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710415 No.710415 [Reply] [Original]

I just watched the Tsukihime anime (in b4 there's no Tsukihime anime). It didn't suck as bad as I thought it would. Honestly, it was pretty entertaining
Yeah, there were flaws and other shit (no curry, manfaces, etc). Compared to the VN or the manga it's pretty lame, but If you view independently it's a good show.
Srsly, what's your problem with the anime?

Anyway, have some DFC Arc.

>> No.710424

I saw the anime before the VN, and I thought it was pretty good too.

Not sure what all the fuss is about.

But with all the peer pressure I still use the "there is no tsukihime anime" meme.

>> No.710428

Mishmash of every route, man faces, some parts were genuinely bullshit, etc.

>> No.710436

What the hell happened to Arc's chest

>> No.710447


>> No.710449

Shitty meme and rabid fans.

>> No.710450


>> No.710476

I don't get it....


>> No.710481

I also saw the anime before playing the VN/reading the manga, and I thought it was pretty good. Once I played the VN I realized how ppl could be disappointed in the anime, since they really changed Shiki's character, and they didn't go in depth into any of the heroines. It was ok, 7/10 perhaps. It could've been better.

>> No.710483

>some parts were genuinely bullshit, etc.
Agreed. When I saw that Shiki and SHIKI made a knifefight over Akiha I raged hardly.

But despite that, I really think it's not that bad. You think it's lame, because you already know a better version of the events.

Btw the meme is fun.

>> No.710490

>When I saw that Shiki and SHIKI made a knifefight over Akiha I raged very hard.

>> No.710492

My biggest complaint was that in the VN Shiki is a painfully nice guy. He can see death for God's sake, so he valued life. In the anime, he was borderline emo.

>> No.710496

>Yeah, there were flaws and other shit (no curry, manfaces, etc). Compared to the VN or the manga it's pretty lame, but If you view independently it's a good show.

Sure, on it's own it may be good, but the manga does a single route well, which the anime could have done, and the visual novel is far better. Sure it may be good, which is usually all that is needed, but because we have something to compare it to, we do. We tend to think of it as "inferior, could have been better" rather than "although it was inferior, it was good compared to many things."

>> No.710498

Well, it can go either way really. If you can see death, you either learn to value life, or you 'see life for what it is' in Emo terms.

>> No.710505

So we shouldn't compare it to it's original work? It is fact that it was greatly inferior to the Visual Novel, therefore we prefer the superior version.

>> No.710506


>> No.710523

Comparing and concluding that it is inferior is one thing.
"LOL DOESN'T EXIST" is another.

>> No.710527

>Srsly, what's your problem with the anime?

That it is vastly inferior to the manga and the visual novel, and that it could have been a hell of a lot better. Also they changed the personality of Shiki, along with other changes, prevented even the proper adaption of the route they were adapting. Had they done only Arc's route, but they did it properly, then although I would have preferred to have seen another route, I would have been fine with such an adaption.

>> No.710533

There is one piece and 4kids dub piece, as the former is vastly superior, I do not accept the existence of the latter

>> No.710547

Not really, as if an adaption is far worse then the original, then fans of the original are not going to accept the adaption as being legitimate.

>> No.710553

arc running away from a human.

>> No.710556

The manga is mediocre too, good for the fights but the development suck.

>> No.710558

Appraising its legitimacy and acknowledging its existence are two very different things.

Although...I guess I can't say much b/c I was one of the first to say gunslinger girl season 2 doesn't exist...and it fucking doesn't.

>> No.710577

>Appraising its legitimacy and acknowledging its existence are two very different things.

not really

If I don't accept something to be a legitimate adaption of something I am a fan of (someone mentioned the One Piece dub)then I don't give value to it's existence and I decide that as far as I am concerned, it does not exist.

>> No.710579

>Although...I guess I can't say much b/c I was one of the first to say gunslinger girl season 2 doesn't exist...and it fucking doesn't.

So you are questioning one set of fans who do not accept something existing for legitimate reasons while you do the exact same for something else?

>> No.710580

I only had problem with this in the first chapters. The story was way too fast for me. And that Akiha x Ciel fight was surprising.

>> No.710598

No, I'm just pointing out the difference in finding something mediocre and denying it exists. Denying its existence denotes that it is God awful. I thought Tsukihime's anime was alright, so I don't say LOL NO TSUKIHIME ANIME but I do for GG2. It's just in preference, but I don't berate the fanbase that does deny it. I'd be a hypocrite then.

>> No.710632
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>> No.710646

It's not a bad anime on its own at all, but you play the VN and you see how much they fucked it over. When doing an adaptation you have to make a balance between making something the existing fanbase will watch and making something that's accessible to newcomers to the franchise, Tsukihime did well with the second point but failed harder than any adaptation outside of an anime dub at the first point. There are so many scenes that would have been epic in animated form had they bothered to devote more than 5 minutes to them, too (Shiki stalking Arc, Shiki vs. Nero), it's a goddamn shame that they dropped the ball on them.

The mango does the same thing to the story (Arc's route + scenes/plot points from other routes) but it works much better.


>>Btw the meme is fun.

>> No.710651
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>> No.710657
File: 98 KB, 704x384, 1211992015212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The anime made me lol

>> No.710661


>> No.710665

This born during the production the anime.
Nasu explained something about Nasuverse.
The director disagreed(!).

Nasu object something the directer made up.
The director didn't listen.

Nasu disapproved some aspect of the anime.
The director didn't care.

.......Of course, no such thing "Tsukihime anime" exists.

>> No.710666

where is the text free, moonrune free version?

>> No.710669

Is this for real?

>> No.710674


So, even Nasu haets Tsukihime anime?

>> No.710679

Yes, is real.

>> No.710683

There is no Tsukihime anime GB2/a/

>> No.710685

Sonme thing like that does happened.
Nasu was like "Dude, you're DOIN' IT WRONG", and the director was like "lol Nasu".

>> No.710704

Nasu's opinion doesn't mean much though, he liked the FSN anime and his favorite route is FATE.

>> No.710708

Isn't it sad, Nasu?

>> No.710718

Same as most Japanese. They loved the FATE route.

>> No.710729


Sometimes I wonder if instead of liking the route (as in plot, character development and events) they just like Saber who is featured the most there.

>> No.710730

The Japanese love the idealistic hero (and truthfully, the mainstream anime group in America would be the same, the only difference is here the F/SN game is not a mainstream success), which since Shirou questions his ideals in UBW and kicks them to the curb in HF, it should be no surprise.

>> No.710738

Watched the anime first.
It was ok.

Played the VN.
Enjoyed it.

Watched the anime again.

There is no Tsukihime anime.

>> No.710747

>they just like Saber
Congratulations, mystery solved.

>> No.710749

Its extremely average even without accounting for the VN or manga. Also sage for posting shitty fanart of mai waifu.

>> No.710750

No fucking clue.

>> No.710757

Liking a character so much that you disregard everything else, eh?

It's not like Saber is ignored in UBW, there were many good moments and battles there.

In HF...it's a whole different cookie.

>> No.710773


Remember, in Japan, Fate/Stay Night is among the best selling visual novels of all time, and because of this, those who would be common anime fans here are similar to those who would be common anime fans there, and these people greatly outnumber and have a louder voice then the Otaku who's views are more likely to be similar to what our views are.

>> No.710774

10/10, would RAGE again.

>> No.710788

I can't wait for HF. Shit's gonna be awesome. So far though...


You know it's true, you just don't want to admit it b/c we waited for two eternities for it.

>> No.710810

Romance wise, Fate was somewhat better

Action/plot wise, I prefer UBW, as I would say the fights were better, and the plot itself was done better. I also prefer Shirou in UBW as he isn't spending half the route complaining about having a girl fight because he thinks it is wrong when he can't.

>> No.710818

UBW fitted my tastes more, in most accounts.
And since the time I finished the Fate Route, I only had to wait two and a half months, so I didn't suffer from overhype nor the waiting seemed like the Second Coming.

This makes so much sense it's not even funny.

>> No.710829


I liked Fate more.

Mostly because I don't like Rin very much as a heroine.

>> No.710838

Am I the only one who has played HF and liked it more?

>> No.710842


Lurk moar.

>> No.710843

Well, I liked it more than Fate.

>> No.710844


I played it, it's alright.

Not a big fan of routes that kill off most of the characters you've come to like in the other routes.

>> No.710848

Depends on how you see it, the Fate route was mostly average though it did have some good moments.
UBW was very uneven though, the Caster arc was stupid and the romance crappy but it did have some really good scenes.
Plot wise both Fate and UBW felt like they could have been much more.

>> No.710849

I played the whole game. it's like this:
Fate > HF > UBW

>> No.710851


Actually, it's funny if you think of it in terms of what role he plays in each route.

Fate- Fucking useless, doesn't get to fight, HELPS by tracing HAX weapons
Unlimited Blade Works- Fucking awesome, kicks Gil's ass, gets to fight, bags the hot twintail
Heaven's Feel- ???

>> No.710855

>Compared to the VN or the manga it's pretty lame, but If you view independently it's a good show.

Everything's better when you lower your standards.

>> No.710861

tbh, I think the anime does the Arc route much better than the VN, for the sole fact Arc actually srsz' up and the brings in the other characters to use.

>> No.710862
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Too bad there really isnt a Tsukihime anime. This whole pretending there is one was that was really subpar meme is really getting old.

>> No.710864

Tsukihime anime got nothing on Ghost Slide.

>> No.710875

Becomes the Terminator, helps the others succeed, saves the day himself, manly sacrifice (normal ending at least).

>> No.710911

>>710483 Btw the meme is fun.
i no rite? rolf xD

>> No.710954

I saw Shingetsutan Tsukihime years before the translation patch was released, I liked it and I still do. It had great atmosphere, pacing and I liked the fight scenes as they were a bit more subtle than in many other animus. Art was good, including manfaces.

The plot works better in the VN, but as it's an eroge VN also tends to be fucking retarded from time to time. I facepalmed so many times while playing the VN that I almost injured my face and palms. The worst parts of the animu were just somewhat generic animu harem drama blaablaa crap. Nasu is or at least was an amateur writer. While he manages to somehow keep the story going and uses right elements at the right time I do understand that the studio wanted to make certain changes. Some of them were bad, some of them didn't really matter and some of them were good ( more serious and mature tone ).

I hated the fact that in the end of the anime Shiki gets suddenly awesome magical knife fighting skills and is able to actually fight against Roa while in the VN he just realized that he has no change against Roa. But then again, in the VN Shiki gets suddenly awesome magical knife fighting skills and butchers Nrvnqsr's pets like a real shounen protagonist.

>> No.710981

>Nasu's opinion doesn't mean much though, he liked the FSN anime and his favorite route is FATE.


>> No.711011


