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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7149629 No.7149629 [Reply] [Original]

Why does /jp/ sage so often?

Truly wondering, I don't come here often. I made a thread that wasn't about Chinese cartoons or some dumb shit that's barely /jp/ related like Sushi or tsunamis.

>> No.7149636

They were off topic. Only discussion of Chinese cartoons, sushi, and natural disasters is allowed here.

>> No.7149651

People use sage when they feel that their reply shouldn't push the thread they replied in to the top of page zero. The end.

Somebody will probably paste a longer explanation here in short order.

>> No.7149654

Because only /jp/ uses sage correctly.

That is, one's posts not contributing to the topic instead of a 'fuck you'.

Also sage.

>> No.7149677
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Because only a handful of posters know how to stealth sage, and even then they usually don't because some autist will throw a fit about how they're bumping the thread, invariably without even checking the front page to see that the thread wasn't bumped

>> No.7149694
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>> No.7151260

Sage isn't about not enjoying a thread. If a thread's discussion is going really well and you'd like to comment that you're enjoying yourself, it's appropriate to sage. The comment doesn't contribute to the discussion so it deserves a sage.

If someone's asking for some help in a game and their help is granted, they can post a thank you but the thank you should be saged because there's no need to bring the thread to the front page if the solution is already given.

A lot of people read all fifteen pages as well so there's no need to be concerned if you're thread is on the thirteenth page. People are still going to respond and read it. /jp/ is a slow board so aging isn't important.

Some people also feel a little self-conscious about aging. If you're posting on a thread on the last page, it can be a little embarrassing to contribute to the thread knowing it's travel fourteen pages.

I personally just end up saging (noko+sage) every single thread I post in because I sage so often that it's easier to just have noko+sage in the e-mail field by default.
