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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7156470 No.7156470 [Reply] [Original]

What are some VNs you liked when you first learned Japanese that you thought were the shit ,then later played them again and realized they didn't make any sense.

>> No.7156475

Pic related?

>> No.7156482


How could you tell?

>> No.7156493

I never really bought all the hype for GSS.
It's pretty average, as most of the Black Cyc VNs.

>> No.7156508

i dont suppose its ever coming to english, is it?

>> No.7156618

I actually like most of the others alot. Gun Katana was inventive in it's use of an FPS engine.MinDead BlooD made excellent use of the VN format not to mention the expansion end has ruined all wannabe evil badass ends I see now from other games. GSS though it's just ...why?
A G.O.O. should have a very good reason if it loses.
