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7213081 No.7213081 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.7213088
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>> No.7213090

I don't think Reisen fits there. Replace her with Flandre or Remilia.

>> No.7213091

I love youmu and sakuya. I'm no secondary.

>> No.7213092


>> No.7213093


>> No.7213096

I dont see Yuuka or Mima in that list.

>> No.7213099

Needs Yuka, Mima and Flandre.

>> No.7213101

>I like these characters
>Must be a secondary
Woah you are a fucking genius.

>> No.7213102

But nobody knows Yuuka or Mima exist.

>> No.7213100

Hina Master Race.

>> No.7213104

Cool, I happen to like Komachi and Reimu the most.

>> No.7213113

You are forgetting China, Rumia, Patchy, Remi, and Flan
All EoSD characters attract secondaries as only small minded peasants like that shitty game.

Eientei has the least amount of fanwank meme spamming bullshit and has richer characters than other games, IN has the best music and story as well.

>> No.7213118
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It must have something to do with EoSD having no gimmicks whatsoever and being pretty unmemorable.

>> No.7213149

Remilia boss stage has been the best boss fight in the entirety of the series. You are mistaken.

>> No.7213155

IN is the flat out worst game with the most uninteresting and garbage characters.

The only character worth mentioning is Mokou and Tewi.

>> No.7213162

ITT: Mad faggots generalizing their shitty POV.

>> No.7213163

You forgot China, Remilia, Flandre, Patchouli kind of, Chen, and Satori.


...and Mystia, Kaguya, Eirin... yeah looks like you're wrong, faggot.

Also kind of odd to note that Reimu isn't really loved by secondaries despite essentially being the Touhou mascot.

Marisa is definitely secondary tier though, mostly due to Alice.

>> No.7213173

>Touhou mascot

That's a strange way of spelling "Cirno".

>> No.7213177

1 1 1 Reimu Hakurei 8175 1739
2 4 2 Sakuya Izayoi 7246 1602
3 7 9 Yuuka Kazami 7192 1457
4 5 5 Remilia Scarlet 6920 1375
5 3 3 Marisa Kirisame 6750 1407
6 2 4 Sanae Kotiya 6466 1458
7 6 8 Alice Margatroid 6373 1427
8 8 13 Satori Komeiji 6113 871
9 10 12 Flandre Scarlet 5961 1052
10 18 11 Aya Shameimaru 5620 1144

Everything above this.

11 9 7 Fujiwara no Mokou 5349 1027
12 11 10 Yuyuko Saigyouji 5293 1172
13 13 15 Youmu Konpaku 5201 1122
14 12 6 Yukari Yakumo 5180 926
15 22 35 Koishi Komeiji 4827 706
16 14 28 Utsuho Reiuji 4736 687
17 16 14 Patchouli Knowledge 4298 856
18 24 25 Nitori Kawashiro 4090 631
19 15 - Byakuren Hijiri 4001 447
20 19 19 Tenshi Hinanai 3947 547

>> No.7213186

>3 7 9 Yuuka Kazami 7192 1457

I'm finding hard to believe that is anywhere near legit

>> No.7213192

Hello, you must be new here.

>> No.7213194

Mystia is fine though.

So that's like 3 characters, nice.
Too bad every other game has at least a dozen good characters.

>> No.7213197


>> No.7213201
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Secondary this, Secondary that, your all autistic

>> No.7213203

Byakuren, Murasa, Shou, Kogasa, Unzan, Nue

MUch better than IN

>> No.7213205

Add Satori, she's also major secondary bait.

>> No.7213209
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Letty is the best.

>> No.7213216



Confirmed for troll.

IN: Mystia, Keine, Tewi, Reisen, Kaguya, Eirin, Mokou

All awesome in their own way, but I'm guessing you're one of these people who needs a glaring, obnoxious cast like in EoSD for the characters to stand out.

IN is a much more subtle game in atmosphere and characterisation than most of the other Touhou games, it's clearly just 2deep4u. Deal with it.

>> No.7213220

Unzan is the best UFO character you tub of lard.

>> No.7213230
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Thirdary fan here

>> No.7213239 [DELETED] 
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>ctrl-f wriggle
>mfw confirmed as primary

>> No.7213244

I don't think cockroach is anywhere in the top 200

>> No.7213246

Noddy but secondaries like those characters, nope.

The hundreds of thousands of fanart of those characters just poofed into existence by a supernova.

>> No.7213247

All of my favorite characters are non-game, non-main-game, and PC-98 characters. What does that make me by /jp/ standards?

A hipster?

>> No.7213249

Fanartists are secondaries.
The biggest ones.

>> No.7213250
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With my favourite being Ran I think I stand on the fine line between primary and secondary, like a dangerous and fearless bastard

>> No.7213252


>> No.7213254

Tenshi is one of my favorites though. Am I still a hipster?

>> No.7213251

Pretty much.

>> No.7213257


>> No.7213260
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Sure is thread quality in here

>> No.7213261

ITT Hipsters

>> No.7213268

You're confirmed as liking unknown and obscure characters.

Meaning you're a hipster.

>> No.7213272


Tenshi is secondary tier by /jp/ standards

There are the types of secondaries you see congregating on youtube videos to post comments like "64 ppl got frozen by the baka XD"

Those are the dumbest, but there are also secondaries in the higher echelons, i.e. /jp/

So I would say that, whilst we're on this board, characters that would NORMALLY be primary are in fact secondary, including Tenshi, Eirin and Mokou

Make sense?

>> No.7213273

Then what am I? A wannabe-hipster?

Or just your average Touhou fan with good taste, uninfluenced by the masses?

>> No.7213284

A faggot, most probably.

>> No.7213286
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>Touhou fan
>good taste

>> No.7213288

Is Reimu loved by secondaries?

>> No.7213299

Okay, good to know. Now that I have achieved and official status it will be easier to fit in on /jp/

>> No.7213309

>ctrl + f Yuugi

Oh thank goodness :3

>> No.7213315


>> No.7213328

What does anonymous consider to be "secondary"?

Just curious.

If you ask me I'd say that it's someone who claims to be a Touhou fan and/or consumes Touhou fanworks despite not having a full understanding or knowledge of Touhou as whole. Most cases they have induced in very little or no official works.

>> No.7213341
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Opinions are fun.

>> No.7213344
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It's someone that doesn't touch the games, may even deny they exist, or someone that plays on easy mode and still can't beat anything without using more than 2 continues.
Yuugi isn't a little girl and doesn't have a hat, so it is only natural. Yuugi is too good for them anyways.

>> No.7213365
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Marisa fans confirmed for primary.

>> No.7213373

Everyone is a little girl.

>> No.7213380

I love all characters. Some I just tend to forget about more.

>> No.7213399

Me too

I don't even look at touhou fanart, I just point at random inanimate objects and call them 'reimu'

>> No.7213402

Marisa is too closely associated with Alice to be considered primary.

Call it, close to secondary but not quite.

>> No.7213407
File: 73 KB, 400x440, a563d495988dd37f034ca8cc58294320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, you're rwong.

alphes art = official art
ZUN art = official art
ZUN = alphes

Therefore, Komachi has massive breasts. Picture related.

>> No.7213415


>> No.7213417

There is so much wrong with your post.

>> No.7213427

I know, sorry. Spell checker didn't pick up wrong being spell wrong.

>> No.7213526


>> No.7213538

Koishi is the most wonderful character.

>> No.7213539

The games are official and that includes the art.

And, except for those few characters that show up all the time, I seriously doubt ZUN cares all that much about them.

>> No.7213548

official != canon
Tokiame and Aki Eda drew official Touhou art.
And even ZUN says in his email that the portraits he draws in the games are not 100% the same as the real one. (heights may vary, etc.) because he can't draw very well (or at least doesn't spend too much time on the portraits).

>> No.7213559

Why would I care what /jp/ thinks of my favorite character?

>> No.7213579
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So alphes = canon?

>> No.7213627


>> No.7213631


You shouldn't.

>> No.7213642

>ZUN says in his email that the portraits he draws in the games are not 100% the same as the real one

That's 100% bullshit that secondaries use to justify their favourite fanon. Read the email again.

>> No.7213660

Don't bother, they will rage endlessly at the slightest mention of canon and spew on and on about how canon shouldn't be payed attention to so they can justify their weak fantasies.

>> No.7213662

He also said in an interview that some of the girls have boyfriends.

He also said that Marisa is not available.

>> No.7213670

I might have to kill myself now.

>> No.7213674

He said that the interviewer can't marry Marisa. That's not the same.

And the boyfriend thing was some /jp/ troll's invention.

>> No.7213676

Secondary fan is a manga/anime fan who got interested in Touhou because of the fanworks (as opposed to primaries - shmup fans who found about it when looking for a new game to play).

Of course nowadays Touhou became babby's first shmup and pretty much everyone is a secondary. Some people are ashamed of that, so they try to reinterpret the term as "someone who never played the games, which doesn't include me since I could even finish IN on easy". Pretty pathetic, if you think about it.

>> No.7213683

If i remember properly, only Sanae did, and that's only if its actually something ZUN said and not more trolling.

I suggest you go and become fluent in Japanese and directly read ZUN's posts and interviews then you might be able to say something

>> No.7213698

and the "primaries" are people desperately trying to find ways to delude themselves into thinking they're still part of some small superior group of an obscure activity.

The only thing I'm going to call a secondary are the obnoxious kids that do bad RPs and fanfictions on places like facebook and other forums and all that good shallow stuff, y'know...the throbbing growth on almost every fandom

>> No.7213699

In other words, it's just a desperate attempt to feel special because they were here first.

All this primary/secondary shit is just a bunch of pathetic excuses. The sooner it dies the better.

>> No.7213710

Faith restored. Thanks folks.

>> No.7213713

So this


person A: *steels yukari and gets on boat and sails far away*

person B: "nuuuuuu!! >< *masterspraks u and takes yukari back and runs away"

can't emulate anymore...my head is already aching from that much.

>> No.7213720

>In other words, it's just a desperate attempt to feel special because they were here first.

Originally, yes. Nowadays, it's a desperate attempt to feel special despite the fact that they were late to the party by claiming disinterest in a huge portion of community's creative output.

It's as ridiculous as it sounds.

>> No.7213725
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Youmu and Okuu were the most memorable boss fights in all the games until maybe 12. Get out.

>> No.7213728


Naw, they are all pure.
But it's true that he said to the interviewer that he can't have Marisa.

I read/listen/watch all his occasional blurbs, his speechs at university and so on, so if someting like that was said I would now. I pretty much stalk him.

Just recently he said something that would make a Touhou /jp/ likes very much less appealing, but I will keep quiet until it spreads more. Nothing lewd, just a "update" on her appearance.

>> No.7213730

I'm fine with the entertainment value of fanon interpretations, but it gets out of hand when people start trying to use fanon as proof against canon.

>> No.7213733

Proud to be a secondary.

>> No.7213751

Trolls like you make me want to waste my time on translating his random blurbs, but I doubt the average /jp/er is dumb enough to fall for it.

>> No.7213761
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Is it Marisa? She looked less appealing in UFO compared to the other games.

>> No.7213762

That's like saying "I'm proud of being a basketball player who's unable to guide the ball"

>> No.7213766

The fact that you think I'm trolling means you need to lighten up and cool down some so everything doesn't look like some sort of attack.

>> No.7213769

Your analogy is stupefying.

>> No.7213771


>> No.7213776

And more often than not, people who do that tend to call themselves primaries.

It's not "fanon", really. It's just different interpretations of plot and characters, most of them inspired and justified by canon works in one way or another. Of course for each of those, there are going to be some fanworks that use them, but that does not usually justify the F word.

>> No.7213778

If he really said anything official regarding a character, you should add that information to that character's wiki.

>> No.7213784

>a Touhou /jp/ likes very much


>> No.7213785
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To me, "secondaries" are exploding fuel tanks and ammunition visible from the sky which indicate your bombing run was on-target. I have no idea what the fuck you people are babbling about.

>> No.7213787


>Q. Can I marry Marisa?
>A. Japanese in general can't say no, but NO.

No canon info here.

>> No.7213790
File: 57 KB, 128x256, face_ym01hp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He probably means Youmoe (the softest).

>> No.7213796

>a Touhou /jp/ likes very much

>> No.7213797

Ohh. That would make sense. Official hairstyle change? I wouldn't particularly mind, really.

>> No.7213802
File: 58 KB, 128x256, face_ym01n2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He probably means Youmoe (the softest).

>> No.7213806

There is just too many little bits to add if you wanted to keep track of everything he said. The english wiki character pages aren't really up to date anyway and it's generally lacking.

Those "interpretations" are what we call fanon.
In contrast to common belief, Touhou already has a rather detailed canon framework that almost always negates those "interpretations".

>> No.7213814

What about Youmoe?

>> No.7213818

Casual tier:


>> No.7213820
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>> No.7213824

That's surely not what >>7213728 meant.

>> No.7213828




The others, yes.

>> No.7213829

>Touhou already has a rather detailed canon framework that almost always negates those "interpretations".

Problem is, it's so detailed that for basically everything you think you know about a character you can find a bit of information that negates it.

I wish I was joking.

>> No.7213830

What exactly is outdated in the character pages ?

>> No.7213845

Give us some canon that contradicts its self

>> No.7213851

I don't know of canon that contradicts itself. At least not if you don't start using bs reasoning.

The only examples I know of are between the games 1-5 and 6+, but Zun already said that the games before 6 are not to be taken as canon so that doesn't count.

>> No.7213855
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>less appealing
Surely you jest.

>> No.7213867

He didn't.

>> No.7213902

He did. It's even translated.

>> No.7213907

He really didn't.

>> No.7213913

>At least not if you don't start using bs reasoning.

And herein the problem lies, not within "fanon".

The problem is that Touhou lore is built on unreliable narration. It all depends on your definition of "contradict": Akyuu's monologue contradict much of PMiSS, Aya's interviews contradict her articles, character dialogues contradict game events, etc. Of course they're not meant to be taken literally, but good luck finding out just how literally they are meant to be taken. And good luck convincing others that your reasoning is correct.

>> No.7213920


>No he didn't
>yes he did
so on and so forth

one of you pull forth something solid.

>> No.7213932

If I recall correctly, he said he does not concern himself with them. Interpretations.

>> No.7213947

I want examples if you don't mind.
Until now you have just stated what you want. The canon is still consistent in itself as far as I know.

>> No.7213950

>Aya's interviews contradict her articles
More like back them up.

>> No.7213956 [DELETED] 
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>never play any games
>like kogasa

>> No.7213962

>like kogasa
How retarded do you even have to be to do something like that?

>> No.7213967

I wouldn't have gone off on you, but come on, man, greentext?

>> No.7213975
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>> No.7213981

No, I really want to know what examples you want. So far, I don't know what we're discussing and what your position is.

"Akyuu's monologue contradicts much of PMiSS" is a pretty clear statement. What makes it a bad example for you?

Or take EoSD dialogue implying Sakuya's death. A pretty clear contradiction, is that a good example for you, or do you claim it can be easily resolved by assuming they're just talking trash? (If you do, be aware that by doing that, you're introducing a way to disregard any piece of game dialogue ever.)

>> No.7213989

>Reads thread

It's like i'm really on pooshlmer.

>> No.7213995

Oh, the irony, it hurts.

>> No.7213998

>"Akyuu's monologue contradicts much of PMiSS" is a pretty clear statement.

No, it's not.
Give an clear example of where Akyuu's monologue contradicts PMiSS.
Until then your are just talking BS.

>implying Sakuya's death
I won't even respond to this. Concentrate on giving me an example for the first statement.

>> No.7214009

>Or take EoSD dialogue implying Sakuya's death.

...Really now? Come on anon, you can't be this stupid, or be silly enough to try to use that as a contradiction.

Learn to difference between obvious sarcasm and actual core-story statements.

>> No.7214018

>Obvious sarcasm.

Actually, that dialogue seems to be more 'concrete' than most of the atual statements.

>> No.7214026

>dialogue implying Sakuya's death.

Most likely a bad translation.

>> No.7214031

>Give an clear example of where Akyuu's monologue contradicts PMiSS.

PMiSS/Youkai: Youkai eat humans.
PMiSS/Monologue: Youkai don't eat humans.

If you don't even know such basic things, we have nothing to talk about.

>I won't even respond to this.

...especially since you don't even seem to want to. Tell me, then, why should I? What's in there for me to discuss with someone who's at best a troll and at worst too stuck up to even consider trying to communicate with other people?

>> No.7214039

Are you forgetting that DANMAKU DOESN'T KILL PEOPLE?

Goddamn, people act so ridiculous when their vision of Touhou is discredited, and they don't even notice.

>> No.7214041

I'd like you to tell me what's obvious about it. I wouldn't be able to tell if I didn't know that Sakuya is alive and well later. What about things we never hear anymore afterwards? What determines whether they're obvious sarcasm or not?

>> No.7214042

You misinterpret that or lack reading comprehension.

>Nowadays, humans are almost never eaten by youkai.
>humans are almost never kidnapped and eaten by youkai in today's Gensokyo.

Also, youkai (Remilia and Flandre for example) eat humans from our world. (not Gensokyo)

>> No.7214043

grimdark touhou is canon zun said so

>> No.7214045

ZUN says a lot of things.

>> No.7214049

But he didn't say that.

>> No.7214050

So what you're saying is, the dialogue is... ahem... CONTRADICTED... by some other information about the setting?

I'm glad you understand.

>> No.7214056

>Humans have no greater enemy than the youkai.
>Youkai attack humans for food.

>Nowadays, humans are almost never eaten by youkai.

Yeah, that makes complete sense together and I just lack reading comprehension. Sure.

>> No.7214059

Parodies, quotes and sarcasm cannot be "contradicted".

>> No.7214067

You only know it's sarcasm because you know it's untrue, smartass.

>> No.7214069

Touhou is not meant to be taken serious at all. It is supposed to be a silly story. Why are you people taking it so serious like this?

>> No.7214070
File: 29 KB, 156x194, 1283889281156.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know I am late to the party but
These posts made me happy /jp/

Thank you

>> No.7214071


>PMiSS/Youkai: Youkai eat humans.
PMiSS/Monologue: Youkai don't eat humans.


Ah, sorry.
Err, that's your argument for Akyuu contradicting herself?
You are now officially just someone who got butthurt over canon.
Or you just didn't read everything/didn't comprehend what you were reading.

All Touhou canon above TH6 is consistent in itself. If you still want to argue against it give proper citation.

>> No.7214073

>most memorable boss fight

>> No.7214074


>Q. Please talk about moe. Forget about curtain-fire, moe about Marisa.
>A. Marisa... she has a dirty mouth, are you fond of....?

>> No.7214079


Youkai as a race attack and eat humans, but now that changed to occasional attacks by younger youkai.
Is it so difficult for your brain to take the factor TIME into the equation?

>> No.7214081


>> No.7214088

That's no surprise for everyone who read CoLA

>> No.7214089

But it's all in present tense. You know, the grammatical form used to talk about the present. Only in the Monologue, Akyuu comes out and says "that's all wrong, I wrote things the old way because I felt like it, disregard all that I suck cocks lol".

>> No.7214097

Argument refuted.
Wanna go on?

>All Touhou canon above TH6 is consistent in itself.

>> No.7214225

ITT: "You guys could discuss facts all you want but I don't agree with them, therefore they're wrong. Checkmate, I win."

>> No.7214520

>I wouldn't be able to tell

There's your problem, you're literally too autistic to understand even basic sarcastic phrases, and even so, she couldn't have been killed because Reimu used danmaku on her.

All of these claims that have been used in every thread like this one are the same desire to want to see Touhou as slightly dark and serious in some aspect, when it's all a damn joke.

>> No.7214573
File: 59 KB, 366x499, step584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fans of the Avatar of Bishamonten confirmed primaries.

>> No.7214602

>it's all a damn joke.
Yuyuko goes all out in the very end of PCB and tries to kill Reimu Besides, we never know what will happens if a heroine would lose against a youkai, because it will never happen.

>> No.7214632

>Yuuka, Reisen, Utsuho, and Sakuya are my favorite characters
>I've beaten every game on Hard and cleared all of the extras. Working on Phantasm PCB next.

Well, after I get done with my shiny new Gradius Collection, anyway.

>> No.7214636


Haha, no.

Every final boss goes full out in the end with some huge transdimensional-ish spellcard, so it's common for the last moments to be the flashiest.

Also, she can't ''kill'' Reimu because they're having a spellcard battle, i.e: no deaths allowed, not even her ability to kill lets her do that, only interpret it in danmaku as the draft tells, and as everyone does.

>> No.7214639

Yuyuko is possessed by Saigyou Ayakashi for her final spellcard, and a giant demon tree probably doesn't give a shit about those silly rules, it was sealed when the rules were made.

But then so was Byakuren.

>> No.7214644

>Besides, we never know what will happens if a heroine would lose against a youkai, because it will never happen.

Yes we do, ever wondered what happens when you clear the game after having used a continue? You get beaten by the final boss and see what happens afterwards, usually it's something along the lines of ''Hakurei Shrine, the spring is blooming blah blah, Reimu says DAMMIT. This is ZUN speaking, you suck''.

>> No.7214651

>giant demon tree probably doesn't give a shit about those silly rules, it was sealed when the rules were made.

There you go, you just lost any value of credibility ever since you said ''probably''. You don't have any evidence other than your own belief, and if you lose all your lives in that spellcard, you just get a bad end with Reimu cursing her luck, even though it doesn't really happen and she always wins in her first try.

Not even death is a big concern in Gensokyo, you can even talk with the deceased and visit them.

>> No.7214684

i like the characters i like. i don't care if i'm considered a secondary or whatever.

>> No.7214689

What a silly thread. Everyone knows Kaguya and Mokou are the favorites for nonplaying teenagers.

>> No.7214700

Explain yourself

>> No.7214704

I think it's the grimdark rivalry thing. Youtube stars love them. And maybe it's the only game they can beat too, I don't know.

>> No.7214718

Didn't want to create another useless thread, so I'll ask here:
What /jp/ means by "achieve satori" ?

>> No.7214740
File: 133 KB, 473x496, BBCODE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


also lurk more, but thanks for not making a thread about this!

>> No.7214756

I actually want to know which conditions do you mean.
Like do I have to get to her in only a continue and beat her, or just beat her?
I did beat her on 1c in normal with Reimu B, does this mean I achieved it?

>> No.7214781

>Reimu B

>> No.7215401

>Besides, we never know what will happens if a heroine would lose against a youkai, because it will never happen.

Only it does happen all the time and we do know what happens next. The game is repeated.

>> No.7215433

Only it has never happened, and we only know from bad ends. Else we'd have the awkward situation where everyone forgot what happened yesterday and says exactly the same lines as before.

>> No.7215469

You don't have any evidence other than your own belief.

>> No.7215478

On the contrary, you're the one who has zero evidence. I just posted mine, by the way.

The only thing I recall that supports your argument would be the mention in one of the books that says that should the heroine be defeated, she could retry again, obviously more prepared.

As we can see, Reimu beats the final boss on her first go, otherwise the the battle dialogue wouldn't match.

>> No.7215497

Most popular games loved by autists!

>> No.7215508

No, you did not post any evidence. You posted your guesses. It's called making shit up.

And the "mention in the book" explicitely says she has to repeat the play until she wins. No ifs, no buts, no whens, no conditional mood.

>> No.7215522

What guesses? You're the one who's frustrated that can't accept the facts, I'm showing you literal proof that Reimu beats the game on her first try, how can you even acknowledge the fact that everyone will repeat their dialogues over and over again?

And the book, again, it's never been said that Reimu has ever failed on an solving an incident the first time around, again.

Goddamn, it's so hard to argue coherently with people on /jp/ these days, even more so than before.

>> No.7215554

>>7215522 Here.

Don't reply, it's nap time for me.

'twas fun

>> No.7215567

Where is the proof? I don't see any proof. Go ahead, show me proof. I'm waiting.

>> No.7215569

I don't get it, am I supposed to be somehow perturbed by being accused of being autistic?

>> No.7215586

not the same guy but ehm, I think he refers to the whole time paradox issue of people saying their same dialogue again.

you're both silly, by the way.

>> No.7215611

You can witness the same kind of time paradox yourself if you go to the same theatre play twice.

>> No.7217687

>/jp/er calls other /jp/er autistic

>> No.7217730

And that doesn't matter in the least nor does it have to do with Touhou.

Good job.

>> No.7217735

I don't know why you guys are arguing, but we know what happens when a heroine get's a bad end. It always ends with the heroine failing and the incident solving itself on its own.
But the true end is always a good/succesful one.

When you "pichuun~" without getting a ending scene that just means you suck as a player, it has no consequences for the story as there already is a true end.

>> No.7217791

Actually, yes it does.

...personally, I argue to demonstrate that the so-called primaries posing as defenders of holy canon are the first to disregard pieces of said canon if they don't suit their narrow, closed-minded views.

>It always ends with the heroine failing and the incident solving itself on its own.

No, it always* ends with the heroine failing and having to resolve the incident once again.

*UFO is probably an exception, but it's not strictly an incident in the first place.

>> No.7217808

It doesn't really matter what happens to you as player. The heroine doesn't fail in the true end after all. Only the player does.

My memory might not be the best, but I'm pretty sure that the incident solving itself on it's own is the default bad ending in most games.

>> No.7217819

>I'm pretty sure that the incident solving itself on it's own is the default bad ending in most games.

Care to show me somewhere where it explictly mentions this?

If the true end is the one where the heroine succeeds in her first try, then your theory would only be valid in an universe where bad ends happen first.

Also I'm not sure about this, but isn't there at least one bad end where the heroine just curses her luck and the mentioning of ''trying again'' isn't mentioned which results in things staying the way the currently are forever?

>> No.7217831

Yes, it's your memory failing you. The mist doesn't go away. The spring doesn't come. Etc, etc. The heroine speaks about having to beat the game again.

>> No.7217834

Yes most of the UFO endings are "oh crap I'm stuck in Makai". But Byakuren can take you home whenever she wants. I think one talks about getting better to try again, or it might just be talking to you, the player. I forget.

>> No.7217837

>If the true end is the one where the heroine succeeds in her first try

If it is, then yes. But I don't recall anything in any ending suggesting it was a first try.

>> No.7217844

My opinion > your opinion.

This is a fact.

>> No.7217850

Reimu makes a meta joke in PCB extra, calls Chen a stage 2 boss. Reimu is the canon route. There is no way to explain that line. Therefore shut up and stop trying to perfectly resolve Touhou.

>> No.7217863
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>liking sanae

>> No.7217871
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>> No.7217876
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>posting thumbnails in the fridge.

>> No.7217880

They are all canon, Yukari have fought both Sakuya and Marisa.

>> No.7217894

That's actually something added by the original translation team for absolutely no reason at all.

>> No.7217911

Any other mistranlations?

Because if it can't be proved that the translation is legit then one could revoke the entire Touhou canon (for the west).

>> No.7217922

Oh damn it. I know he's done those jokes before, but that's the only one I remember Reimu doing post PC-98. I don't believe in the "only one route matters" thing but apparently other people do so using Marisa/Alice in SA as the example would be fruitless.

>> No.7217934

ZUN has stated a few of the canon routes in the past so it's true. Also the books mention Reimu being the one who resolves incidents. The only exception is UFO.

If they were all canon then it would mean that the incident repeated itself 3 times and that Yukari ''fixed that border crap'' 3 times as well.

>> No.7217986

I said "matters". They all matter. Each route is a plausible story even if only one of them can have happened.

>> No.7217994

>ZUN has stated a few of the canon routes in the past

[citation needed]

>Also the books mention Reimu being the one who resolves incidents.

PMiSS quite specifically mentions that other humans solve incidents too nowadays. And nowhere is it states she's the only one who resolved them.

>If they were all canon then it would mean that the incident repeated itself 3 times

The incident was a months-long prolonged winter. It's not something that happened overnight and got quickly resolved. There was surely enough time for every PC to beat up every boss. Several times.

>> No.7218090

>[citation needed]

Here's one.


I said ''books'' not ''PMiSS'', and even so, Akyuu does mention that ''the shrine maiden'' is the one responsible for the incidents, except she doesn't know the exact details. In other books such as BAiJR Aya mentions Reimu's deeds and Reimu even mentions the fact that nobody pays her despite her whole incident resolving.

>It's not something that happened overnight and got quickly resolved. There was surely enough time for every PC to beat up every boss. Several times.

There's so many things wrong with this. Why wouldn't it be resolved the first time? Why beat up everyone again? Why would the incident repeat itself in the exact same way? Why would Yuyuko/Yukari do their deeds again? etc.

The resolving of the incident was the return of the normal spring, that's what the ending mentions, so yes, it did resolve itself after a quick danmaku play. As with Yukari, as soon as Reimu beat her she said she'd fix the barrier, i.e: the reason Reimu came there.

>> No.7218353

>Here's one.

Precisely, one, and it's about Marisa (not to mention nigh unverifiable). I'm more interested in the "Reimu is canon" ones.

>I said ''books'' not ''PMiSS''

Yes, I said PMiSS, because I was referencing PMiSS. Should I be less specific next time?

>Why wouldn't it be resolved the first time?

Because the PC used continues?

>Why would the incident repeat itself in the exact same way?

I was just, you know, trying to explain to you that it did not need to.

>she said she'd fix the barrier

Actually, no, she didn't. She toyed with Reimu a bit and went back to sleep.

Anyways, I just checked, extra backstory outright states all three went to fight Yukari (most extra backstories are that way, really). With even more confirmation in Yukari's dialogue in IN extra, theorizing is pretty pointless here.

>> No.7218702
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This thread is like Sanae's mind. Full of cocks.

>> No.7218751
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>Akyuu does mention that ''the shrine maiden'' is the one responsible for the incidents

>> No.7221261


>> No.7221310

+1 for Nazrin!

though honestly this looks un-fucking-godly hard, I'd rather watch you fags play on youtube

and listen to the music, starts at about 2:45 in the above vid

>> No.7221321


>> No.7221343

oh derp.

...well, see? I'm a secondary!


>> No.7221617

That doesn't look hard at all though.

>> No.7221820


You should be able to tell when you're not welcome

>> No.7221833

Yeah, like if you care about primary/secondary bullshit or what boards people visit.

>> No.7221841


Yeah, in case you weren't aware, people usually do care.

>> No.7221853

And that is exactly the kind of bullshit we could do without.

>> No.7221854

Truth is, most of /jp/ post on /a/, but just won't admit it. I'm primarily an /a/ poster who mainly come here for the occasional off-topic threads and VN generals, but even I know this.

>> No.7221888

No you don't, you just guessed it out of your ass.

>> No.7221909

Oh dear, visitors start getting delusions of adequacy. We apparently weren't being rude enough recently.

>> No.7222424

Case in point. The already-established secondary decides to defend himself by claiming it's the whole board's fault he is a secondary. Congratulations, you are a faggot.

>> No.7222595

dude I quit posting at >>7221343

all the rest of that weirdness was 100% you guy(s) shit

>> No.7222618 [DELETED] 
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>mfw Yukari is best toohoo

>> No.7222656
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Only secondaries call other people secondaries for liking certain characters/songs/games.

>> No.7222660


i agree with yukari.

>> No.7222662
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Speak of the Devil and she shall appear...

>> No.7222690
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>seriously using the term "secondaries"

>> No.7222695

Who are you quoting?

>> No.7222708
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Wonderful taste.

>> No.7222727

There are definitely characters and songs that are secondaryfag baits, such as Cirno and Bad Apple.

>> No.7222736


Why does Bad Apple get so much hate? It's not a bad song.

>> No.7222740

No, you're just upset that your secret club is no longer a secret.
Or exclusive.
And you're also mad that Zun WANTS the game to be more friendly towards newcomers.

>> No.7222742


Secondaries like >>7222727 trying too hard to look like a primary due to an inferiority complex. Bad Apple is a fucking awesome song, everyone who vaguely likes Touhou knows that, secondary or not.

Cirno isn't the best of characters, but hey. Whatever. I really think most of the 'anti-secondaries' are just secondaries themselves who are now out to prove something to themselves. Sad.

Enjoy what you want.

>> No.7222752

That said, people like >>7222740 are annoying, although they'd probably be annoying whether secondary or not.

"secret club" I can agree on somewhat (ignoring that "secret club" is turning into a really annoying and overused term), but making the games easier? Shmups are SUPPOSED to be hard, you faggot. That's how they've been designed from the beginning, ON PURPOSE (hint: think of where they originated). And this is where ZUN draws his inspiration from, so the games will always be hard and always should be. It's not like true "secondaries" will play them anyway, is it?

My oh my.

>> No.7222767

The whole "secondary" bullshit was always retarded but now it's getting out of hand. Have some fucking tolerance.

>> No.7222775

Trying too hard to fit in jpop fan.

>> No.7222789
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you can't like what I like because I like it more than you

>> No.7222794
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Eat a dick OP. I love Alice. I find the idea of a being a puppet master awesome.

>> No.7222800

>Cirno and Bad Apple
Remember the times when stuff like niconicomedley, Marisa steals the precious things or other IOSYS shit and porn doujinshi constitute secondaries and babby's first touhou materials?
I missed them. The current generation of touhou fanbase is just terrible. It is like all the narutards move on to Touhou.

>> No.7222803

If you're into Touhou fanworks, at least give the games an honest try. That's what got me playing. I felt stupid listening to remixes of songs I'd never heard from games I'd never played.

>> No.7222809
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Satori ranks so high that she should be a playable character.

>> No.7222819
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>The current generation of touhou fanbase is just terrible. It is like all the narutards move on to Touhou.

This is why I act elitist as fuck and refuse to talk to anyone about Touhou who hasn't at least played one game even if it's the most recent one. I don't care if they haven't 1CC'd it as long as they play the games,enjoy them and aren't one of those LOLO CIRNO IS A BAKA XD XD etc kinds of idiots I'm happy.

>> No.7222828

Chireiden need their own manga

>> No.7222832

Dirty filthy smelly youkai scum

>> No.7222833

How does liking a character from because of the way they are depicted in the GAME inside of some yuri doujin make you a secondary? gtfo.
