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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7098745 No.7098745 [Reply] [Original]


>The 2011 Yunnan earthquake was a 5.4 magnitude earthquake that occurred on 10 March 2011, at 12:58 CST with its epicenter in Yingjiang County, Yunnan, People's Republic of China, near the Burmese border.[2] At least 25 people died and 250 were injured with 134 in serious condition.[1] China's Xinhua reports that up to seven aftershocks, measuring up to a magnitude of 4.7, followed the initial quake, which caused a total of 127,000 people to be evacuated to nearby shelters.[3] It joined over 1,000 other minor tremors that affected the region in the two preceding months.[4] The earthquake occurred one day before a much larger earthquake struck Japan that also formed a tsunami.

My opinion is this: When the Japanese earthquake happened and people died, some parts of the Chinese internet community rejoiced.


God, knowing this would happen, caused the 3/11 Yunnan earthquake in advance as PAYBACK (pay forward?).

This has two effects:

1) Karma for the heartlessness of the Chinese reaction to Japan. I think the 25 dead Chinese is a good trade-off.

2) Everyone is now sympathizing with Japan and completely ignoring (or not noticing) the Chinese earthquake that happened only a few days before the Japanese earthquake.

Point 2) is simply pouring karmic salt on the wound.

What does /int/ think?

>> No.7098757



>> No.7098778

I thought you were a chink yourself, ISM.

Or are you one of those Taiwanese niggers?

>> No.7098784

you realize a 9.0 is almost 10000 x stronger than a 5.4

>> No.7098785

I don't think you know what karma means. Take a course in Indian philosophy.

>> No.7098790

nigga i got no idea what you sayin
some kinda crackhead ching chong poetry
crazy ass

>> No.7098792
File: 111 KB, 800x600, 1300044573580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ISM, did you know there's a new /new/?

>> No.7098819
File: 223 KB, 800x700, 1287727279904.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: /jp/ trying to correct OP, who is a troll.

>> No.7098838

>Claims to be atheist
>Still goes on about pseudo-Hinduist stuff like karma

Get your shit together, ISM.

>> No.7098851

He wouldn't be ISM is he had his shit together.

>> No.7098945

>I don't think you know what karma means. Take a course in Indian philosophy.

Could I ask for a tl;dr cliffnotes version?

I don't have time to study the culture of a savage 3rd world nation and peoples.

>> No.7098983

>Using chinasmack to attack China

Just because one website dedicated to making China look bad gives examples of some members of the Chinese online community laughing at Japan for it's misfortune doesn't mean it reflects the opinion of the entire country. That and the Yuunan earthquake would probably have been ignored by western media, getting a spot on the ticker at the most, considering how it wasn't big like the Sichuan earthquake. Speaking of which, I'm pretty sure 2chan had a field day with that event a couple years back.

>> No.7099011


>I don't have time to study the culture of a savage 3rd world nation and peoples.

Go fuck yourself.

>> No.7099016

>Just because one website dedicated to making China look bad gives examples of some members of the Chinese online community laughing at Japan for it's misfortune doesn't mean it reflects the opinion of the entire country.

Just because one person (such as yourself) made the claim that the Chinasmack URL only shows the negative comments doesn't mean that the same URL doesn't show positive comments.

>Speaking of which, I'm pretty sure 2chan had a field day with that event a couple years back.

I'm sure Japansmack has a convenient URL then?

>> No.7099022

The Yunnan earthquake is at the same level as a Chinese Coal Mine accident.

Its dime a dozen.

>> No.7099040

>A few cunts equivalent to the shits here on 4chan making ignorant and brutish comments.
>25 people with no relation to them die and 1,331,460,000 become afflicted in someway or another because of that.

Yeah, nope.

>> No.7099046

>Go fuck yourself.

Ironic you should say that because that's what savage 3rd world countries are the best at doing: fucking themselves (up)!

>> No.7099049


Hardly, most 3rd world nations experience GDP growth not downturn.

>> No.7099057

Christ haven't you fucks learned to just not respond to him yet? Report and move on, then again not like /jp/ is going to get any better for the next two weeks minimum with all this earthquakenuketsunami bullshit.

>> No.7099063

>Hardly, most 3rd world nations experience GDP growth not downturn.

Graduating from eating shit to eating mud is not exactly a great achievement.

>> No.7099067


>> No.7099095


Hahaha, your ignorance shows you know little about the world beyond your basement and what you read about Japan on the internet.

>> No.7099112

>silent acceptance of my "graduating from eating shit to eating mud" claim

You're welcome, 3rd world scum.

>> No.7099126


Oh man, look at what ISM just neglected to link. I'm sure he didn't do that just so he could lash out at his favorite sitting duck, those Darn Godless Chinese Communazis!

I thought Chinasmack was something like the Chinaboo equivalent of Sankaku Complex? Somehow, I doubt they actually want to make China look bad: all they do is reporting some peculiar news from Chinese netizens, and netizens act thoughtlessly sometimes.

>> No.7099148

I'm starting to hate the word "karma".

>> No.7099158

reported for ISM and /new/ /n/ shit.

>> No.7099168

>I don’t want to be like the mental retards on 2chan Futaba channel. The Japanese government has its faults, but the people are innocent. I hope they can recover quickly just like China.
China 1 - ISM 0

>> No.7099243


>> No.7099255

if my memoy of geology is good, a 9.0 is almost 100k stronger than a 5.4

>> No.7099272

You're both terrible at logarithmic scales.
(10 ^ 9) / (10 ^ 5.4) = 10 ^ 3.6
which is about 4000.

>> No.7099536


>> No.7099566

i am a chink and i didnt know shit about chinese mainland earthquakes before i come across this thread.

my take is, it's easier to sympathize with events on a smaller scale than that of the chain of events of present japan's magnitude. it's proven that people can be more aware of smaller scale disasters that involve not too many people, and stuff going on closer to them.

i myself feels indifferent when the news of japan earthquake and tsunami hit the shores here. jokes were made among my peers on our takes on the cars drifting around in water in the news.

also, i feel that the racial issues between japan and china are taking the limelight here, affecting what rational people would more likely feel when uninfluenced by certain factors. that adds up to the chinese netizens' reaction towards what hits japan.

the fact that what the japanese are facing right now is many more times harsher than what the chinese would feel when the smaller quakes hit them.

if i put myself in the smelly shoes of a young man in beijing right now, i'd feel a sense of satisfaction over what's happening right now. loss aversion plays a big role here too.

>> No.7099592

5.x earthquakes are hardly newsworthy. 4.x ones even less so. These should be grouped with the minor tremors associated with the Japanese quake.

What I don't get is the next to last sentence. There were over a thousand tremors in a region in a relatively small span, but they didn't figure that something major was coming?

>> No.7100022

So all the facebook fags theorize about karma but nobody wants to have serious discussion on it?

>> No.7100056

Nobody is giving a shit about the 5.4 because it's a 5.4

That's weak as fuck, if they have problems with s 5.4, they are still a third world shithole.

No modern country has problems with a 5.4 earthquake.

Come back when you're hit at least 7.0 on the Richter scale.

>> No.7100059

People don't care because the topic is stupid and not even worth discussing. You should post as IB instead. A thread asking whether particular Junior Idols are fine, with helpful pictures so people know who you're talking about. That'll get responses. Or if you really want to try and troll weakly, post one and ask if the earthquake is punishment from God for their Junior Idol industry. That kind of thing.
