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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7176435 No.7176435[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do you think anyone at your school knows of Touhou, /jp/?

I have some anime fans over here, but never met someone that's into Touhou or visual novels.

>> No.7176443

Statistically I'm sure there is.

>> No.7176453

no because I dont go to school. However I know theres atleast 5 people at my college that know about it.

>> No.7176460

How did you get to know those 5 people?

>> No.7176468
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I'd really like to meet a bro that I could discuss this kind of stuff with, a girl would be even better.

>> No.7176470

i'm quite sure anyone who's into anime heard about it

>> No.7176471

I made a violinist girl play Flowering Night at college, played Soku with a guy and introduced it to a Fujoshi, Feels good man.

>> No.7176476

Get out of here and go hang out with your friends, faggot.

>> No.7176477

well, one of them ive known for years and years, the other 4 I met at the "student otaku society" (seriously)

>> No.7176487

Haha, no.

At my uni however....

>> No.7176488

go to bed ryan

>> No.7176484
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>> No.7176483
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I'm so jealous.

>> No.7176480

I've played PoFV with a guy from uni a few times.

>> No.7176494

>check to make sure I'm not in /g/
>nope, /jp/

Fucking summer normals. Reported.

>> No.7176503

I'm guessing that's some kind of club? I really wish there were such things in my country. It's very hard to find people with mutual interests, especially since the possibility rests on chance alone.

>> No.7176509

>student otaku society
Which country are you from (if you don't mind asking)?

>> No.7176510
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You mad, brosef. What do you have against us semi-normals and normals.

>> No.7176517

Since when do people not call uni "school"? I've been calling it school for years now and I know other people who do to.

>> No.7176524

I know a few people who have heard of Touhou but no one has played the games or anything.

>> No.7176528

Yeah its a club. I was quite surprised really, here in the UK "otaku's" are hard to come by, when i saw it on the list of clubs I thought oh wow, more people like me!. I've only ever met a few. Funny story about how I met another other guy though. He was walking around my college with a FMA jacket on (edward elric cosplay). I walked up to him like, woah bro nice coat, you into anime? and we had a conversation from there.

>> No.7176532
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And what is this student otaku society, is that thing even really real?

>> No.7176542

Having to deal with you idiots at school is bad enough. This is supposed to be my sanctuary from fuckwits like you. At least refrain from radiating your social life.

>> No.7176547
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Great story, bro. I wish I had that kind of friends.
