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7092676 No.7092676 [Reply] [Original]

Will it get any better /jp/? I'm only at the scene where Maou speaks to Tsubaki in the park somewhere in Chapter 2, but I don't know if reading on will really be rewarded.

I simply can't see the protag ever coupling up with one of the girls without bs convenient plot device X, even his own mother would detest this kid. Well, it's not that he deserves any kind of affection.

The only reason I'm still reading is Haru. Such a great heroine. Too bad she is trapped in this game.

>> No.7092714

Chapter 2,3 and 4 are all shit.
I hope you are patient enough to play it past chapter 5 for you babby's first VN.

>> No.7092726

It gets better

>> No.7092729

I personally felt that it got worse as the story progressed. Primarily that the three side-heroines all had more interesting stories than the whole Haru Chapter.

>> No.7092762

I like Haru, so I understandably loved her chapter. More objectively speaking, though, I found the second chapter much worse than the following ones. I'd say you should play it until at least about half of chapter 3. Feel free to drop it by then, unless you happen to love one of the remaining female characters and/or the protag.

>> No.7092763

How? Spoil me.
I just can't fathom how that protag will ever be likeable, how he will atone for what he did to the Miwa or how anyone could ever forgive him.

I never touch VNs with anti-hero protagonists or utsuge btw.

>> No.7092769

Kyousuke isn't Maou. Do you still want to read now?

>> No.7092773 [DELETED] 

Well, since you are asking: The real Maou is his brother that is not really dead.

>> No.7092778

Spoiler your shit, holy fuck.

>> No.7092786 [DELETED] 

>Spoil me.
I'm just doing what he asked.

>> No.7092785


OP here, thanks you two.
Now he is a bit less despicable.

>> No.7092789

>crying about spoilers on 4chan

>> No.7092794

Are you retarded? He clearly meant put your shit in spoiler tags in respect for other people.

>> No.7092802

Well it probably was pretty inconsiderate for him to do this, but really you should have hidden this thread the second you saw the image, if you haven't read it yet and you intend to. Why assume everyone is going to spoiler tag correctly?

>> No.7092804

You can spoil somebody using the spoiler code, you dumb shit. You didn't have to spoil it for everyone.

>> No.7092829

>If you were spoiled by that, it means you learned a lesson. Maybe even more lessons like "Never browse /jp/ if you haven't finished every VN that exists", because someone, somewhere will certainly make a post that will spoil something for you, intentionally or not.
I fixed that for you.

>> No.7092844

Well, really that guy kind of exaggerated a bit. It's hardly ever a problem unless it's something that's just recently been translated, or sometimes released in Japanese for high-profile stuff like Umineko. Otherwise it's pretty easy to not get spoiled if you just make sure to hide any threads that are obviously talking about the subject.

>> No.7092857

Yeah, but you are never safe from someone posting something that might spoil you on a completely unrelated thread.

Let's try a example: There this thread about frustration moments playing touhou and someone makes the post "The only thing that made me feel more frustrated than <touhou situation> was X doing Y with W in the Z VN."

Or something like that, the person will certainly read the whole thing before realizing he is about to read a spoiler. Of course the guy talking about his touhou experience should use spoilers tags but the chances of someone doing that on a thread that is not about that subject is absurdly low.

>> No.7092860

True enough, but that's pretty unlikely, unless the thing has been released very recently.

>> No.7092864

Or is mainstream enough that it's kind of assumed that everyone has already read it, typemoon stuff for example.

>> No.7093416

Damn, turning the sweet Tsubaki into a slut-to-be who hates the best girl of the game. I hate you Maou.
