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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7222814 No.7222814 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.7222816

best anime of the millennium from now on the two accepted anime on jp will be logh and iroha because its just that good

>> No.7222825

I wasn't aware that the anime industry had begun publicly eating its own excrement.

>> No.7222827

I have no idea what those are. Oh wait, the first one is Legend Of the Legendary Heroes, right? but I don't know the last one.

>> No.7222836

I meant *Galactic.

>> No.7222841

>Legend Of the Legendary Heroes

That was a train wreck involving at least 6 different trains and a beached whale.

>> No.7222845

>I have no idea what those are
The anime that spawned "Are you frustrated?" is one the thing that must be done for you to be accepted in /jp/.
Your VISA is rejected and you will be deported to >>>/a/. Come back when you finish it.

>> No.7222851

I didn't even watch all of LoGH. It's seriously boring for stretches, and goes on to quite literally infinity.

>> No.7222852

Get out fake-fun. Go back to your Madoka thread.
You are a disgrace to all the White Ren out there with your shit taste.

>> No.7222863

>all the White Ren out there

Out where?

I didn't say LoGH was bad. It's just long, arduous, and boring in places. I lost the will to watch it and never continued.

It's like trying to read War and Peace, or Crime and Punishment, except it's not written by slavs.

>> No.7222868

Hehe Sorry about mentioning that ( ´ー`)ノ

I know what LOGH is.

>> No.7222871


>> No.7222880

>It's just long, arduous, and boring in places.

This is funny coming from someone who probably finishes VNs on a regular basis. What's the real issue here? I'll translate:

>there were not enough powerlevels and moe flying lolis, so I dropped it.

>> No.7222882

Stop that

>> No.7222885 [DELETED] 

Confirmed series that are in the game
-Pretty Cure
-Milky Holmes
-Shugo Chara
-Princess Tutu

>> No.7222893

I think you have the wrong thread, but I love your style, save for Milky Holmes.

>> No.7222903

>save for Milky Holmes
Your obvious shit taste is showing fake-kun.
Please stop bringing down the rest of the White Rens with your shit taste.

>> No.7222914

You liking Milky Holmes and using #chilly is sort of depressing.

>> No.7222929

It lets us know that he has better taste than you.

>> No.7222938

I bet you are the same guy that insinuate that LOGH and Milky Holmes are bad and the same guy that doesnt love Mami-sama.

>> No.7222951
File: 2.14 MB, 906x1057, saten.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kanae Itou is my wifu

>> No.7222961

Why don't you get some friends, try? to get laid, do something besides going on 4chan to try and act like a pretentious shitdick. If you had anybody in your life who actually wanted to listen to what you had to say you wouldn't be doing this, and if you weren't a complete piece of shit you would realize that nobody is going to read your point of view you faggot. Just stop or kill yourself, either or is fine with me.
