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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 102 KB, 900x600, JAPAN-0054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7134693 No.7134693 [Reply] [Original]

So I like how japanese culture is a highly aesthetics-oriented, and how everyone who browses this board is fat and ugly and lives in a messy apartment. LOL

>> No.7134701

lol no

>> No.7134706

>lives in a messy apartment
This one's definitely true.

Also it's not like anyone here cares about tea ceremonies or flower arranging or any of that shit.

>> No.7134707

Do people who try to troll /jp/ even lurk beforehand?

>> No.7134712

You don't enjoy experiencing the delightful simplicity of a good cup of tea and the beauty of flower arrangements?

Flower arranging is great because everything is beautiful and you can get everything to harmonize perfectly together. It is a wonderful experience.

>> No.7134722

No they don't, because if any shithead was to lurk /jp/ in order to troll us, he would just need to spam /jp/ all day instead of making random shit thread like this one.

>> No.7134723

Of course not, you wouldn't have asshats like OP making a fool of themselves otherwise.

>> No.7134729
File: 307 KB, 611x912, yuyuko bjd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am aesthetics oriented. That is why I surround myself with beauty.

>> No.7134730
File: 747 KB, 2048x1536, HPIM0027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is my desk messy by your standards?

>> No.7134738

I'm not fat and I live leeching off my parents, not in a messy apartment.

I like how people still think this board is about Japan.

>> No.7134741

Why is everything black? Go cut yourself emo weeboo.

>> No.7134743

I get a greater sense of zen by fapping to some nice loli.

>> No.7134763

I'm thin and I actually consider myself to be somewhat sickly. When I use my arms too much (mixing batter, lifting, holding something) the arm that I used gets very sore and begins twitching uncontrollably. I've ruined many cakes trying to frost them, only to have my arm jerk and take a chunk out of the cake. I have asthma, a permanent cough that causes phlegm to fly out of my mouth, twitchy eyelids and pale skin. When I breathe or laugh, I have a pretty high chance of experiencing a sharp pain in my ribs (front or back). Sometimes I get these random red rings around my eyes/on my eyelids that make me almost look like I'm waring makeup. Lately I've been having trouble keeping my head still while standing. I'm fine if I lay. It seems like I'm getting shakier and weaker every day. I have trouble opening big doors to certain places. I can't even masturbate while laying on my back anymore because of how weak my arms have become.

Do you think I should I see a doctor? Could I actually be sick or could this be because I never go outside or exert myself? I eat normally, more than normal as a matter of fact. I eat a lot. I have a hard time gaining weight.

>> No.7134784

Please see a doctor
