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719647 No.719647 [Reply] [Original]

Gilgamesh walks up to a building and is looking for a drink. However the building's lights are off and the door is closed. What's his first thought?

Iz-du-bar open?

>> No.719650

Shouldn't his first thought be "MONGRELS"?

>> No.719661

>>719647 Gilgamesh walks up to a building and is looking for a drink.
Gate of Babylon...

>> No.719662


MONGRELS! Iz-du-bar open!?

>> No.719702 [SPOILER] 
File: 20 KB, 185x300, 1212097165722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What few do not know is that Saber's quest to becoming King was rather more that just swords and battle. Indeed to become King she had to go on a rather shonenesq adventure to collect many different trinkets and accessories.

She even had assistance from Guenevere who had no trouble marrying her as she herself was a raging lesbian. Combined with Galahad and Mer-lin they wound up saving England many times.

Each of them involving Saber in a different costume.

>> No.719713


Im not quite sure I follow you.

>> No.719717

I don't get it.

>> No.719723

Gil killed a forest guardian after befriending Enkidu, Slew the bull of heaven, Declined a goddess's hand in marriage. Met the farwaway after losing Enkidu and ends up having his immortality taken by a snake.

>> No.719745



>> No.719750


>> No.719755


I don't think he could have been summoned if he wasn't.

>> No.719760



>> No.719761

Oh, I see. A translation joke, how lame.

>> No.719768
File: 18 KB, 257x308, 1212097762355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, and he likes to fuck, uhh, whatever that thing is.

>> No.719769
File: 32 KB, 450x560, 1212097765755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But Shiro want a real person and we was summoned! And Arthur was a MAN not a Cute girl riding a banana.

>> No.719765


Fake Assassin wasn't a real person and he was still summoned.

>> No.719797

It's a bull.

>> No.719807


He said himself he wasn't the man he portrayed. Just a nice substitution.


Only cause you had to find the punchline to get it.


He was a real person in the context of the game.

And the Arthuria thing is weird we all know.

>> No.719873

>And the Arthuria thing is weird we all know.
>the Arthuria thing is weird
>Arthuria thing

>> No.719930

Now that I want to see.

>> No.719970
File: 39 KB, 200x362, 1212099480353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you are going to use a legend about someone who pulled a sword out of a stone, became immortal and sacrificed everything to be a great king under the direction of a great wizard, searched for Christ's Holy Grail, used a sword given by a goddess of a lake, fought evil witchess and a clone ('now neither of use will be virgins') and is supposed to be resting in the land of heroes till 'The King descends again to lead all England', that person being FEMALE is what makes it contrived?

>> No.721588


>> No.721641

>>searched for Christ's Holy Grail
King Arthur did not personally search for the Grail, he got all the rest of the Round Table to do it. Which didn't turn out so great since the Grail Quest killed a whole bunch of them (probably in them fighting each other to the death in cases of mistaken identity), and only one guy returned (Bohors).

>> No.721840


