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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7143521 No.7143521 [Reply] [Original]

What do you like the most about /jp/?

>> No.7143528

I don't even know. Sometimes I wonder why I come here. But you guys are okay by me.

>> No.7143527

Milky Holmes threads.

>> No.7143533


>> No.7143536


>> No.7143531

when Hong posts new translated stuff. thats really the only reason I come here

>> No.7143532
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The meta

>> No.7143537
File: 75 KB, 777x777, i heart shitposting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7143542
File: 69 KB, 373x281, dontforget.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing. The thing I liked is long gone and against the rules. I want to leave, but pic related.

>> No.7143543

Sup Hong, sucking yourself off anonymously again I see.
If you're not Hong you're fucking retarded http://umadscans.ryuutama.com/

>> No.7143548
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I love you OP, making such a cheery thread.

Well certainly like the users even if some of them are pretty mean at times. Such tsunderes. Also /jp/ gives lots of info and downloads on my hobbies. But yeah, the biggest reason I love /jp/ so much is you guys.

>> No.7143557


>> No.7143564

Touhou threads that aren't something like "Why is (insert character name) such a (insert retarded comment that isn't even implied)?"

You would get a much better response from me if you said "What do you hate the most about /jp/?" because I have more things I hate about /jp/.

>> No.7143568


calm down nerd. Jesus Christ how can you get mad about someone posting what they like about this autism filled board

>> No.7143573

To crush anons, to see them fall at your feet -- to take their horses and goods and hear the lamentation of their waifus.

>> No.7143575

Sup shitposter trying to start drama.


>> No.7143585
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stalking iluvOP

>> No.7143587

when Sion posts new translated stuff. thats really the only reason I come here

>> No.7143590
File: 78 KB, 1440x810, gdfgf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting anime.

>> No.7143593

touhous. touhous everywhere.

>> No.7143598


>> No.7143600

when /jp/ Quality Control posts new translated stuff. thats really the only reason I come here

>> No.7143601
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But that's my job.

>> No.7143614
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we can always take turns

>> No.7143616
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memes =D

>> No.7143618
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Well I stalk him IRL anyways. You can keep the internet part.

>> No.7143634

Is Milky Holmes worth watching

>> No.7143642



>> No.7143643

it is

>> No.7143649

what i like the most are /jp/ meetup threads, random /a/ screencaps, weaboo roms and figurines and meta threads about autism
i dislike touhou and VNs, theyre too normal

>> No.7143654

also i like ar tonelico for lazy ppl pics, lewt cirnos, yume nikki pics and reading all the shit that doesn't belong anywhere else, while taking breaks in fap marathon

>> No.7143657

It's fucking awesome

>> No.7143658

Only if you like good anime.

>> No.7143662

I enjoy having an autistic homosexual for a mod.

I can feel his inflated ego washing over me in waves through my monitor.

>> No.7143663

Well, chances are he is a shota. I imagine him as a young trap.

>> No.7143664

I'm a transsexual who enjoys touhou and vns.
Take your pick of those reasons.

>> No.7143665

I like touhou threads. I also liked it when we used to talk about other 2D games like Rozenkreizstilette and Holdover.

>> No.7143671

Touhou threads, all the images, VN/Eroge threads, idols and music shares. Pretty much a lot of it content-wise.

>> No.7143668
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>weaboo roms
I miss the Touhou neshack threads.

>> No.7143717 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7143720
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>> No.7143729

Not much. Just the ronery NEET/floor shitting threads and the drama threads about translators like Ixrec and Moogy.

I'm cancer.

>> No.7143731

Will that ever get old to you?

>> No.7143737


>> No.7143739
File: 38 KB, 528x528, 1292114915330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ - people that are failures in their own culture like to fantasize about being in another.

>> No.7143744

You piece of shit

>> No.7143747

/b/ - people who have made me hate pictures of cats

>> No.7143756

highly unlikely.

>> No.7143759

The autism.

>> No.7143958

