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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7088779 No.7088779 [Reply] [Original]

So I was wondering.. How exactly did Japan become such a prominent and economically wealthy country? Japan has only been "opened" to the rest of the world for about 150 years, and before that it was a totally isolated country that was behind in technology (still using swords as their main weapons when it opened), and its such a small country

So how the hell in less than 100 years did it become so powerful that even all the allies in WW2 were scared of fighting them on their soil without massive losses?

And now its still the 3rd best economy in the world and longest life expectency, and possibly the most technologically advanced country...

Just seems odd how Japan can do all of this in such a short time, while other countries that were backwards when they discovered the rest of the world are still 3rd world countries

>> No.7088782


>> No.7088784

Because they're the superior master race, obviously.

>> No.7088786

The kami shine their blessings on Japan. It has nothing to do with the US bombing them back to the stone age, and then, after WWII, rebuilding their means of production to (at that time) modern standards.

>> No.7088790


Centralization and industrialization. Next time, pick up a fucking history book and pay attention to your history classes, dipshit.

>> No.7088791

wikipedia is for fags

>> No.7088792

At another time, I would actually not mind having this discussion here as long as it was not bumped, because history is one of my favorite subjects. But for now I don't want to contribute this whole /int/-sneaking-into-/jp/ thing that seems to have been rampant the last few days.

>> No.7088793


The main question was about before WW2 how they got to the level of a world power after fighting with swords still less than a century earlier...

>> No.7088796

the u.s purposely underdeveloped their economy in the first few years of occupation so the japanese could no longer be a threat.

>> No.7088797

Because of America, that's why.

If it wasn't for America the land of Wa would still be a shit hole of feudal lords fighting for power.

>> No.7088805

In short, the emperor noticed the japanese were lagging, hired a bunch of smart young people to go to other countries, learn everything they could, then come back and implement everything they learned in Japan.

>> No.7088812
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Foreigners and their gunboat diplomacy.

"Hey check out my big gun!" - Foreigner
"...I'll show you... someday just you wait!" - Japanese

And they never got over their inferiority complex and still work themselves to death (by low birthrates)

>> No.7088813

Prior to WW2, Japan was a land of savages and barbarians.

They were feared in war because they had no respect for life, whether it be an enemy's or their own (suicide bombers, banzai charges, hiding themselves in caves and surrounding themselves with dynamite to blow themselves up whenever US troops drew near). Now imagine a invading a country full of such people. Thankfully, we had nukes at this time.

When they finally surrendered, instead of raping and slaughtering them like they did to other Asians, the US built them into the successful nation they are today. Most of their current culture comes from America.

>> No.7088815

I think the most awesome thing in that feat is they did all of that with no natural resources or any of the sort.

>> No.7088820

It's ultimately a kind of complicated question, since economic development in general is kind of a mystery. But I don't think it's that unprecedented. Europe/America was far less developed in 1854, so they had a lot less catching up to do than other countries. And Japan managed to walk the line of adopting western technology and modernizing as fast as they could without being colonized. And although they weren't superior Japs or anything, Edo period Japan was prosperous and powerful enough that they weren't on a completely unlevel playing field even to begin with. After all, Perry came to Japan to try to open trade relations with them, he wasn't trying to take them over.

>> No.7088824

>Most of their current culture comes from America.
Most of every country's current culture comes from America going by your logic.

>> No.7088827

1. Read a history book, it is pretty cool.

2. They don't have a real "army" anymore, which means they never will nor plan to declare war. No one wants to/will fuck with them because they have extremely strong allies (The US) and their island is of no intrest to anyone. So basically all that money that the US wastes on attacking desert lizards, Japan spends on science, healthcare, and education.

>> No.7088828

Amrrrka was a joke back then. After WWII, all of the richest countries got ruined and the new kids took power.

>> No.7088829


>Most of their current culture comes from America.

Hell even anime is based on the Disney style cartoons Americans brought over. Obviously evolved over time, but the influence was there. And baseball became the main sport of Japan after the Americans brought it over.

>> No.7088832

So when exactly can we have our fucking board back?

>> No.7088834


>all that money that the US wastes on attacking desert lizards, Japan spends on science, healthcare, and education.

So basically, Japan is a better place to live overall than America

>> No.7088836


I'm sorry theres not 90% Touhou topics anymore, but I'm sure it'll get back to that within a week when nobody cares about the earthquake/tsunami anymore

>> No.7088840 [DELETED] 

It doesn't have to be all Touhou all the time but I do know that it sure as fuck wasn't created for this.

>> No.7088837

>I'm sorry theres not 90% Touhou topics anymore
Yeah, you'd better be. Because this board was solely created for Touhou and the like.

>> No.7088838

>They don't have a real "army" anymore
The JDF is larger than the vast majority of armed forces in the world. It's not an "army", but their military expenditures are enormous either way.

>> No.7088842


I was under the assumption it was made for Otaku culture... Aka anime, manga, Japanese video games, figurines, waifus, etc. Not just Touhou.

>> No.7088843

What is it for?
This is a topic of interest to otakus such as myself.

>> No.7088845

Many otaku are also interested in anime.

There's a board for that.

Go there.

>> No.7088846

>Implying the devestating affects on very much relevant companies related directly to our areas of interest will dissipate within a week.
>Implying this doesn't matter and doesn't affect us at all.

>> No.7088848

You didn't answer my question.

>> No.7088851


I admit I don't play Touhou or know much about it, but... isn't it just a bullet hell shooter? Shouldn't that be on /v/?

>> No.7088854

Mostly Touhou and visual novels.

>> No.7088855


Why not other otaku related topics since you know... this is an otaku board?

I'd say that the talk of the county otaku are obsessed with is very relevant to the board.

>> No.7088856

It makes me rage whenever some idiot claims "AMERICA MADE JAPAN MODERN AFTER WWII", when in fact, Japan was already considered an economic equal to the west after defeating Russia in 1905.

>> No.7088857

Because the U.S. helped them recover after WWII.

That's about it.

>> No.7088858

Too animu for /v/.
Too game for /a/.

>> No.7088859

It's a bullet hell shooter that spawned a very expansive universe driven by fan creations. "Touhou" encompasses many things related to the universe or the games, such as arranged music, fan games, and fan comics. The overwhelming majority of Touhou content was not made by the original creator.

>> No.7088860


>> No.7088861

Delete your thread and go to /int/.

>> No.7088862

Read about the Meiji restoration.

>> No.7088863

don't be a bitter asshole and go to hell

>> No.7088865

/jp/ has had traditionally a very well-defined scope of what and what does not belong here (which is currently AWOL because apparently all of our users have left until all this shit dies down and the board is filled 95% with people who are not regular users.) The tagline means shit, really. Anime is very trivially and obviously otaku related but we generally discourage discussion about it here.

>> No.7088868

The way I look at it, unless this board is called /tou/ or something like that, then people should shut up about stuff not related to Touhou. Its called /jp/, or Japan, so anything relating to Japan should be ontopic here.

>> No.7088869

There were threads on /v/ about the game well before the Touhou floods on /a/. It's how I found out about it to begin with.

>> No.7088870

/jp/ tradition has long been on the decline since /b/a/v/tards started to stick around after raids. Reaction faces were unthinkable in older /jp/, now they're as common as other boards.

>> No.7088871

>the county otaku are obsessed with
I don't think otaku have any particular obsession with Japan, they just live there.

>> No.7088872

Why would you waltz into a board you are not a regular user of and ask the original users of the board to leave when you are not well-received? It's just common fucking courtesy.

The way that you look at it is unbelievably fucking retarded, though.

>> No.7088873

Inb4 /v/ietnam, /r/ussia, /a/rgentinia etc.

>> No.7088880


If it was meant as a Touhou board, it would be called one. Its meant as an Otaku culture board, and Otaku Culture focuses around Japan. So unless the boards name is changed, anything related to Japan culture is technically on topic.

>> No.7088881

By that string, Anime and Manga would be on-topic here

Clearly, that's not the case, and any mod will tell you it's bannable to post that here. So, tell me, what IS wrong with your dumb-ass logic?

>> No.7088884


>> No.7088885

Unless the userbase changes completely /jp/ will never be about japan, weeaboo scum.

>> No.7088886

Fuck, did you ever visit /jp/ even once before this last week? Nobody gives a shit about what is "technically" on topic. /jp/ has traditionally been "user-run" in the sense that what is accepted and not accepted on /jp/ was not really ever based on moot's decision.

>> No.7088892

>Otaku Culture focuses around Japan
No it doesn't.

>> No.7088894

no, because anime and manga have their own board. /jp/ is for Otaku culture. Japan posts are perfectly acceptable. Stop bawwing about the death of a board you haven't been on for more than a month.

>> No.7088899

>Unless the userbase changes completely
Eeeeeh, don't say things like that.

You're astoundingly fucking stupid.

>> No.7088900


So then tell me, where does "otaku culture focus on" if not Japan?

>> No.7088902

Stop replying and let the thread die.

>> No.7088905

>no, because anime and manga have their own board.
Exactly, sounds like you got it. Now, does >>>/int/ ring a bell?

>> No.7088906


Sadly, we're already seeing the shift towards a new userbase here. This isn't the old /jp/ in recent weeks.

>> No.7088907

Otaku culture originated from Japan, it is not inherently Japanese.

For example, You don't go posting things about American things in /tv/ because the television is an American invention.

>> No.7088911


That is too broad of a board, while this is a board focused specifically on this issue. It would be like telling someone they can't talk about ecchi anime on /a/ because of /e/.

>> No.7088912

you don't have a higher sense of entitlement to a board because you are a regular user there. this has nothing to do with 'waltzing' into anywhere; someone asked a question about japan in a board called /jp/ which they mistakenly thought was a board about japan as a whole. i don't think the purpose of this board is very well-defined at all and how is a non-regular user supposed to know the difference between the 'otaku culture' this board should be about and the 'anime-related things that aren't actually anime because there's another board for that' idea of the board the 'regular users' seemed to have decided for it?

>> No.7088914


I think the point is that Otaku culture is focused on stuff from Japan.

>> No.7088916

This just proves how little you even understand what "otaku" even is. There are train otaku, car otaku, military otaku, etc... that have nothing to do with Japan.

>> No.7088918

First of all "otaku culture" is a meaningless term because someone can be an otaku for pretty much anything. Outside of Japan it normally refers to games, anime, manga, and associated Akihabara culture. If you think it encompasses everything about Japan you're looking for the term "weeaboo" not otaku.

>> No.7088920

japanese history otaku simply don't exist then?

>> No.7088922

>how is a non-regular user supposed to know
He isn't, he's supposed to lurk more or fuck off, how it's always been. Learn by observing and no one's going to give you shit, even /b/ worked like that back then.

>> No.7088923

>no, because anime and manga have their own board.
And Japan stuff has >>>/trv/ and >>>/int/

Sorry, dude, we've had this discussion a thousand times, and we've come to the same conclusion every time: /jp/ is not for your flavor-of-the-week Japanese Culture shit

>> No.7088924



Basically, anything thats on this should be on topic for /jp/.

>> No.7088926

The Meiji Restoration and post-war reconstruction have fuck-all to do with "otaku culture."

I understand that it may be confusing at first glance, especially more so because in the last few days the front page has been filled with tsunami material instead of what it normally is, but rest assured this board is not about all things Japanese. Historical discussions of Italy, or of Japan, or of Turkey, all go in /int/. Please take it there.

Pokemon is also from Japan, but nobody discusses the yakuza in /vp/.

>> No.7088928

Moot only created this board to stop people from bitching about off-topic shit in /a/
>1. All things otaku welcome!

And this effects everything to do with us.
Do you honestly deny that this has any effect on Japanese products and delays?
Nothing is going to come out for a while, and this event will influence Japanese artists.
How the hell is this NOT related to Otaku Culture?
Japan is having a huge-ass crisis which is where we get everything.

>> No.7088929

I don't recall m00t declaring wikipedia's definition of otaku to be the rules for what is allowed here.

If you want Japan stuff, feel free to post it, but be aware that nobody's going to discuss it, we're just going to tell you it doesnt belong here tooth and nail for your entire stay here. Enjoy.

>> No.7088930

"Otaku" in 4chan, and /jp/ particularly, is a definition restricted from what's in the dictionary. To argue otherwise would be fucking ridiculous - there are gun otaku, anime otaku, vidya otaku, train otaku, and history otaku, but we have /k/, /a/, /v/, /n/, and /int/ for a reason. You can't just dump that shit in /jp/.

>> No.7088931

from /int/:
1. This board is for the discussion of foreign culture and language. Please be respectful.

this thread has as much right to be here as it does in /int/

>> No.7088933
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They certainly do exist, but they aren't who you think they are.

>> No.7088934

I'm pretty fucking sure the Meiji Restoration did not cause Japan to cancel Reitaisai.

>> No.7088936

and how is a new user supposed to know to lurk more or fuck off? your entire idea of how forums work is completely fucked up

>> No.7088938
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they made huge leap in science because they can break ignore rules other nation can't.


>> No.7088940

This is the way 4chan has operated for it's entire existence. You don't have to know, of course. If you don't know, we will inform you that you should know. As you can see, just now, you were informed of this. Go off and enjoy your newfound knowledge.

>> No.7088943

Oh look, the high school kid finally caught up to the rest of us

tip: we don't care.

>> No.7088945
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>/jp/ers trying to define their own board rules.

>> No.7088948

Thus the classic 4chan phrase, "lurk more."

>> No.7088949

>your entire idea of how forums work is completely fucked up
Your entire idea of what 4chan is is completely fucked up.

>> No.7088952

no, the way 4chan has operated is that you can post threads and reply to threads as long as they are on topic. this thread is on-topic

>> No.7088953

>and how is a new user supposed to know to lurk more or fuck off?

Like this
Hey new kid. Lurk more, learn how to act or fuck off.

>> No.7088955

Yes, you are right in that nobody is physically preventing you from talking in this thread. On the other hand, similarly, nobody is stopping us from telling you to go away.

>> No.7088957

it's just a collection of boards. any rules other than the rules m00t himself has put in the rules section are completely baseless and you're retarded to think they have any legitimacy just because the other users of a particular board like it that way. your posturing is nothing

>> No.7088960

you can say it's wrong to post this thread in this board but you are wrong.

>> No.7088962

Moderators of boards frequently enforce board rules that were not explicitly written down by moot, and are granted the authority to do so. Not everything has to be explicitly proscribed in order to be against 4chan policy.

I can't even believe I'm having this discussion.

>> No.7088963

True or False, /jp/ regulars..

If this topic had a picture of some Touhou girl instead of a map of Japan

Would you be mad?

>> No.7088964

so many mad in this board


>> No.7088965

Everybody, quick! Give him more attention and he'll go away!

>> No.7088966

No, you're wrong, and you're also really fucking stupid. Insanely fucking dumb. Ridiculously idiotic.

>> No.7088968
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I think the people who have been on this board for years are in a better position of saying what does and doesn't belong here.

Don't agree? You're perfectly capable (and willing, it seems) to post your off-topic crap in here. Similarly, we're perfectly capable (and believe me, willing) of de-railing every shitty thread you make.


>> No.7088970


You: Hi
Homeowner: Hi
You walk on the carpet with shoes on
Homeowner: Please take your shoes off
You: The fuck? There's no law against it.
Homeowner: ....

>> No.7088971

they're just people with the same fucked perspective of "how 4chan works" as its stupid elite little club of social outcasts

>> No.7088973

No. It would get the "if it has a touhou image it's /jp/ related OH WAIT NO FUCK OFF" that they always fucking get, which you would know if you were here even one fucking week ago.

If it were just the one guy I would just ignore him, but I don't think he's alone. I think the visitors right now are outnumbering us - although that's a vague impression and I could certainly be wrong.

>> No.7088974

ok you got me!

>> No.7088975


Most of the stuff here thats posted is still on topic, but just not accepted by the regulars here. Get your facts straight.

>> No.7088976

>they're just people with the same fucked perspective of "how 4chan works" as its stupid elite little club of social outcasts
Yeah, and they're the ones who have the right AND authority of DICTATING "how 4chan works"

Don't like it? Build your own little website and you can be sole visionary dictator there. In here you have to deal with other people's rules. Don't like it? Leave.

>> No.7088977

nope since /jp/ regulars aren't the owners of /jp/

>> No.7088978

This "fucked perspective of how 4chan works" also happens to be moot's perspective of how 4chan works. Holy fucking shit.

>> No.7088980

It's more like showing up to a bunch of people having a picnic in a park, and blaring an air horn, and then when you are asked to stop using that fucking air horn you proudly proclaim that the park is public property and what you're doing isn't illegal so they should stop complaining.

>> No.7088981

ok then let's see the moderators delete this thread

>> No.7088982

ITT whiny child comes into a board, is shocked when he is not accepted with open arms and showered with kisses and gifts, then proceeds to throw a twelve-year-old's temper tantrum that the world isn't exactly how he wishes it was.

>> No.7088983


You: Hi
Other Person Hanging Out at a public place: Hi
You walk on the carpet with shoes on
Other Person Hanging Out at a public place: Please take your shoes off
You: The fuck? There's no law against it.
Other Person Hanging Out at a public place: ....

>> No.7088984

no it's like going into a room with a bunch of people who talk about japanese-related things in a misnamed board and asking them something about japan only to be harshly shouted at until you leave

>> No.7088985
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>> No.7088987


>> No.7088988

i didn't actually create this thread but i think everyone has been dealing with this in such a puerile manner that i'm going to call you out on your bullshit

>> No.7088989

Even if that's the case, you should distinguish between visitors from the rest of 4chan and then this entirely clueless guy. There's a lot of the others, but only one of him, so you can probably safely ignore this clown.

>> No.7088990

You: Hi
Other person: Hi
You start smoking
Other person: Can you stop that?
You: The fuck? There's no law against it.
Other person: ....

>> No.7088991

Hard work ethics. They have been trained as a child to work and work and work. So when given that opportunity to be a big economy they did it hardcore.

>> No.7088993

also it's quite ironic that the /jp/ users are complaining because /jp/ isn't exactly how they envisioned even though there's no actual well-defined set of rules about what belongs in /jp/ and what doesn't. let's have a moderator create a sticky and clear up the confusion

>> No.7088994


And? If you don't want to be near the smoke, go to another area nearby.. aka another topic

>> No.7088996

successful thread is successful

>> No.7088997
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>> No.7089000

There's nothing ironic about that at all.

>> No.7089001

If you can get a mod, I'd welcome it. I've seen enough anime/manga posting idiots say "well it's otaku related" only to get banned that I'm pretty confident in what this board is "about"

>> No.7089002

it's ironic that you think it's the visitor complaining that things aren't as envisioned when it applies to both sides, although moreso to the side of /jp/

>> No.7089004
File: 108 KB, 500x333, 2011031316085378570_160832_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jpan Earthquake T-shirt

made in KOREA

>> No.7089009


Anime/manga is more understandable, because there is another major board dedicated to it. Stuff like this which is about Japan itself, when theres not another board dedicated to Japan itself, is more of a gray area. Probably will be deleted pretty soon though

>> No.7089011

But it's a 9.0

>> No.7089012

There's nothing ironic at all about that, either.

>> No.7089015

that's anime and manga though; they have /a/. however a japanese history thread doesn't specifically belong in /jp/ or /int/ so it really belongs in either

>> No.7089018


>> No.7089030

You know, that sticky the other day about the Earthquake really killed any of the regular /jp/ arguments about how this board isn't about Japan.

>> No.7089034

moot and 4chan staff are always fucking with us because they hate us.

>> No.7089039

Those posts came from /b/ and /int/ and other such idiot filled boards.

Not from us.

>> No.7089043

Because this is the first time a dumb mod does something unrelated to the board to the board, right?

>> No.7089048


Maybe not you yourselves.. but it shows what the mods/mood feel this board is about, though. If that topic was stickied by Moot/mods themselves, then a topic like this is fair game.

>> No.7089050

GIGA PUDDI confirmed for /jp/ material.

>> No.7089055

What 15 year olds from /b/ think is /jp/ material is irrelevant

We never had a quake sticky. /b/ did and still does. Why don't you discuss your shit there? By your standards, it's apparently related there now too.

>> No.7089059

>let's have a moderator create a shitstorm by trying to figure out what the fuck to say about all this unecessary horseshit even though either way, threads about this will continue to exist no matter what and the people bitching at this thread are essentially uncontrollable and most likely will also exist to bitch about this no matter what, just in slightly varying scales.
Let's not.

>> No.7089062

Joke's on you, we did have a quake sticky for a bit.

>> No.7089063


/jp/ did infact have a quake sticky on the morning/afternoon of the 11th

>> No.7089065

They did it by achieving a debt to GDP ratio of 196%.

>> No.7089068


Everything is related to /b/ so yes, it is infact related there.

>> No.7089070

I'm pretty sure that /sp/ had a Sailor Moon sticky up for a little while at some point. It means mostly that somebody was bored out of his or her mind.

>> No.7089084

Retarded faggots

>> No.7089097
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>> No.7089115

since PH thread is deleted while this one stand

what does it all mean ..

>> No.7089125


It means the janitors are probably still in bed

>> No.7089129
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Let's make this shit related

>> No.7089156
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>> No.7089162
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>> No.7089167

why posting cp ?

>> No.7089169
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>> No.7089170
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>> No.7089174


>> No.7089177
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>> No.7089180

kill switch activated

>> No.7089185


>> No.7089186


>> No.7089186,1 [INTERNAL] 

What the hell is 3DPG?

>> No.7089186,2 [INTERNAL] 

Three dimensional pig guts.

>> No.7089186,3 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.7089186,4 [INTERNAL] 

What the fuck is this? The influx of newcomers is now affecting the ghost board too?

>> No.7089186,5 [INTERNAL] 

shut up newfag
