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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 24 KB, 800x800, portal.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7226369 No.7226369 [Reply] [Original]

So reading even more doujins won't learn anything new about Gensokyo any more and anyway it's like I will have to do it so knowing knowing obvious things that are uncertain won't help me at all...... Do you think about time to prepare portal? I even have no ideas for proper portal thread since few days........... HELL it's not good?!?!?!

>> No.7226397

No exceptions.

>> No.7226425

OP, if you're serious, I am convinced the secret to gensokyo and any meanings of life will be found in purely human terms, not an otherworldly device.

I was thinking about "her", nothing very specific, just her; how I would squeeze her little palm inside mine, how I would hug her and not let go and she'd hug me back, how I wanted to talk to and play with her for hours, how I wanted to just be able to look and think about her. I guess it happened a little before 3:00 AM, that's when I got out of my bed.

Around that time, I fell into a moment of very strange, blissful revervie. I felt as if there were no more doubts, no more arguments, no more pain, no more fear. I thought about her so clearly this time; I so vividly imagined just me and her talking easily, and there was a feeling of walking in the outside sunlight. I wasn't in my lonely house, or in my narrow white hallways; I was in a beautiful place, an enourmous sunlight field, miles wide and filled with flowers and trees, and there was only her and me. I was in gensokyo. I felt the short, almost-springing grass beneath our feet; I felt the gentle sunshine on her sweet face. I saw the old elm trees, I saw all the little streams and the leaves and the grass stirring. At that exact moment, I thought of just her and me, I thought so vividly I felt as if she was there, and as if we actually were holding each others' hand under the cool shade of one of the trees. I'm not quite sure how to explain it, but in that instant I felt alive, or at least more alive than I had ever felt.

>> No.7226433

It seemed like she was not only with me, but inside of me. The smell of her hair, the taste of her mouth, the smoothness of her nails all seemed to be inside me, my skin felt like she had gotten into its texture, and she was in the air all around myself. I got up and out of my bed and I cried "Alice, Alice! my Sweet Alice!". I looked around, I still felt as if we were together under the shady tree embracing each other; and I looked.

But there was no one there. No one was ever there.

But for a few seconds, I was in Gensokyo.

>> No.7226436

I'm not sure why but there is that feeling that /jp/ is strange today...

I didn't understand it at all. lol! but nice text

>> No.7226536

There is really something strange about today. Could anyone explain it to me? I know I made one bad thread today but this one is OK so this shouldn't be wrong and front page is odd too.

>> No.7226539

      ', ';:.:.:.:.:.\                         /.:.:.:.:.:;' ,'
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  .:.:.:/.:.:.:.:.:.:. \ : : . .                      . . : : / .:.:.:.:.:.:.ヽ:.:.:.

>> No.7226548

Yes. These ascii arts are strange too.
Like they are fun but today like 90% of threads have them.

>> No.7226551

It's the tanassin feel.

It's not just today, there have been a number of posters like this for the last couple of days. Posts like >>7226397
have been common for a while now. "No exceptions" is just a shortened version of "Every thread must be replied to. No exceptions." which has been going on since last year. The copy pastas and so on, I couldn't say from where they are coming.

>> No.7226554

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'   '        i        ヽ            /      `トェェェイ
  '                          ∧        `ー'´

>> No.7226574

uhm yes? I wasn't really reading /jp/ since Sunday and it's strange for me but if they have copy pastas then it means they should be regular on /jp/ and ... you know ...

>> No.7226582 [DELETED] 
File: 147 KB, 512x512, kurisi_C-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how the HELL do you ask yourself if your dead and your not and then ask yourself if your awake and your not and then wake up?

>> No.7226588 [DELETED] 
File: 58 KB, 800x800, theHELL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7226593 [DELETED] 
File: 7 KB, 150x132, chill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am the nokosage killing /jp/

>> No.7226599


So what exactly is wrong in it?

>> No.7226606 [DELETED] 

see the circled in red

"im so high"-you

>> No.7226609

Wake up over and over for 8 hours.

>> No.7226682

aha so you mean that there is missing point "sleeping"? like it wasn't obvious

>> No.7226688 [DELETED] 
File: 10 KB, 235x233, maybe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hmmm...in between where

>> No.7226706

between still awake-> no -> sleeping -> wake up

>> No.7226725 [DELETED] 
File: 128 KB, 800x800, fixed_finally.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well that solves everything, luckily i'm autistic enough to fix it

>> No.7226734 [DELETED] 

the is isn't going up and needs the smug tool

>> No.7226745 [DELETED] 


>> No.7226761 [DELETED] 
File: 36 KB, 180x200, judge_meh2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorz i don't have photoshop
