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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 335 KB, 600x900, yandereknife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7190442 No.7190442 [Reply] [Original]

What's the appeal of yandere characters anyway, /jp/?

They seriously creep me out.

>> No.7190464

That's the appeal.

>> No.7190483


>> No.7190492

It's psychologically weak and timid males who know that a yandere is going to obsess over them. Consider it loyalty without any work on your part.

>> No.7190495


>> No.7190496

They're the only loyal characters who honestly and truly love you.

>> No.7190514

It's the insane and violent part that gets me so enamored, not so much the obsession.

The couple that slays together, stays together.

>> No.7190516

Yandere is the the worst dere.

>> No.7190526

Because I'm rather dedicated and obsessive myself. Not to the degree of murdering people but I can't say I've been in the right position for that.

>> No.7190538

You need to be at least as devoted to your yandere as she is to you, unless you're either a mastermind or enjoy having problems on your hands.

>> No.7190545

>Yandere is the epicest dere.

>> No.7190546
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They're as broken as most of /jp/, they're mentally ill, thus low self esteem anons can feel less inadequate themselves and they're so dedicated they'd kill or die for you, devotion and love at an extreme.

I rather like them, but I like amputees so I'm probably not the best representation of good taste.

>> No.7190568

Mentally stable might be boring at times.
Yandere's keep excitement on everyday!

>> No.7190584

>good taste
whats wrong with that?

>> No.7190629

I have no idea, other people seem to think otherwise though.

Thankfully /jp/ is understanding, I love you /jp/.

>> No.7190639
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I just like how they generally have the best laugh. Chicks with good laughs are the best.

>> No.7190646

Oh, also they're probably more into, or more likely to engage in all that kinky stuff you know you want to do but your normal waifu won't.

>> No.7190657
File: 479 KB, 426x267, Kaede.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All I know is that the entire concept turns me on and that I don't care what anyone else thinks.

>> No.7190683

I don't understand this either. If anything wouldn't it make amputee's happy?

>> No.7190696
File: 78 KB, 548x548, P1020217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

S'all on the eyes

>> No.7190708

Eternal love and devotion.

The disadvantage is she won't let you look at porn,or talk to any other females.[even family]

>> No.7190724
File: 467 KB, 854x1000, miku_yandere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like yandere characters because I am a yandere. I'd kill for Miku if needed.

>> No.7190725

> talk to any other females.[even family]

I don't think that'll be a problem for many people here.

>> No.7190743

She also wouldn't let you engage with or even look at other 2D girls. What a disaster that would be.

>> No.7190754

If my waifu actually existed and was beside me I wouldn't give a fuck about anything else.

>> No.7190760

I dated a yandere, close enough anyway. She was fucking CRAZY. I didn't even know it at the time. When I knew her she was sweet and fun and HOLY FUCKING GORGEOUS. I should have realized that if a girl is gorgeous and single something's massively wrong with her.

Plus she dated me, I mean, that should have been a red flag right there.

Mentally unstable is not very cute.

>> No.7190811

You dated someone? How can you look at /jp/ without at least one of your testicles turning blue?

>> No.7190820

Mentally deficient is where it's at.

Autism bitches.

>> No.7190842

I like them because its ensured loyalty and devotion combined with some slight masochistic stuff (on the my part).

>> No.7190974

>Mentally deficient

>Autism bitches.

Yeah no. I don't want some chick giving estimates of the amount of sperm I ejaculate into her with every shot and a grand total of the milliliters of semen I released since I met her. They'd probably figure out some optimal frequency-of-fuck to amount-of-ejaculation ratio and make me hold to those times while keeping some sort of chart of my sexual responses she uses to be able to get me off in record times.

>> No.7191000

Insanity, angst, the deterioration of ones mental faculties.

It's very interesting, even in fictional characters.

>> No.7191023

You ever had a stalker? One of the most flattering experiences you can experience.

>> No.7191025

No but I am one.

>> No.7191052
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One day.

>> No.7191062

Well then I hope she appreciates you

>> No.7191068


They remind me of myself. Knowing she'd be just as obsessive, possessive, and loyal to me as I'd be to her.


That sounds rather... hot.

>> No.7191070

Hes gonna git a restraining order.

>> No.7191071

Alas, it did not seem so.

>> No.7191138

The estimation on the amount of sperm I ejaculate into her part sounds rather hot, unfortunately, that doesn't sound like something an autistic bitch will do.

>> No.7191152

Is an autistic amputee loli really that much to ask for?

>> No.7191164
File: 217 KB, 900x1000, 17900675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not actually into yandere/gire, I just have a thing for interacting with people who are out to murder you or are active killers.

I want to have a 2 hour long entertaining conversation about nothing with the person who murders me. Is that so wrong?

>> No.7191196

You should write to serial killers in prison. I've heard Manson writes some interesting letters.

>> No.7191200


So... either 1) you don't play a lot of console RPGs or 2) you did recruit Morinth.

>> No.7191209

Don't worry anon, I'm sure one day you'll find a beautiful little girl who adores your dedication and affection.

>> No.7191212

>Charles Manson

Out of all the serial killers I've read about, that man has the creepiest eyes.

>> No.7191211

I've read a couple in my criminal psyche courses actually. (I'm a Criminal Justice major)

A. I don't know that person and writing to them just because they've killed someone is fucking weird.
B. I believe they deserve their punishments.
C. I have appearances to keep up for going into the criminal justice field.

>> No.7191222

Gary Heidnik is my favorite, but he failed to hit the FBIs serial killer mark due to his harem being caught mostly alive, albeit not undamaged.

Don't worry anon, you could always make one!

>> No.7191224

/jp/ - sociopaths

>> No.7191228

Mass effect was on the pc as well, but thats not important I never critical mission failure'd that way because I don't have a thing for blue chicks.

>> No.7191241
File: 72 KB, 454x624, 1279833117511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like yanderes or just insane crazy women cause there crazy and keep things interesting in slice of life anime and visual novels.

>> No.7191247

Why doesn't japan make more anime and vns with yandere? unless we are just not getting a lot of the yandere vns translated.

>> No.7191282

yandere visual novels don't see translation, yandere anime isn't in style yet. Give it a few more seasons.

>> No.7191314

>wikipedia'd Gary Heidnik
Man, I feel like I can really relate to this guy. Except my head isn't all funny-shaped, and I'm not into black chicks, and I don't have a lot of money.

>> No.7191381

Just like me then.

>> No.7191390

Well, who doesn't want to kidnap six women, keep them in the basement, and physically and psychologically break them down into empty husks to be filled with your glorious seed?

>> No.7191403

Not to mention feeding them a mixture of dogfood and cut up bits of the other women. Living the dream.

>> No.7191542
File: 159 KB, 1002x758, Yanderes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about your own harem of yanderes?
