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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7094229 No.7094229 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /jp/

Are the Japanese really racist and xenophobic?

>> No.7094234

Yes, but they're getting better slowly, maybe the current disasters will help them open a bit more.

>> No.7094239


>> No.7094243

They're only as bad as your average American.

>> No.7094244

Yep. It's just that it's often expressed in ways less blatantly obvious than racism and such used to be in the American South.

>> No.7094245

I guess they could be if you were planning to get of the plane dressed up as Naruto saying things like "sugoi kawaii, desune ^_^" with the ^_^ included both in your words and your face

>> No.7094251

Are there white supremacist in Amedika?

>> No.7094265 [DELETED] 

Yes, but they keep it to themselves mostly.

>> No.7094268

As long as you're not white, black, Latino, a non-Japanese Asian, of Ainu descent, part of the unwanted class, half-Japanese, or born and raised anywhere but the main Japanese islands, you won't feel any racism or xenophobia from the Japanese.

You will, however, be stereotyped based on whether you're from inaka, Kansai, Kantou, Hokkaido, Kyushu, or Okinawa. Basically, you're about as welcome as a Texan in California or the Northeast.

>> No.7094269

Americans love other Americans with funny accents.

>> No.7094277

I wish.

>> No.7094287


I like the cute girls with those kinds of accents....

>> No.7094288

Not all american accents are funny no one likes new yorkers or jersians for example.

>> No.7094293

Please realize that you're doing something close to "racism" by trying to ask whether an entire country is racist or not. Of course there are some people who are racist and there are plenty of people who are not. I won't go into the whole details about how Japanese "racism" isn't quite what you think it is (not that it's an excuse), but you should know that it's no apartheid society, regardless of whatever you read on debito.org.

>> No.7094294

>Americans love to make fun of other Americans with funny accents.

>> No.7094303

They are, just like how all Americans are fat rednecks, Jews are hairy and steal, Blacks are apelike and steal, and French surrender and smell.

>> No.7094329
File: 60 KB, 400x505, 1299637521688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw japanese didn't use honorifics when addressing me

>> No.7094333

That's normal. They usually say your name in the western order too. They assume it would confuse most foreigners and it's friendlier to not use honorifics in general.

>> No.7094342

just as much as any other person in the world.

>> No.7094339

But assuming such things is, in itself, racism.

>> No.7094344

Sometimes I assume that Japanese people in Japan can probably speak Japanese.

I'm a racist.

>> No.7094346

How the hell is it racism? They do it to other asian foreigners too. It's a matter of language. Most foreigners don't understand any Japanese or are terrible at it.

>> No.7094365

By that logic, there are two possibilities. Either you know Japanese or you do not.

If you're not speaking Japanese, of course you wouldn't use things specific to the Japanese language. If you are, that means you are assuming the person to whom you are speaking understands Japanese, so it doesn't make any sense to then assume that they wouldn't understand.

>> No.7094381

What part of "Most foreigners don't understand any Japanese or are t errible at it" do you not get?
1. Do not understand
2. Understand well
3. Understand but terrible at it

There are plenty of things that people who took Japanese 101 or 102 wouldn't understand. I've never met one that could understand 氏, which is pretty common or incapable of simple phrases like ご無沙汰しています。

>> No.7094389

And if you understand it but are terrible at it, things like name order and honorifics are obviously going to be far beyond your level.


>> No.7094392

氏 is an honorific. I just said I've met plenty of people that don't understand it. I'm guessing you don't understand Japanese either, then.

>> No.7094402

Pallor is a word in a language. If you don't know the word pallor, you don't understand words in languages, so no one should ever speak to you.

Your arguments are retarded.

>> No.7094410

Pallor is not a common language. 氏 is ridiculously common. It's on television every day, in every news broadcast used in every other sentence.

>> No.7094415

Then they should use more common honorific, that most people would recognize.

>> No.7094418

Japanese people don't typically take Japanese classes for foreigners that teach from ground zero. How in the world are they supposed to know what's "simple" for a language learners? Especially when they're so damn rare in Japan.

>> No.7094427

You are exaggerating. Greatly.

>> No.7094428

The most simple would be the most common.

>> No.7094456

many japanese supposedly simply avoid foreigners because they are ashamed of being unable to speak a language they studied for 8 or so years. that in itself is an assumption, but i believe the feeling does exist, and such avoidance patterns are probably often interpreted as racism or hatred by people who don't understand them. it's not compassion, but i wouldn't call it racism or xenophobia either. the point is that you can't assume that because a lot of people felt hated or assumed things happened because they were hated that they were actually hated.

but they are all individuals, and japan's version of white supremacists undoubtedly exist alongside the reasonable people. i have seen some disgusting things on the internet from netouyo, for example.

i cannot imagine that's the norm, however. as a caucasian having been to japan, i will say i didn't feel any kind of antipathy from anyone, but then again i was young(3rd year secondary school) and am not intimidating in stature.

you seem to be one of the few good posters here. unfortunately, i can nearly assure you this is intended as a troll thread. doubly unfortunately, i can also nearly assure you there are people on /jp/ right now who will take the thread seriously, so your response is probably warranted.

>> No.7094470 [DELETED] 

Perhaps if they didn't forcibly pay people they imported for labor work to leave, they would have a better answer to that question, then?

>> No.7094477

Asians in general have the right idea of not letting a fuck ton of shitskins over run their country like the West.

If you want a higher crime rate, more people leeching off the government, and your national identity destroyed then by all means CELEBRATE DIVERSITY!

>> No.7094479

People from melting pot countries are a lot more sensitive about race and often see racism where it doesn't exist in countries that have less diversity.

>> No.7094509

I heard they only hate weeaboos.
