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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7202593 No.7202593 [Reply] [Original]

Why is Korean pop music so much better than Japanese pop music?

>> No.7202595

I have never heard corean pop music so I cannot answer your question.

>> No.7202596 [DELETED] 

>pop music
nigga you just went full retard

>> No.7202597

Korean girls are even sluttier than japanese ones.

>> No.7202599

because gee

>> No.7202600

This is a bad thing?

>> No.7202603

It's not really, it's just that the Korean music industry is far smaller and is in general quite generic so only the best becomes known to Westerners, whilst Japan has a far, far larger industry (seriously they can't be compared) and weeaboos have elevated even some shitty bands to a high status in the West.

so in the end, unless you've lived in both countries an equal length of time you can't actually say that and have it be a valid judgement.

But then you're only trying to troll because you're a newfag who thinks any more than 2 people here give a shit about Jpop, so you're now reported and I have called the police.

>> No.7202605

I find that hard to believe, anyhoot, here's a fantastic example.

>> No.7202612

No, it's not.

Too bad Korean is a retarded and ugly language, I cannot enjoy it even if I enjoy generic synthpop.

>> No.7202614

She is really, really cute.

>> No.7202615
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OP here, clicked the wrong pic

>> No.7202616

take your shit to /v/. they sing in partial broken english, are you kidding me? only someone who likes amerikkkan music could be a coreaboo and like their music. voices are shit, the background music is shit and you've got shit taste.

come back when you learn what music means.

>> No.7202619


Koreans singing Japanese pop music do it better than Japanese singing Japanese pop music

>> No.7202624

The only thing worse than a weeaboo is a koreaboo

OP, do you realize how disappointed your father is?

>> No.7202630
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I'm back.

>> No.7202637

Some more lovely korean pop music for you lovely people.
Enjoy please.

>> No.7202639

Both sing weird English, I'm only talking about the majority. But it can't be helped, it's their accent.
However I've heard of many many many Korean singer went to Japan and sang in Japanese there (BoA, Se7en,...) and how many Japanese singer went to Korea? I dunno lol

Korea does have sexy girls which's all the matter for us nerdy emo perverts, but I do like Japanese better. Why? Cos I at least can sing along without knowing the fucking language.

moko moko moko moko moko moko tan~

So yeah, I "listen" to Japanese music, and "watch" Korean music. You have a problem? Say it to my dick.

>> No.7202641


>> No.7202647

Good. You decided to stop listening to coreaboo music? corea sounds awful, coreans singing in English sounds even worse and the synthesized background music gives the worst rap music a run for its money.

>jap version
>mostly corean chobu shit
>mostly broken english
>few japanese words here and there
>better than japanese singers

>> No.7202648

The wonder girls are my favourite, who is your favourite?


>> No.7202654
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Korean women actually have attractive bodies compared to the stump-like limbs of the japanese whores. This is why their K-pop is far superior.

>> No.7202658

>nerdy emo perverts
Speak for yourself. You obviously aren't from /jp/. You're probably the OP too, go back to /v/

>> No.7202661

japanese and korean musical are equally terrible, and the girls are equally ugly as well.

>> No.7202665

I think K-Pop is rather imitating J-Pop just ilke everything else. I like to listen to both though.

>> No.7202666

Well I have completely fallen in love with IU

>> No.7202668


>> No.7202675
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>> No.7202677

You're really enjoying yourself eh?


Sure no problem friends.

>> No.7202680

Needs some more hot&sweaty korean boys?
No problem!


>> No.7202681

Are you a cirno? It's because Japanese girls with attractive body do what they're meant to do: being AV actresses. Only 2D girls are perfect, the realistic 3D models are divided clearly in 2 groups: sexy without talent. And ugly with talent.

And if a sexy girl is considered talented, she slept with 69 managers to achieve that statement.

>> No.7202683

Thanks for the info Mr Autistismo.

>> No.7202685

You're very welcome.
Also please call me that more, it feels good.

>> No.7202686

Why not listen to some quality 90s "big beat" music instead? Please consider the following:


>> No.7202687

Sounds like a superhero, like a spasticated spiderman.

>> No.7202689

Hey if you can imagine it it's real.

>> No.7202692


Best Korean music ever without hot girls running around.

>> No.7202696
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>> No.7202697
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k-pop video with a dollfie?

>> No.7202700

I can imagine his secret ability being some rotating disks on his hands, like those hypnotic black and white stripes on some spinning disks and a big wizards hat with a D on the front.

>> No.7205143

They're both shit :<

>> No.7205156

i'll have you know managers forcing idols and actresses to have sex with CEOs is common in corea thank you very much!

>> No.7205178

Serious Question:
Why is Korean pop star so much better at dancing than Japanese pop star? Korean pop star move hips and body. Japanese pop star stand stiffly and wave arms.

>> No.7205188
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>> No.7205195

Practice perhaps? I watch/listen to both and see Korean singers dance very much better than most other countries'.
Even breakdancing

>> No.7205223
File: 419 KB, 1093x1158, coreans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay classy coreans.

>> No.7205226

I don't get it. was this from the IM vs international showmatch? did jinro build a nuke or something?

>> No.7205231

Koreans do intense training for several years before they actually perform. I don't think Japanese artists do that.

>> No.7205235

It was as showmatch.
Younghwa basically won the game but decided to dick around to extend the game and to put on a spectacle.
Jinro started to spam ghost and spam nukes in response.
Classless coreans observers started to joke about japan nuke problem. Seems like they are still buttmad over the Island territory fiasco.

>> No.7205244

They might be referring to Jinro's current lack of form as sort of a "meltdown".

But either way, during the GSL I think it was MarineKingPrime who came out with a sign that referred to a small cluster of islands that Koreans want back from Japan or something? All while the Fukushima incident was happening and all while GomTV were trying to get donations for Japan.

Stay classy, Korea!

>> No.7205250

I want to do that singer in OP's post right now. No, now is too late, before now. In fact, I want to already have done her, is that possible?

>> No.7205251

You lie. You lie. Filthy liar. My lovely MarineKing would never do that.

>> No.7205256

Why is Ragnarok Online better than any Japanese MMORPG ?

>> No.7205260

Are you kidding me, KPop is a carbon copy of American pop. Look at the music, "edgy" lyrics and the imagery of cock-hungry yet "independent" (unless it's time for cock) women. There's basically no difference between a Briteny Spears video and one of those Korean starlets, save the fact they have slit eyes.

>> No.7205261

There is a Japanese MMORPG? I never knew...

>> No.7205264

the sign was in response to the japs claiming the islands in a textbook published while the koreans were donating a lot of money to them.

>> No.7205267

I dont see the coreans complaining when the nips producers are busy fucking the corean idols like BoA and other corean sluts.
The islands are disputed territory anyway.

>> No.7205277

I think I'm in love with that Korean singer. I dream of her every night, I fap to her every day, I always imagine she is by my side. But the problem is, I don't know what her name is. I googled and found out that my love has 17 names, lives in 17 different places and apparently was born in 17 different dates.
They all look the same!

>> No.7205293

J-pop and K-pop, like every other genres, are made of 85% shit and 15% good. There's no point arguing that.
Also, 3DPD (not that Vocaloid is good, but at least it's not slutty).

>> No.7205340

Why dont you listen to superior denpa music instead of that thrash corea shit.

>> No.7205346


That was either San or AnyPro, I forget, but it was NOT MarineKing. He's too cute and nice to do that! He almost cried after he did the impossible comeback against OgsMC!

>> No.7205369

Not familiar with Korean pop outside of SNSD, do they have any bands like this one?

>> No.7205424

I would have expected lip synching, but it actually sounds like the voices are live, neat.

>> No.7205432

Because J-pop stars often dance para para, an easy style of dancing that mostly uses hands:
I suppose Koreans have to study "real dancing" (that uses the whole body) more often since the para para isn't the industry standard over there and thus you can't get away with just hand-waving.

Besides para para being Japanese, I suppose one reason it's more common in Japan is that it's kind of clumsy-looking and cute, as if they wouldn't have put a lot of effort to it, which enhances the innocent, young and cute image that they often want the idols to have. In Korea, the singers seem to be somewhat older and sexier on average, so they don't pretend to be cute like that and can use more complicated and sexy dance styles as a result.

>> No.7205448

You guys should know what is the BEST of Korean music

>> No.7205450

superior korean music ~nida
