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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7186910 No.7186910 [Reply] [Original]

If you were to make a dating sim-style visual novel...what would it be about? How would you try and make it 'different' or 'fresh'?

>> No.7186918

I would not make it different, i would make an incest orgy VN with vampires.

>> No.7186919

The girls would have crippling disabilities and I would be visiting their school for disabled girls.

>> No.7186925


>> No.7186926


Dude, that's an awesome idea! You should totally make that!

>> No.7186927

Protip: You don't make it different or fresh by leeching ideas off /jp/.

>> No.7186933

It would be a dating sim in which every single one of the love interests belongs to some subculture, trend, or category that is normally frowned upon. They're all either delinquents or just not very respected among the community.

The main character is a highly respected honors student. On the surface, he seems to embody every positive quality you could want in a high school kid. Straight As, gets along well with his family and his peers, reasonably athletic, etc. He's beloved by almost everyone and his family fully expects him to go to college, fall in love, get married, have a family, and repeat the encouraged cycle all over again. Secretly, he's overwhelmed by the expectations that are thrust upon him and he isn't sure if it's what he wants to do with his life. He eventually has strange encounters with a variety of 'delinquent' girls...and though any interaction with them would be sure to bring disappointment from those around him, he finds himself oddly compelled.

>> No.7186936


'The Yankee' or 'The Sukeban' = The first love interest is a member (possibly the leader of) an all-female gang that is well-known throughout the school. She's exceptionally tall as far as women go (around 5'10"), with bleached-blonde hair and sharp, mean-looking eyes. She's altered her school uniform with a much longer skirt than normal, and is frequently seen wearing a white surgical mask scribbled with ever-changing 'gang slogans'. She's the tallest of any love interest, but also with the smallest measurements. While she refuses to drink or do hard drugs, she has a persistent smoking habit and frequently smells of tobacco smoke. She curses frequently and is generally a very vulgar person...cursing loudly, picking fights, and spitting in public places. Her 'signature' weapon is a wooden baseball bat riddled with rusty nails...though she also carries a pair of brass knuckles. She isn't very good at expressing herself, usually resorting to physical violence over coherent arguments. She also has an extremely difficult time trusting people, usually finding herself lashing out or saying things she doesn't mean before she feels that anyone else can get the opportunity to do the same to her. She comes from a very dysfunctional household with an apathetic mother and alcoholic father, leaving her with an extreme distaste for conventional families and a growing sense of misandry. She rarely goes home...making sure to wake up before anyone else in her household and returning only to sleep and repeat the process in the morning. Her gang usually has meetings on the school rooftop, leaving students (and most teachers) afraid to venture up there. Taking advantage of this, she usually eats her lunch alone on the roof (lunch consisting of a piece of cheap bread and an unfiltered cigarette). She first meets the main character when she invites him up to the roof and assaults him, having mistaken him for someone else. Realizing her mistake, she attempts to apologize.

>> No.7186939


'The Ganguro' = A fashion-obsessed ganguro girl. She's relatively short, though with a notoriously large bust size. She has extremely tan skin and cheaply dyed orange hair. She's garnered a very bad reputation as being 'easy' or 'promiscuous', something that's only worsened by the fact that she blatantly flirts with almost every man she comes in contact with, from fellow students to even teachers. She's also a helpless gossip, though she does it to soak in attention more than anything else. A compulsive liar, she's responsible for more than half of the untrue rumors that circle around the main character's high school. For her habits of flirting and lying, she's extremely unpopular among the female population of the school, excluding her own clique. An energetic party girl, she detests schoolwork and often skips class without remorse. She's also begun to develop a nasty drinking habit, often flirting with men to buy her things...either new outfits, fancy cellphones, or just booze. She comes from a very strict, repressive household with emotionally abusive parents...though, they still fail to keep their daughter in check. She meets the main character like she meets most boys...immediately flirting with him and attempting to wrap her around her manipulative finger. Initially, she treats their relationship with the same shallowness that she treats all of her relationships with...but eventually, she opens up, revealing her extremely poor sense of self-esteem.

>> No.7186942


'The Otaku' or 'The NEET' or 'The Hikikomori' = Unlike the other two love interests, who are both in high school, she actually graduated from high school three years ago. A NEET, she rents a small, one bedroom apartment with help from her richer-than-average parents on the pretense that she's actively looking for work and intends to eventually attend college. She's of medium height and slightly overweight, with smaller breasts than 'The Ganguro' but wider hips. Rarely venturing out of her apartment, she normally doesn't wear much more than an oversized shirt and underwear...though, when she has to, she'll put on a pair of sweatpants and tuck her shirt in. She also serves as the 'glasses' character, her pair being unusually thick. Her hair is black and medium-length, normally matted or unkempt. Her meals are usually frozen or instant. She buys them in bulk from the local conveniance store...though, she'll also order takeout about once a week. She's an avid fan of both anime and games, spending most of her 'allowance' on them. She's especially fond of RPGs and BL. She finds it very difficult to adjust to social situations...afflicted with a crippling case of social anxiety and numerous other neurotic issues with the outside world. She meets the main character through an online chatroom. They begin to speak with one another on a nightly basis and she eventually develops a strong liking for him...even finding the bravery to request that they mean somewhere in public. While she resents herself for her apparent sloth, she seems too frightened and insecure to improve her lifestyle.

It would be a visual novel about not judging people...and that there is much more to a human being than what you see on the surface. Yes.

>> No.7186943
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>> No.7186945
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All of the girls would be trying to kill you. Literally, wanting you dead.

The game would capitalize on like 50 dead ends for each heroine and a few extra ones to mix things up.

It would be all about playing the girls againts one another to keep them from killing you and hopefully to get them to kill one another.

It wouldn't start as a romance until mid game and the first part would be all about survival.

That or monstergirl harem game.

>> No.7186946

You have to get the harem end or they all get killed by a psychopath lesbian that's mad she can't have them. If you fail, the one you had the most progress with is the death you see.

>> No.7186956

The girls would be female versions of /jp/ tripfags.

>> No.7186958

Are there any VNs with "all myths are true" kinda setting?
But without any important supernatural overarching plot, just some character drama.
There should be, it's such a generic setting, but nothing comes to mind.
Various youkai heroines, vampires, ghosts, magicians, etc.
Maybe a forgotten god or two.
I'd like something like that.

>> No.7186966
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My idea was the twin sister in another world. I still want to do something with that.

>> No.7186968

I would make a VN about fat girls.

And you train them until they become fit and stuff through clicking minigames.

And then you level up as a trainer and get to train fatter, cuter girls.

And then you fuck them. The end.

I don't have a name for it yet, though.

>> No.7186970
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>And you train them until they become fit and stuff through clicking minigames.

You son of a bitch.

>> No.7186980

Cute girls are actually reincarnations of Tibethan lamaists and well known philosophers, antics ensue.

>> No.7186976

Would there be NTR?

After grueling training, and the girls become fit, they go and fuck the generic blonde delinquent

>> No.7187082


I don't know how will you 'rescue' them, perhaps more clicking minigames.

>> No.7187127

It would begin with an average high school student who is woken up by his gentle but clumsy childhood friend who has been caring for him for as long as he can remember. They'll eat breakfast while worrying about being late and decide to run so that they won't be admonished, fulfilling as many as VN stereotypes as possible in the process. On their way, our protagonist will notice his childhood friend about to get hit by a car and push her out of the way at the last second, but will himself be unable to get away in time.

When he next awakens, he's carried by a flying girl who informs him that he's now dead and chosen for Valhalla as an einherjar, in between complaints about how he's far too heavy. Our protagonist naturally freaks out, both from his mid-tropospheric flight and the fact that he's dead, but he eventually resigns to his fate and accepts whichever afterlife he's assigned to, only regretting that his death probably caused his childhood friend undue sorrow. After flying for an indeterminate amount of time, the valkyrie assigned to him announces that they have arrived and drops him, forgetting the fact that the newly-appointed einherjar cannot fly. So he falls a few miles and crashes down to solid earth, making a small crater with his impact. But being dead, our protagonist concerns himself not with such small mishaps, so upon finding himself still functioning, he rises up and brushes the dust off his clothes. This is when he sees a cute young girl, suspiciously similar to our hero's childhood friend and visibly terrified by the fact that a stranger fell from the sky and almost crash landed on her. The valkyrie arrives, mumbles an apology and informs the young girl that he's hers before flying off. The girl seems to understand, but obviously the protagonist has no clue.

>> No.7187131

As it turns out, he is in a fantasy realm where magical girls called Norns are responsible for maintaining universal order, weaving the destiny of every human, animal, plant and object. While each individual Norn weaves a small part of Fate, virtually every event is controlled by a them and it is, for example, possible to live forever by killing the Norn who has woven your thread of fate before she gets the chance to cut it. However, such feats are quite difficult due to the power they wield, not to mention the problem of finding which Norn out of the thousands has your thread.

While they're obliged by nature to weave certain events such as births and deaths, Norns are afforded a degree of freedom as well, bending Fate to their will so long as the effects are negligible in the long run. As the fates of all creation is in their hands, a skilled Norn can easily twist the laws of physics and in effect cast spells; consequently wars are mostly fought between Norns of the two sides. However, since they're bound to their looms, they cannot fight on their own, requiring assistance by attendants in form of the einherjar, souls of deceased warriors who serve as their guardians. The Norn therefore acts as the supporter in combat, giving her einherjar (and other surrounding warriors in her side) supernatural attributes like inhuman speed or a blazing sword, while the einherjar does the actual combat.

>> No.7187147

Thus, our protagonist learns that he is assigned to protect the young Norn girl without even seeing a glimpse of the Valhalla, the real destination of most einherjar, which the valkyrie who carried him stresses is a place beyond compare. Now he must adjust to an entirely different realm and act as the guardian of this little girl forced into a war she doesn't want to fight - Odin apparently holds a policy not to interfere with human affairs and is completely okay with his warriors beating the shit out of each other, so Norns and their einherjar are frequently used as frontline soldiers. And so begins the protagonist's fight for their survival (Well, the Norn's survival. Our protagonist, being dead and all, is beyond such petty concerns now.) as their army tries to gain dominance over the many small kingdoms in the vicinity (perhaps a large evil empire can be added for good measure too.) From here stems the SRPG side with a Norn-based system, units can gain benefits from staying close to a Norn (you'll only have one during the beginning, but as your fame increases, others may join you or assigned under your command) and the Norn can switch between offensive, defensive or healing type buffs or spells.

Unbeknownst to our protagonist, Norns and the Einherjars assigned to them are bound by no coincidence - each Norn is guarded by the first person of whom strand of fate she cut. Thus, the Norn love interest would be deeply troubled by the protagonist's budding love for her and his efforts to be her valiant guardian, since she effectively engineered the car crash that took his life. Of course, when he learns this he'd be too enamored to even care, smiling gently, kissing her on the lips and telling her that he's glad to be killed by her.

>> No.7187151

Their good end will involve them helping to unite the land, earning a small fiefdom for their efforts and living a simple but happy life together, able to enjoy each other's company for centuries as Norns don't age from the day they start weaving and einherjars are dead.

Think Utawarerumono or Eien no Aselia, except with a Norse twist and less walking in the battle system (And for good reason - almost half of Aselia gameplay was spent on walking.) I guess there should be more routes too.

>> No.7187166

It's in production actually, but it will never see the light of day. You are (you), pathetic, anti-social, and seemingly hopeless; when one day, you find a wallet containing endless money. It's a test of will and mental strength to disregard the countless bitches that want your money to find the girl that truly loves you.

>> No.7187211

More dynamic paths that rely on subtle signs and no guesswork.

>> No.7187214

Apartment superintendant trying to get your rent money out of some residents who have fallen behind on their payments. You have to get enough money out of them to pay the taxes on the property due by the end of the game, before the city forecloses and bulldozes the entire building.

Cast includes your typical shut in with no life skills, a rich heiress with no actual money coming from her family, a single mother buried in debts who is working two jobs and still not breaking even, a talented and efficient office worker who can never hold a job due to being too attractive to her bosses, and a professional thief who doesn't like paying her bills.

>> No.7187216

And procedural generation that changes lots of shit each playthrough.

>> No.7187228

It's asking what kind of VN you would make, not your academic publications.

>> No.7187250

I'd put it in the middle of a space opera. You play the role of a war hero who is about to be tested for candidacy of an elite military group, but before that can happen, an army of space robots kill your superior, and you discover an ancient plot of other, older space robots who like to kill everything every few ten thousands for some reason. You are in charge of fighting back the ancient space robots and saving the galaxy and getting a waifu in the meantime.

>> No.7188970


>> No.7188980

I would make an actual slice of life. Like a drama I guess. Good and bad things would happen. It would probably end with MC realising how worthless life is and killing himself, closing with Touhou's at the end of the light tunnel welcoming him home.

>> No.7188990

If I had the money I'd fund rapelay 2

>> No.7189032


It would take place in a remote space mining facility. The girls all wind up being (possibly chemical or some alien parasite induced) delusions of the main character. Possibly multiple personalities of the MC. Except for the ship's computer, who has a route too. AI moe.

>> No.7189039

sounds like something i would actually enjoy.

>> No.7190318
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Whyyyyy is this relevant to my interests?

>> No.7190341

Lesbian harem. MC is a half-succubus, lives off sex rather than DELICIOUS SOULS.
There would be a prostitute who is a werewolf, a TSUNTSUN demon hunter, incestuous twin demigods banished to Earth for the heinous crime of saving a mortal's life, said mortal who is now said demigods' maid, and a combat android, just because SOMEONE has to be the Reiclone. Also provides no sustenance to MC. YOU MUST TEACH HER TO LOOOVE.

>> No.7190353

The MC would be a lonely neet Pedophile. He would decide to stop hiding in his room and start visiting the outside. Where he would discover that 8 year olds actually exist.

From there you would get to choose where you hang out, the park, the elementary school, train station, you know, the usual. While there you would spot lolis and plan your moves. You could take by force or win over their hearts. You would have to time your moves so not to be caught by police and parents. Id also like an option to follow them home, break in and kill their parents or just watch from outside her window.

>> No.7190355
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>No penises

No thank you.

>> No.7190367

What are you, gay?

>> No.7190373
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...Well, maybe...


>> No.7190391

ehh, I want a Franken Fran dating -sim really badly...maybe with some cool trauma center-like features to build your personal army of bio weapons...or help people fulfilling their dreams.
also, gore action packed battles.

>> No.7190401

If I made one it would be set in the indexverse, the protagonist would be me, and Misaka would be the main heroine. It would not be different or fresh.

>> No.7190423

All the girls are actually the same yandere who's really good at acting and disguise and was using the shotgun approach and hoping you'd fall for at least one of the personalities.

>> No.7190477
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>> No.7190489

Shit, that's amazing.

Basically this >>7190477

>> No.7190502

So then harem ends are bad ends? Or are all the non-harem ends bad ends?

>> No.7190525


Let's get the KS Devs on these since they seem to be so productive.

>> No.7190695
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A gender flipped new testament. You play Paul and must turn the twelve disciples and Jesus into your personal harem/army. The omake would see you tame YHWH and the holy ghost.

>> No.7190717


I wouldn't mind an otome game where you're a girl Jesus and you have to romance one of your 12 apostles (Judas True End)

Attempting to dominate YHWH is futile though, none may be higher than the lord and all.

>> No.7190736
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Like we haven't seen the exact same plot a million times already. Be more original, will you?

>> No.7190752


>Trying to apply logic to a fetish that is based in half-truths and mythology.

I am unable to roll at your level sir.

>> No.7190762


Sorry, mythology is kinda my thing. So I'd try to stay true to it, even in delicious genderbending sex games.

>> No.7190766


Actually ,One other idea I have involves A Touhou VN and artwork by CARNELIAN. pity It'll never see the light of day.

>> No.7190792

In that case you might want to brush up,YHWH was made of an amalgam of Elohim from the northern tribe and Baal the canaanite storm god. Not mention I could tell you some shocking ideas about where monotheism originally comes from.

>> No.7190831

You need to brush your mythology a bit more. The way they refered to them was a different one, though there is a remnant psalm/poem/chant that does look alike to one dedicated to Ba'al (or the other way around). The cults were extremely hostile to each other though, and insisted that their version was superior to the other to the point of self mutilation (Ba'al) and mass executions (YHWH).

The summerian god you make reference of was actually acquired later on, after the israeli tribes passed through the area.

>> No.7190839


Origin doesn't mean SHIT, we were talking about modern interpretations you assholes.

>> No.7190871


There is no harem end because it's all the same person.
Perhaps in that respect you can say every end is the harem end.

>> No.7191054

Would she be happy that you accept multiple facets of her,
or would she be angry that you're "cheating" on both of her?

>> No.7191123


She's happy as long as she gets your affection, even if she has to put on an act to do it.
I imagine once you find out what she's been doing and accept it, she'd be happy to put on whatever personality you want at any time so you never get bored of her.

>> No.7191129

At the very beginning of the game you are given the ending. The person you choose WILL die, no matter what you do or try. The player character fully knows this, and the game revolves around having to make difficult choices knowing the inevitable.

>> No.7191133

A game where you are an invisible youkai/genie. You can only affect the thoughts and actions of humans and use this for amusement.

>> No.7191159

It's called Mass effect. Yeah, I know everyone got the joke, but iwanted to be autist for once. Oh yeah and i'd really like to see the cosmic/galactic high school VN done one day.

>> No.7191158 [DELETED] 


....But surely everyone dies in the end anyway?

Regardless, I know who mean, and I like it.

>> No.7191162

....But surely everyone dies in the end anyway?

Regardless, I know what you mean, and I like it.

>> No.7194522

A dating sim in which the main character is an average, soft-hearted, well-meaning guy. Unbeknown to him, he has a grandfather who was the CEO of a multinational corporation. His grandfather has just died and he is set to inherit the entirety of his fortune...but before his notified, the information is leaked onto an underground information market.

All of his love interests are generally bad people who only want to marry him for his money. Choices include...

>A notorious serial killer who wants the money so she can flee the country, change her identity, and start anew. She's incredibly intelligent and normally prefers drugging her victims before slowly dissecting them while they're still conscious. She's a genki girl who hides her vicious sadism well.
>An assassin who has grown tired of her profession and wants to retire. She's the 'cool, quiet' character. She's also an expert sniper and master of firearms.
>An African dictator who was recently exiled from her country during a coup. She wants the money to fund her attempt at regaining power. She's tall and with hips 'n ass that go on for days. She still commands a small, but fiercely loyal group of private security forces.
>A professional con artist and lone shark. She looks much younger than she really is and uses her 'loli' body to her advantage. Recently, several of her business transactions went awry and she desperately needs the cash to get back on her feet.

'Bad endings' would all consist if the main character marrying and then either being killed or simply having his wife flee with his cash.

The 'good' endings in which characters actually fall in love with him would be either nonexistent or just ridiculously difficult to acquire.

The twist of the game is that the player is encouraged to root for the main character to not get involved with a relationship with any of these horrible women.

>> No.7194526


Just for kicks, could include a harem ending in which the Dictator regains control of her country but rules with a gentler hand, the Assassin becomes her top military advisor, the Serial Killer becomes part of her secret police to vent her sadistic tendences, and the Loan Shark becomes Secretary of the Treasury. Main character fucks all of them and lives like a God-King. Might be a joke ending.

>> No.7194526,1 [INTERNAL] 

yes still
