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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 141 KB, 530x800, tsunami-dead-bodies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7128847 No.7128847 [Reply] [Original]

/jp/ meet

>> No.7128882

me under the red mattress

I fucking love the beach.

>> No.7128898

me in the window

>> No.7128906

Which gray corpse are you?

>> No.7128924

the one on the left

>> No.7128928

Me behind you.

>> No.7128930

That's called anal penetration not standing behind someone.

>> No.7128934

>You have to wait a while before reporting another post.

>> No.7128940

What the hell happened to them?

>> No.7128944

Radiation caused them to go insane and throw their belongings and themselves in the harbor

>> No.7128945
File: 25 KB, 500x335, hokusai_wave_1..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7128951

I hate you so much.

The wave made them collide with things and cause internal damage? That's horrible.

>> No.7128962

just niggers being punished by god

>> No.7128967
File: 755 KB, 1600x1200, 1300322082565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, I laughed a little

>> No.7128968

since when were there niggers in Japan?

>> No.7128970

in b4 that image.

>> No.7128969

Since when was there a god is a better question.

>> No.7128979
File: 30 KB, 250x250, shintaro ishihara is a racist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7128983

That's not a picture of Japan.

>> No.7128992


Seismic activity is up in Japan this year. So what does Tokyo governor Shintaro Ishihara do? In an April 9 address to the Japanese army, he tells troops that "Atrocious crimes have been committed again and again by sangokujin and other foreigners. We can expect them to riot in the event of a disastrous earthquake."

The last time Tokyo had a disastrous earthquake, in 1923, ultranationalist-led mobs took the opportunity to track down and kill thousands of the stricken city’s Korean residents.

Ishihara’s use of the 50-year old derogatory term "sangokujin" (an English-language equivalent would be "nigger") is especially disgusting.

Ok, we know this is a contemporary art site, but we live here and believe we have a social responsibility as well. In Japan old thinking dies hard and things often don’t change until there is pressure from the outside world. So we are asking concerned people everywhere to contact your local governments and Japanese embassies and to e-mail the Tokyo Metropolitan Government: kokusai@seikatubunka.metro.tokyo.jp and let your opinions on this be known. Ishihara's office telephone number is (03) 5321-1111 ext. 20071, and his fax number is (03) 5388-1200. For an inventory of Ishihara's racism, go to this piece in the Japan Traveler

>> No.7128997

People drink that water.

>> No.7128999

>>We can expect them to riot in the event of a disastrous earthquake

lol, prediction fail. What did the gaijin actually do? They chickened out and left.

>> No.7129006

1923 was a shitty year for everyone in the world. no touhou.

>> No.7129014

>>7128992 Ok, we know this is a contemporary art site, but we live here and believe we have a social responsibility as well.
Never before have I even considered that 4chan might be legitimately classified as a "contemporary art site".

>> No.7129018

It's some trollivist. Ignore.

>> No.7129022


Some highlights:

>> In November of 1999 Tokyo Governor Shintaro Ishihara told the superintendent general of the Metropolitan Police Department, Takeshi Noda, in the event of a major natural disaster, "There is a possibility that foreigners who reside illegally will do something out of hand."

>>At the time Japan Traveler published a brief tidbit saying that the governor needed a bit of a history lesson as it was foreigners who were attacked by Japanese mobs, which included elements of the police and Imperial Army during the last major earthquake to hit the Kanto area in 1923. By some estimates as many as 6,000 people (mostly ethnic Koreans and some Chinese) were murdered after rumors spread that foreigners were poisoning wells and starting fires.

>> In a subsequent interview with The Guardian, Ishihara was quoted as saying, "After the Los Angeles quake, it was ethnic minorities, including blacks and Hispanics, who went looting. The same thing would happen here." He went on to say "Although some Japanese might take part in riots, the strongest fear is about areas with high levels of illegal immigrants."

>> But there was no rioting after the 1994 Northridge Earthquake in Los Angeles... Moreover, history in Japan has proven Ishihara wrong as there was no rioting by foreigners in Kobe after the Great Hanshin Earthquake of 1995.

>>After an uproar from the foreign community in Japan Ishihara spoke on TV three days later to clarify that he was only speaking about "foreigners who reside illegally in Japan." ... He went on to say, "Crimes by foreigners residing illegally in Japan are rapidly increasing."

>> No.7129050

lol... Shintaro Ishihara's harmless. Ignore him.

>> No.7129057 [DELETED] 

How come their body washes up on the beach, wouldn't it sink to the floor?

>> No.7129099

Black people float.


>> No.7129104
File: 168 KB, 900x1315, 1229643961784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because bodies bloat.

>> No.7129118

Ishihara: "this quake is divine punishment"
Reporter: "Do you really want us to print that?"
Ishihara: "Yes"

Fast forward a little...
Ishihara: "I apologize for saying that. Let me clarify my statement with bullshit that makes no difference."
