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7186622 No.7186622 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone know much about this?

I think I heard Soniko was a character developed for Nitro+ music concerts (sonicomi) or something and now she has her own VN coming out?

I do love soniko's character design though, damn moe.

>> No.7186647
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Headphones + big breast = moe

>> No.7186652

>I do love soniko's character design though, damn moe.

She just has huge tits, that's not good character design.

>> No.7186658
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>> No.7186666

Even though I prefer loli I have masturbated to her a few times

>> No.7186671

... It's good enough character design. huge bouncing tits good enough plot + character design for compared to most the trashy VN's and doujin games out there.

>> No.7186676

the vn is from a cameraman's pov, you take pics of her around her workplaces and such. I think it's a soft ero or something.

>> No.7186682

It's a decent enough character design. She's pretty cute regardless though.

>> No.7186696

You like how even though the main character is practically a walking corpse, he still has four women lusting after him throughout the course of the game.

>> No.7186699

Itt: great touhou pics from the depths of gelbooru. (Though she does have delicious character design).

>> No.7186700
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Where have I heard that before...?

>> No.7186704

I might have said that myself.

>> No.7186705

You mean the Kore wa Zombie Desu ka VN?

>> No.7186728
File: 213 KB, 600x800, 8c38b81f302ebf0a2d7864c4f8e40483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7186750

Not the best Nitroplus VN you can interested in. Nitroplus is among the best VN writers there are, especially with Urobuchi gen.

It'd steer away from Chaos;Head though, it stank.

>> No.7186754

You are interested in the trap vns.

>> No.7186775

>trap VNs
That I am.

What are good trap VNs?
