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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7139793 No.7139793 [Reply] [Original]

so let me get this straight
we are not allowed to play this game in english for years to come.
Pirates will still pirate it or maybe even more people will pirate it now because we have to wait while others already play this game in english and even shove screenshots in our faces
what´s wrong with this shit?
Thought translations are being done so that more people understand it and are going to support it afterwards

>> No.7139813

Ixrec is doing his best for the community by trying to get MLA into english. If MLA becomes a hit in the west, like it should, we will see more titles coming over and that have quality translations with fantastic speed.

Or Ixrec is fucking with us to get attention.

>> No.7139817

>Ixrec is doing his best for the community by trying to get MLA into english. If MLA becomes a hit in the west, like it should, we will see more titles coming over and that have quality translations with fantastic speed.
I think he honestly believes that but it's most likely going to be another Demonbane.

>> No.7139820

>quality translations
choose one

>> No.7139818

How much are you willing to bet the wost outcome that can happen, will happen?

>> No.7139824


It's 2. MLA will never, ever, EVER live up to sales expectations. VNs will always be the most niche of niches. Which is why nobody has been able to make it a viable long term market. Once everyone realizes that, we can finally move on with our lives.

>> No.7139827

>because we have to wait while others already play this game in english and even shove screenshots in our faces

And how would they play it without a patch? Unless they speak Japanese, but then they could have played it years ago.

>> No.7139829

1 year is enough to learn moon.
Start now and you'll be able to play this and lots of other great VNs that will never be translated

>> No.7139833

Amaterasu members already played it, of course. Being the mature persons they are, the first thing they did was post screenshots of it on /jp/ so people could be envious of them.

>> No.7139836

Why is Ixrec's inner-circle full of faggots? I mean even message (Ixrec is the new message) had less.

When it comes to VN licensing the worst outcome is usually worse than what we expect.

>> No.7139840


Curious, I could have sworn that steadily rising VN sales and the sky rocking numbers of fan translations in the last few years indicated that there is going to be a significant market for them in the the near future. (As in within the decade.)

>> No.7139862


The market is currently oversaturated with only 2 companies really pushing stuff out. And neither is doing all that hot. The only VNs that sell over here are pushed by large companies and aren't part of the eroge & PC VN market that fits into the whole /jp/ thing.

Fan translations don't mean much, they're just filling the gap left by the severe lack of a viable market.

>> No.7139927

the worst part is not having to wait for the game but instead seeing screenshots posted all over from the final chapter

>> No.7139941

we have to wait for the game to be released while all those ixrec fanboys enjoy the game

>> No.7139942

might as well do that
any tips how to start?

>> No.7139954

This, what the hell? This would be more endurable if it wasn't for this nonsense.

But Demonbane is going to be released eventually, age and however licences this will gonna have to go through Extra and Unlimited before we see any Alternative.

>> No.7139957



>> No.7139984

they even talked on the forum about that but no one seems to care

>> No.7139990


I read it all with machine translations. I'm sure there's alot that i missed but i absolutely loved it.

Took maybe 2-3 times longer to read than normal and half the time i'd be reading multiple translations of the same sentence.

Tbh despite the effort involved i'd still recommend reading it that way and then re-reading it when it's released in english. It's worth it.

>> No.7140014

Oh wow.
You're some sort of gigantic faggot.
It's like everyone with patience has long since disappeared from /jp/.

>> No.7140029

You mean in the week since you've been here?

People on here have always used these programs.

>> No.7140046

Not for anything good they didn't.

>> No.7140051

>reading Alternative with machine translations
why would you do that, you just ruined yourself the peak of visual novels. Rereading it will not have the same effect as the first time, obviously.

>> No.7140060

Fuck the translations, I made due with going by the spoken dialogue back when AGTH didn't support this game, using online dictionaries to phonically translate words in curcial scenes to fill in the gaps.

I just want Age to hurry the fuck up and release more Muvluv content. When the fuck did they turn into a fig company?

>> No.7140064


Things that sell well:
koihime musou

Things that don't sell well:
kira kira
da capo


>> No.7140069
File: 817 KB, 1024x652, yokohama1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7140073


No, no I don't.

>> No.7140081

>When the fuck did they turn into a fig company?
This is like complaining about too many TM figures, spin off games, or whatever. Why should they turn down companies like Koto, Kaiyodo, or whoever essentially offering them free money. Anyway, with how many effects and such are needed for rUGP I imagine these things take more time than the average VN to write. Just for reference, Alt Chronicles 1 wasn't delayed that much if at all, right?

Hell, if you want more content, go acquire Tech Gian scans or whatever Schwarzesmarken is serialized in.

>> No.7140086

>still spoiling Alternative for everyone
stay classy Ixrec devs

>> No.7140150


>> No.7140152

leak the patch already instead of posting screenshots
you´re just a bunch of kids anyway

>> No.7140170

>ask someone to betray Ixrec and age
>call people have the patch kids

>> No.7140177

>posting screenshots all over /jp/ for the past weeks
>thinks he´s upholding some code of honor

>> No.7140190

>act like children
>be insulted when called as such

>> No.7140204

are these kids just waiting for a thread to post those screenshots?

>> No.7140208

>doesn't know japanese
>feel entitled enough to demand a translation for free

>> No.7140209

>promise shit
>doesn't deliver
>gets offended when called on it

>> No.7140227

>we are not allowed to play this game in english for years to come.
Who says?

*grabs AGTH*

>> No.7140229

Enjoy ruining it for yourself.

>> No.7140240


now i see, so you guys really want the money from your translation huh? figured

>> No.7140249
File: 1014 KB, 1024x652, ageandcars.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck's up with Age and cars running over Haruka?

>> No.7140251

I didn't realize pointing out that you're acting like a child means I don't know japanese.


>> No.7140253

enjoy reading the translator's rewrite

>> No.7140256

Or I could have, you know, already read it in Japanese.

>> No.7140291

You alternative fanboys are worse than type moon fanboys.

>> No.7140294


seriously, why are you putting all of these teaser screenies?

i guess it is fun to troll people, but hey if that is you ixrec, please just leak it already goddamit

>> No.7140301

You realize it's probably someone from /jp/ who grabbed them from the Amaterasu forums or IRC channel or whatever, trying to stir up shit, right?

>> No.7140379
File: 143 KB, 1582x616, S2335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7140378

Wow what a bunch of fagots, it makes no sense that one of the members didn't leak it yet. I mean theirs always at least one betraying bastard in every group of friends.

>> No.7140387

it would had been great of he had made this deal after finishing Alternative first

>> No.7140536

I think you need better friends.

>> No.7140754

>Implying they could walk with all this shit.

>> No.7140796

/m/ shit

>> No.7141441

at the mercy of imbeciles

>> No.7141647

Muv-Luv Alternative will never be released in English.


>> No.7141974

people would have paid a small fee for the patch
you troll
thanks for posting those screenshots kiddo

>> No.7141978

It has nothing to do with entitlement. If you promise to deliver something, and then don't deliver, or take an unreasonable amount of time doing so, of course people are going to be disappointed. Now, admittedly he hasn't taken an unreasonable amount of time yet, but judging from recent forum posts and the like, I'm feeling less and less hopeful by the day.

>> No.7142359

i´ve got the exact same opinion as the poster above me

>> No.7142370

I think Ixrec is trying to top NNL as greatest internet trolls ever.

>> No.7142450

How many regular translators (ie. those who translated more than 1 game) have done so without trolling? All I can think of are Makoto and TakaJun?

>> No.7142462

cheese, astcd2

>> No.7142475
File: 33 KB, 250x250, 1300816832899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking people will pay money for English VNs when English anime companies can't even stay in business.

>> No.7142477


>> No.7142480 [DELETED] 


>> No.7142482


>> No.7142508


>> No.7142527

everybody calm the fuck down
this seems to be part of a greater plan that no mortal will ever understand

>> No.7142638

A great plan to annoy the fuck out of everyone.

>> No.7142656

what he said

>> No.7142887


>> No.7142889

sweet inconspicuous and meaningful bump.

>> No.7142890


>> No.7142902
File: 9 KB, 100x56, ixrec.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont worry guys.
It will be out once we close the deal with age.
Be patient and support ameterasu's official localizations of age games!

>> No.7143090

na otherwise translators might believe they can also do shit like that

>> No.7143631

i´m all for supporting the industry so that we get good vns in the west instead of all that crap
but keeping that patch for yourself and your cronies won´t change a thing
except being a douche

>> No.7143636

You're just mad that I already got to read it in English and you didn't. LOLOLOLOL

>> No.7143713

i´m not actually
but telling us he´s doing it to support the market while giving the patch away to people who obviously pirated it themselves seems kinda strange

>> No.7143716

So mad...

>> No.7144328

Why did he had to this... the game would be finished by now... who cares if some screens or videos are left untranslated, a readme is fine too....

>> No.7144339

let me get this... the eng patch i already done? or we are just being trolled by some fags?

>> No.7144365

Apparently the translation is finised, but no release without age's approval.

>> No.7144392
File: 273 KB, 800x800, yukkuri shiteitte ne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone need to shop that pc master race vs console peasants picture into Japanese knowing master race vs English only lowly peasants.
This shit you guys have to put up with to get your fix is hilarious.

>> No.7144443

He needed a way to piss us off while being preachy.
None of this shit makes sense unless he is trying to piss us all off.

Y'all niggas mad as hell.
I appreciate his other translations a lot and understand that he put forth tremendous effort for translating these games but I can't understand why this happened as it did.

>> No.7144506

Well here's the thing.

There is a niche market. There is no way this shit is ever going mainstream. But this is the year 2011 and its actually feasibly to release niche products like this with a team that is geographically dispersed. It's also possible to do that and make a profit over the life of the release.

So, the more we have people engaging in that mode of collaboration, the more releases we will get. I don't think this is means for any sort of giant industry, but more groups making more releases is not unthinkable or even at all unlikely. It's also not unlikely for the digital distribution model to some day result in incorporating English/Chinese translations into original releases. These games would sell more if they were, at the date of release, sold in English. I'd pay $30 per VN for most of the VNs that I really enjoyed.

And since all digital distribution costs is bandwidth, after they make enough to cover original translation, they are getting basically pure margin. There's no reason this can't work as long as there are more than a hundred or so copies sold over the life of the software. Anything after that is pure profit.

>> No.7145187
File: 218 KB, 550x391, 7PLLYLB8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Master race reporting in. 賛成。Did it just because I've been using that yukkuri as my netbook's wall paper for half a year already.

But seriously, if they spent a few minutes every day practicing the language or did a temporary(or permanent, my case) job in Japan, as long as it's not teaching English.

>> No.7145688

lol nice work

>> No.7145712


>having a job on NEET culture

You'd better cut that shit out.

>> No.7146081

keeping this thread alive because this is madness

>> No.7146305

Seems like a good idea if you consider being glued to a dictionary to be "reading."

Unless you want to piece the words together going beyond dictionary definitions by reading a bunch of example sentences for words you don't know, you're not really getting the full experience of the book even if you can understand its general flow.

>> No.7146348

is that just the case with alternative because it´s sci-fi or every game?
learning japanese might not be such a bad idea

>> No.7146360

every game that isn't your average school life choose-your-girl trope

>> No.7146480

too bad that only those games seem to have a story worth reading

>> No.7146486

That's just silly preconceptions.
And for most people here who are already immersed in moon 1 year is more than enough to read most eroge smoothly.

>> No.7146515

Yeah... uh, no.
