an indication of what they've planned.

>> No.7231292

Can anyone set up an SVN (or equivalent) for a crowd sourced translation?
I'd start working on this.

>> No.7231434

Thanks for the headsup.

>> No.7231488

>I really have to wonder how these people manage this thing.

They don't.

>> No.7231754

Just checked the translation these people did. Only one archive barely resembles the new map files, with the main map for Onsen town being several times bigger than the old one.

Trying to find which text to skip translation will be a chore by itself. I guess I'll just avoid Onsen Town and focus on quest lines only, since that is what is missing the most.

>> No.7231775

This. Or something wiki-like.
I wouldn't mind translating a few lines now and then, but I lack the motivation to really commit to any projects. I'm pretty sure there's a lot of people like that.

>> No.7232147

Kinda hard to make the names fit... Can't have it all I guess.

>> No.7232163


>> No.7232169



>> No.7232171


>> No.7232191

why do these guys still use shift-JIS instead of unicode?

>> No.7232212

japanese cannot into serious programming

>> No.7232223

Xenophobia, carelessness, or ineptitude.

>> No.7232815

this just sends me to ask.com

>> No.7232820

You are just lucky that ASCII is 100% compatible with Unicode as long as only the ASCII-charset is used.

>> No.7232867

Then, why are almost all french websites using UTF-8 instead of Latin-1? Are the French technologically ahead of the Japanese?

>> No.7232902

it uses rpgmaker2000, that shit is so old there wasn't even unicode in windows at that time.

>> No.7232910

just use the current translation patch from the blog of the dude who wrote the patcher and work from there. It patches the translation into new version if they fit.

>> No.7233078

You need a japanese proxy.

>> No.7233255
File: 88 KB, 1085x441, differences.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got the patch and Winmerge.

There are differences between the text. Although the previous translation helps, this thing requires a full overhaul.

>> No.7233310

Mind giving a link to the blog?

>> No.7233318


>> No.7233347


>> No.7233477

I'd credit EU member states adhering to a Unicode standard because it is easily deployed across different countries with different alphabets.

>> No.7233499

An RPG Maker 2000/2003 game on here? I thought you guys were faggots. My bad.

>> No.7234152

Do not get the latest version of RPGMaker Trans (1.9.7) yet. It is buggy.

>> No.7234179

Give it a try. You'll love it.

>> No.7234551 [SPOILER] 
File: 137 KB, 650x509, hardwork.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can be a girl, what more could /jp/ ask from a game?

>> No.7236651 [DELETED] 
File: 1.16 MB, 850x1640, sample_fdd41300e4003d5d80b0d3c9547636eb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which touhou would you play VH as?

>> No.7236669

What is this some type of Sanae simulator?

>> No.7236875


>> No.7236877 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.23 MB, 1312x2054, violatedheroinediary.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sandbox H-RPG, so you can play as a pure girl that only has consensual sex for the purpose of procreation after marriage if that is your fetish.

>> No.7236917

I'm an idiot. someone please explain how to translate this step by step.

>> No.7237520
File: 93 KB, 557x950, translation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Get habisan RPG maker tool.
2. Extract text from maps with said tool
3. insert your translation between the ### in the .txt
4. repack the maps with the same tool

>> No.7239811

Remind me how was the status on the upper right affected.

>> No.7239979

Is this game actually funny or just a fap-provider?

>> No.7240028
File: 77 KB, 640x480, uho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is funny/grimdark/fap material.

Pictured: What seemed like a plot to capture the girl and NTR his own son, suddenly turned into rape-for-laughs all thanks to giving a MInotaur a blowjob..

>> No.7240033
File: 74 KB, 640x480, missingtext.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Old quests have missing text.

>> No.7240073

Grimdark a-plenty though.

>> No.7240081 [DELETED] 
File: 79 KB, 640x480, grimdark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7240088 [SPOILER] 
File: 79 KB, 640x480, grimdark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7240143


When does this happen?

>> No.7240148

Complete all onsen town quests. Reach level 15(?) or high enough to beat Minotaurs. Then when you sepak with Guild Master the quest will given to you.

Travel east, and head into the Blood Brotherhood's hideout. Rape. Rape everywhere.

>> No.7240955
File: 4 KB, 130x188, 組み合わせtest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, enjoy translating all 500,000+ lines including waking up speech for 9 months of pregnancy for 5 different characters. You'd need 10 people to do it all at least. And then you'd have to EDIT everything cause lines break over that pesky character limit.

>> No.7241179
File: 61 KB, 640x584, translation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Short quests are like 2k in length. Major quests are all over the place in 5 300k files, but most of it is Translation Program Text.

For example, the Blood Brotherhood quest is divided in 5 files, 4 of them short, 1 of them in the Map0003 file.

>> No.7241219

hmmm, RPG_RT.txt contains 47K words alone.

Not saying don't do it, just if you DO translate anything, post the patch files so the rest of us can stitch it in.

>> No.7241359


at a 1st grade level

>> No.7241389


ああああ、ああ、広すぎる陰茎が入った、気持ちいい... あ、中は駄目‼ 
許さない! 抜けて!


>> No.7241406
File: 12 KB, 316x202, sad_frog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw i had to look up "penis" (陰茎)
shadow stalk?

>> No.7241439
File: 27 KB, 325x214, The_More_You_Know.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Don't worry, you're 90% of the way toward enjoying this game in its full splendor.

>> No.7241443

Will that tool make new lines and text boxes if necessary?

>> No.7241483

陰 apparently also just plainly means "sex organs".

>> No.7242308


Oh btw get the latest version of rpgtrans. It's much better, and he pussied out from blocking VH and instead opted for LISENCING. I giggled.

>> No.7242341

I like this part
>4) You may not distribute translated work derived from a commercial work without paying a fee of $20 to the author - contactable at habisain@gmail.com.

Does commercial works made in RPG maker even exist?

>> No.7242841

Not that I have heard of any "licensed" projects with RPGMaker, but I am quite sure Enterbrain's lawyers would like to have a word with this fella if they ever find out.

>> No.7242845

why are you posting an non-touhou thread on the touhou board?! sage

>> No.7242858

Pardon sire, but I do believe all the girls wear accesories and silly hats in this game. They also shoot bullets/magic.


>> No.7243137

>you may only use
the latest version of RPGMaker Trans. The reasoning behind this is that in
order that support headaches are minimised for me, I want everyone on the
latest version. By keeping a list of redistributors I can get updates to them
out quickly, and hopefully everyone else will stay up to date as well. Whilst
building this into the license might seem draconian, I would point out that
this is the approach used in Steam, and has quite a lot of the same reasoning.

BLAH BLAH nobody cares. lol.

>> No.7243152

It's also illegal under copyright and trademark law for an unrelated party to broker deals "in the name of/or 'for the benefit' of the owner" related to said copyrighted/trademarked material, if they are not appointed by the owner with the power to do so.

False representation is against the law.

Congratulations, "anti-pirate." You are breaking the law.

>> No.7243161

I'm beginning to think he's just an amazing troll.

>> No.7243171

He's not that amazing.

>> No.7243274 [SPOILER] 
File: 189 KB, 816x660, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since it seems stupid to make a thread over a game that's barely been started, I'll just leave this here where people who might care will find it.


Definitely something to keep an eye on.

>> No.7243752

Guys, just a quick question: If you were a rich and spoiled but well bred young girl, how would you address your own mother?

>> No.7243806
File: 63 KB, 1208x356, gaijin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just to give an idea of how they "plan" and "manage" VH.

gaijin b and other contributing artists pretty much just draw whatever they find hot and if some event programmer can use it for anything then thats just a bonus.

>> No.7243869

...aaand, the password's right below the download link. Disregard that, I suck cocks.

>> No.7243866

It's passworded, fuck that.

>> No.7243870


>> No.7243872

What's gaijin b's native language? It doesn't look like English.

>> No.7243906

Have they fixed the NTR quest at the part where the screen fades to black after Pierru enters the house after giving the ring to Nanako?

..Or was that just a error on my side i could not get rid off.

>> No.7243945

How do I get through this keyword thing to download the file?

>> No.7244221

When a file is too large, another textbox will appear, which will need the captcha to the far right of the screen.

>> No.7245079

Does anyone know of a mirror of the most recent translation patch on a non-terrible file host? UK ISPs suck for that at the moment.

>> No.7245146

Does anyone know how to get AGTH to stop being a piece of shit with this?

>> No.7245584

Also stop spamming shithead.

>> No.7248768

But you're going to need to use the ITH text hooker, for some reason it doesn't work with AGTH
