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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 313 KB, 960x1200, Thelaw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7155221 No.7155221 [Reply] [Original]

You are now the Law. Which of the following groups would you wipe off of /jp/?

[ ] People from other boards
[ ] People that watch anime
[ ] Obvious trolls and shitposters like Sion, KoG, Arcueid Brunestud and Suigin
[ ] Idolfags
[ ] Type-Moon fags
[ ] 07th Expansion fags
[ ] Touhou fags
[ ] The Flavor of the Month MMO crowd, aka 'Hotglue'
[ ] The NEET and hikki legion
[ ] VN elitists
[ ] Those retards that keep making 'Bleach Portal', ronery or depression blog threads
[ ] That group of attention whores and DeviantArt migrants that tries to justify its presence as '/jp/ Original Content XD' despite never actually listening to the community's ideas
[ ] The trap/'anal masturbation, so good' kids
[ ] The OP and shits like him

>> No.7155224

None of them.
All of them

>> No.7155230

[ ] People from other boards
[x] People that watch anime
[ ] Obvious trolls and shitposters like Sion, KoG, Arcueid Brunestud and Suigin
[x] Idolfags
[x] Type-Moon fags
[x] 07th Expansion fags
[ ] Touhou fags
[x] The Flavor of the Month MMO crowd, aka 'Hotglue'
[ ] The NEET and hikki legion
[x] VN elitists
[ ] Those retards that keep making 'Bleach Portal', ronery or depression blog threads
[x] That group of attention whores and DeviantArt migrants that tries to justify its presence as '/jp/ Original Content XD' despite never actually listening to the community's ideas
[x] The trap/'anal masturbation, so good' kids
[ ] The OP and shits like him

>> No.7155232
File: 3 KB, 167x225, 1299612888251.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[ X ] People from other boards
[ X ] People that watch anime
[ X ] Obvious trolls and shitposters like Sion, KoG, Arcueid Brunestud and Suigin
[ X ] Idolfags
[ X ] Type-Moon fags
[ X ] 07th Expansion fags
[ X ] Touhou fags
[ X ] The Flavor of the Month MMO crowd, aka 'Hotglue'
[ ] The NEET and hikki legion
[ ] VN elitists
[ X ] Those retards that keep making 'Bleach Portal',
ronery or depression blog threads
[ X ] That group of attention whores and DeviantArt migrants that tries to justify its presence as '/jp/ Original Content XD' despite never actually listening to the community's ideas
[ X ] The trap/'anal masturbation, so good' kids
[ X ] The OP and shits like him

gb2/gaia/, OP.

>> No.7155236

The OP, his thread, and the people who seriously reply to it.

>> No.7155239

Type-Moon fags
07th Expansion fags
Touhou fags

Get rid of those three cancers in particular and /jp/ will be good again. It's that simple.

>> No.7155241

[ ] People from other boards
[X] People that watch anime
[ ] Obvious trolls and shitposters like Sion, KoG, Arcueid Brunestud and Suigin
[] Idolfags
[X] Type-Moon fags
[X] 07th Expansion fags
[ ] Touhou fags
[ ] The Flavor of the Month MMO crowd, aka 'Hotglue'
[ ] The NEET and hikki legion
[X] VN elitists
[ ] Those retards that keep making 'Bleach Portal', ronery or depression blog threads
[X] That group of attention whores and DeviantArt migrants that tries to justify its presence as '/jp/ Original Content XD' despite never actually listening to the community's ideas
[X] The trap/'anal masturbation, so good' kids
[ ] The OP and shits like him

>> No.7155246
File: 173 KB, 600x750, I_Want_To_Believe__Really_by_Type40Productions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[x] People from other boards
[ ] People that watch anime
[x] Obvious trolls and shitposters like Sion, KoG, Arcueid Brunestud and Suigin
[x] Idolfags
[ ] Type-Moon fags
[x] Umineko fags
[ ] Touhou fags
[x] The Flavor of the Month MMO crowd, aka 'Hotglue'
[ ] The NEET and hikki legion
[ ] VN elitists
[x] Those retards that keep making 'Bleach Portal', ronery or depression blog threads
[x] That group of attention whores and DeviantArt migrants that tries to justify its presence as '/jp/ Original Content XD' despite never actually listening to the community's ideas
[ ] The trap/'anal masturbation, so good' kids
[x] The OP and shits like him

>> No.7155247

[X] OP... Lol!...

>> No.7155252

[X] People from other boards
[ ] People that watch anime
[ ] Obvious trolls and shitposters like Sion, KoG, Arcueid Brunestud and Suigin
[ ] Idolfags
[ ] Type-Moon fags
[ ] 07th Expansion fags
[ ] Touhou fags
[ ] The Flavor of the Month MMO crowd, aka 'Hotglue'
[ ] The NEET and hikki legion
[ ] VN elitists
[ ] Those retards that keep making 'Bleach Portal', ronery or depression blog threads
[X] That group of attention whores and DeviantArt migrants that tries to justify its presence as '/jp/ Original Content XD' despite never actually listening to the community's ideas
[X] The trap/'anal masturbation, so good' kids
[ ] The OP and shits like him

>> No.7155253

ITT: hotglue /v/ spammers.

>> No.7155259

[x] Obvious trolls and shitposters like Sion, KoG, Arcueid Brunestud and Suigin
[x] Those retards that keep making 'Bleach Portal', ronery or depression blog threads
[x] The OP and shits like him
I'm okay with the rest, more or less.

>> No.7155261

[ ] People from other boards
[x] People that watch anime
[ ] Obvious trolls and shitposters like Sion, KoG, Arcueid Brunestud and Suigin
[x] Idolfags
[x] Type-Moon fags
[ ] 07th Expansion fags
[x] Touhou fags
[ ] The Flavor of the Month MMO crowd, aka 'Hotglue'
[x] The NEET and hikki legion
[ ] VN elitists
[ ] Those retards that keep making 'Bleach Portal', ronery or depression blog threads
[x] That group of attention whores and DeviantArt migrants that tries to justify its presence as '/jp/ Original Content XD' despite never actually listening to the community's ideas
[x] The trap/'anal masturbation, so good' kids
[x] The OP and shits like him

>> No.7155263

Nice own, Mugen!

>> No.7155277

[x] People from other boards
[x] Obvious trolls and shitposters like Sion, KoG, Arcueid Brunestud and Suigin
[x] The Flavor of the Month MMO crowd, aka 'Hotglue'
[x] Those retards that keep making 'Bleach Portal', ronery or depression blog threads
[x] The OP and shits like him

>> No.7155281

[ ] People from other boards
[ ] People that watch anime
[ ] Obvious trolls and shitposters like Sion, KoG, Arcueid Brunestud and Suigin
[ ] Idolfags
[ ] Type-Moon fags
[ ] 07th Expansion fags
[ ] Touhou fags
[ ] The Flavor of the Month MMO crowd, aka 'Hotglue'
[ ] The NEET and hikki legion
[ ] VN elitists
[X] Those retards that keep making 'Bleach Portal', ronery or depression blog threads
[X] That group of attention whores and DeviantArt migrants that tries to justify its presence as '/jp/ Original Content XD' despite never actually listening to the community's ideas
[x] The trap/'anal masturbation, so good' kids
[ ] The OP and shits like him

Other board posters is not a reason for a ban unless they shitpost or raid. Most of /jp/ watches anime, and knows this is the wrong place to discuss it. You can ignore or filter shitposters. Idolfags have their threads very well compressed as opposed to touhou shits. Type Moon, while irrelevant at this time, is very board related. 07th is /jp/ related. Touhou was the main reason behind the split, but shit like "touhou image makes it related" would be wiped. MMO crowd could only survive in /jp/, /v/ is only for mass market hype trains. VN elitists don't bother anyone unless they have thin skin. NEET and Hikki legion is fine to an extent, as long as they do not insinuate a growth of blog threads and ronery shit.

Ronery threads only attract /r9k/ rejects into here, with bleach portal as a front cover. "Artists" can fuck off to /i/ drawing boards. Trap garbage would fit perfectly on /soc/, or the new fuckfest of shit that has become /d/.

I'd include OP for meta thread, but it was an interesting read.

>> No.7155284

Smuggler-kun, good morning.
How goes the onion business?

>> No.7155300

Someone should construct a visual representation of this data, to see which groups are the most accepted.

>> No.7155301

>Most of /jp/ watches anime

Are we talking about the same board? Most of /jp/ has recognized that the original source material is in every case superior to the anime adaptations, which are meant to attract plebians and ADD kids who don't have the patience to read a book.

>> No.7155302

gb2/hotglue/ fag.
That your weeaboo korean grindfest are too shit even for /v/ is no excuse to spam offtopic shit here.

>> No.7155306

OP should take that up himself and take responsibility for his thread. In the likely event that he will not do it, his post number could be looked up once this thread 404's and create a chart using data from the ghost board.

>> No.7155312

>Hurr, text with slide shows are better than full blown animation.
I read VNs too, but stop with delusions.

>> No.7155322

Name one anime that was better than the VN or Light Novel version.

>> No.7155325

>Hurr, books are better than movies.

Yes, obviously. I can't possibly begin to imagine why would you disagree.

>> No.7155328

I am the anon that he replied to, and I agree with him mostly, but watching adaptations is also very entertaining. I believe he was referring to light novels/manga rather than VN's. I still stand by my point, as there are many things which are only shown in anime, and have no other previous material.

Most adaptations are terrible, but there are a few which are worth watching.
I'm not from hotglue, nor do I enjoy MMO's, but I did not include personal bias in my post. I believe they are /jp/ related, just as doujin soft.

>> No.7155331

>I read VNs too
no, you obviously don't

>> No.7155344

>Korean video games are /jp/ related
Yeah, right.
Adaptations are shit, faggot said that we don't watch anime at all.
You obviously never been in cinema in your sorry life.

>> No.7155348

I'd wipe from /jp/ anyone who

Reads VNs
Says "Reported" to every thread, no matter the content
Quality Control
Anyone who says XD
Anyone who talks about bleach portals or thinks that Gensokyo exists

Yep, it would be like a friendly version of R9K :)

>> No.7155349

[X] People from other boards
[X] Obvious trolls
[X] Bleach Portal/Blog threads
[X] That group of attention whores (ALL Tripfags)
[X] The OP and shits like him

>> No.7155370

>I still believe /jp/ stands for Japan/General
>I respond to arguments that don't exist
>I have the attention span of a goldfish

ITT Confessions

>> No.7155380

>I still believe /jp/ is Korea/General or Video Games
>I'm greentexting shitposter from /v/
Forgot you vitabitinghat.jpg retard.

>> No.7155379

[x] You

>> No.7155392

No wonder /jp/ is so shitty recently. The newcomers hate OC and ronery threads more than idolfaggotry, hotglue spam and shitposting.

>> No.7155395

OP, of course.

>> No.7155399
File: 532 KB, 1280x1024, JUSTICE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[X ] The OP and shits like him
[X] The NEET and hikki legion
[X] Those retards that keep making 'Bleach Portal', ronery or depression blog threads
[X] Obvious trolls and shitposters like Sion, KoG, Arcueid Brunestud and Suigin
[X] The trap/'anal masturbation, so good' kids

Off topic posts by off topic idiots.


[x] Sagefags that troll or are off-topic and hate for no reason.

Funny thing is I expect sagefags to either use sage to air their disapproval at an off topic thread or maybe contribute to a thread they enjoy and want to keep off the front page. But I'm seeing it used even when the thread is on-topic and while they don't contribute shit.

>> No.7155402

>He thinks sage is an insult!

Your /a/ is showing.

>> No.7155411

/jp/ was never good

Getting rid of the elements posted in OP may help this place, but a festering turd with gold glitter sprinkles and a spritz of cologne is still just a shit.

>> No.7155414


>> No.7155419


Get the fuck out.

>> No.7155422

>/v/ - Video Games

>> No.7155430

[ ] People from other boards
[ ] People that watch anime
[x] Obvious trolls and shitposters like Sion, KoG, Arcueid Brunestud and Suigin
[x] Idolfags
[ ] Type-Moon fags
[ ] 07th Expansion fags
[ ] Touhou fags
[x] The Flavor of the Month MMO crowd, aka 'Hotglue' and Cosmic Break
[ ] The NEET and hikki legion
[ ] VN elitists
[ ] Those retards that keep making 'Bleach Portal', ronery or depression blog threads
[x] That group of attention whores and DeviantArt migrants that tries to justify its presence as '/jp/ Original Content XD' despite never actually listening to the community's ideas
[ ] The trap/'anal masturbation, so good' kids
[x] The OP and shits like him

>> No.7155447

[ ] People from other boards
[ ] People that watch anime
[X] Obvious trolls and shitposters like Sion, KoG, Arcueid Brunestud and Suigin
[ ] Idolfags
[ ] Type-Moon fags
[ ] 07th Expansion fags
[ ] Touhou fags
[ ] The Flavor of the Month MMO crowd, aka 'Hotglue'
[ ] The NEET and hikki legion
[ ] VN elitists
[X] Those retards that keep making 'Bleach Portal', ronery or depression blog threads
[X] That group of attention whores and DeviantArt migrants that tries to justify its presence as '/jp/ Original Content XD' despite never actually listening to the community's ideas
[ ] The trap/'anal masturbation, so good' kids
[X] The OP and shits like him

And I can think of a few more besides.

>> No.7155467

[ x ] People from other boards
[ ] People that watch anime (It's okay as long as they don't post about them)
[ x ] Obvious trolls and shitposters like Sion, KoG, Arcueid Brunestud and Suigin
[ x ] Idolfags
[ ] Type-Moon fags
[ x ] 07th Expansion fags
[ ] Touhou fags (As long as they don't make shit threads, but that's impossible)
[ ] The Flavor of the Month MMO crowd, aka 'Hotglue' (as long as it is condensed)
[ ] The NEET and hikki legion
[ ] VN elitists
[ x ] Those retards that keep making 'Bleach Portal', ronery or depression blog threads
[ x ] That group of attention whores and DeviantArt migrants that tries to justify its presence as '/jp/ Original Content XD' despite never actually listening to the community's ideas
[ ] The trap/'anal masturbation, so good' kids
[ ] The OP and shits like him

>> No.7155476

[ ] People from other boards
[X] Asshats from other boards
[ ] People that watch anime
[X] Obvious trolls and shitposters like Sion, KoG, Arcueid Brunestud and Suigin
[ ] Idolfags
[ ] Type-Moon fags
[ ] 07th Expansion fags
[ ] Touhou fags
[ ] The Flavor of the Month MMO crowd, aka 'Hotglue'
[ ] The NEET and hikki legion
[ ] VN elitists
[ ] Those retards that keep making 'Bleach Portal', ronery or depression blog threads
[ ] That group of attention whores and DeviantArt migrants that tries to justify its presence as '/jp/ Original Content XD' despite never actually listening to the community's ideas
[ ] The trap/'anal masturbation, so good' kids
[ ] The OP and shits like him

Putting an autoban on the words "sagefags" and "u mad?". The automatic ban message would be "are you frustrated?"

>> No.7155480

[ ] People from other boards
[ ] People that watch anime
[X] Obvious trolls and shitposters like Sion, KoG, Arcueid Brunestud and Suigin
[ ] Idolfags
[ ] Type-Moon fags
[ ] 07th Expansion fags
[ ] Touhou fags
[ ] The Flavor of the Month MMO crowd, aka 'Hotglue'
[ ] The NEET and hikki legion
[ ] VN elitists
[X] Those retards that keep making 'Bleach Portal', ronery or depression blog threads
[ ] That group of attention whores and DeviantArt migrants that tries to justify its presence as '/jp/ Original Content XD' despite never actually listening to the community's ideas
[ ] The trap/'anal masturbation, so good' kids
[X] The OP and shits like him

I just improved the quality of /jp/ 100 fold.

>> No.7155483
File: 2.31 MB, 320x213, Duane.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[X] People from other boards
[ ] People that watch anime
[X] Obvious trolls and shitposters like Sion, KoG, Arcueid Brunestud and Suigin
[X] Idolfags
[ ] Type-Moon fags
[ ] 07th Expansion fags
[ ] Touhou fags
[X] The Flavor of the Month MMO crowd, aka 'Hotglue'
[ ] The NEET and hikki legion
[X] VN elitists
[ ] Those retards that keep making 'Bleach Portal', ronery or depression blog threads
[X] That group of attention whores and DeviantArt migrants that tries to justify its presence as '/jp/ Original Content XD' despite never actually listening to the community's ideas
[X] The trap/'anal masturbation, so good' kids
[X] The OP and shits like him

>> No.7155492

>implying that if you read manga you CANT watch anime
fucking dumb ass

>> No.7155499

>41 posts and 3 image replies omitted.


>> No.7155499,1 [INTERNAL] 

Oh boy.

>> No.7155499,2 [INTERNAL] 

/jp/ - /jp/ Discussion

>> No.7155499,3 [INTERNAL] 

[ ] People from other boards
[ ] People that watch anime
[ ] Obvious trolls and shitposters like Sion, KoG, Arcueid Brunestud and Suigin
[X] Idolfags
[X] Type-Moon fags
[X] 07th Expansion fags
[X] Touhou fags
[ ] The Flavor of the Month MMO crowd, aka 'Hotglue'
[X] The NEET and hikki legion
[ ] VN elitists
[X] Those retards that keep making 'Bleach Portal', ronery or depression blog threads
[ ] That group of attention whores and DeviantArt migrants that tries to justify its presence as '/jp/ Original Content XD' despite never actually listening to the community's ideas
[X] The trap/'anal masturbation, so good' kids
[ ] The OP and shits like him

>> No.7155499,4 [INTERNAL] 

[x] People from other boards
[x] People that watch anime
[ ] Obvious trolls and shitposters like Sion, KoG, Arcueid Brunestud and Suigin
[x] Idolfags
[ ] Type-Moon fags
[ ] 07th Expansion fags
[ ] Touhou fags
[x] The Flavor of the Month MMO crowd, aka 'Hotglue'
[x] The NEET and hikki legion
[x] VN elitists
[x] Those retards that keep making 'Bleach Portal', ronery or depression blog threads
[x] That group of attention whores and DeviantArt migrants that tries to justify its presence as '/jp/ Original Content XD' despite never actually listening to the community's ideas
[x] The trap/'anal masturbation, so good' kids
[x] The OP and shits like him

>> No.7155499,5 [INTERNAL] 

[ ] People from other boards
[ ] People that watch anime
[×] Obvious trolls and shitposters like Sion and Sudo
[ ] Idolfags
[ ] Type-Moon fags
[ ] 07th Expansion fags
[ ] Touhou fags
[ ] The Flavor of the Month MMO crowd, aka 'Hotglue'
[×] The NEET and hikki legion
[ ] VN elitists
[×] Those retards that keep making 'Bleach Portal', ronery or depression blog threads
[ ] Original content posters
[×] The trap/'anal masturbation, so good' kids
[×] The OP and shits like him

At full force.

>> No.7155499,6 [INTERNAL] 

And this is why picking up new janitors even from their own boards is useless.

>> No.7155499,7 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.7155499,8 [INTERNAL] 

[X] Arcueid
[X] Ryougi Shiki
[X] Shiki
[X] Rider
[X] Caster
[X] Merem
[X] Whatever
[X] Sion
[X] Jones
[X] Saber
[X] Studio DEEN
[X] Flandre Scarlet
[X] My tastes
[X] Your tastes
[X] Brunette
[X] Blonde
[X] nVidia
[X] Intel

>> No.7155499,9 [INTERNAL] 

[X] Told
[X] Not told
