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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 18 KB, 303x336, idiot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7093436 No.7093436[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>mfw nipponland is fucking wrecked and all you faggots care about is this anime that manga
>mfw people care about the grammar of my post more than the content
Seriously shit is wrecked in japan and you morons are still squabbling about absolute nonsense. This is a culture board and the only culture you faggots should be discussing is the one that was swept into the sea 3 days ago. i hope all you assholes that only care about the fancy bells and whistles that come from japan die in horrible tsunamis, floods, earthquakes, or drown. That is all

>> No.7093445


Stop reading there. >>>/a/

>> No.7093451

>mfw people care about the grammar of my post more than the content
And the real reason for OP's butthurt presents itself

>> No.7093454

Hey dumbass, the people that care about anime and manga are here: The anime and manga board.


Troll them, not us. We don't give a shit about Japan. This board has nothing to do with japan. /a/ has the weaboos. They are what you want.

>> No.7093457

Weekend's almost over. Go to bed, OP. You've got school tomorrow. I hope you studied for your quiz, by the way, and did your homework.

>> No.7093458

>all you faggots care about is this anime that manga
But I'm mostly concerned about the short- and long-term economic impact.

Because I want the otaku industries to stay afloat while lowering prices.

>> No.7093460

Maybe you should post this in /a/ or /v/ since their content comes from Japan as well.

>> No.7093462
File: 100 KB, 650x414, 4HOOPS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope hoopdog is okay.

>> No.7093464

The worst part of the earthquake is that we've had faggots like you flooding our board for days.

>> No.7093467

>>/jp/ - Otaku Culture
>>this anime that manga
Just as advertised?

>> No.7093474

While it's tragic what happened to Japan. /jp/ is for otaku culture. As far as "Otaku Culture" is concerned, the majority of content developers/writers/producers/voice actors (people making what we consume) seem to have survived the event with only some property damage.
I'd say Japan is handling the incident quite well despite how tough it was, I wouldn't expect US or any other country to handle it quite as well.

>> No.7093509

To quote this guy:

>You realize that assuming everyone in Japan is in danger of being dead is like assuming Hurricane Katrina almost killed all of america

>> No.7093531

Didn't you hear? The state of Louisiana sank under the waves.
