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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7143146 No.7143146 [Reply] [Original]

Dear /jp/, I have an honest question for you: no, I'm not a troll. I'm actually a first time visitor, and I just have to ask. How do I become an Otaku?

I know it's a stupid question. I've been a nerd all my life: mainly video games, technology, and literature with dabbling in anime. However, my new girlfriend is a huge Otaku, and I don't know anything about them. All my friends growing up were video game nerds like me. Where do I start?

>> No.7143154

you start here *grabs dick*

>> No.7143162

Try starting on
We aren't hardcore otakus like them. We just discuss Touhou whole day and night, discuss floor cleaning or onions. But /v/ is on whole different level they watch anime and play gamez.

>> No.7143169

The fact that you want to become something for someone else disgusts me. If she likes you enough to date you, it shouldn't matter if you are an otaku or not.
So go back to wherever you came from and quit trying to change yourself to impress others.

>> No.7143170


OP here. I'm an old-school /v/irgin. And you're a dick.

>> No.7143171

spend more time around her and you'll learn quickly
good luck
most "huge otaku" girls are batshit

>> No.7143174

Watch anime, try searching stuff like myanimelist for genres you find interesting. Try playing visual novels, you can find stores that sell digital downloads or you can torrent them. Try reading some manga and reading normal novels as well.

Probably the easiest way to get your toes wet I guess..

>> No.7143177


>> No.7143181


I'm not trying to "become" something for her, I'm trying to get to know more about her and her interests, which are mainly Otaku.

I just figured knowing people's personal stories would help me get to understand that side of her better. We've been dating for a while, so we mostly understand each other, but all the obscure references to anime, manga, and Japanese culture as a whole sometimes leave me confused/intrigued.

>> No.7143187

You don't.
Also, if your girlfriend actually describes herself as an otaku, you might as well dump her now and save yourself the trouble later.
Taking an interest in your partner's hobbies is all fine and well, but devoting yourself to them just because it's something she likes is fucking retarded.
If it's just you that thinks that she's an otaku based on her interests, and you think it's necessary to change who you are just for her, then go ask /a/ for help.
/jp/ is as bad a place to ask something like that as you can get.

>> No.7143191

> All my friends growing up were video game nerds like me.

video game nerd = one kind of otaku

>> No.7143193

if she tries getting you to go to a convention you might want to double take on that. conventions will make you hate things because of the high amounts of stupidity contained within. imagine the worst parts of /v/, but in real life, but about anime/manga instead. that is an anime convention. yes, there is fun within, but there is a lot of bad.

>> No.7143205

If she calls herself "otaku" and has social life that means she is just something like "gurl gamer" if I get /v/ language right.
>>>/cgl/ are full of those types. I'm serious and not trolling. Now please delete this thread if you aren't troll yourself. /jp/ is for different kind of "otakus". (NEET/Hikki/Mental Problems/Depression/Suicides). We just spend time playing Touhou, and /jp/ tittle is just trolling and inside joke.

>> No.7143209
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>> No.7143222
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Got some news for you.

You are already an otaku. You are a game otaku.

Enjoy yourself and your anime loving girlfriend.

>> No.7143225

>Also, if your girlfriend actually describes herself as an otaku, you might as well dump her now and save yourself the trouble later.
This. When someone calls themselves an otaku they really mean "weeaboo."

>> No.7143231

"I'm actually a first time visitor, and I just have to ask. How do I become an Otaku?"
You are asking how to become an otaku. You have a girlfriend who is one, and you want to understand them.
Chances are, if you'd never met this girl, you'd have kept on living your everyday life without ever thinking of "becoming" an otaku. The fact that because you met her you want to become one, implies that you want to do it for her. Regardless of whether you consciously deny it or not.
Besides, if you're that damn curious, ask her about them. Don't be afraid to look like a newbie in front of her. Get her to explain her hobbies to you, not some random guys on an imageboard you have no connection to.

>> No.7143234

/jp/ is for social isolates, people with mood or personality disorders, people that have been ostracised by society, misanthropes, recluses, lonely people, and other such excluded or stigmatised (singled out) people.

If you have a girlfriend then you shouldn't really be on /jp/ unless you suffer from the aforementioned disorders or unless you and your girlfriend are social isolates yourselves.

Isolation also refers to online social networks. So if you have lots of friends online and spend a lot of time with them (and are close to them) then you don't really fit the bill... although this last requirement is extending it a little bit (there are residents on /jp/ with extensive online networks).

>> No.7143243

I was wondering when someone would bring it up, or if OP was going to realize it himself.

>> No.7143245

/jp/ can be quite insular. I'd say plenty of /jp/sies play touhou/doujin games and VNs and also have enough online friends on IRC, or at least 100-200 of them, whatever our total is.

>> No.7143252

You start with downloading this OP


Once you have beaten 6 and two other games, then come back.

>> No.7143314

Hmmm yeah.

But not me.

I only have one friend in the entire world. And he isn't really my friend since he's barely listens to anything I say... probably because we have entirely different interests.

>> No.7143446

OP here. I guess I should have worded it as "How does one become an Otaku," not, "how do I become an Otaku"

My girlfriend doesn't actually label herself as an Otaku: she actually considers it kind of an insult. She's rather shy (as am I) and we usually talk about other things than her Japanese interests, but I know she's secretly hiding her power levels from me and she's much more interested in that kind of stuff than I am. It kind of runs in her family: her brother is a total recluse with a manga collection that could fill an entire library (not that I'm judging, as my video game collection is nothing to scoff at).

I guess I'm just trying to say, what are the steps people usually go through to become and understand the Otaku subculture. I'm not trying to become Otaku myself, I'm just curious.

>> No.7143482

you have to get more involved with the material for starters
read some manga, watch some anime. if you can prove you are trustworthy to her brother that you won't fuck up his books you have a perfect source for mass reading without having to download a thing mangawise. they'll be months if not years behind in some cases but they'll give you a starting point. ask girlfriend for recommendations for anime to watch. if she reacts badly to that then maybe she doesn't want you getting into it. if she seems happy to name a few things then proceed.

>> No.7143506

er, forgot to put

it's easiest to understand it if you are part of it. something you're figuring out since as an outsider you have no idea what is going on

>> No.7143559

i disagree. they're usually like that. but 'otaku' is still a good world to describe people like /jp/ dwellers, and i can't think of a better way to call it. people just need to learn the difference between 'true' creepy otakus and normal weaboos. and i'm gonna call myself an otaku, because it's the fastest way of comunicating that i'm a VN obsessed hikki.

>> No.7143570

OP should watch America's Greatest Otaku as an introduction to the wonderful world of weeaboos.

>> No.7143628

why is this thread still here?



>> No.7143885


>> No.7143893


>> No.7143906
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