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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7118535 No.7118535 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone else been watching Glenn Beck's sudden burst of Japanophilia?

>> No.7118544

>watching Glenn Beck

>> No.7118543

He's a troll you idiot. Everthing he says doesn't match his true opinion off camera. gb2/church/ you old century faggot.

>> No.7118576

He gave an faux oval office address directed at Japan a couple days ago. This is an excerpt:

Despite the total devastation in some areas of the country, there has been no looting. When our media asks why is there no looting in Japan? You have to ask yourself why -- why is that question being asked? Wouldn't the question -- shouldn't it be good people are good to each other in a time of crisis. When has that puzzled us? That's the question. It says a lot. Not about Japan, but us.
There is still a culture in Japan of respect. Respect for your fellowman. Respect for property. In Japan, the question isn't, why don't I take stuff from my neighbors? The question is, why would I?
This we need to learn from Japan. Japan is a nation that when we were reeling on 9/11, when our hearts were broken, we felt alone and vulnerable. They stood beside us and every day since. Where others turned against us during the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, Japan never did.
More importantly, they are our friends and our brothers and our sisters. And they have been staggered now by a sucker punch from Mother Nature. We're going to, of course, send the military and the navy and whatever we can, because we're friends. But that's never been the best of America. The greatest news of America is that we are the most charitable nation on earth. We must start that charity mission.

>> No.7118584

>The greatest news of America is that we are the most charitable nation on earth. We must start that charity mission.
he misspelled germany there...

>> No.7118587

>Glenn Beck's
Who the fuck is Gelnn Beck?

Is it that guy that was "NEW EUROPEAN CALIPHATE"?

>> No.7118590

Nope... Switzerland is the most charitable nation on earth actually... you americans are very far behind on donations per person.

>> No.7118592

I typed a response to this thread and was about to go time it when I realized I didn't want to contribute to the /new/ification of /jp/, so I deleted it.

>> No.7118595
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>Glenn Beck


>> No.7118596

>Impliziert das ich amerikanisch bin.

>> No.7118627

Wow, what a weeaboo.

>> No.7118631
File: 41 KB, 476x480, Asuka Langley Soryu 33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw Glenn Beck lurks /jp/

>> No.7118632

Wait a minute.

Just the other day he made the comment along the lines of "God may or may not be punishing you guys for stuff, so what you need to do is stop doing that stuff that got Him angry."

Is this sincere, or is he doing this to cover his tracks after that rather unclassy comment?

>> No.7118637

I think he is, he's been going on about how great Japan is since no reports of looting have come out.

>> No.7118638

>Glenn Beck

Make sure to fall for his Goldline fraud as well, OP. You sound like the gullible idiot who would.

>> No.7118642

I bet he and Ishihara would get along just fine.

>> No.7118643


What a sack of bullshit. He never said any such thing. I'll remind you that Japan sent troops to Iraq and Afghanistan in non-combat support roles despite a pathological aversion to military action of any sort. The decision started a physical riot in their legislature, even. France, Germany, and a bunch of other NATO nations with no such cultural baggage did fuck-all. Of course Beck's going to be all up on their balls. As far as he's concerned, the nice short people from Asia have balls bigger then most of NATO.

>> No.7118646
File: 112 KB, 856x983, 1300326396184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Asians are ballsy.
Excuse the shitty /new/ meme. But seeing as this is a shitty /new/ thread...

>> No.7118647


You shouldn't be taking anything he's ever done seriously.


>> No.7118658

>all out of context snips

cool story mang

>> No.7118690

he played Guile's music the other day

>> No.7118698

>He never said any such thing.
Except for that time when he did:

>> No.7118718


>> No.7118721

Glenn Beck is a fucking /b/tard with a tv show and should be ignored as such.

>> No.7118724

By the way, the reason there is no looting is because of the absent of a certain people that make up the majority of new Orleans and haiti.

>> No.7118747

Except his comment is saying simply that God is bringing about the end times as almost all Christianity believes and everyone, good or bad, will suffer the consequences of god punishing the wicked.

I'm that dumbass mormon that browses /jp/ so I think I understand what he's trying to say better than anyone else here. It is explicitly part of our doctrine that God allows the innocent to suffer to punish the wicked. He is not saying Japan is receiving their just rewards so ha ha on Japan. He's saying God is angry at the WORLD and such things will continue happening, even to innocent people, so long as the WORLD continues to act like shit.

For an example, I sure as hell don't think the early Christians did anything to deserve being eaten by lions and burned alive in Roman coliseums but God allowed them to suffer to punish the wicked.

That make sense? So no, he's not saying Japan is evil and deserved this.

>> No.7118754

There's no looting because those businesses are under the protection of the mafia

Also there is looting in the Fukushima area, keep on trucking Stalkers

>> No.7118768

That seems like an nice interpretation, glad you could contribute that. I'm intrigued that you're the /jp/ browsing Mormon though. Are you as sexually depraved as the rest of us?

>> No.7118772

If that's what he was trying to say then he sure did a terrible job communicating it, but obviously Beck isn't the most intelligent guy around.

>> No.7118791

>watching Glenn Beck

Are you retard?

>> No.7118792


Makes me feel better

in after butthurt leftists

>> No.7118814

Ghabatti? Wtf

>> No.7118815
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