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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 48 KB, 580x599, 580px-Shihonage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7203603 No.7203603 [Reply] [Original]

so /jp/, I had my first Aikido session today. Was thrown right in the deep end, literally. I trained with a bokken etc.
Any Aikidofags?
and if someone were to attack me in the streets, would I actually be able to use Aikido?

>> No.7203607

this is not /jp/ material please get out.

>> No.7203611

no u

>> No.7203621

I thought aikido trolling was classic /jp/ stuff.

>> No.7203625

I used to practice Aikido when I was 11 years old.
Yes, you will. Aikido is a defense type of martial art.

>> No.7203630

I took all of 2 Aikido lessons before I quit, probably because it was so tiring. But anyways, no, knowing Aikido won't help you at all in the streets because
Numbers > Skill
If you're not outnumbered, they're probably armed.
But it shouldn't matter because you should never be outside on the streets anyways.

>> No.7203631 [SPOILER] 
File: 584 KB, 740x740, cutelittlegirl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, this is.

Also op sounds like typical /b/ shit poster.

>> No.7203635

>Any Aikidofags?
You've come to the right place.
>and if someone were to attack me in the streets, would I actually be able to use Aikido?
I think the question is more like "is there any situation in which you wouldn't be able to use aikido?" Aikido takes the force situation of the opposition and converts it into your power, so barring a gun which is pretty much the only thing you won't be able to do much against, yeah. But remember the point of aikido is only retaliation to what's dealt, your opponent is likely going to be cowering after they have attacked you and you have properly converted the situation energy, I hope when that time comes you're not one of those people who just learns so they can go into the street with a chip on their shoulder waiting for someone to attack so they can then beat them up. Equivalent exchange, you only use their own attacks as your attacks. When they are done, you are done and the situation is resolved every time.

>> No.7203638

Honestly, that image and autism are two /jp/ memes/tropes I hope die in the very near future.

>> No.7203665

>/jp/ - Otaku culture
>Otaku means Nihongo Enthusiast
>Aikido = Part of Nihongo culture

>> No.7203671

>Otaku means Nihongo Enthusiast
While your argument is entirely valid I fear its soundness is let down by this premise.

>> No.7203673

Oh god. Why did you have to post that.
Now we're going to get hundreds of replies about the definition of ``Otaku Culture''.

>> No.7203683

1: Aikido is not a pragmatic fighting art. It's one of those artsy jump-around-look-cute types that's more for demonstrations.

2: Your key strength coming out of aikido will be grappling. Having more bulk will make you a far better wrestlefag.

3: As with any style, it takes years of training before your specialized techniques become more effective than flailing your fists around. If you don't stick with it then don't expect any useful results.

>> No.7203687

You'll probably never do any of the more complicated shit but just knowing a wrist lock is enough for most situations, no joke, I took Aikido for years and I've gotten in less than a half a dozen bar fights every time I ended it with a simple wrist lock. Maybe if you become a master or something you could do something fancier but I've never bothered

>> No.7203697

itt babbys never heard about noboru takeda

>> No.7203719

Aikido is pretty much useless, it's not pressure tested and there's no sparring.
Try Judo instead.

>> No.7203728

if you would be up against someone who really wants to fuck you up a "wrist lock" will probaply do nothing at all he will jump at you like a berserker and bite your aorta befor you can react wwith your shitty I fighting you back away stuff

>> No.7203744

Arguably the most powerful martial arts in Japan.

An Aikido practitioner is practically invincible, no one of any martial arts background can ever land a punch or kick on one.

Using the power of the attacker, the Aikido practitioner uses absolutely no energy to knock them down.

A fearsome martial arts it is.

>> No.7203774

I'm disappointed. aikido2.jpg is nowhere to be found here.

>> No.7203901

You know what the best way is to win street fighters

[spoilers]Being a hikki, of course, since you'll never even be outside to get into the fight in the first place.[/spoiler]

>> No.7205139

Protip: asian martial arts don't work outside your mcdojo

>> No.7205154


More protip: the original purpose of every martial arts from every culture was to enable an unarmed man to kill a person. Whether they are defense or offensive styles, in the end they were all designed for that one simple purpose. Yes today they are all practiced for sportsmanship but that doesn't change the core purpose of every style.

If you truly practice one from a legit teacher ie. not some place that hands out ranks and belts like candy to keep clients, you'll be able to severely fuck someone with no training over.

>> No.7205163

>combine aikidio and jujusto
>total pwned.jpg

>> No.7205174
File: 41 KB, 269x350, 1297527435486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trolls on the left, /jp/ on the right.

>> No.7205179

Aikido master here.

Yeah, it would. Let me tell you are story.

Last week I went clubbing alone, I'm a tall lanky guy, 6'2, 125lb. So here I am, grinding on this chick when this bulky black guy comes over and pushes me away from her. He probably thought I would leave and let him take her, wrong. I gently tapped his shoulder and told him to take his leave or he would feel the consequences. Of course, he told me fuck off, but I didn't.

I guess I irritated him enough and he tried to swing at me, I wasn't scared, my years of Aikido training was more than enough for this buffoon. I simply grabbed his hand and reversed the force back at him. He punched himself out.

The rest of the night there was a 4m radius of emptiness around me. No one fucks with Aikido.

>> No.7205193
File: 128 KB, 1050x754, yakuza eating banana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7205202

I'm pretty sure you mixed up the two.

>> No.7205204

>The rest of the night there was a 4m radius of emptiness around me
>forever alone

>> No.7205205
File: 13 KB, 250x265, 1299845469424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I simply grabbed his hand and reversed the force back at him. He punched himself out.

>> No.7205210

more like no one fucks with a master
except other masters and crowds of hyenas

>> No.7205357


What? you mean the bitches didn't all suck your dick on the dance floor while the men bought you drinks? Some master you are.

>> No.7205371
File: 86 KB, 699x366, baki_v14_078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

itt: loudmouth needledick small fries.

>> No.7205383

ITT better version:
>hai guise i trained 10 years in dojo with softy mattress to protect my fall, referee to protect from being knocked out, and rules to protect my penor i am so stroooooong guiseee trust meeeee

>> No.7205417


The soft mat won't matter since you're not the one falling on it.

Also while there are rules to competition these days, almost every school teaches real life application counters. Example, crotch hitting is pretty much illegal in any ring but every school i know of teaches ways to avoid crotch strikes.

It's pretty stupid to think any real martial arts school only teaches what you need to know inside competition setting.

>> No.7205430

>softy mattress to protect my fall, referee to protect from being knocked out, and rules to protect my penor i am so stroooooong guiseee trust meeeee

We weren't talking about MMA though.

>> No.7205441

ITT even better version:
>hai guise i trained 10 years in dojo with softy mattress to protect my fall, referee to protect from being knocked out, and rules to protect my penor eventhough i just luckily KOed drunk kids i am still so stroooooong guiseee trust meeeee
