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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7204585 No.7204585 [Reply] [Original]

>Little girl loves Ryukishi07

Nipa- u jelly?

>> No.7204588

Who's she?

>> No.7204592
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>> No.7204598

What kind of faggot wears a fedora and trenchcoat with tennis shoes and jeans?

>> No.7204600


>> No.7204610

She wants to become a witch.

>> No.7204613
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>> No.7204615

alpha as fuck

>> No.7204616

No seriously, who is she?

>> No.7204620

He has a neko maid loli wearing leather boots IRL! He sure is godly.

>> No.7204641

This doesn't make up for Umineko at all.

>> No.7204654

"When spring breeze (はるかぜ) blows."
The girl's nickname is ほるかぜちゃん。 I think this gallery is missing something.

>> No.7204662

could be his niece or a granddaughter?

>> No.7204668


>> No.7204671

well , I think her nickname is Harukaze, check the link

>> No.7204698

Harukaze-chan's first time in Akihabara.

>> No.7204715

oh man thats adorable

>> No.7204735

But you know, if thats how she is now, that immersed in otaku culture, she is just going to grow up another jaded fujoshi masturbating to the males in his VN that she ships together.

Hell she might even ship battler and kinzo right now already.

She is adorable though.

>> No.7204767
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>> No.7204780

It's hilarious because he'd be immediately labeled a pedophile here.

>> No.7204788

That dude is pretty huge for a jap

>> No.7204792 [DELETED] 

Why can't that girl love my dick? ;_:

>> No.7204794 [DELETED] 

What kind of shitty country do you live in?

>> No.7204802

Uh, pretty much any first world country has that mindset.

>> No.7204815 [DELETED] 

I doubt just being near, walking or doing activities with a little girl constitutes enough to be considered a pedophile in "any first world country".

Even in my shitty catholic country, a man in his twenties can date a 14 year old girl in public. How can be doing such harmless activities be enough to be considered a pedophile?

>> No.7204824

He must be from UK.

>> No.7204846

Or the US. Or Canada.

>> No.7204850

Where I live, if a man was with a girl who wasn't closely related to him (or had no older female present), he'd probably get his ass kicked or at the very least questioned.

I don't even think males are allowed to work at daycares.

>> No.7204855

europe isn't excluded from this loli clusterfuck either.
may be not as worse as in the US but we are getting there.

just wait a few more years.
if islam didn't take over or the financial system didn't explode in our faces that is.

>> No.7204860

how the fuck would you know if they're related or not

>> No.7204862 [DELETED] 

But if Islam takes over, you will be able to marry 9 year old girls. Aisha was the prophet's favorite waifu, after all.

Too bad about all your freedoms and civil liberties, though.

>> No.7204864

Islam would ban all loli and not loli immediately, I assure you.

>> No.7204874

But to marry 9 old girls you'd need to be a respected and successful member of society to be able to convince her parents to give you their daughter.

>> No.7204877 [DELETED] 

I know, I was just kidding.

(Assuming this was directed at my last post.)

That is pretty funny, though, because in Saudi Arabia you actually can marry lolis.But you would probably be decapitated if they found even an Inuboshi doujin on your pc. Oh well.

>> No.7204882

Sure. Just wanted to point out that worse is on it's way.
I hate the femipropaganda as well, but I fear that this will be the least of our problems. Feminism will mean nothing in 15-20 years if everything continous as of now.

>> No.7204900 [DELETED] 

I still don't get why people freak over 2D loli and young lovers.

In the first case, they aren't even real. CP laws were created to protect real children. And then comes a multitude of moralfags trying to give human rights to drawings while forgetting about the ones we are supposed to have (artistic freedom, freedom of speech, the right to privacy, etc). They prefer to ruin someone's life, have they registered as a sex offender (never to find a decent job) and send them to jail for a lot of time. And I bet all these people think 1984 is a "classic, excellent" book even though they're contributing to an Orwellian society themselves.

And in the latter case, weren't we taught that love is the most important thing when we were children? So why are some types of love so looked down upon? What is the problem if a 13 year old girl loves a 25 year old man, who loves her back? Shouldn't that be all that matters? Why if they consensually kiss, the man would be arrested for statutory rape and spend 10 years in prison?

I'm sorry for this autistic, unrelated-to-/jp/ rant. But sometimes it just gets to me.

>> No.7204906 [DELETED] 

They shouldn't worry. Whether it is by feminists or muslims, western societies are going to become Orwellian. Punishing thought and victimless crimes will be the norm.

>> No.7205033

Why can't I spend the day (or night) with a cute innocent girl like Harukaze?
Yes, I'm "jelly" as you like to put it.

>> No.7205060

Aw man, dating a teenager in Akiba? R07 is living the dream.

>> No.7205076


>> No.7205087

As much as I like Akiba, it would be the last place I would go to with a little girl.

>> No.7205095

Oh god. Those cat ears.

>> No.7205117

So, the question still hasn't been answered: Who is she? And why the fuck is Ryukishi letting her read materials that might or might not scar her for life? Higurashi is clearly rated 17+ for a very good reason.

>> No.7205123

All of his works have a disney ending so it's cool.

>> No.7205128

I guess it's a promo for that: http://sai-zen-sen.jp/sa/higurashi/
I can't read runes, so I don't know what it is exactly.

>> No.7205140

Because this world is completely fucking retarded.
Although it's because most child sex isnt because of love its rape. However if every single case had to be investigated properly it would take a fuck ton of time and money.

>> No.7205145

She doesn't look like a teenager to me. Living the dream indeed.

>> No.7205153



Just another loli idol

>> No.7205159

  ‘05 ナショナル「食器洗い乾燥機 赤ちゃん鑑定士篇」
  ‘05 ナショナル「空気清浄機 浸透!忍者篇」
  ‘04 ナショナル「空気清浄機 Wでたたかえ!篇」

Poor loli, must be forced by her parent

>> No.7205167

What is it?

>> No.7205170

If you mean the stories as a whole, sure, but the individual episodes of the stories...

>> No.7205177

I don't remember one in Umineko.

>> No.7205222 [DELETED] 

Since when /jp/ was full of normalfags?

People using "its" as "it's", people saying Higurashi might scar kids for life... Saying that is almost the same as saying what all normalfags like to complain: That if kids play violent videogames they will become killers/will be scarred, that if someone under eighteen watches porn they will be scarred for life...

If you watched DBZ as a kid, then you know kids can watch/read Higurashi just as fine.

>> No.7205280
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I didn't say they'd become murderers. I'm saying that any 10 year old kid will have problems eating any kind of cake after a certain scene in episode 1. Higurashi doesn't make people violent, but it IS fucking scary at some points, and not meant for kids. I read ep1 when I was 18 or 19, and it freaked me the fuck out. If I had read it as a kid, I'd have been traumatized. It gets less bad in later episodes (and in the anime (you probably haven't read the VN) it's glorified rather than disturbing), but at least the first episode of Higurashi is something I just wouldn't want to read as a kid.

Umineko also has some ideas you just don't want to have as a kid. Golden drop tea, anyone?

>> No.7205286

>getting scared by higurashi

>> No.7205295 [DELETED] 

>10 year old kids download and read japanese VNs

>> No.7205294

The nail clipping scene really got to me, especially in the VN.

>> No.7205324

- He is Japanese;
- He is an independant artist;
- He wears a silly hat;
- His drawing skills are subject to debate;
- His logos involve red and white;
- He writes stories and video games.
Who are you thinking of?

>> No.7205335 [DELETED] 

shigeru miyamoto

>> No.7205408

Excuse me, what the fuck?
I learned to read sometime in kindergarten.
I started reading books when I was in the first grade.
I got through most of the children and teenager aimed books local libraries had to offer by the time I was 10 or 11, and moved straight to adult science-fiction, fantasy and subsequently horror.
I was a bit creeped out by some things I read early, but scared? Fuck no.
Even then, I was smart enough to know that the real world is much more scary.
The only people who think that "some things are not meant for kids" are those who forget how they were when they themselves were kids.
By the time a kid's old enough to know santa isn't real he won't get "traumatized" by fiction, unless he's retarded or has other problems stemming from the real life.
Sheltering kids, providing them with "safe" manufactured entertainment, and suppressing their intellectual curiosity are the things that are going to cause them much more harm in the long run.

>> No.7205428

>Sheltering kids, providing them with "safe" manufactured entertainment, and suppressing their intellectual curiosity are the things that are going to cause them much more harm in the long run.

Bold words from someone posting on /jp/.

>> No.7205465

Why are you such a pussy?
I played True Love, Dividead, Season of Sakura, Nocturnal Illusion, WC and other sick shit when I was 12.
Look how I turned out now wasting my time browsing /jp/. I have no regret at all.

>> No.7205495
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loling hard that this are the same games I played as a kid.
remember the toilet guy? he was awesome

>> No.7205505
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>> No.7205889
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Like I said, it's not about how 'sick' it is. It's about how disturbing it is. If Higurashi were like the anime, sure, it wouldn't matter much. But the early VNs are just too intense for a kid.

>> No.7205898

...you trolling or just retarded?

>> No.7206030

When you were young, didn't you watch or look at any material that wasn't deemed appropriate for your age but thought it was fine or quickly forgot about it?

When I was young, I suppose I saw a number of movies that were deemed too mature for me and were really rather scary or made me feel uncomfortable and gave me nightmares. I wouldn't say these things changed me in a bad way. It's easy to say that as I'm posting on /jp/, it's clear something went wrong with me but I can think of a number of legitimate reasons of why I've become the person I am (whether I am traumatised or not) and indulging in material not fit for my age is not one of them.

In my experience, having experienced some work of fiction that has really quite frightened me, I quickly forget about it. I suppose the main thing is to realise that it is fiction, and most children will be able to understand a work of fiction just as a work of fiction whether they like to pretend it's true or not.

>> No.7206046

Still no answer as to who she is?

>> No.7206053

Read the thread

>> No.7206346

Okay, but why is she with Ryukishi?

>> No.7206357

What a slut, about how many cocks has she sucked?

>> No.7206590

I shouldn't have looked at that blog. Now I can't stop scrolling through her images.

>> No.7206727
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Such a good girl.

>> No.7206732

Are there any loli dating services on Japan?

>> No.7206773
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>> No.7206789

There's loli prostitution there.

>> No.7206793

Mostly disgusting pubescent girls though.

>> No.7206922


>> No.7207543

Since when /jp/ has biased janitors? He deleted all my posts. Granted, not all of them were related to this magnificent, /jp/-related, quality thread, but some were. And some other unrelated posts weren't deleted.

>> No.7207824

sup newfag

>> No.7207828

Good job bumping a thread from page 10.

>> No.7207837

Please no necro-posting, it is against the rules on this forum, thank you!

>> No.7207852
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>> No.7207854


>> No.7207925

No, I was obviously just kidding.
