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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 36 KB, 566x456, 조교1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7160588 No.7160588 [Reply] [Original]

I heard that some incestuous idiot from 2ch actually posted pics of his imouto fucked by him. Is this true?

>> No.7160591

I really hope so. Finally, someone I can look up to.

>> No.7160592


>> No.7160603

I heard that some twisted idiot from 2ch actually posted pics of his pet cat brutally murdered by him. Is this true?

>> No.7160608

un-censor it man

>> No.7160612

where can we find this folder of lovely pics?

>> No.7160615

I'll need the uncensored images to verify whether this is true or not

>> No.7160625


>> No.7160629


>> No.7160644

In before 30 something fucking 28 year old horse

>> No.7160650

You... you're all sick bastards...


>> No.7160655

It's legit (:

>> No.7160656

Derek ?

>> No.7160658

oh wow legit?

>> No.7160659

gonna save it before...

>> No.7160664


>> No.7160665

>all images have blindfold or looking away

>> No.7160666

Is it actually CP? I hope you people are using a proxy.

Also 3dpd

>> No.7160668

It's not cp, and nobody cares about 3D in the first place.

This will barely pass muster for even being /jp/ relevant for incest content.

>> No.7160671

>Is it actually CP?
She looks like she's 20

>> No.7160672

doesn't look like CP to me.

>> No.7160675

I never believe any incestuous shit that goes down. I know that it is not impossible for actual incest to occur but stuff like these...that can be some random girl for all we know. There needs to be actual proof that they are indeed related.

I want to believe ;_;

>> No.7160687

Oh god, I've been hanging around with the wrong crowd. Back to /a/ for me.

>> No.7160691
File: 6 KB, 89x120, aki2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7160697

True incest or not, at least this is completely uncensored.

If only Japan would change...

>> No.7160698

Last time I checked, /a/ was into wincest as well.
Or did they went down THAT far ?

>> No.7160702

lol gtfo secondary

>> No.7160703

Or it's just an FBI honey pot using picture of 18 year old Japanese girl who dressed up like a school girl for porn (generic schoolgirl amateur porn) and are passing it off as CP.

>> No.7160709

Also, the image names do not match OP's image name, and it was hosted on mediafire. SURE IS 2ch AROUND HERE

>> No.7160710

asian females are jailbait until menopause

>> No.7160711

They have to prove you believed it to be that before they can charge you. Nobody in this thread said anything about her being underage. Therefore, you can't prove requisite intent.

>> No.7160712

The images DO match, though

>> No.7160716

this is disappointing, not even CP, but it may still be incest though...

>> No.7160721

>Hey guys possible incest pics that could double as CP
>Sauce please
>Sauce delivered

Thread summarized

>> No.7160726
File: 37 KB, 413x550, 042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh MAN

>> No.7160728

I'm actually disapointed this isn't CP.

>> No.7160730


>> No.7160731

All Japanese girls look underage. It comes from having no tits or fat. The important part is that you are a piece of shit.

>> No.7160732

Nobody ever said it was CP.

>> No.7160736

The implying implications of "incestuous" and "imouto" suggested it might've been.

>> No.7160742

Incest is sex between relatives.
Imouto is younger sister.
Imouto need not be underage.
Stop trying to cause a panic

>> No.7160744

That's like saying the trash on the corner is cheap.

Are you talking about the girl on the corner, or the trash? Is she cheap because she wears Salvation Army clothing, or because she's a prostitute that doesn't charge much?

You have to actually ask for a price for sex before you can be charged with soliciting for prostitution. Implications only work on /v/, which you should return to.

>> No.7160746


since when?

>> No.7160750

As much as i love wincest, /a/ is 2D only, please.


>> No.7160755

here we go...

>> No.7160759

We rejected it on the grounds that it's 3dpd, not glorious 2d.

>> No.7160760

Technically could still be CP.

Unsure if she's a Highschooler or middleschooler.

Also, shaven?

>> No.7160762


lol.. this is /jp/

but anyways.

>> No.7160764

Could be that she's still growing some pubes.

>> No.7160765

Technically, I could be a little catgirl familiar, too.

But how likely is that?

>> No.7160766

Poseurs, you should be ashamed of yourselves.

>> No.7160769


>> No.7160770

Completely not the same thing at all. Unless you think that every younger sister anyone has is under 18.

>> No.7160771



>> No.7160775

(Crosspostan, because I have no shame)

This is actually good news. Sister or not, someone in Japan is actually fucking, for once. Japan's nigh-invisible birth rate may be safe, yet!

>> No.7160778

/a/ linked to here so he probably came over from there

>> No.7160779

I still have tons of kopipe from /a/ involving anon fucking his sister though, but I guess nowadays /a/ is too much of a pussy/normal to be honest with himself and admit real wincest is hot as fuck.

>> No.7160786

What part of "implications" don't you people understand? Jesus fucking Christ.

>> No.7160789

The part where "incestuous" or "imouto" implies CP.

>> No.7160793

Thread ruined. OP, delete this mess.

>> No.7160795

Implications belong on /v/. That is where you belong.

What don't you understand?

Also: 3D is one too many dimensions. It doesn't matter if it is your sister. Begone.

>> No.7160798

>only liking 2D
You lost me.

>> No.7160803

She's 15
This thread is safe
Daijoubu, mondainai

>> No.7160805

citation needed

>> No.7160810

Are you really so fucking stupid to think that 4chan >implying meme invented the word "implication"? Can't you turn off your stupid and read proper words instead of memefaggotry?

>> No.7160818


/jp/'s full of pretentious pricks so there is no grey for them, just black and white.

either they're right, or you don't belong.

though, still she's old enough to know better.

2D > 3D is a universal law.

>> No.7160821

Source from 2ch would be good.

>> No.7160822

I'm saying that someone stupid enough to associate "imouto" or "incest" automatically with "cp" doesn't deserve to be posting on /jp/. I suggested a board more at your intelligence level.

>> No.7160824

She's cute.
I can imagine her moaning
Ah~♥ Onii-chan...

>> No.7160825

No. Implying implications in green belong on /v/.

>> No.7160827

>Age of consent in Canada, the US, Britannia, Australia, Russia, etc etc etc 16

Whelp, see you guys in jail because I wasn't behind 7 proxies

>> No.7160828

Bah, who gives a shit, it was hot and I still fapped.

>> No.7160830

She's 30
This thread is in danger
Moonspeak in english.

>> No.7160832

She is not cute at all. Her nipples are weird and her pussy oh dear god that's disgusting.

Fuck, 3D is so bad.

>> No.7160833

This is a terrible thread and everyone in it should be ashamed.

>> No.7160835

Stop picking on the Anon who thought she was underage please.

>> No.7160841
File: 13 KB, 518x497, fffffff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Germanfag here, age of consent is 14.

>> No.7160842

What the fuck, Japan?

2 nukes + Earthquake + Nuclear Meltdown weren't enough for you?

>> No.7160844

Really? I just took a quick peek at the thumbnails, so maybe it's misleading.
Also what's with all the moralfags?

>> No.7160846

Don't forget the tsunami.

>> No.7160850

/v/ recently discovered that old miku concert and are appalled.
Some may have come here out of morbid curiosity.

>> No.7160851


>> No.7160852

Age of consent is 14, but porn containing people below 18 is illegal. You're coming with us to the big house, boy.

>> No.7160856

There's "moralfags" and then there's those of us who remember cardinal law:

3D off of /jp/.

Except idoru threads, which are unholy in our sight, but pay their tithes.

>> No.7160860

someone should /rs/ the pics

>> No.7160864

>Also what's with all the moralfags?

Apparently this thread was linked to /a/.

>> No.7160865

>Report submitted! This window will close in 5 seconds...

How is a slut making homemade porn with her retarded moron of a brother /jp/ related?

Is /jp/ so fucking starved of content that this thread actually survives as opposed to being saged to hell an back?

>> No.7160870


Brian's been samefagging this thread for 2 hours now.

It's sad, really.

>> No.7160873

>Is /jp/ so fucking starved of content
If you haven't noticed, yes, it is.

>> No.7160882

/jp/ Im dissapoint she looks too old for me

>> No.7160888

you could say that our source of content has dried up

>> No.7160889

Who is Brian, fake-kun?

>> No.7160894
File: 125 KB, 1280x720, 143123542134571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7160901

make a metathread about it if you want your dicks rubbed that badly, stop giving this thread attention

>> No.7160907

>Op's image (reported) has a Korean word on its title

>> No.7160910

I asked another person a question. I don't see what your problem is, newfriends.

>> No.7160913

I will, if you don't happen to mind .7z.

>> No.7160917


Quickly, someone with moonspeak translate this FAST.


>> No.7160924

Holy shit, this is pretty hot.

>> No.7160933

Ugh. She's 13. Reported.

>> No.7160943

And yet you don't know about this 'Brian' crap. I'm actually pretty surprised.

>> No.7160944


>> No.7160945

Bueno, now I can fap.

>> No.7160947

Will I get caught for this

>> No.7160949

This is from 2003.

>> No.7160950


>> No.7160955

see >>7160944

>> No.7160957

Maybe if you live in some sort of dictatorship or something.

>> No.7160973

So im safe

>> No.7160979

>36 KB, 566x456, 조교1.jpg

ITT: koreans. I can't believe no one bothered to mention this yet. 3DPD anyways.

>> No.7160981

She's in middle school. Bueno, /jp/.
Fapping with all my might here.

>> No.7160986

OP here.

I heard this rumor from a Korean blog.

Image is from that blog.

Source: http://tmdbs.blogspot.com/2011/03/2ch-jpg.html

>> No.7160988


That's all just copypasta erotica.

If you really want to be safe, you should confirm that is >>7160588 is >>7160650. The FBI doesn't post on 4chan, so you'd be in the clear then instead of having the rare chance of someone linking you to an FBI honeypot.

Most FBI CP busts are from people tattling on each other because they need to prove possession and this gives them an easy list of who's PC to seize. If this is an FBI honeypot though, it's quite a long complicated process. First they need to get the IP from mediafire, then get your address from your ISP. Then they bust down your door and seize your harddrives and check them. That's a huge hassle so I've always figured the FBI honeypot thing was a myth.

But if you want to be safe, you can either
A: Call up your local PD, say "someone posted CP on /jp/"! Claim accidental download, since that's pretty much what happened. You need to report the CP to the police though, or this probably won't work. Of course, this would reveal your powerlevel and involve speaking to people so that's probably out of the question.

B: Get rid of your harddrive.

C: Do nothing because I'm damn sure I recognize her. She's 22.

>> No.7160992

I'm browsing this page on my iPad.

Am I safe?

>> No.7160994

Typical Corean slander

>> No.7160996

is this censored to HELL and back?

>> No.7160999

inb4 tinfoil hats
No John, you are the FBI.

>> No.7161002

I just downloaded it. It's safe, and NO CENSORS.

Shit's legit.

>> No.7161004

I live in International Ocean, so I'm safe.

>> No.7161009
File: 509 KB, 1434x1800, 1298844234748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No doubt the FBI has identified /jp/ as pedo-friendly.

>> No.7161036

Yeah, I'm sure she is his sister and not some random whore, because the chances are so low rite?

>> No.7161037

Investment Banker hasn't posted in this thread which means it's not CP

>> No.7161044

What people don't understand is that the FBI doesn't care if it's CP or if you thought it was CP.

They use this sort of method as PROBABLE CAUSE to seize and search your hard disk drive, because chances are you have CP in it. FBI is basically gambling that you have CP. If you don't, then they just wasted everybody's time.

Truth be told, if you were curious enough to download this, chances are you have CP somewhere. That's what FBI sting operations are all about.

That's how the FBI can seize your PC just for having loli porn, even though it's not illegal, and then put a guy in jail for subsequent CP found. 2D loli porn is probable cause.

>> No.7161047

It's been ruled several times that you cannot be convicted of possessing CP, just because you happened to be on a public message board while someone posted it.

>> No.7161049

O fuck... It's real?

>> No.7161054

Then it's the CIA or Interpol knocking.

>> No.7161057

If you're really paranoid she's not of-age, sage-bomb this thread or beg the OP to delete it since the FBI doesn't browse kolean blogs looking for mediafire links. Further, while moot keeps logs, the FBI has to actively solict them first.

>> No.7161064

That picture is amazingly full of shit. Why would /b/ need janitors anyways?

>> No.7161073


>> No.7161084

Sage this shit.

>> No.7161089

Why are people making such a huge fuss over nothing ? I'm not used to that from you /jp/.

>> No.7161086

He said on reddit just earlier today that it's automatically forwarded to NCMEC.

>> No.7161089,1 [INTERNAL] 

Can someone reupload this picture elsewhere?

>> No.7161089,2 [INTERNAL] 


>The volunteers all do an incredible job, and don't get nearly enough credit for their hard work. Hats off to them!


>> No.7161089,3 [INTERNAL] 

Holy shit, fully shaven?

Japanese porn stars have much to learn from this. Fucking unshaved pigs.

>> No.7161089,4 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.7161089,5 [INTERNAL] 

That's a really nice conspiracy theory there.

>> No.7161089,6 [INTERNAL] 

Thought it was a rumor too until I read this:
>Reddit: How have you gotten away with hosting a site that consistently has child pornography posted on it? Have here been serious attempts to shut it down? How is the site monitored – do you forward illegal material and IP info to the FBI?

>Moot: 4chan gets nearly one million posts per day, hundreds of thousands of which are images. As with any large [user-generated content] site a very, very small percentage of these posts end up being contraband or questionable content. We have a team of volunteers who do an brilliant job removing prohibited content, including [child pornography], which is then automatically reported to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children’s CyberTipline.

>> No.7161089,7 [INTERNAL] 

Thanks, bro.

>> No.7161089,8 [INTERNAL] 

Somebody posted that particular conspiracy image in the reddit thread (or whatever their discussions are called) and moot said it had "zero truth."

>Sorry to spoil it for the tinfoil hat crew, but despite what you see in the movies, law enforcement officers are extremely careful about obtaining evidence the right away, so it's admissible in court. It's a huge waste of their time and the taxpayer dollars to bring people to trial who you can't convict.
