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File: 495 KB, 638x477, Cirno Scared.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7117917 No.7117917 [Reply] [Original]

Is Cirno often scared?

>> No.7117919

She's often scared of this
*grabs cock*

>> No.7117923

Yes, behind that bravado she is just another coward.

>> No.7117925 [DELETED] 

That refers more to being able to defeat than everything and everyone overall, take the context of what she usually speaks like.

That said, she's apparently scared of Reimu when she pisses her off (SaBND), though that's kind of shared amongst the youkai/fairy community.

>> No.7117931 [DELETED] 
File: 134 KB, 1135x716, WE-SHALL-RULE-AGAIN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's afraid because she knows


>> No.7117946

If you were a tiny little ice fairy that had a tendency to start fights that you can't win for no reason, wouldn't you want something to make that a little less painful?

>> No.7117949

rule what?

>> No.7117956
File: 96 KB, 571x578, 1299430233461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cirno is often scared due to being raped by me so often

>> No.7117957
File: 8 KB, 284x187, vasari_intro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I am the bondage of my slavery.

>> No.7117965
File: 27 KB, 315x486, 1211431658413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You would think that she is too stupid to be scared...

>> No.7117969


I always figured Alabama was WE SHALL RULE AGAIN.

>> No.7117975

I didn't post >>7117931

I just know what it's from.


I don't know what that is.

>> No.7117978

It's "the south shall rise again". And I see hicks with it occasionally here in Texas too.

>> No.7117986

perhaps she means hesitant to attack anyone again

>> No.7117997

People from Texas are different from people everywhere else. There's really no comparison.

>> No.7118027

Cirno is a combination of foolish and brave. The foolish part fears nothing, of course, but the brave certainly does.
Cirno gets scared, but she doesn't show it, or at least tries not too.

>> No.7118110 [DELETED] 

She got scared when she went into Okuu's domain.

Of course due to the generic fighting style of Soku in contrast to the STGs we can't tell what really happened in every specific detail, that is, her running like fuck out of there.

>> No.7118119

Oh god, this is so true.

And yet it still fails to live up to Alabama in that regard.

>> No.7118147

Lies and slander.

Not that I would know.

>> No.7118392

Is it just me, or is Cirno the stupidest character in Touhou?

>> No.7118397


It's you, anonymous. You are the stupidest character in Touhou.

>And then anon was a Touhou.

>> No.7118414

She's a fairy. What's to be scared about when you're a fairy?

>> No.7118421

Nope, it's just you. According to canon, she's a genius.

>> No.7118423

Being Eirin's test subject or Flandre's toy.

>> No.7118807

being tested by Yukari whether they're worthy to live in a tree or not

>> No.7119569 [DELETED] 


>> No.7120083

Don't mind me, just bumping to spite you.

>> No.7120083,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.7120083,2 [INTERNAL] 

I see you deleted his comment too, new mod of /jp/.

And what do you have against imagedump threads? Stop 'stamping' them as you call it, they're board related.

>> No.7120207

I'll take that deal!

>> No.7120226

>What's to be scared about when you're a fairy?

Even if you respawn, it still hurts like hell before you die, you know.

And since you respawn anyways, everyone will just go all out on you.

>> No.7120226,1 [INTERNAL] 

>I see you deleted his comment too, new mod of /jp/.
I wish.

I don't have anything against image dumps. As long as it's not filled with retarded or too silly stuff from my point of view.
>they're board related.
Looks like you are not aware of what I do. Allow me to explain: Threads that are unrelated or spam, raid, etc are all reported by me along with individual posts containing similar things.
QUALITY THREADs are threads that unfortunately are board related but are awfully bad, silly, meaningless, etc. So I leave that post on them as part of some kind of joke/habit. The quality of discussion is something that is up to the community to control, support and judge so it's not correct to report them, that's why they are 'stamped'.

He probably deleted his own post to avoid people calling him a retard for bumping the thread for such a pathetic reason.

>> No.7120273

I hate Cirno. She gets too much attention.

>> No.7120369

Fuck you then you fag.Which ever Touhou is your favorite is a slut.

>> No.7120369,1 [INTERNAL] 

>QUALITY THREADs are threads that unfortunately are board related but are awfully bad, silly, meaningless, etc. So I leave that post on them as part of some kind of joke/habit.
So where's your stamp of approval for >>7123980 ? Or do you only have something against Touhou threads.

>> No.7120369,2 [INTERNAL] 

I also wonder why he doesn't stamp the idol threads. Those are board related, but horrible. Is he saying he approves of those kind of threads, that he thinks they're good quality discussion for the board?

>> No.7120369,3 [INTERNAL] 

That's simply /v/ coming here making a thread. Worse than QUALITY. I even post on things that I like, such as retarded threads about my favorite VN or touhou character.
Read: >>7123748,44
I really hate idolshit.

>> No.7120369,4 [INTERNAL] 

That guy is so gullible.

>> No.7120369,5 [INTERNAL] 

Is that the best you can come up with?

>> No.7120369,6 [INTERNAL] 

Why are you talking to me like you know me? This is my first post in this thread. I always search for your posts in the archives to report them. And I noticed how bad you were trolled by >>7120083, that's all.

>> No.7120369,7 [INTERNAL] 

Why are you talking to me like you know me? This is my first post in this thread. I always search for your posts in the archives to report them. And I noticed how bad you were trolled by >>7120083, that's all.

>> No.7120369,8 [INTERNAL] 

Why are you talking to me like you know me? This is my first post in this thread. I always search for your posts in the archives to report them. And I noticed how bad you were trolled by >>7120083, that's all.

>> No.7120369,9 [INTERNAL] 

I don't think you know what trolling really is.
