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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7113774 No.7113774 [Reply] [Original]

I'm pretty much a new person to touhou. What should I do so I become as knowledgeable as you guys?

>> No.7113777

Shit on the floor

>> No.7113779

Use Google.
Post on /a/ for a few years until you realize how shitty /a/ is.

>> No.7113788

I've already been on /a/ for years and /jp/ is just as shitty.

>> No.7113793

Get a foot fetish.

>> No.7113794

Thanks for the compliment, now go back to /a/ since it's your shit.

>> No.7113802

They are both shit I just thought touhou was more /jp/ related.
Already have one

>> No.7113817

Good, you're at a good start. Do you like smelly feet? What about armpits? If yes, you're making good progress.

>> No.7113824
File: 89 KB, 256x436, ReimuUFO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this image and the thought of exposed miko pits give you an erection?

>> No.7113865

First thing's first. Keep manga in >>>/a/
Google is your friend.
Try not to become a secondary fan, and actually play and beat some of the games. They'll be hard, but the feeling of accomplishment in the end will be worth it, and you'll get hooked.

>> No.7113901

I'm in same situation as OP.

Been playing UFO, am on Stage 4 on Normal.

How does one get into Touhou, learn about the story and characters and stuff?

Is there like some other material besides the games that give insight to canon stuff?

>> No.7113907


>> No.7113933

Can we please have source on OP?

>> No.7113947

Now we'll never get it because you didn't use sage.

>> No.7114008

What's this from?

>> No.7114025

You must fap to every Touhou at least once.

>> No.7114041

go to /rs/ and get the first 3 Windows Touhou games (6, 7, 8) and play those.

>> No.7114046

Start with IOSYS and spam Cirno is the strongest!!1111 XDDD

You'll become one.

>> No.7114071

Do this OP. Also completely memorize Bad Apple!!


>> No.7115045

Sauce on OP please??

>> No.7115076

Not op but why am I so shit at touhou 8? I can't get past stage 3 on normal and can't get past stage 4 on easy. I play every day and am not improving. Fuck why am I so shit at everything?

How long did it take you to get through these games when you first started them and how long do you play each day?

>> No.7115087


Hold shift for focused movement.
It's better to blow away a bomb than it is to die.

>> No.7115089

If you have trouble with 8 on easy then you truly do suck

It's a piece of cake to 1cc IN on easy even if you're a complete newb.

>> No.7115126


Thing is I have shit reaction times and never get to blow the bomb before its too late. Oh well, more practice!

>> No.7115132

Something like 10 tries on Normal with the overpowered Border Team (never tried Easy because I heard it's for kids). Another 10 for Hard and 20 for Lunatic. But I did grow up with shmups and I play FPS competitively.
Try to dodge everything by a small margin instead of (intuitively) running as far away from all bullets as possible. That shit just gets you trapped. Almost the whole game can be played by staying focused at the center bottom and micrododging everything.

>> No.7115134

You're all reported

>> No.7115136

quit while you're ahead

>> No.7115147

Who the hell takes years to realise how shitty /a/ is? You must have pretty thick skin.

>> No.7115161
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With those. Op, you there?

anyway, go check danbooru porn as a start.
you'll soon find an image to your liking, and than you start inquiring about the characters in that image.

>> No.7115176

>How do I become as knowledgeable as you guys
Beat all of the fucking games like we did. Studying is boring, and learning first hand is way more fun.

>> No.7115192

I'm pretty u sure i know quite a lot about touhou even without beating all the games. I think that just sticking to one thing you like in touhou and slowly expending it as time passes and doujins and art are viewed.

>> No.7115193

But doujins and pictures are not a good source of information in this case

>> No.7115198
File: 139 KB, 727x1062, miyachuwan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7115199

No, but they are good motivation for interest. first you take interest in someone, than you go google them or wiki them. rather than trying to learn the touhouwiki from day one, it's best to slowly slide into touhou. besides, there are things that can be learned from head on experiance rather than reading the wiki, for example- who is your favorite artist, what coupling you like, what do you think about grimsokyo, etc. you can read about those in the wiki, but you wouldn't really understand what they are like until you experienced them yourself.

>> No.7115205

Inb4 100+ replies of people getting trolled by this person pretending to be a newfriend.

>> No.7115206

>A lot of touhou fans aren't even interested in his games.

>> No.7115209

What is that from?

>> No.7115211

I don't think you know what troll is...
You calling it troll is like the protagonist of VH was raped all of the times. it isn't rape if it consensual, and it isn't trolling if no one gets mad.

>> No.7115212

I've been on /a/ before the split and now split my time between them.

/a/ somehow became shittier than when Lucky Star was airing.
How the fuck do you even do that?

>> No.7115213

there isn't a single fan who isn't on edge for TD (Should I just write 10D? What is the /jp/ nickname for that game?). the reasons may vary, but the longing is there.

>> No.7115216

Amagami - Love Goes On.

Not H. If you don't mind online manga readers, its in mangafox.

>> No.7115218

Also /jp/ is one of the most intelligent boards here by default of having on average an older userbase than the rest of 4chan (23-24), being basically impossible to troll and having janitors that actually work.

>> No.7115220

What is the /jp/ nickname for that game? We need to think before answering. Is this game over or is that one cg of meido lying on a slab with red maw exposed the aftermath with the sorcerer fixing her.

>> No.7115228

Tnx man-pedo.


>> No.7115231

-It's based on xenophobic imagination of drunk Japanese man-everything is perfectly traditionally Japanese without ';taints'; of dirty foreigners.

>> No.7115292

Want to be Touhou's Pro ? without Playing ?

*how to get there , kill yourself in night on the (9) circle.

>> No.7115308

Well duh, I rather have daily LS vs TTGL rather than dubs and big3 threads everyday.

>> No.7115313

Why don't you start a gosick thread on /a/ and see how it goes?

>> No.7115329


>> No.7115826
File: 142 KB, 720x480, 1300199317810.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Play MoF
>Pick MarisaB
>Keep power between 3 and 3.95
>Maximum trolling

>> No.7115848

>be a cheap exploiter
all it makes you is pathetic, nothing more
