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7119141 No.7119141 [Reply] [Original]

Any tips for a beginner Touhou player? Started playing Imperishable Night yesterday and so far I can get to stage 5 on normal;_;

>> No.7119145

Get laid before it's too late.

>> No.7119152

Try PCB.

>> No.7119160

I thought /jp/ is for people who have given up on that idea.

>> No.7119157

You're doing better than I did when I started out. I couldn't even beat Nazrin first time I played UFO. Anyways, don't forget to bomb when you think you're gonna die. Don't try to deathbomb as often, because you'll use up two bombs.

>> No.7119161

IN is easier than PCB
Use the spellcard practice, OP.

>> No.7119173
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I too am fairly new to touhou. I have been playing Touhou 6, 11, and 8. I havent beaten any of them yet though. IN seems the easiest especially when you play as Yukari. It feels like I am cheating with that assist I get from Ran. SA seems the hardest for me at the moment.

Is there any tips to getting a good foothold in this. Was there a game I should have started first? It seems that each touhou project is noticeably different from the next so I would not think you could play it the same.

>> No.7119174

Play a lot and get better at dodging bullets

>> No.7119178


You need to find your game, so to say. That game that you enjoy the most, then play it the most until you can beat it. While you play that one the most, you play the others as well so that you don't get too used to one game's system and do poorly on another game's because of it. That's what I did, although I still suck because after I 1cc'd my game so to say, I felt less incentive to play the rest.

>> No.7119186
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try changing your formation. Phoenix formation is best for characters with auto-regen.

also, try using sanae's resistance buff instead of messing with amulets all day

Alice's guard abilities are godmode for line defense. try leveling her and seeing if thats the best option for your party

>> No.7119192

Wrong game maybe?

>> No.7119194

Play fairy wars, OP. That'll put some skin on your teeth.

>> No.7119197


no. it's touhou

>> No.7119199


Probably not. If you learn the freezing tricks you'll just get too used to freezing bullets and learning when to bomb and less of how to actually dodge. I should know considering I do best in Fairy Wars out of the Touhou games, although I still kind of suck.

>> No.7119208

Hold shift for focused movement.

>> No.7119225
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First of all, give up on the idea that you're saving your bombs for later. You will use them as soon as possible. Don't question me, just force yourself to do it. If you still suck at dodging, go play on Lunatic and set as an objective to clear the first boss without deaths/bombs. Keep in mind that Stage 1 Lunatic is like Stage 5 Normal, so prepare your mindset accordingly. If you STILL suck after that, go practice a bit on StB/DS.

Oh, and don't give up after 5-6 tries.

>> No.7119231
File: 52 KB, 660x440, mystic_square_first_normal_1CC_mima.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Start with a game that has an invisible hitbox and isn't too hard, like Mystic Square.

If someone like me can 1CC it in 8 or so attempts, then you probably can too.

>> No.7119237

>Mystic Square

>> No.7119245
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Reimu and stage 5 Yuuka are the worst.

>> No.7119250

LLS Stage 4 Reimu is fun. It's like a constant stream of bullets and yin-yang orbs.
And Stage 5 Yuuka is Flava Flav so it's awesome.

>> No.7119258

Play every stage in practice mode until all uncertainty is eliminated.

>> No.7119264

You sure? I can easily pass first 3 stages in lunatic but screw up immediately at stage 5 in normal...

>> No.7119269

"easily" as in "no deaths/bombs"? Because, if not, you're not going to make progress.
But, if so, go Practice that Stage 5 again and again until you have planned ahead what to dodge and what to bomb.

>> No.7119279
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Easily as in I only lose a life or two. But yeah I guess I'll just keep practising that stage 5!

>> No.7119284

Memorize the stages, 90% of the time the bullets will spawn and be thrown in the same way, so it's just about learning how to move in each stage.

>> No.7119288

You only started playing it yesterday and managed to get to stage 5?
You have no idea anon.

My first touhou game was EoSD and I couldn't get past Cirno and Meiling during that kind of time you're mentioning.

>> No.7119309

don't you just have to swim up in cirno's face and pummel her? she doesn't shoot right in front of herself, so there's a safe spot, correct? Or am I tripping?

>> No.7119315

This only works against Icicle fall -Easy-.

>> No.7119317

It's only on easy and it's only one spell card.

>> No.7119318

ah, noted, thanky

>> No.7119319

Yeah, I think you're tripping.

>> No.7119321
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A life or two is not enough. It's like losing a life or two at Stage 5 Normal. That means a life or two less on Final, where it looks like your reflexes and perception won't be able to keep up with the patterns and the bullet speed, so that's 3 to 6 bombs wasted.

So, yeah, go back to that Lunatic.

>> No.7119327
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I like how most secondaries think Cirno is an easy boss just because of Icicle Fall ~Easy.

That is to say, she is an easy boss, but only compared to later ones.

>> No.7119332

Her first(?) non-spell attack is pretty hard (and surprising)

>> No.7119350

In 5 days, all I did was getting my ass kicked by the Prismriver sisters in PCB. On easy.
Nowaday, it's only Yuyumo who does that. On easy.

>> No.7119367

So it's not only me. Compared to other stage 2 boss I find cirno kinda hard.

>> No.7119369

That non-card is just movement-heavy. You just direct these spear formations to one place, then rush unfocused to another. I mean, it's surprising the first time yes, but once you get it down, it's nothing really.
Perfect Freeze is harder and probably one of the few cards that's harder on Normal than on higher difficulties for some reason.

>> No.7119375

I still dies to perfect freeze occasional by strafing into bullets right after they've frozen.

>> No.7119392
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>Imperishable Night

>> No.7119710

I am new to Touhou as well, shouldn''t I play them in chronological order?
And yes I am aware that number 1 is Breakout with eyecancer visuals

>> No.7119722

No, not really. There's no such need. They're numbered, but not really in any order. It's not like if you play them out of order you'll be too confused with the story to finish them.

>> No.7119931

I would recommend switching to EoSD to practice. I find that having to guess where your hitbox was in EoSD helped out in later games because I didn't really focus on it and could take in more of what was happening on the whole screen. Also death bomb when you are going to die, when trying to 1cc the game, play with the intention to get as far as possible rather than save lives/bombs for the final boss etc. Use continues in the earlier games so you can get to advanced stages and memorize bullet patterns so that when you eventually get to them on a 1cc run, you will not be taken by surprise.

As for spell practice in IN, I never used it and I got by fine, so it's up to you if you want to use it or not.

>> No.7119949

damn it why is remilia so beautiful and elegant?

>> No.7119977

Also a piece of advice for the new players:


I've seen a lot of new players just move all around the screen and blow up to dodge a bullet. Hold shift, and dodge just outside the range of the bullet's hitbox. There's a reason you can see yours.

It'll take time to practice, but after a while you'll get a feel for the general location of where your hitbox starts, and you'll be able to dodge without shift. Also makes it easier for weaving.

>> No.7119994
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Start with Double spoiler or Shoot the bullet. you'll actually learn to graze instead of being a spellcard bombing retard.
After you clear either aya game, do an all graze no shot clear of PCB.

>> No.7119996

Learn when to focus and when not to. There are a few cards that will punish the shit out of you if you focus the whole time, you simply won't be able to dodge fast enough.

Learn how to stream, and how to read a pattern. Memorization is great, but boring.

>> No.7120024

What does grazing have to do with the photo games?

>> No.7120044

No bombs, Aya only, danmaku.

>> No.7120061

I'm kinda getting frustrated as hell with PCB Normal because of a couple things.
Prismriver Sisters
Youmu's nonspells
I mean, I think that over time I've actually gotten WORSE at handling these.
How in the fuck am I supposed to dodge Merlin Prismriver's curvy lasers as Sakuya?

>> No.7120069

>How in the fuck am I supposed to dodge Merlin Prismriver's curvy lasers as Sakuya?
Just run the fuck around. If you try to stream you're a dead maid.

>> No.7120070

Think of her as punishment for using the easiest character or best scoring character, and use Reimu or Marisa.

>> No.7120075

Move to the side

>> No.7120081

If you start up next to Youmu and then move down she'll spray her load off to the side and miss you. It takes practice. I just dodge them the normal way, though.

>> No.7120085

That sounds like my problem.
I don't have much a problem with her other moves, just that opening nonspell.

>> No.7120097

Practice. That's the only way to do it.

>> No.7120193

Does anyone else have a stupidly hard time with regular Keine's non spellcards? Cause I just got through all of stages 1 and 2 without dying or bombing and then lost ALL OF MY LIVES on Keine's non-spellcards.

>> No.7120198

No. Unless you're on lunatic then I wouldn't know.

>> No.7120222

Nope, on normal. I do decently well against her spellcards, its mainly the non-spellcards that kill me something awful. Im talking about going from one death straight into another bad. Should I be using a team other then the SDM team or something?

>> No.7120232

I posted yesterday, so far on imperishable night I can get to stage 4 on easy .

Will read through this thread so I can hopefully learn something and stop being handicapped.

>> No.7120242

I Don't Get It. How Can People Be So Terrible In Touhou (No Offense)? Could You Please Assist Me In Finding This Out By Naming Some Games You've Previously Played In The Past?

>> No.7120243
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If you stay unfocused,you can shoot the familiars,which means less bullets. Her first nonspells are basically just straight lines,that cross over after she moves,its not too terribly hard if you take it easy and look in front of you. I wouldnt stare straight at your character,as then you might dodge into what looks like an open space,but isnt. Look about 2-3 character lengths infront of yourself,and just practice practice practice.

alternately,go play shoot the bullet and get as far as you possibly can,then go back to main series games.

sdm team is fine,as they've got decent reach,remi's familiars are useful,and sakuya can do some pretty lovely damage if you hit her sweetspot,But if you're having trouble,switch to Reimu/Yukari and focus on learning how to dodge the spellcards/nonspells first,then go back to sdm once you know the patterns reasonably alright.

>> No.7120251

I'm still practicing my way on Suwako.
So far I can get to froggy braves the rivers.
Rivers of jade and 7 stones rape me.

>> No.7120296


I don't play much video games aside from a few fps and mmo's over the past few years. I have terrible co-ordination too.

>> No.7120319

>If you stay unfocused,you can shoot the familiars,which means less bullets
That helped so much it hurt inside. As for the Shoot the bullet suggestion I wont even mention how far I get before I die. Its just plain depressing. Thank you for the suggestions, they helped a lot.

>> No.7120341

Shoot the Bullet is really hard. It's supposed to be like that since you can just re-try any spellcard instantly. You shouldn't be ashamed if you can't get very far in it.

>> No.7120360

When playing the aya games, make sure you fly really close for up panty shots for maximum score.

>> No.7120368

Make sure not to listen to his:

>> No.7120394

Why? He is right. The risk bonus in Double Spoiler goes up, at least.

>> No.7120487

I was feeling kind of bad about not being able to get past stage 5 on hard, on PCB, because I though that the whole point of Touhou was beating it on Insane without continues, and I skipped the Normal and Easy difficulties, but I found out that there are worse players here on /jp/ so that's ok.

>> No.7120602

Make sure you use the boss marker at the bottom of the screen. Touhou boss are much more mobile than those of other STGs.

If you want to play for score:
-Get past the line of collection (~1/5 from the top of the screen) so you autocollect point items at maximum value
-Milk whatever system the game has for increasing point item value

>> No.7120720

Yes! I just got to stage 5 on normal mode but then failed a little bit into it.

Love-coloured master spark from the previous stage boss is such a great song and gets me really into it. Love the touhou music.
