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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7091310 No.7091310 [Reply] [Original]

Feel like talking Musume. Enjoy!

>> No.7091314
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Wota-fists all around.

>> No.7091321
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>> No.7091327
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>> No.7091344
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>> No.7092398

dude where did the other one go?

>> No.7092405
File: 663 KB, 241x182, 2lthq9u.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're all dead, you know.

>> No.7092457

No they are not and Yaguchi warns against rumors in her blog. Continue to sin and you will be a dead leaf.

>> No.7092479 [DELETED] 

Kago OP again, I dont think so.
Can't you take the weekend off for mourning and reflection?

This isn't exactly a time to be all happy discussion idols but it is good to know they are safe.

>> No.7092524

Huh? Weekend is over. Everyone deals with tragedy differently. The world doesn't stop for you.

>> No.7092544

Shut up shill and have some respect for the victims.
Most of their concerts and programs have cancelled due to more pressing matters, so you won't even have anything to shill this month or next.

>> No.7092564

Haha, you are one of those idiots.

>> No.7092571

Don't bump these cancerous threads.

>> No.7092574


>> No.7092596 [DELETED] 

Don't pay attention to the permatroll.
But if you don't even know how to navigate the archive you shouldn't be making threads, especially Kago threads.

Delete this and expect something to pop up tomorrow. #tsunkuboy

>> No.7092606

What makes you think I can't use the archive?... If no one wants to talk then that's fine too. Heh.

>> No.7092625 [DELETED] 

Because you didn't even link to the old thread.
Plus if you need personal comfort go to your forums, I know you come from there.

>> No.7092648

Oh yeah, forgot to link. Heh. You got no idea where I come from.

>> No.7092670
File: 184 KB, 1040x1440, 5D64D76D-3E73-402D-8211-461973A2EAF6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personal comfort. No way man, but now, this is my personal bum fort.

>> No.7092683 [DELETED] 

Go back to h!o gutsack, I know you post there again

>> No.7092706



Listen to my theme-song.

>> No.7092712

How about you follow your own advices for once, Lost in T? It's so damn obvious that the one who should head back there forever is you.

>> No.7092758
File: 24 KB, 411x600, 697A0BFA-9F6D-4680-960D-E692B4FCFB37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is Lost in T? A caveman... lost... in a T-Rex's... stomach.

Think I'm gonna go grab a pizza with Maki-bro and dcanon. Lates.

>> No.7092765

He's some faggot from H!O who also happens to be the faggot running these faggy threads. He isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer, that's for sure.

>> No.7092770

Man, if half of these idols had drowned in the floods the world would've been a better place

>> No.7092795 [DELETED] 


herpaderp, cool forced nonsense.
this thread is bad and you should feel bad.

>> No.7092805

You'd just get a wave of new ones. Idols are the only humans in Japan who increase in number quickly.

>> No.7092822

No dude, you're just ridiculously easy to spot.

>> No.7092856 [DELETED] 

Keep telling yourself that, and oh tinfoil hat fitting is later tonight on /int/. Don't miss it.

>> No.7092894
File: 170 KB, 1225x1625, 42C163A7-FDF4-4E85-AA3B-36158EF95FEA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that really the OP? Looked at that profile and saw this:

"And to the tiniest butt comment, are we watching the same girl here. Aika has really filled out beautifully over the course of the last year. There is a lot of goodness going on with her backside, very full"


>> No.7092902 [DELETED] 

That is pretty comical regardless, lol.

Delete this thread

>> No.7092935

Yes, he's that much of a faggot. The funny thing is that every once in a while he goes into full faux-moralist mode and posts long tirades full of hot air, both on H!O and 4chan, both of the times using the same arguments, references and shallow vocabulary.
As I said, he's not a very smart guy and is in fact very easy to spot.

>> No.7094279

"こんな時だから" ハロープロジェクト繋ぎ

>> No.7095999

What's this mean? It's a nice mix though.

>> No.7096035

Delete this thread, real one on the way

>> No.7096079

Make it a Mari thread and you got a deal.

>> No.7096116

It will more than likely be a Dream Musume thread,
so she'll be in there.

>> No.7096116,1 [INTERNAL] 

Sorry about that, had a major computer rehaul session. Can we wait until tomorrow..those reactors and people are still winding up dead...

>> No.7096116,2 [INTERNAL] 

Just be sure and link it to the other archive thread so there isn't a gap.

>> No.7096116,3 [INTERNAL] 

OR you could just stop making these shitty threads.

>> No.7096116,4 [INTERNAL] 

Your post needs a sage.
Idoltard threads don't need to be on the front page.

>> No.7096116,5 [INTERNAL] 

/b/ misses you, friend.

>> No.7096116,6 [INTERNAL]  [DELETED] 

Thanks for the invitation, /b/ro.

>> No.7096116,7 [INTERNAL] 

Thanks for the invitation, sweet little idol/b/ro.

>> No.7096116,8 [INTERNAL] 

I got called an idolfriend...
Even if it's by a wayward /b/ poster, that's insulting!

>> No.7096116,9 [INTERNAL] 

To be quite honest, sort of taking a principled position of not posting a thread until some level of normalcy is returned in Japan.

Reactors melting down, mass outages, and missing people.

If I were to start another thread all I could think of doing inside it would be to post Earthquake updates.

Better to give help and aid outside of this thread in my opinion. There will be time later to bring up the thread once things have been secured.

Finding a way to help and offer support to those affected is more important.

And everything is getting delayed now

>> No.7096116,10 [INTERNAL] 

And on top of all that we have a mod who went out of control.

>> No.7096116,11 [INTERNAL] 

Yea, I've received about 5 different bans since the Earthquake and it has been all over trivial shit.

I'm pretty sure they are at the exasperated point and just hurl the ban hammer around a few times. Not much you can do while daily /b/ style threads are inevitable.

New Musume single has been delayed, new H!P concert DVD has been delayed. Different companies are pledging support now.

Follow Reuters for all the best updates, they have a whole list of very particulate donation programs and suggestions.

>> No.7096116,12 [INTERNAL] 

Japan Redcross

Ai-chan recommended the Japan Redcross in her latest post. I've seen some other specific initiatives targeting lost children and parents, that I'll link up later.

>> No.7096116,13 [INTERNAL] 

So you lied to gutsack?

>> No.7096116,14 [INTERNAL] 

Stop bumping this shit thread, idoltards.

>> No.7096116,15 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.7096116,16 [INTERNAL] 

Expect a thread this weekend!!
