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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7194816 No.7194816 [Reply] [Original]

Fate/Zero's translation has finally reached its conclusion.

Please enjoy the Fourth War of the Holy Grail, those who would not read until completion.


>> No.7194819

LNs go in /a/

>> No.7194820


>> No.7194822

Now to print it out and bind it like an actual novel so I can read it without getting a headache.

>> No.7194825


Fate/Stay Night goes in /jp/, so shut the fuck up.

>> No.7194831

Fuck off back to animesuki with your babby's first shit.

>> No.7194832

FSN fans already browse /a/ and should know this

>> No.7194836


I'm an F/SN fan and I don't browse /a/. Your statement is flawed.

>> No.7194841

>FSN fans already browse /a/
Though I may not care for Fate as much as I used to, and I don't really give a shit about Urobuchi Gen and his "SO EDGY AND GRIMDARK" prequel.

>> No.7194843

Yet you answered to the post, as bad as a ret/a/rd.

>> No.7194844

Can't we just hide/report/ignore threads we don't like? It's certainly less effort than typing your reply and the captcha.

>> No.7194848

Hey guys, let's have the 1874584th pointless argument about what goes or not in /jp/, exciting isn't it ?

Also, I actually never read F/Z so thanks for reminding me about that, OP.

>> No.7194850

I would like to point out that you shouldn't report a thread just because you dislike it.

>> No.7194856

If I don't post in a thread saying I reported it how will people know I don't like it?

>> No.7194858

I will wait patiently for the anime to come out.

>> No.7194859


Aha, but my behavior does not mean I browse /a/. The argument remains despite your ad hominem.

>> No.7194864

Reported for being a spoiled attention whore who expects to be catered to.

>> No.7194873

Reported for hypocrisy and impersonating White Ren.

>> No.7194897

Fuck yeah, I remember reading this to halfway point last time it was posted on /jp/ a year or so back.

Thanks for the update notice!

>> No.7194918

Wow, five years to translate? How many people were working on this?

>> No.7194928

Kinda fast for a LN that is not Haruhee.

>> No.7194933

And this is why /jp/ is the worst board on 4chan

>> No.7194939

Call me when the complete .pdf is out.

>> No.7195003
File: 2.91 MB, 3147x4075, 1297443352923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice, thank you.

>> No.7195031
File: 44 KB, 407x428, 1300858141723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying that /cgl/ isn't the worst.

>> No.7195038

I have no words.

>> No.7195084


Also, a whole bunch of /a/ friends in this thread, trying to be COOL and EDGY. Learn how /jp/ works, instead of acting like you know.

>> No.7195091


Or just not bother with stupid arguments and let people enjoy Fate/Zero.

>> No.7197682

You have gotten this all wrong.
F/Z is all green and ok. That is, until the anime adaptations comes out later.
As always, that is.

>> No.7198358
File: 83 KB, 568x518, 1294801771239.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whats the matter? Are we supposed to be talking about the flavor of the month and tohou to fit in?

>> No.7198375

Are there actual people on /jp/ arguing that one of the F/SN, which was one of the visual novels that was discussed the most on /jp/ when it came out and has had countless powerlevel threads with Tsukihime here, doesn't belong in /jp/?

You plebians should get out of here and head back to /b/ where you belong.

Also, the translation just needs to be put into a better format before I even bother looking at it.

>> No.7198390
File: 62 KB, 1024x768, 6b881002313426354be40dfb1046e517633a7c46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are there actual people on /jp/ arguing that F/SN

Fixing my typo and adding my image.

>> No.7198405


Wait a week or two and it will be compiled into a nice, neat .pdf replete with pictures.

>> No.7198425

ITT: Trying too hard to fit in.

Also thanks OP.
