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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 118 KB, 294x578, 32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7176042 No.7176042 [Reply] [Original]

Be honest, /jp/.

If you had the chance to fuck your mother, and she wanted you to, would you?

Pic is what happens if you refuse.

>> No.7176052

If pic is mother, then yes.

If mother is mother, then no.

>> No.7176054


>> No.7176062

Take 30 from her and we got a deal.

>> No.7176085
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Well, this surely is one step to recovery.

>> No.7176119 [DELETED] 

Haha, nice one!

>> No.7176131

I hate my mother. I wonder if I can get a restraining order against her? She's being such a passive aggressive bitch with her stalking.­

>> No.7176142
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Stalking? Do tell more.

>> No.7176146

You're talking to people whose mothers are at least 45 by now if they weren't the sluttiest of the slutty. My mother is almost 60 and probably has half the STDs in the book from sleeping with every taxi driver she came across.

>> No.7176150

My mother is a bitch and ugly sow in real life, but I just woke up from a dream not more than an hour ago where my mother looked a lot more like OP picture and she was coming on to me. I never got to fuck her in my dream though.

>> No.7176153

Fifteen years ago? Sure.
Now? Not so much.

>> No.7176155

That's horrible!

Refuse immediately.

>> No.7176159

Do I get to kill my father and gouge my eyes out if I do?

>> No.7176161


My mum is 50 and I'd probably fuck her, but it would be sweet, intimate love-making full of tears, regret and yelling.

I think there would be something beautiful about going inside her, returning to where you came from...

>> No.7176167
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If you wish to be melodramatic. Otherwise marry your mother and you both can be happy!

>> No.7176170

My mother is overall a very nice person, albeit overly curious and talkative. Moreover, she's not attractive.

I would not fuck her.

>> No.7176168

I've masturbated to pictures of my mother when she was younger. I would not want to have sex with her at her current age though.

>> No.7176191 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7176208

My mother isn't attractive to me. She's not really ugly or anything, but her age is definitely showing, and nothing is more disgusting to me than an old, deteriorating body. Incest arouses me greatly, but I simply don't have any sexy relatives at all.

>> No.7176216

Anyone remember that story of the /jp/-er who fucked his mom?

>> No.7176228


Your maw sounds kind of moe.

>> No.7176234

The one where his mom wanted to convince him that 3D is great, so they had sex?

>> No.7176241

There's more than one? The one I'm thinking of, was mutual, and at a hotel.

>> No.7176238

Jesus fucking christ, no. Fucking no.

>> No.7176251

I'd like to fuck other people's moms. Not mine though.

>> No.7176269

Can you find it on the archive?

>> No.7176293

I don't remember it well enough to search for as it turns out.

>> No.7176362

Incest pretty much fails in real life.
Thinking of fucking your wrinkled worn out mother is just disgusting.
Might as well go fucking your grandma, or her corpse if you're a 30~40 year old shut in.

>> No.7176387

You all obviously don't have mothers otherwise you wouldn't be into this incest-shit.

>> No.7176405

God no, that would be horrible. Maybe if she was 40-45 years younger

>> No.7176409

It's possible to be aroused by the concept of incest without actually fantasizing about an incestuous relationship with your relatives.

Of course, there are those who like both.

>> No.7176420

I just got done jerking off to mother dojins and i have a mother, you make no sense.

>> No.7176432

I fap to mother doujins too, but they aren't about my mother

>> No.7176458

if i wasnt on a laptop i would so post a picture of kanako

if kanako was my mother, things would be different around here

>> No.7176502 [DELETED] 

"Rainbow Road" from Mario Kart 64. There's nothing that reminds me more of my mother.

My mum remarried when I was around 5 years old. The resulting stepdad had some grand business vision or other and ended up convincing my mum to use our family home as collateral in order to open a restaurant. I stress "our" -- this was the house my sisters and I had grown up in, the house mum had owned for the best part of 20 years. And now this man moves in and someone convinces her to risk it for a business venture! I suppose love makes you crazy.

The restaurant was a success to begin with, but its fortunes quickly began to fluctuate. I was only a kid at the time, but looking back now I can see it must've been pretty obvious to mum early on that she'd lose the business, and our house along with it.

They shouted a lot. I remember I used to pace downstairs quietly, and try to see what all the commotion was in the kitchen. Through the glass doors I'd see them barking at each other. There was always a lot of paper on the table. It'd be thrown around or ripped up or... you know, I don't even know what that paper was. Bills, I guess. Debts. It seemed to make both of them livid, either way.

Sometimes when they saw me from the kitchen, it'd be enough to stop them. Not always, but sometimes. Other times my stepdad would aggressively gesture me to go back to my room. This was generally when my mum was in tears, in bruises, or both. I'd slump up as meekly as I came down, lay in my bed, pull my Pokemon bedsheets over my head and try to drown out what I'd seen.

>> No.7176511
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"Rainbow Road" from Mario Kart 64. There's nothing that reminds me more of my mother.

My mum remarried when I was around 5 years old. The resulting stepdad had some grand business vision or other and ended up convincing my mum to use our family home as collateral in order to open a restaurant. I stress "our" -- this was the house my sisters and I had grown up in, the house mum had owned for the best part of 20 years. And now this man moves in and someone convinces her to risk it for a business venture! I suppose love makes you crazy.

The restaurant was a success to begin with, but its fortunes quickly began to fluctuate. I was only a kid at the time, but looking back now I can see it must've been pretty obvious to mum early on that she'd lose the business, and our house along with it.

They shouted a lot. I remember I used to pace downstairs quietly, and try to see what all the commotion was in the kitchen. Through the glass doors I'd see them barking at each other. There was always a lot of paper on the table. It'd be thrown around or ripped up or... you know, I don't even know what that paper was. Bills, I guess. Debts. It seemed to make both of them livid, either way.

Sometimes when they saw me from the kitchen, it'd be enough to stop them. Not always, but sometimes. Other times my stepdad would aggressively gesture me to go back to my room. This was generally when my mum was in tears, in bruises, or both. I'd slump up as meekly as I came down, lay in my bed, pull my Pokemon bedsheets over my head and try to drown out what I'd seen.

>> No.7176521
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One time when this happened, I heard a light knock at my door slightly afterwards. I still remember it so well: I was hunched up in my bed, rocking back and forth, trying to clear my mind. My bedroom door slid open. The light switched on, causing my vision to blur since it'd gotten attuned to the darkness. My mum appeared in the doorway, with a face covered in the red left by wiped tears. Or was she blushing?

She sat down on the fold-out sofa I had back then (shit was so cash) and invited me to sit down. She didn't have to ask. I was so happy to be with her without my stepdad there. She suggested playing on my Nintendo 64... I believe this was the first time she'd ever played a video game. I blew the dust from the bottom of my Mario Kart 64 cartridge and jammed it in.

She was Peach, I was Yoshi. We played on a few tracks, but it was Rainbow Road that she liked the most. After a while our Mario Kart games became regular. Often, it was for the same reason as the first game -- I'd been shafted up to my room by my stepdad, and I suppose she wanted to comfort me. But all the same, I loved it. I loved spending time with her. I used to laugh every time I went for a toilet break and returned to see she'd switched us onto Rainbow Road. Again and again! These nights always made me forget about the bad stuff instantly.

Of course we lost the house. Wisely, my mum also lost the stepdad. We had to move into a flat in a shitty part of town, but I was still happy because it meant it was just the 3 of us -- myself, my sister and my mum. All I had ever wanted was for us to be happy together.

>> No.7176527


Where's this picture from?

>> No.7176531
File: 81 KB, 1024x761, 1252211319132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My mum worked 3 jobs, 7 days a week. As I grew older I also took on work here and there to help out. I put my heart and soul into school, believing a good job to be of the highest importance in order to take my family out of the hole we'd ended up in. It truly was a shitty place. But then, it didn't really matter. We loved each other. I remember those long winters, when the Christmas tree glowed through the night and made it looked as though faeries were gathering in the living room. The snow obscuring my window, and the hot chocolate waiting for me after a day at school. It wasn't perfect, but I still feel a little nostalgic about it.

Perhaps I remember the winter time the most because that was when my mother and I consummated our bond. The tension in the air that day was as icy as the ground outside. Of course, we had both known how we felt. For a long time, really. I suppose I always suspected it may culminate in something. I'd thought that I would freak out if I did; there's so much involved, so many taboos, so much to think about. Yet when it did happen, none of that was important. I didn't think about anything except how much I loved my mum.

I slowly pulled her tights off and caressed her slender thighs, feeling my heart pound as her eyes slowly closed and her back touched the bed. God, she was so soft. I was still standing over her, looking down over the woman who birthed me. Her eyes were full of intensity, and remained fixed on me as I felt her foot touch my back and pull me towards her. I was powerless. Her legs wrapped around me and she held me close. I'd never been intimate with a woman before. It was so overwhelming. Her skin, her hair, her scent, everything about her drove me crazy.

>> No.7176536
File: 252 KB, 768x1024, 1252211618690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her breasts cushioned me as she hugged me. So firm. So comforting. I instantly felt down for my fly, unzipped and let my trousers sink. Her legs were still around my back, urging me to get closer. I'll never forget that look in her eyes. "Intense" is correct, but it was so many things -- loving, inviting, warm, understanding. Without thinking about it I felt myself go inside her. For a moment I was uncertain, and then forgot all about it when she edged me closer and kissed my lips. We spent the rest of the day in bed.

It wasn't awkward afterwards. Things went on as normal, in fact. But there was also a tacit understanding of what was going on, and whenever my sister wasn't at home we'd get closer. I suppose I could even say she was like my girlfriend. We'd go to movies together, have dinner, and we occasionally slept together again. Her laugh was a beautiful melody, a soothing remedy to my worries. I adored her with all of my heart. More than anything in the past and more than anything since.

I was shocked when her leukemia was diagnosed. Before, I had ignorantly thought it to be an easily treatable disease. A sort of, I dunno, "cancer-lite". Heh. I didn't know it was so brutal. Every day I watched her waste away more and more. During her last week she could barely speak. It's strange, but she was so calm then. Otherwordly. Her face was always beautiful, but it turned angelic. The moment I saw her I knew her life was almost over. My biggest regret will always be that I missed her last few moments.

>> No.7176544
File: 665 KB, 2304x1728, 1266709354436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been a year today. I didn't know what to do, so I stayed in bed. I can't bring myself to go outside. From that day, half of me has been missing. There's no longer any life in my heart and I don't know if there will be. Rest easy wherever you are, mum. I love you.

>> No.7176567

Naaw man thats just not me.

>> No.7176591
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>> No.7176596
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posting housewife-style touhous in a freud thread

>> No.7176604

I saw some pictures of my mum when she was my age. Glasses, freckles, twin braids...my top 3 moe traits. Quite the coincidence, huh?

>> No.7176607

I would fuck my 2D mother. I have an entire 2D family, including mother, father, uncle, waifu, cousin.

>> No.7176611



>> No.7176632

Yes. If she asked me to.
but I wouldn't do it on my own.

>> No.7176657

But I hadn't see these pictures until after I developed an appreciation for said traits.

>> No.7176685

Having sex with one's mother is the most sinful act.

>> No.7176694

I wouldn't fuck her, but I'd fuck my cousins.

One is a tall, skinny, glasses wearing, pale, blonde girl from Spain.

She doesn't speak great English so when she was visiting our family home recently and we were all having soup, she brought it in to me and handed it to me with two hands thrust out in a sort of "dozo" manner.

It was very cute.

Her mother is also a neurotic control freak, so I'm pretty sure she's a virgin.

>> No.7176699
File: 96 KB, 510x680, oedipus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't tell me...
You'll end Koishi'd

>> No.7176719

Hell no.

>> No.7176721

You know, I don't like my cousin, but oddly enough, one month ago I had a vivid wet dream where I was pounding her. Do I subconsciously DESIRE her?

>> No.7176727

It could be.

I've also dreamt of my cousins many times. Once I dreamt that my busty cousin with a bubbly personality was holding me close to her giant bosom and mothering me in a teasing way.

It was wonderful.

If you dream of having sex with her, it is likely you have some attraction you haven't accepted consciously.

>> No.7176736

No way. Disgusting.
My body is for anon anyway.

>> No.7176754

Thing is I barely get to see her, since she's daughter of the often-distant uncle. I must admit it felt awkward after waking up, but I was grinning at the same time.
She's the very-well-developed-for-her-age type.

>> No.7176762

3d pig disgusting.

>> No.7176847

Then you may have feelings for her without wanting to acknowledge it.

You should look forward to seeing her again!

>> No.7176870


>> No.7176911

if i found my mom physically attractive, maybe
she's not that good looking
even back in her wedding photo sometime in her 20s she wasn't that good looking

>> No.7176959

What would you guys do if your mother started dating a /jp/ anon? Every night you would be awakened by the loud moans and bedsprings as I fucked you're mother to dozens of orgasms a night.

>> No.7176962

It would be better than the cocaine addicted asshole that she dates right now.

>> No.7176963

If she was hot, maybe. But she's a big fat obnoxious cow, so no.

>> No.7176983

No, not at all, and I'd probably run far away. It's not that she looks bad, strangely she hasn't aged much for years. She's just overemotional and annoying, don't hate her, but still.

>> No.7176991


>What would you guys do if your mother started dating a /jp/ anon?

Tell him to get out of /jp/?

>> No.7176993

I wouldn't mind if you save your jizz for me later

>> No.7176994

>still not fucking their mothers

Pathetic, the lot of you.

>> No.7177023


Why would I want to? There's honestly no point.

>> No.7177036

Why is it that cocaine addicted assholes can get women but not /jp/?

>> No.7177041


>cocaine addicted




>> No.7177068

Alpha is what the junkies call themselves nowadays?

>> No.7177090 [DELETED] 

Indeed, my friend. Thing is there's a link, his brother. He's really into vidya and we share games (we played touhou too). We also had a paintball match (female cousin and loli twindrill haired friend included). It was funny as hell. Still, she seems to avoid eye contact with me,

>> No.7177100

Women love coke

>> No.7177098

Indeed, my friend. Thing is there's a link, her brother. He's really into vidya and we share games (we played touhou too). We also had a paintball match not long ago (female cousin and loli twindrill haired friend included). It was funny as hell. Still, she seems to avoid eye contact with me,

>> No.7177160

She doesn't consume that shit, but she has spent thousands of euros helping him to pay off the debt to his dealer, even though she is treated like shit.

>> No.7177162

No one cares

>> No.7177186

Are you frustrated that a guy has someone to pay his debts in exchange for dickings while you are a complete beta?

>> No.7177240


>implying jelly over some saggy 3D pig

you know what comes next

>> No.7177244

Poison his food with arsenic. Slowly you'll make him very sick, you can then use that to your advantage and beat the shit out of him. If your mom tries to get the police involved, no officer of the law would care about some dead beat junkie. They'd let you off Scott free, arrest him, and assume his sickness is due to heavy drug use.

If you're low on cash, buy some rat poison. The poisons used to kill rat's have a delayed effect, so it would be very hard to trace it to you if you are wary.

You could also portal him to gensokyo if you're extra poorfag. Mustard gas is very messy, so you have to be really careful working with it.

>> No.7177257

I don't live with him and I doubt that he would be able to overpower me, the same reason why he never did anything to her while I'm around.

>> No.7177300

She's just being coy. That means she likes you.

>> No.7177408
File: 45 KB, 647x481, 1290205709395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Copy Pasta or not, god damn man ;_;

>> No.7177418

Yeah, that was pretty sad.
