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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7161056 No.7161056 [Reply] [Original]


Cirno has been ranked #23 in terms of popularity for the past 2 polls, so why is Cirno posted the most out of any Touhou on 4chan? I refuse to believe that EVERY Cirno thread was started by KoG.

>> No.7161061

inb4 samefaggotry and white ren

>> No.7161058

inb4 Brian samefags his thread

>> No.7161063

inb4 daily autism metathread

>> No.7161068

If Gensokyo actually exists when I die, the first thing I'm going to do is go rape Cirno just to piss him off.

>> No.7161065 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7161072
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>> No.7161076

Obviously she's not as popular in Japan.

>> No.7161077
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>> No.7161079
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>> No.7161083
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Because /jp/ has better taste.

>> No.7161091

A more interesting question is who is the most popular touhou on /jp/. My money is on Okuu or Sanae.

>> No.7161087
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>> No.7161096


>> No.7161100


Fun Fact: Nobody on 2chan even uses "eye" or "atai" when referring to Cirno. The "eye" phenomenon is strictly /jp/ in nature.

>> No.7161101


>> No.7161107

Sanae is a meme more than popular, people call her a slut in order to enrage her fans and laugh at their smartass reactions.

I choose Okuu because she's (so far) flawless. Not in the mary sue terms but in the character-perfection achievement.

>> No.7161109

we will never know for sure since /jp/ is full of trolls, so we'll make somebody like evil eye sigma win

>> No.7161112


Last I checked, Okuu was the most popular here. She's not one of my favorites, but eh, people like whoever they want.

>> No.7161115

The Okuu and Sanae fanbases on /jp/ are just the same five people constantly making threads.

>> No.7161125


Actually, last time I checked there was some guy picking up results from some polls using the top 5 in a list, Okuu was on top with Sakuya being close aswell. I wouldn't necessarily consider that being representative of the majority of /jp/, however.

>> No.7161135

And from what citation does this ''guy'' exist?

>> No.7161133
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Nips have no taste, fuck them.

>> No.7161143


It was just a single thread of some guys doing some poll about favorite Touhous on some site. Some guy basically gave a score for how popular each Touhou was based on every person's top 5. In the thread, Okuu came on top. However, due to certain variables, I wouldn't say it's indicative of all of /jp/ and is flawed in quite a few ways admittedly. You'd probably need an entirely different kind of poll to figure out which character is most popular.

>> No.7161150

Really with the userbase of /jp/ you can never really find out the true favorite Touhou.

>> No.7161154

I'd also like to add that it was what a year ago or so that Alice was considered the waifu of /jp/.

>> No.7161156

It's impossible to determine it, there's no way to know /jp/'s population, population at the time of the poll, samefaggery, etc. Even if one uses a way (eg: a poll site) of 1 IP per vote, it'd still be unaccurate. Not even by the ''number of threads'' of a character, since making those is one click away and filling them with posts is simple as well. I could go ahead and make 20 Reisen threads one right after another one hits the image limit and claim it's reason enough that /jp/'s favourite is Reisen just like that.

>> No.7161159


Yes, like I said it's quite flawed, especially there are characters here that are quite popular yet don't get mentioned often. Perhaps we'll never know, and maybe it's better if we don't.

>> No.7161163
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But everyone knows that no one likes Raisins. Anyone that actually does like her doesn't count.

>> No.7161169

Cirno is probably the most drawn touhou character on pixiv

>> No.7161173

I always thought it's better for characters to have just a monthly or one every 3 weeks thread, it shows better the general preference instead of being abused, off the top of my head is Reimu and way more commonly Okuu.

>> No.7161186
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It would be near impossible to gather the data necessary to find "/jp/'s favorite Touhou" simply because of the sheer volume of people that would contribute to such a study either more than or less than exactly once.

Not to mention all of the other mitigating factors. What exactly defines someone as part of /jp/, anyway?

The best that can be done to estimate is monitoring the flow of threads and opinions, like the Tohosort lists that get posted every so often. Based on those, I'd also say that Utusho is a good guess for near the top. She would make sense from a character perspective as well, since she runs several gamuts of appeal; from innocent loli to rude sex symbol, from brainless klutz to raging inferno, from a faithful pet crow to a harbinger of genocide.

>> No.7161187

チルノ - 63852

She is.

Even though there may be issues such as mistagging or lack of tagging (eg: group pictures), the difference of 13000 and 14000 images compared to the second and third (Marisa and Reimu) is way too big to not be taken into account.

>> No.7161195

>The best that can be done is to estimate is monitoring the flow of threads and opinions

Read >>7161156 to see why that can be horribly flawed as well, more than other factors even.

Although I do agree that Okuu is the preferred due to there never ever being kind of unlikable fault attributed towards her in the span of since SA came out, and it's very doubtable that every post since then could have been done by the same person.

>> No.7161206

Can't we just agree that /jp/ is not a hivemind and that it in the end all comes down to opinions?

>> No.7161209
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When I mean "monitor the flow" I mean over the course of several months, if not a few years. And even then, yes, it wouldn't be the most accurate thing in the world.

But the only way you would ever get such information is by polling the /jp/ audience in some capacity, so whatever you do is going to be inaccurate. Might as well try to reduce the inaccuracy as best you can by taking millions of samples, such as by monitoring /jp/ for a very long time.

>> No.7161225

Too much hassle. Here I'll confirm it quicker:

''Okuu is /jp/'s favourite'', anyone disagree?

>> No.7161228

I disagree

>> No.7161242

>anyone disagree?

I don't.

>> No.7161851

>I refuse to believe that EVERY Cirno thread was started by KoG
I'd believe it. I've always thought of KoG as a Kinzo with no ambition.
