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7092705 No.7092705 [Reply] [Original]

>MFW people actually think Koumajou Densetsu II is better than the first because it dumbed down an already piss-easy game

I hope you guys aren't this bad...

>> No.7092710

Go back to bed, Kanako.

>> No.7092719

Touhouvania 2 is better than the first because the level design doesn't suck.

>> No.7092722

And your whole argument loses its validity. Congratulations.
Nonetheless, the second game is far better than the first in nearly all aspects. Being "hard" doesn't mean shit if that difficulty is caused by wonky controls and can be completely circumvented by... flying.
Now, don't tell me you only like games because they're hard (in your opinion anyway), and that IWBTG is the best game ever.

>> No.7092741

IWBTG is not 'hard' though. It's just... stupid.

>> No.7092751
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>Yakumo's outfits
Really, all three of them sucked, especially Ran's. Anyways, game wasn't great but it wasn't terrible. Doesn't live up to the 'Castlevania' name, and after all it was another form of linear danmaku, a cruddier version that is.

>> No.7092768

I really enjoyed going through the game, but I agree with the danmaku feeling tacked on at times. Remilia's fight was my favorite.

>> No.7092774

>I hope you guys realize how cool I am for not liking something popular and superior I am for finding it easy. I hope you're not as bad as people who aren't me.

Why dignify posts like these?

>> No.7092880

From the tone of the thread when it first came out, most people here thought the opposite: That it was worst (sans the voice acting), and that the moveset was more complicated.

>> No.7092881


Cool assumptions bro. I never said I disliked the Koumajou Densetsu games. I just expressed disappointment that the series seems to be going nowhere in terms of game design thanks to Frontier Aja's crippling fear of backlash.

>> No.7092952

- Still not Metroidvania
- Character design slightly less awesome
- Soundtrack less memorable this time around
- Flan and Patchy break game
- Soul Sculpture (Up A) is too strong
- That fucking footbox
- Remilia was way too easy, especially if the addons were killed
- Yukari was nearly all superficial difficulty, anticlimactic
- Bosses in general are very "scripted" sans Youmu and maybe Chen

+ Sakuya controls goddamn awesomely
+ Backflip, diving kick
+ Nerfed flight
+ Can self-support without subweapons and partners
+ Professional voice acting that worked
+ Better level design, less repetitive
+ Hilarious omake
+ Phantasm is nice increase of difficulty without being fuckhard

The positives definitely outweigh the quips I had with it though. Definitely much better than the first and I absolutely loved it. They need to do a collab with Lionheart for the third game.

>> No.7092969
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>MFW when people take koumajou densetsu games as serious business.

>> No.7093123

How can an amateur game generate so much ass pain?

>> No.7093135
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mfw you play touhouvania for the gameplay and not for the four scenes of omake

>> No.7093149

>Still not Metroidvania

Even in castlevania, secondaries

>> No.7093153

Is the translation patched in yet? Man, I thought they said that was coming in January or something.

>> No.7093580 [DELETED] 
File: 2.77 MB, 2986x1394, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's something like this.

>> No.7093598

>Still not Metroidvania

Fuck Metroidvania.

>> No.7093602
File: 818 KB, 2986x1394, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's something like this.

>> No.7093611

I'd say the same thing but I find myself playing them. Still enjoy linear a bit more though.

>> No.7093619
File: 8 KB, 126x216, neko chen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if the game was super easy, but I got bored after the first few levels. It just made me want to play Super Metroid again. Ryoko Shintani voicing Chen made me lol, though.

>> No.7093624

Real games are linear.

All of this Metroid and The Elder Scrolls bullshit is not appealing in the least to a true gamer.

>> No.7093700


*Brofist* real men strive for 1cc's, not 100% completion.

>> No.7093796
File: 152 KB, 500x500, Get Out Of JP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

