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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7193927 No.7193927 [Reply] [Original]

Do you think you'll still be into nerdy stuff like VNs, anime/manga, light novels, etc. 10 years from now? Where do you really see yourself? 10 years ago I thought I'd never transition from cartoons to live action series because I just didn't like how most of them were (dramas filled with whores and guidos, sitcoms filled with unfunny jokes, or those goofy shows that like to pretend they're cartoons that always air on crap like Disney and Nick at Night). I feared that one day my mind may change, but here I am 10 years later and still pretty much enjoying animation and comics, along with VNs and stuff.

10 years from now I think I'll still enjoy the things I enjoy today. Though I may be wearing some rose tinted goggles every now and then. By then I'd think that my language studying would have already paid off to the point where I'm almost at native fluency.

You guys? 10 years from now, do you think you'll still enjoy the same things?

>> No.7193935

How old were you ten years ago, though? The older you get, the slower you change.

Ten years ago, I had no particular interests. I still don't. In ten years time, I hope I will. Here's to then.

>> No.7193947

10 years from now I'll have since long killed myself.

>> No.7193951

Nope. I don't imagine myself with the same interests in ten years. In fact, it's two years for me.

>> No.7193964

Only 12. But I had been into nerdy stuff like that long before then, to the point where I was buying Japanese VHS tapes from the local Chinese bootleg store. You know, the ones that had crappy yellow colored subs that had profanity everywhere just because they wanted to translate curses into everywhere.

>> No.7193978






You'd think Japan just runs around with potty mouths.

>> No.7193999

The reason why azns are less ashamed of their waifu collections than in the west is because parents like it when their son shows an interest in girls-having a son with 200 pictures of hatsune miku his bedroom, to the parents, just means he's got women on his mind and will likely end up producing grandchildren once his life reaches that point lol where he starts socializing with women openly and dating.

>> No.7194006
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>> No.7194009

10 years from now the internet will be so regulated you'd be lucky to even get VN news. Hopefully I'll be dead by then

>> No.7194026

I'll probably be more poised to take advantage of opportunities that will be gone 10 years from now.

Shit sucks.

>> No.7194033

I can't imagine what the anime/manga/game industry will look like in 10 years, let alone myself.

>> No.7194054

>You guys? 10 years from now, do you think you'll still enjoy the same things?

Ten years from now? I'll probably be dead, thankfully.

>> No.7194058

I'll be a hobo.

>> No.7194061

I don't really lose interests.
I just add new ones.
My first hobby was literature, mostly science-fiction and fantasy, and I'm still into it. It's just that back when I was in elementary and middle school I only spent my free time reading, now I got more hobbies.
The only thing I was pretty into at one point but stopped completely are tabletop RPGs - people I used to play with lost interest, and I'm not exactly willing or in position to meet new ones. Not to mention, their popularity here dwindled in the past few years.
One thing that changed was my taste - back when I was younger I enjoyed DEEP and MATURE things for mature individuals such as who I perceived myself to be, but I learned to appreciate innocence, silliness, and plain old fun as I grew up.

>> No.7194077

Does it really matter?

>> No.7194109

i'm gonna be 90 and still dressing in silly clothes, watching animu, playing VNs, collecting figurines and all that stuff. they're gonna bury me dressed in OTT lolita, holding a figurine in my hands, with a notebook and a few eroges by my side. i'm gonna take all that with me to Gensokyo or wherever i depart to. tohou music playing all the time at my funeral. that's how it's gonna be.

>> No.7194143

I didn't make the image, and I'm not going to edit it just so it can be used as an OP image. I could have used a Saten image, would you have liked that better?

>> No.7194162

>They're gonna bury me

Who? It's not like you'll know anyone who will care to arrange a funeral.

>> No.7194175

> 10 years from now the internet will be so regulated you'd be lucky to even get VN news. Hopefully I'll be dead by then
I'm saving up a backlog on my hard drives so large that when this does happen, I should be good for at least another 10 years. At my current slow rate that is, I'll need to expand some more to take into account the fact I'll get more fluent in reading as I read more VNs.

>> No.7194185

>One thing that changed was my taste - back when I was younger I enjoyed DEEP and MATURE things for mature individuals such as who I perceived myself to be, but I learned to appreciate innocence, silliness, and plain old fun as I grew up.
same for me, though i never percieved myself to be mature or anything - i just liked serious stuff more. i'd be pretty suprised if someone told me what i'm gonna like now.

>> No.7194208

damn, you're right, and i'm serious now. it's pretty depressing now that i think of it.

>> No.7194292

in 10 years id like to be able to create my content (VN and Mangas)

ive already planned out everything and i ve been working on my skills for the last 2 years

i will never change because there is nothing wrong with me and compared to the "mainstream society" i think that i am the sane one

>> No.7194318

I keep switching between seeing myself as broken and seeing the world as corrupted. It's really hard to decide.

>> No.7194324

Does it matter?

>> No.7194327

You've been broken by a corrupted world.

>> No.7194333

I hope I keep my interests, but I can't be sure.
10 years ago I used to have friends and play sports. Now, I hate them. Hate sports and have 2 friends who I never see. So who knows what I'll be into in 10 years.

>> No.7194340

humans are a horrible race
always have been and always will be
dont let them get to you

keep on fightin the good fight

>> No.7194356

I have never seen a 60 year old japanese otaku. Just saying something has to have happened to them.

>> No.7194359


I don't even know. I think people are messed up somewhat, but not really. I think I'm the only truly bad one around.

>> No.7194396

i've seen a pic of a pretty old one. also, anime is only about 30yr old mind you.

>> No.7194407

Get out of /jp/.

>> No.7194434

10 years from now I'll be the same guy I am now, probably have a nicer job though.

>> No.7194436

We don't do ';fun'; on /jp/, get out newfag.

>> No.7194446

I'll probably be dead from cirrhosis

>> No.7194451

Why wouldn't I be? Interests aren't conditional on age. Your heart can't really be into it to begin with if you give up just cause you're older.

In 10 years I'll be into the same stuff, probably even moreso since I'll possibly have a job decent enough to pay for more of it. Having a job means I can afford to truly indulge in my interests, so if anything it'll just get deeper.

But then in 10 years I'll only be 29 so...

>> No.7194468

It's not like there was an otaku boom 60 years ago. There was another kind of boom in Japan a bit more than that though. And you never see those 40 year olds marrying their dakimakuras and such?

>> No.7194470

When the hell did anyone say anything about fun.

>> No.7194475

Because even if you don't change the industry does. Just look at anime from 10 years ago and compare it to now. Look at them 20 years ago.

>> No.7194479

I think in 10 years it will be more socially acceptable to have an otaku lifestyle regardless of age.

Facebook and similiar shit has meant that even normalfags can sometimes spend as much time online as we do. The internet has slowly turned from nerdy to acceptable, just like mobile phones did in the late 90s/early 00s. Now think about how different the perception will be in 2021.

>> No.7194484


Sure but if you enjoy anime/whatever now then that doesn't matter. For instance, if you love 90s anime... dude, there was enough anime made in the 1990s to last you a lifetime. Literally. No reason this decade won't be the same.

>> No.7194517

I turn 31 this week and I'm still into it. I gave up giving a shit what others thought a long time ago. Just do what you enjoy.

There's really no limit to what can be done with anime and manga as a creative medium, only the minds of the creators. Live action is catching up however with technology.

>> No.7194543

10 years ago my knowledge of anime was limited to the few glimpses I'd seen of Sailor Moon and Dragon Ball Z while flipping channels. And of course I didn't know what Visual Novels were. That said I hope I'm still into anime/VNs/etc in 10 years. I don't see why I wouldn't be. I'm 28 years old, I doubt my hobbies will change much anymore.

>> No.7194544 [DELETED] 

eh i dont know i am 12 righht now i like touhou and hentai games but i dont think i giv e up in 10 years

>> No.7194550

>10 years from now, do you think you'll still enjoy the same things?
I'll be dead

>> No.7195450
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10 years from now, I best have my PhD, or at least be working for it. I'll go forward in time and slap myself if I'm not.

And I'd like to help teaching during that time, and I'd better be shouting about how every little thing leaves me in despair.
I've been a nerd for my whole life, it's not changing.

>> No.7195481

I will be dead because I have a serious viral infection.

>> No.7195495

I just dropped out of community college I odn't think I really have the means to live for ten more years

or the desire

>> No.7195508


>> No.7195530

In ten years ill will still be fapping, unless I have to get it surgically removed, but then I would kill myself. Otherwise ill be the same.

>> No.7195552

I hope to god I will get my own place and move out from my moms house by then. i just want a simple apartment and have a job that will pay for internet and for any other expenses. i wont have any lights on to save on electricity since i am always in my room with just the monitor as my light so i am already used to the dark. i wont have to worry about heating because i fucking hate the heat and i never have it on in the winter. i am currently in college to be some game design that my mom put me in because she said it would be perfect for me. i know nothing of this field when it comes to designing and programming and i honestly dont think i will get through these years and drop out again. this time i am actually putting effort into it though just to see if i am correct in my fear of failure or not.

>> No.7195564

Who knows? I might be. However, the only thing I'm sure I won't do is give up hobbies I still enjoy simply because "I've grown up." That's just asinine.

>> No.7195574

I went from doing nothing but playing video games 10 years ago to doing nothing but watching anime 5 years ago to watching nothing but films 2 years ago.

No idea where I'm headed next. I guess literature?

>> No.7195737

28 year old virgin here.

Was into anime and japan shit since I was 16, not going to change after these 12 years. But Honestly, the fandom has grown overall, but the fuckjng quality has declined sharply since toonami/adult swim/internet made it more accessible.

Hell I remember when anime conventions were a lot of fun, and not the travesty they are today. Sure there were always some shitheads going to them, but mostly it was people who were there to share a hobby, have fun, and drink heavily.

>> No.7195767


>anime conventions

Get out of /jp/

>> No.7198257


>> No.7198270

20 year old virgin here.

I'll be dead in 10 years, so I don't give a fuck.

>> No.7198284

29 year old virgin here. You won't be dead, you'll just half-wish you were.

In 10 years, I'll probably have my own house at last. I've finally figured out how to make alright money doing what I enjoy doing in life. But I'll still be a virgin, and alone.

>> No.7198294

I'm going to kill myself at 30; it's been in the motions for years now. I severely doubt I'll be alive.

>> No.7198316

I don't see why everyone finds virginity as a curse. Personally, I view virginity as something of a blessing. It means I haven't subjected myself to the world I despise. Or something like that.

>> No.7198387


You are missing his point, you fucking retard.

>> No.7198542 [DELETED] 

I consider the though that I'll be living another 10 years to be extremely frightening and depressing. I try to keep my mind occupied at all times to avoid thoughts like this.

Trying to take it easy, but it's damn hard.

>> No.7198558


I'm technically not a virgin. Trust me, it doesn't change a single thing. I still want to kill myself as much as before.

>> No.7198568

Dunno right now I'm teaching myself Japanese and in uni for a biology degree. I don't really care about biology though, I just sorta started studying it cause it was the only thing I was even slightly interested in. That has subsided pretty much so I'm hoping I could get myself into the translating business or something, cause it's pretty much one of the best jobs you can get as a hikki.

>> No.7198595

I understand your point there. I despise that world too with all my heart. But my libido is horrendous.
But that what we despise is this world.
So... What is the point? Everything is shit and wrong.

>> No.7198593 [DELETED] 

I'm making suicide plans every week but never go trough with it. I wouldn't be surprised if the me in 10 years would still be doing just that.

>> No.7198616
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wait, is this true?

>> No.7198641


Think of it this way

If you fuck a girl you instantly make her a whore. She has to carry that with her forever. You're not indulging in the world, you're tainting it. Hell jea.

>> No.7198646 [DELETED] 

You can not win, eh?

>> No.7198670



no, you cannot.

The world and the people in it sucks. It can't be helped. All we can do is try to escape it via simulation.

VNs. Every day. All day. Forever.

>> No.7202971

Time to bring back some threads from page 15. You know it makes sense.

>> No.7202982 [DELETED] 

I'm a bit confused as how you managed to do that...

>> No.7203002

Parlor tricks, my friend. Nothing more.

>> No.7206299

Yeah, probably

>> No.7206310

No, I'm hoping I'll outgrow that stuff so I can move onto other things. Go and head and call me a normalfag.

>> No.7206315

In 10 years I'll probably have either gotten my shit together, or have killed myself.

>> No.7206317

>Go and head

>> No.7206341
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I've been thinking a lot about it lately. On one hand, I just can't imagine myself being 40 years old and still wanting to romance high school girls in eroge. But on the other hand, if I stopped doing that, there would be nothing left to my life.

A world without little 2D girls to cheer me up would be way too dark and lonely. It would be the end of happiness, and only despair could remain. There's no way such a life could be worth living.

>> No.7206354

Looking back 10 years ago I think I turned out how I thought I was going to. It was around about this age (10) that I knew that I wasn't good looking or athletic so in order to succeed in the world, I'd have to be smart. I also figured at that age that it's unlikely a girl would want to be friends with me so I never bothered to pursue them and focused on working instead. As for interests, I knew I would never stop watching cartoons/anime or reading comics/manga or playing games.

10 years on the sentiment is the same. I'm still not good looking or that athletic (fairly decent rugby player though) and I am at uni doing medicine. Admittedly against my will but I can't argue about the pay. Obviously I'm a virgin but I knew I would be and couldn't care less about it, no one is surprised when they eventually found out so I don't feel ostracized because of it. I still watch/read/play like I did when I was younger, and listen to much more music. On the whole I think I followed my plans for the future closely and it turned out good for me. I couldn't be happier even though people vehemently tell me I am missing out on so much in life.

My prospects for when I am 30 is that I hope the be well into my professional career and hopefully have paid off my uni debts. I imagine I will still be living at home with my family to save money and I most certainly will be a virgin without a girlfriend (though at this age I will have to contend with avoiding an arranged marriage). I think I will still read manga and comics, I tend to watch far less new anime and cartoons these days. But, who knows what will happen.

>> No.7206356

Never stop, anon. Never stop that's of witch you enjoy.

>> No.7206378

Well, I was into it 10 years ago, sooo...

>> No.7206389


Well, I'm halfway there and I don't see myself changing. My hobbies keep me alive and relatively sane.

Why wouldn't I still want to romance 2D girls as I grow old? It sure beats all the fun that would be romancing haggard old women.


>> No.7206394

Since this case of SAnD will probably be following me for the lest of my life, I'd say yes.

I'll keep doing odd jobs every now and then, while living on wellfare for the most part, engrossed my delusions and 2D interests for the remainder of my life. That, or I'll get in an accident with my motorcycle one day as I drive around recklessly and die.

I'm not complaining though, I'm 25 years old and have lived a good life the past 7 years, taking it easy most of the time.

>> No.7206438

10 years from now I hope to have a decent computer to play more games, dammit.

>> No.7206450

In 10 years, China will have already invaded Japan, thus destroying most of the few things I hold dear, and making my sad, little language skills meaningless.

>> No.7206475

>10 years from now I hope there is some decent computer games to play, dammit.

>> No.7206799

I can see myself STILL enjoying VNs, maybe even RPGs, until the day I die, much less 10 years from now.

>> No.7206881

i will most likely be dead in 10 years, probably by suicide.

25 years old and been living on welfare the past 6 years. school drop-out and jobless. i will attend school next year, one my dad picked for me. i dont give a shit anymore, i just want a degree in something. if i fail this time i will commit suicide

>> No.7206897

I didnt even need 10 years to outgrow this weeaboo crap lol :)

>> No.7206904

Are you me?

>> No.7207061

I can't predict what will happen to my taste in a hobbies 10 years from now.
Hobbies are just hobbies. If you're scared that you'll be 60 years old still playing eroge or VNs, don't be. They're just hobbies of your's that don't interfere with anyone else's happiness (unless they hear of it, of course).If later on you happen to take a liking to something like golf and no longer like anime, VNs, etc, then good for you. You found something that you found enjoyable.
Either way, as long as you enjoy something that doesn't interfere much with someone else's happiness, it shouldn't matter what you like 10 or years from now.

>> No.7207226

If I'm still a virgin in the next few years I'm going to jump off a building.

Or swallow a cyanide pill. Fuck this shit.

>> No.7207647


I don't think I'll still be here in ten years.

But, I've been watching anime since i was 5, and still do at my current age, so i'll probably never grow out of it.

>> No.7207662

But liking 2D loli interferes with the happiness of feminists from all over the world.

What should I do, then? Repress my sexuality in the name of protecting the drawings' human rights?
