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7208793 No.7208793 [Reply] [Original]

Is Muv-Luv Alternative the best VN ever made?

>> No.7208800

oh boy, here we go

>> No.7208799

This thread will go well.

>> No.7208802

Wanko is slightly better if you ask me.

>> No.7208814

oh its you...

>> No.7208823

ill say, its the best but is not the best...
why? because eventually you will find another one better(if havent happen yet) but you will always remember ML series, because the characters are amazing... thats just what i think dont rage or anything is just a opinion

>> No.7208831

It's arguably one of the best.
Honestly I think it's a three-way fight with Muramasa and Yu-No

>> No.7208837

Out of the ones I played? In terms of drama/action, yes. Mystery? Perhaps, though Ever17 was pretty fucking awesome, but that might just be because I hadn't read anything before that. Characters? In terms of major heroines, Sumika and Takeru are awesome, Meiya is great, rest "good" - probably not the best characters out of all the VNs, but still solid as hell. Tons of CGs and the action scenes were done extremely well for what they had to work with and the music was fantastic, so I figure yes, MLA might be one of the best VNs ever made.

>> No.7208849

I bet there will be someone posting "baby firts vn".
Each time a vn is popular this guy showed up.

>> No.7208860

Overhyped to all hell.

>> No.7208862
File: 464 KB, 1749x1200, ce9d44bf8ddacab290c0639dec4b1536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is Muv-Luv Alternative the best VN ever made?
How about we make this
>Is Muv-Luv Alternative the best translated VN?

That said MLA is good no doubt, "best"? no.

>> No.7208863

oh yeah, just wait it, its always here
you make a great point and u are very right, but ill give ayamine more than a "good" but its matter of taste so dont take it wrong im just saying.

>> No.7208873

Please type properly. You're making MLA fans look bad.

>> No.7208877

sorry speak 3 lenguages is already hard enough

>> No.7208885

well depends on tastes I guess, its pretty damn great but there are few VNs that I'd place over it

>> No.7208901

I wasn't particularly impressed with it, and there's the strong possibility that it's going to attract the underaged and retarded users on /m/ to /jp/.

>> No.7208904

why... just tell me why?...

>> No.7208912

Remember you cant spell RAGE without age.
Probably the most emotional rollercoaster VN that I played.
BEST? I dont know. Doesn't invoke THE FEEL on me like when I played Coco's route but from start to finish it definitely beat Ever17.

Rating something as the best is stupid since there will always be some hidden gem out there that is better but it was a great 20hours read from Sadogashima arc onward.

>> No.7208922

I´ll just complain about the ending, was a slap on the face, a way of saying "read MLAF".

>> No.7208930

More like a big fuck you from age with the whole valkryie team dead besides Akane and few of them. What happened in Takeru in real world doesnt change the fact that they are still fighting BETA in alternative world.
I cried a little inside knowing that the leftover survivor from valkryie team will be the next candidates to be 00unit mk2.

>> No.7208935

I cried too, i know how you feel.

>> No.7208940
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When people started dropping like flies, that's when shit got good.

Takeru had quite the believable character, especially for that segment where he gets progressively more and more... err broken.

Ending was a massive FUCK YOU considering the entire 00 squad is dead, the 00 unit is dead, Takeru barely managed to take out the hive, and most of the worlds' armies are destroyed. Also, there are still shittons of hives still on Earth, that constantly "evolve" which, after enough time, will create another hive on the same scale as the original.

Basically, they bought a bit of time in exchange for everything.

>> No.7208946

I just hope that people who havent reached the end dont come in, thats why he put black text>>7208930

>> No.7208948
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> Doesn't invoke THE FEEL on me like when I played Coco's route but from start to finish it definitely beat Ever17.

>> No.7208950

Indeed, but I figured it'd be fine since, shit, what are you doing in a MLA thread if you haven't finished it?

It's like participating in an Ever17 thread an expecting not to get spoiled.

>> No.7208955

Yeah but you know, newfags everywhere... just hoping those guys dont get in

>> No.7208959

To compare it to another mecha VN, I think I liked Baldr Sky better. I think mainly because of the difference in protagonists. With Takeru, it was really disappointing to see him constantly losing the character development he gained. How many times did he say he improved himself, he found his resolve and could do what he needed to do? And then whine like a bitch EVERY TIME regardless. The fact that this was still true in the final battle was especially annoying. The final conversation between him and Meiya was really pathetic on his part and I think that left a bad taste in my mouth.

Kou on the other hand seemed to develop more steadily and didn't regress as the plot went on. He didn't face the same situations as Takeru, but he did have some harsh ones like when he had to fight two members of his previous unit to the death. In that case, he confirmed their resolve as well as his own and then they went at it.

>> No.7208960

Any news about the guys packing the CG and sprites?

>> No.7208962
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I felt like it had a serious...Whats the word...Pacing(?) problem. It wasted a bunch of time just having Takeru sit down and have someone lay out their life story for him. I was alright with that around the time when Marimo died and a little before that but it dragged it on too much. After a bit it kinda reminded me of the Breakfast scenes in FSN's Heaven's Feel. Huge wastes of time that I don't need to hear. But even Heaven's Feel gave me an awesome ending with a satisfying end result in return for that. Alternative now? Not so much.

Don't get me wrong though it was GOOD...But my overall enjoyment level wasn't so high that i'd call it the best of anything.

>> No.7208963

Except Baldr Sky will never be translated; that's the difference.

>> No.7208969


Well the OP says nothing about translation, so it's relevant.

>> No.7208971

I am the guy that blackbars the earlier post but fucking newfags spoiling themselves? They deserved it. Game is already out for like 2weeks? Anyone that actually follow the eroge/VN scenes would have play it already.

Not many scenes can invoke them. A few of them was close which I will list below.
CC journal shrine scene, Kohaku true end and of course fucking Yokohama battle. I broke when I saw Haruka splattered into the windows.

>> No.7208972

>He thinks FSN is better than MLA!

Credibility fucking lost. Get back to /a/ with your babby's first powerlevel bullshit, kid.

>> No.7208973

Sorry but sounds that you forget the fact that takeru was a normal human like "us", he had a "normal" life, the feeling of watching your friends die in front of you(and not any death, a HORRIBLE death) even with those 3 years that he already lived in that world, there is no way someone is going to overcome all that easily. i was mad at times too but c´mon Takeru was in deep deep shit.

>> No.7208978

please be kind enough and go back to /a/ or /v/ suit yourself. thank you

>> No.7208982

lol u mad? if Nasu didn't fuck up sex scenes (as he usually does) it would change from awesome into FUCKING AWESOME

>> No.7208983

The bricks of Ever17 only works if you are really new to VNs, that's the problem.
Personally I thought the whole rollercoaster of emotion that MLA managed to cause in me was far superior.

>> No.7208986

Now you're just intentionally being a shitposting faggot.

Do us all a favor and get out of /jp/.

>> No.7208989

>lol u mad

Full retard.

>> No.7208995


I thought that the 3 years should have been enough, but I obviously can't say how I would respond if put into the same situation. Maybe its my fault for believing him when said he could do it, I really felt he was progressing but he really wasn't (at least, as much).

>> No.7209002

Yeah as i say before, i was mad at him too, but at least he was really a badass pilot, and i personally believe that he was the best of the best in the end.

>> No.7209004
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>really new to VNs
I disagree. You mean to say that all the nips that gave it a high score have Ever17 as their babby's first VN?
Frankly I believe that the execution and climax of Ever17 will never be matched for a long long time.

The western community translation scene has come a long way. The only game that isnt translated yet on this list is steins gate.

>> No.7209007

FSN was great as one of the first VNs to read. It's long, has some depth terms of character personalities and motivations, plenty of potential endings, some semblance of a plot, a good antagonist, and is a perfect gateway to the VN world after Planetarium/Ever17, even though the plot is typical shounen fare.

It's nothing thought-provoking or deep, but it's thoroughly entertaining when Shirou isn't cooking, it's occasionally heart-wrenching (Ilya ;_;), and there's the occasional ending that's fantastic (Sparks Liner High).

>> No.7209012

Who knows, maybe the anime will give it a boost in popularity.
I seriously wouldn't mind since it's really enjoyable to read.

>> No.7209014

Ever17 was the first of a lots of people in EGS too.
And I didn't say it was bad, I'm just saying that the bricks feeling only really work on newcomers since people who are actually familiar with the medium will see all the "tricks" and foreshadowing quite easily.

>> No.7209013


Definitely. The solo diversion at Sadogashima was awesome, one of my favorite scenes.

>> No.7209018

Typical Fate powerlevel comparing fag
Yeah, I don't get all the hate on Fate (no pun intended), I like it very much. Also I've yet to encounter and thought-provoking VN, but I'm a newfag to VNs so I'd welcome any suggestions

>> No.7209024

I'm still amazed at how the same people that constantly shit on every review site in their own language think that EGS is some sort of objective indicator of quality. You do realize that not every person using EGS is a master of VNs, right? It's because of people in Japan that only read popular and mainstream garbage that FSN has a rating of 90 on there, whereas it's almost universally reviled on /jp/.

>> No.7209027

FSN is a 8/10
Fate is far too weak, UBW has probably the best moment of the game but the rest is subpar and HF has a lots of good ideas and a great climax but there are some big problems in the narrative and pacing.

It's a good game but MLA is far better.

>> No.7209031

My main complain with e17 is that it relies far too much on shock value.
It makes you go through 4 mediocre to godawful routes with poorly handled infodumps only to go all out at the end without any kind of graduality.
If it had been more costant it could have been good, but I think I only enjoyed like 6 hours of the whole VN.

>> No.7209032

Can you please go back to /a/ and stay there?

>> No.7209034

Excuse my newfagism sir. What on Earth is EGS?

>> No.7209035


>> No.7209037

If you don't know, you don't need to know. Please leave.


>> No.7209041

Typical shitty thread on /jp/

>> No.7209048

Most VN/eroge suffer from this.
Thinks of all the lost time spent on Extra, was it worth it?
Hell yes it was worth it.
Sure outside of Tsugumi, the other 3girl routes might not be comparable to the finale, but it is definitely better than all the other generic high school harem shit out there.

>universally reviled on /jp/
Keep on believing that. The most talked about VN/eroge in /jp/ history doesnt automatically become shit after it gains popularity. Asking faggots to bring their faggotry elsewhere doesnt mean they suddenly hate the game.

>> No.7209050

>The most talked about VN/eroge in /jp/ history
That mean Umineko is fucking awesome, right?
Oh and FSN definitely got a lot of criticism from the beginning here.

>> No.7209055

Oh come on. Dont bring the umineko white knights in here. Yes umineko is a bad game but FSN isnt that bad.
It is a solid above average high production value game. You cant make a cash cow with a bad game.

>> No.7209057

>The most talked about VN/eroge in /jp/ history doesnt automatically become shit after it gains popularity.

Except that most of the ones doing the "talking" (aka SHIKI CAN KILL SERVANTS :P, OMG LANCER IS SO GAR, RANDOM SHITPOST WITH HILARIOUS REACTION IMAGE etc) aren't even real /jp/ users. They're shits from /a/ and /v/ that came to the board because FSN was allowed here by the lazy moderation. They in no way represent the opinion of people that are actually informed, all of whom look on Type-Moon with either distaste or indifference.

>> No.7209058

Oh wow, a whole two weeks, guess I'm a newfag if I don't drop everything to play the latest translated VN. I've been busy with untranslated VNs (which unsurprisingly take me a significant amount of time to finish), and looked in this thread hoping to get some good reasons to play (or not to play) MLA next. But instead, openly posted ending spoilers, thanks.

>> No.7209060
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>You cant make a cash cow with a bad game.
Good joke

>> No.7209061

> It's because of people in Japan that only read popular and mainstream garbage that FSN has a rating of 90 on there
I think it has the highest vote count on the site, if you think maintaining such a median with literally ten times the votes most other eroge have is due just to the "popular and mainstream" players, you're deluded.
FSN is a pretty good game, not amazing, but it was ruined to the ground in the west due to partial patches and being one of the very first upper tier games being translated. It made people criticize it to bits.
If you think FSN is shit, sorry, you're just as clueless as the people you criticize.

>> No.7209063


>> No.7209065

>You can't make a cash cow with a bad game
>07th expansion in your post

I was going to refute you, but you already did it for me. Thanks!

>> No.7209067

unfortunately I have to break it to you, Kou was also "normal" human untill life strated to shit on him just like Takeru. Sure he did live bit more advanced world but it was normal life he leads there. overally I'd say for that comparison of their shitty life is that had equally shit things happen to them trough out the stories.

needless to say that I'm another person who prefers Baldr Sky over MLA. as I found BS to be more balanced story, it was awesome from start to finish, while ML took while to get properly going.

>> No.7209068

You should have played it 4years ago and if you wanted to avoid spoilers what are you doing in /jp/? Stop wasting your time in this shit hole and play your games.

>> No.7209071



>> No.7209073

Higurashi is a cash cow.
Umineko isn't. Japanese hate it.

>> No.7209088

It's as bad as wanko, a total SHIT
Good things about age are its battle animation/fx, camera view, sound etc
Better than umineko or fsn, but still the story is big shit

>> No.7209083

Kou only got interesting in the last route.
Takeru's development was a lot more compelling and realistic.

>> No.7209089

>I think it has the highest vote count on the site
>if you think maintaining such a median with literally ten times the votes most other eroge have is due just to the "popular and mainstream" players, you're deluded.

This doesn't mean anything, and you know it. If I go on ANN, which has just as many clueless fucking idiots as EGS, and see that Full Metal Alchemist and Code Geass are in the top 10 of all Anime with thousands of votes, that doesn't mean that Full Metal Alchemist and Code Geass are good.

It means there are a lot of retards with shitty taste out there, which is exactly why FSN has a huge number of votes with a rating of 9.0.

>> No.7209092

And Higurashi is shit as well.

>> No.7209118

not going to argue lot about this too much. But I prefered Kous development over Takerus. I felt that Takeru didnt properly start developing untill alternative, during extra he didnt develope in any significant way imo they just laid down the personalities of characters, in unllmited he was all words (or maybe I saw him as too big wuss when comparing to myself as even I was better during my time in army which is comparison I couldnt avoid as I read ML after I had just come from army myself and unlimited was exactly like my time in army with exception of mechs) and only developed so he could be ready to stuff in alternative where he got his real development and that was too back and forth to my tastes. and when I compare that to the steady development which Kou had I just cant see them as equal, altough to see Kous development is bit harder due to past/present mixing of story, but there was more substance for me there.

>> No.7209129

Comparing your time to the army in a peaceful nation to a boy who suddenly get thrown in a world at war with a race of alien who seem invincible is a bit stupid I'd say.

>> No.7209131

> I felt that Takeru didnt properly start developing untill alternative
compare the start of Unlimited where he whines about orders with the start of Alternative where he has the opposite opinion, he developed plenty even before the latter.
>compare that to the steady development which Kou had
did we play the same game? Present Kou is basically the same as past Kou, only with a few migraines and that trauma. His personality didn't change, his circumstances did. This was actually one of my main gripes with the game actually, he's supposed to be a fuckawesome mercenary captain, yet for the best part of the games it feels like he's just his student self. Takeru changes a lot, as a person, as soon as Extra ends, Kou is for 4+ routes exactly the same.

>> No.7209137

Honestly the character development of Baldr Sky is a bit weak, same for Baldr Force.
I guess it's not the forte of the writer.
I like Baldr Sky a lot but that's definitely one of my main complain.

>> No.7209186

>Is Muv-Luv Alternative the best VN ever made?


>Is Muv-Luv Alternative the most overhyped VN ever made?



>> No.7209230

well yeah I know its stupid, but when half of unlimited felt like copypasta of just passed 6months of my life, I just cant help but compare them. And its not like you see BETAs in unlimted so you cant see the gravity of the situation yet in UL.

well I guess it depends on person how you see the circumstances. Maybe I worded it bit badly, I didnt mean to sound as Takeru not getting any development in UL, it was more like laying grounds/giving motivation and training to Takeru so he could proceed to AL and giving the introduction to world, so he developed I just felt that it took too long to happen for what little he got.
As for Kou, sure the Kou in 4 first routes resembled the school years Kou due the memory loss, but there were subtle differences which his lost memories caused and him needing to come terms with the present and forging his new resolve over his old lost one. sure it might be bit tiresome as that process has to be done 4 times due to 4 routes being kinda the same in starting point untill its different in the last 2 routes. sure its not perfect due repetition but thats what you get for having route based game instead of more linear one like ML, but saying that Kou doesnt have much development is wrong.

tl;dr both Kou and Takeru faults in their development process imo. and I prefer Kou over Takeru.

>> No.7209231

>I felt that Takeru didnt properly start developing untill alternative, during extra he didnt develope in any significant way imo they just laid down the personalities of characters
I think Takeru being a generic eroge protagonists is intentional and contrasts nicely with his latter self and the differences between the worlds. Also, there was nowhere to develop in Extra. He learnt a few stuff from Meiya, but that's it. He didn't need to change to be content with himself.

>> No.7209249

>He didn't need to change to be content with himself.
And this is why Alternative's ending makes a lot of sense if you get past the ten seconds or so of disbelief/disappointment/whatever

>> No.7209295 [SPOILER] 
File: 57 KB, 300x300, 1301767272944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please before saying something about takeru not growing like you expected read this >>7208973
Is not like going to camping what he did... just try to take his place.
Pic kinda related and you know it...

>> No.7209314

No male characters ugh...

>> No.7209360

I wouldn't say it's the best VN ever made. I think it's pretty easy to dislike the main heroine and the protag, and then many many scenes throughout the entire game would make one feel bored/irritated rather than finding those amazing.
Sure it's pretty excellent but in my opinion they are pretty definitive how much one ends up enjoying it overall.

>> No.7209609

> Disliking Sumika

>> No.7209664

It's not really hard at all.

>> No.7209781

I liked MLA generally and think it's one of the best VN's I've ever read, but the script is honestly not very strong. It irritated me to no end how often Takeru would respond to every other sentence with "Eh?". It's like when you notice a speaker constantly inserting "like" and "um" into their sentences; once you notice it, it drives you nuts. Also the ellipses got pretty out of control. It's one thing where something like Umineko will use an ellipse to give some pause to sentences, but in MLA characters would have an entire conversation where they'd be "responding" with "......" every line. These moments would often be "voiced" as well with a small grunt, which in retrospect makes it seem even sillier. There had to be a better way to write and pace these conversations.

>> No.7209791

Personally I always thought of MLA as a really damn good movie.
While something like say Muramasa is more like a really damn good historical novel (with mecha)
Which is why I have trouble comparing them.

In term of "cinematographic" feeling MLA is pretty much unsurpassed.

>> No.7209809

I'd say Ef just about edges it in the "cinematographic" stakes.

>> No.7211206

Most people prefer Meiya.
I am one of them and seeing Meiya friendzoned so hard, I raged.

>> No.7211401

Fellow Meiyafag here, I know that feel bro. I wanted to punch Takeru during the whole "you are my noble confidante" speech, especially when you see how her expressions change as he says it, then again with the open comm scene later on.
