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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 91 KB, 704x802, 1183552349164[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7086083 No.7086083 [Reply] [Original]

Who else here is planning on marrying a Japanese girl? Japan has the best women. They are so kawaii and well mannered unlike filthy amerikans.

My preparations are going well.
Japanese double major
1. 1 year in Japan
2. working on getting /fit/
3. studying 漢字 everyday
4. continuing to develop social skills earned in Japan

>> No.7086090

fuck off and die

>> No.7086093


>> No.7086097

I already married my dream Japanese girl she's a princess and a NEET just like me.

>> No.7086100
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>> No.7086104
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>> No.7086107

Weeaboo nerd.

>> No.7086109
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>> No.7086112

If she's not 2D, you made a big mistake.

>> No.7086123

He is probably talking about Kaguya.

>> No.7086124

Baka gaijin. Stay away from Japan you white deamon.

>> No.7086127

Take your HILARIOUS LOL reaction pictures and greentext there.

>> No.7086128

Jokes on you, i'm black.

>> No.7086130

That's even worse

>> No.7086133

I couldn't imagine anybody on /jp/ marrying. Or even getting attracted to a non-2D woman.

>> No.7086169

/jp/ after watching numerous anime shows and reading fucktons of manga in my last year or 2 of highschool I realized I wanted to learn Japanese and I wanted a Japanese girlfriend. So I took Japanese courses and eventually made it one of my majors. I had no social skills and spent too much time trolling on 4chan and playing wow. I spend a year at a Japanese college but due to weak social skills and a poor choice of Japanese women I was not able to secure a worthy girlfriend (too many sluts wanting gaijin penis). But I made lots of Japanese friends and I keep in touch with them.

I'm going to go back /jp/. I'm going to go back and live out my weaboo dream.

I wish you guys luck with your dreams. You can troll as much as you want how you don't care about Japan and you don't care about 3D girls but you can't lie to yourself.

>> No.7086176

Jokes on you, you're black.

>> No.7086178 [DELETED] 
File: 32 KB, 288x252, 1280972379452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw you delusional weeaboo's realize Japanese women are nothing like you anime, and are the same/if not worse than western women.

>> No.7086183
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>mfw you delusional weeaboo's realize Japanese women are nothing like your anime, and are the same/if not worse than western women.

>> No.7086186

A lot of them arn't, especially near Tokyo but there are some really nice girls in Japan.

>> No.7086190
File: 51 KB, 327x365, satorifrownsonyourshenanigans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get off of /jp/ Thad.

>> No.7086192

You're not witty, just a racist. You also hurt my feelings.

>> No.7086193
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It's not like this thread wasn't doomed from the very beginning.

>> No.7086195

>too many sluts wanting gaijin penis
A million times this.
All the nice pure girls are too hard to approach. The only ones who initiate conversation are dirty whores after dick.

>> No.7086198

I don't know about marry, but in general, Asian women, specifically Japanese and Vietnamese are much better looking than women of other races. They are usually smarter/more well educated than the typically Amerifats. So yes, that's my preference.

>> No.7086202

Dirty vietnamese s/e asian monkie detected. fuck off mud skin.

>> No.7086206

asians don't have two eyelods


>> No.7086207

I for one wish you the best of luck, OP.

Let me know how it goes when you get around to it.

>> No.7086211

Japanese girls are unshaven pig disgusting.

As for me, I have a fetish for cute, shy American girls.

>> No.7086213


I'm sleepy

>> No.7086215

Haaa... I'm white. Also, you should go back to your home board.

>> No.7086219

>22 posts and 6 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

Really /jp/?

>> No.7086221

So one time I was coordinating exchange students from Japan, right. My job also involved hanging out with them and showing them around the university. The girls seemed nice and pretty and all, always wanted to hold my hand which was pretty unusual at the time. I guess they sort of liked the whole "white guy" thing; they're also pretty impressed by my hanzi writing skills.

Anyway, a poor fucker from another country made the unfortunate mistake of showing them some gadget of his, some variant of a DS IIRC, and asking if they'd like to play video games on it and that he even has Japanese games. So the girls promptly ask him, "Are you an otaku, then, if you have Japanese games?" In their slightly broken English. He blushes a bit, says "well maybe a little".

What comes next was a little bit unexpected. They literally point fingers at him (still being at my side), kind of lean against me and each other and giggle, "otaku, otaku". And this is not just a one time thing. They basically do it every time they see him. Won't even really talk to him, just giggle. He looks devastated and obviously does not have a very good week of introductions. I don't know how it went for him since, since the girls were always with me and hence, he wasn't.

Anyway, I guess there's a lesson here, I just don't know what it exactly is. Probably "don't tell japanese girls you like japanese things".

>> No.7086230

japanese girls are the worst

>> No.7086233

>a poor fucker from another country made the unfortunate mistake of showing them some gadget of his
I think you are the poor guy, OP.

>> No.7086238

They were tsundere for him OP. So what happened in the end, did you get NTR'd by the Venezuelan kid?

>> No.7086239

I can't believe we're actually having a non-2D wife thread!

Go back to /v/

>> No.7086248
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>women like foreigners
>hate people who like Japanese things
>70% of Japanese people are not in any kind of relationship
>birthrate continues to fall
>country racked by poor economy and natural disaster

I feel like we're watching some interesting and unique animal go extinct because of natural selection phasing it out. Like the dodo bird.

>> No.7086268

I feel the same way.

>> No.7086281

I really hope that something happens and the Japanese population starts moving up again.

>> No.7086282
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They'll become an exotic rare specie and kept in containment.

>> No.7086283

>Like the dodo bird.
Dodo's went extinct because Dutch settlers released pigs that love the taste of dodo eggs on their island, natural selection had nothing to do with it.

>> No.7086297

>The Japanese are descended from cormorants. Their slight build and low weight (natural adaptations for flight), their small yet keen eyes common to diving birds, their natural hunger for fish, the high-pitched mating cries Japanese women make in porn videos and their small teeth, shared by ancestral diving birds like Hesperornis and Ichthyornis all point to the fact that the Japanese share a common ancestor with cormorants that most likely lived circa 30mya. It can't be too far ago, considering the number of specialized features found in both. Their teeth are quite unusual, the Japanese probably descended from toothless ancestral stock but regrew them as a secondary adaptation.

>The tendency of Japanese people to do the so-called "V-sign" is a vestigial behavior, a remnant of the days they were active swimmers. Being foot-propelled divers, cormorants have webbed feet with digits set far apart, and indeed the "V-sign" involves greatly seperating the index and middle fingers.

>In light of this evidence, I recommend the species name Phalacrocorax odonthophora ("tooth bearer") to be given to Japanese people.

>> No.7086306

IRL japanese women are evil. (bitches & whores) the few that are nice & nerdy wouldn't want to marry a foreigner. the only ones that will be interested in a foreigner for marriage are either broken or old.

>> No.7086322

If you are an attractive and do not look like a douchebag I do not believe that this is true.

>> No.7086390

only if you're attractive to people who were born & raised around asian looking people.

>> No.7086441
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Japanese society (and especially the women) ostracizes and marginalizes nerds even more than western societies do. Even the media aimed at otakus makes fun of otakus. If you visit this board and like manga or games, you will hate it in Japan.

>> No.7086452
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>my exact face when I opened that picture

>> No.7086461

That is natural selection. Dodos were selected against because their eggs are delicious and dodos have no defences against predators.

>> No.7086471
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>implying this isn't how America views otaku

>> No.7086480


>> No.7086482

So how hard is it to find a pure girl in Japan, because God knows I can't find a pure girl in Euroland.

>> No.7086495
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OP is a clever troll.
I would say inb4 shitstorm, but... We've passed that stage.

>> No.7086497

Why don't you get some friends, try to get laid, do something besides going on 4chan to try and act like a pretentious shitdick. If you had anybody in your life who actually wanted to listen to what you had to say you wouldn't be doing this, and if you weren't a complete piece of shit you would realize that nobody is going to read your point of view you faggot. Just stop or kill yourself, either or is fine with me

>> No.7086504


>> No.7086512

Fuck off back to whatever place you come from.

>> No.7086522

lol you faggot, we get it, you want to sound intelligent and important and so you go to a forum like this and find some other jizzbag like you who just writes the same shit over and over again to have a debate so that someone can finally listen and hear your point of view because everybody who comes across you isn't interested. Ur not smart, ur not interesting, ur an unemployed dullard who uses 4chan to get the attention he doesnt get at home

>> No.7086587

Different anon here.
From your writing and
>try to get laid
I can tell you aren't from here and you and your kind aren't welcome here.

>> No.7086601

If you look in smaller cities it should be easier. You could go for high school girls as well. Making friends with elders and parents is also a good idea.

>> No.7086652

I don't give a fuck how there woman act since all woman are crazy anyway,but those bitches are fine and look like jailbait at 20.You gotta love how they cry when they get fucked...man that delicious yellow skin...

>> No.7086659

Except Japanese women are having trouble bearing children. The Japanese government is trying to keep that info hush-hush, but several Japanese people I know confirmed it.

>> No.7086662
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>go for high school girls

Nooooooot like the movies.

>> No.7086684



>> No.7086695

I don't think you have ever been to Japan...

>> No.7086697

>56 posts and 12 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

>> No.7086727
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>You've obviously never been to x

>> No.7087209

>go to japan and teach english from 2002-2004
>the high school girls are snobbish, ugly whores that spend their time trying to fuck each other over.
>don't know how many times I hear about the popular girls getting their boyfriends to rape the less-popular girls
>leaving school one day, hear a noise, follow it to the girls' bathroom
>girl had been barricaded in a toilet stall for three days
>other girls had apparently pissed and shit all over her

>adults aren't much better
>buy me shit buy me shit buy me shit if you don't buy me shit i'm sure I can get a better boyfriend buy me shit buy me shit buy me shit buy me shit
>just lay there during sex. no gasps, no sighs, no sexy noises, just laying there limp and lifeless.

>find a girl that says she's not like that
>she's definitely different: we go back to my place and during the night she robs me blind.

>> No.7087225
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>> No.7087256


>> No.7087327


not seeing the ownside here, chief.

>> No.7087349

That's because you're a normalfag.

>> No.7087381
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I married a Japanese girl.

Had a Japanese girlfriend frm 2002-2006. She came to LA and got turned into a CA Valley girl. Broke up because she turned into a selfish bitch.

Met my Japanese wife in 2008 when she was a college student. She loves anime, manga and plays video games. I am a weeaboo but I do not watch much anime or read mangas. Mostly just jpop and fashion. She is a bigger otaku then me. Cooks and cleans for me everyday and she considers herself an "inside cat". Best woman I ever met. Me and her father or bros.

Best way to meet Japanese girls is the internet. takes quite a bit of energy to get a girlfriend but it can be done. I have gone out with about 4 Japanese women over the years. Just a matter of how much you want it. try Japancupid.con.

>> No.7087400
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I almost believed you up until internet.

We know better than that.

>> No.7087405

japanese women age horribly

>> No.7087408

Reported for advertisement.

Or just because of your lies.

>> No.7087411

Ok to all the people saying Japanese girls act exactly the same as girls from the west are clearly retarded. What we have in japan a whole range of modes of sexualization of women that are dramatically different to the west, most obviously 'Kawaii' which is essentially the polar opposite to the sexually liberated slut that is the predominant mode in the west.

In both cases women can embrace these cultural pinnacles (in order to find a mate) in simply an aesthetic level, completely embody the mindset or totally reject it; their is a vast range of gradations obviously.

Also if you are a completely aspie fuck who could never get a girl in your home country; your lucky will not change in japan, but in my experience has been that if you at least put yourself out there, it is a easier to meet girls in japan because they will more readily approach you (because you are gaijin). I probably seem like a relative normalfag to most people who meet me and i do an excellent job of keeping my power level hidden, all girls are going to be a little freaked out by 1000's of figs etc but who doesn't know that?

>> No.7087417

>cont, I keep my VN's on my laptop, i i've got a ps3 and a stack of games in my apt and even a couple of figs. I pretty much dress entirely from uniqlo and i have had no problem meeting a fuckton of wonderful japanese girls. Some have been epic sluts and done things like call me "master" and asked to be choked out and others have been the purest jailbait imaginable.
No ones ever really battered an eyelid when i say i learnt japanese from Manga, Anime and video games.
I think a lot of japanese people understnad its their main cultural export and is for most people the easiest way to get a lot of exposure to the language.

YMMV, just because you post on JP doesn't mean you have to be a neet/hikki; its just the bitter ones will call you out on it if your not. I'd had hazard to say i've played far more VN's than most people on this board and am a far better touhou player than most.

>> No.7087451
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What the fuck are you guys talking about. It is a pretty popular dating website for Japanese women wanting to meet non Japanese. Only draw back is that most of the girls are in Japan so it sucks if you live in America. Though, that is not really a bad thing. I had multi Japanese girl penpals in the early 2000s. One of them turned into my irl girlfriend. Also, for a time right before I met my wife when I went to visit Japan I got to sleep with a couple of my old penpals(in different cities).

At least my wife was a virgin. Only thing was that We could not sleep with each other until we were married. Her mom was really old school. I also had to ask her parents premission to even date. It was worth it though.

>> No.7087471

Also, word of advice for looking for Japanese girls. Hide your power level until after you get them to be your GF.

>> No.7087472

>japanese women age horribly
>Japanese women
pick one

>> No.7087487
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from my experince japanese women look like teenagers for about 25 years. When 50 years old, they look about 40.

Case and Point: Yuko Nakazawa, 39 years old.

>> No.7087494

But then when they hit 55 they start rapidly aging like a truck hit them. Once they wrinkle, they wrinkle hard.

>> No.7087512

by time your that old, it is not like you will give a fuck. That is why you always marry a woman 4-10 years younger then you. Hell, if you care that much about looks, then just make a lot of money and use it to get a girlfriend 20 years younger then you.

>> No.7087519

My friends father married a 25 year old when he was 35 or something. She's 55 now and she is still pretty hot for 55.

>> No.7087546
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What's the point of marrying a Japanese girl?

If you want to work on your Japanese forever, I guess that's a valid reason. Or if you want endless stories of growing up in Japan.

Most of the things I see discussed on /jp/ and /a/ don't really relate to mainstream Japanese culture that much, I don't think, though. I mean seriously, just because she has squinty eyes and yellow skin and smells kind of like fish, that does not mean she has a higher power level.

You want to date a hikky or weeaboo style girl, you're probably better off looking for one in your country. Nor is an average asian girl that great of an expert on her culture, or a great conversationalist on it, or necessarily even interested. And if you want to live in an anime for reals, you need to get high off your ass, not married.

A fetish for a certain look is another thing, but I'm really not sure if you should marry somebody primarily for her looks. I mean sure, you can find both a certain look and a great personality, and everything, but the more demands you stack on, the harder it gets.

>> No.7087553


>pretty hot for 55

I don't think there is such thing, Anonymous.

>> No.7087592

Actually, most of their skin isn't even that yellow, and they tend to not be that smelly either.... Some of them, anyway.

>> No.7087622

>then you

>> No.7087658
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Guy who married a Japanese girl here. Japanese women have a different culture. Since I met and dated Japanese girls at such a early age, it was hard for me to relate to western women on a cultural way. I am just too used to how Japanese girls act and behave. I am used to the broken english and some of the little Japanese cultural tid bits and expectations.

To cut a long story short, after I dated a few western girls, I began to really miss some home styled okonomiyaki. I also began to catch myself thinking, and comparing the way western girls act to Japanese girls. I also asked said western girl if she could make me some okonomiyaki and she says:

1. I don't like to cook

2. what the fuck is OKONOMIYAKI?

3. why don't you date a Japanese girl?

So I said, "okay," and 1 month later I was dating a Japanese girl.

For me, it is like I am a hafu. Japanese culture and things are not remarkable, fade or a fetish... it just feels normal because it has been apart of my life for so long and I have come to expect it.

>> No.7087685

shed a tear. I know how you feel bro.

>> No.7087692

I feel the same way about living like a poorfag. I've lived most of my life in a small apartment with my poor family eating one and a half meals a day. Now that I can support myself making bank, I still live like a poor piece of shit with money just sitting in the bank.

>> No.7087742

Why don't you buy heaps of figures or build an awesome computer, anonymous? You deserve to treat yourself in that respect.

>> No.7087772
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For a while I felt like I was torn between two worlds. during the early 2000s, I had a few people tell me to "stop trying to be Japanese". After talking to my Japanese penpals, It was funny to hear about some people tell her to "stop trying to be American". When you look at it from this prespective, it all really is stupid. I just like some things in Japanese culture that I thought were interesting or good ideas. So in the end, we said "fuck it" and just decided to become a new culture all together.

This is the reality, because when I start to have half Japanese kids with my wife, they will in essence be half Japanese. I simply do not see the reason why they must choose one culture or the other. So we are just going to make a new hafu culture.

I think this is also the reason why alot of half asian in America like to call themselves "Hapa". It gives them a new self identity that they choose celebrate.

>> No.7087819


Thanks for all that information but nobody on /jp/ gives half a shit about you, your hairy bush nip wife, or the fact that you plan on impregnating her. GOOD JOB. Save it for your interview on Ellen Degeneres, you dumb dicksucker.

>> No.7087825



>> No.7087846


>> No.7087861
File: 59 KB, 470x352, doglaugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit >>7087772 got fucking told. I LOLED.

>> No.7087869

Right, because a girl in a cartoon is the same as a girl in real life.

Jap ladies are no different then american ladies.

>> No.7087873

Why so samefags, butthurt anon?

>> No.7087884


ujelly man?
why so jelly?

damn these basement dwellers are weaboos that makes us all look bad

>> No.7087887
File: 241 KB, 741x1024, 0011-741x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u jelly

>> No.7087895


>> No.7087903

I am >>7087873 not >>7087772, retard. Just a bypasser.

>> No.7087914


im >>7087884 also as >>7087903 just a bypasser...

btw, >>7087819 why so jelly, seriously...

>> No.7087923



Witty rejoinder.



>> No.7087928
File: 20 KB, 500x406, laughingatyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Heh. You so obviously are the samefriend. It might fly with the 14 year old broskis on /b/ but it's not working here.

>> No.7087934


Suuuuuuuure. Might wanna at least change up the wording a little in those two posts. Whoa. You are one dumb Wapanese nigra.

>> No.7087944


Super jelly of your pig disgusting unshaven whore.


>> No.7087974
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my face.

>> No.7088016


Wow. Another meme. Good one. This is pathetic. Good night.

>> No.7088053

This is an amazing amount of butthurt....

>> No.7088083

Oh wow. Sure is smart people in here!

>> No.7088181
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I thought my dream came true when my university told me I'd be babysitting 7 Japanese highschool girls but it soon fell apart, only 2 of them would talk to me, one that was obviously a slut and one that really only seemed to want to talk to me to test her english. All the others just kept quiet and tried not to stare at me, one of them held her nose as to say I stunk.
I saw them again after that, they all ignored me though.

>> No.7088291

This is what happens when you are ugly.

>> No.7088300

Double Major in Japanese?
You poor bastard.
