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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7083674 No.7083674 [Reply] [Original]

i just want your opinion about this pic

>> No.7083678

i'm not american, but theyre going on about pearl harbor...didn't the US get their revenge by nuking japan twice?

>> No.7083681

I think you should post this on /b/ instead of trying to troll here.
That's my honest opinion

>> No.7083689

yeah thats why its so funny, but they still keep on talking about this karma bullshit

>> No.7083686

not trolling dude, just want to see your reaction on this

>> No.7083690



Now please go away.

>> No.7083691
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It's a good thing they're all trolls.


>> No.7083692

nationalist was never a good thing, PH belong to the past, why don't they talk about the nuke in japan ?

>> No.7083693

People on Facebook are retarded

News at 11

>> No.7083695

That still doesn't change the fact that it is off-topic facebook garbage.


>> No.7083700

ばか がいじん。
But seriously, what a revelation! Who would of thought there are uneducated bigots out there who love to engage in their sub-retard level bigotry on Facebook!?

I love all the comments about how karma's a bitch, seriously if with that logic you'd have to admit the USA should of be flattened by now thanks to ol karma.

>> No.7083721

I don't care.

>> No.7083750

>remember those idiots started world war 2

>> No.7083751

So the two nukes aren't "payback" for Pearl Harbor any more? What are they supposed to be now?

>> No.7083759

Germany is the old name of Japan.

>> No.7083760


You're forgetting about the fire bombings by the Americans which killed another 500,000 people, and left millions homeless too. i wish these facebook faggots would just kill themselves already, waste of life.

>> No.7083761


Germany didn't start WW2. It was Poland.

>> No.7083766

Oh look, /new/ is now using facebook as their discussion board.

>> No.7083765

funny how they talk about pearl harbor like it was the greatest crime ever. guess they didn't remember about hiroshima and nagasaki. patriotism is rly a plague

>> No.7083771
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A few of them did mention those two, but that's not enough for America.
>We have God on our Side!

>> No.7083772
File: 7 KB, 465x95, that guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just noticed that the guy who was cosplaying as Marisa in the livestream chat last night is in OP:s picture..
I'm quite disappointed of him now

>> No.7083780

Yes, we get it. Small-minded, yet stupid people do exist. And we can do nothing due to freedom of speech and what not.

>> No.7083781

>hating on japan
not sure if troll

>> No.7083795

>average Americans

Woah, this is new and exciting!

>> No.7083846

It's funny how those people are just complete white trash, American soldiers didn't fight for them. This isn't the American dream.

>> No.7083854
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>Holding a grudge for something that didn't happen to you

>> No.7083983
File: 23 KB, 374x306, gyafun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those idiots started world war 2
That's funny, I don't recall Japan ever invading Poland.

>> No.7083985

Jews can do it, why can't we?

>> No.7084005

>blowing up a bunch of jarheads

why bother

>> No.7084007

By this logic, you can blame 9/11 on the atomic attacks at the end of the war.

>> No.7084010

and pearl harbor was for blowing up they own ship and blamming spain

>> No.7084015 [DELETED] 

Hey guys just to say. If the nukes didn't happen we would be living in eroge paradise.

Now, I believe every event has an influence on the future in some kind of way. We'll see the effects after they recover and... in the deep future... we may get something amazing.

I'm not saying that more of these disasters should happen... it's very devastating to hear the numbers of people killed and the pure destruction caused.

>> No.7084029

Since when was nuking Hiroshima and Nagasaki ever payback for PH? The original plan the U.S. army had pushed for was to let them invade the country and pretty much massacre as much of the jap population as it took to force capitulation...

and I just love all the enlightening "HURR DURR AMERIKKA SUX FUK PATRIOTISM" responses these threads are getting to those jigs posting dumb stuff on fagbook.

>> No.7084031

They invaded Manchuria far before Poland was invaded, which started the Pacific theatre of World War 2.

>> No.7084042

Karma thread?

>> No.7084052

The humiliation and losses Japan suffered in losing the war count as payback. If America had wanted to make Japan suffer more they could have, but clearly it wasn't that important.

>> No.7084060
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>> No.7084073

>Civilian deaths at pearl Harbour

>Civilian deaths at Hiroshima and Nagasaki
>Nearly a quarter of a million

There is no comparison in regards to which was the greater atrocity.

The people in OP's pic are not only scum, they're fucking retarded.

>> No.7084075
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Karma thread. Anybody else have good rearrangements?

>> No.7084078

>Counting civilian deaths in a military base.

>> No.7084079

Best version

>> No.7084082

>immigrant that moved to the US last week bitching about pearl harbor

>> No.7084091
File: 50 KB, 609x413, Chinese_head,_Nanking_massacre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How bout those civilian deaths at nanjing?

>> No.7084095
File: 790 KB, 1280x960, EV_SO05B_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7084103

Here are two pico + TAM piano/violin arrangements for Karma.


>> No.7084109
File: 896 KB, 1280x960, 1241601188254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anderes Karma: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9RM06_2_9I0

>> No.7084110

Why do we care it's chinese! Also YOU ZIONIST DIRT!

>> No.7084116

/jp/ don't care fo' Japan or Facebook

>> No.7084143

Heh, ignorant Americans. I'm glad I'm not in Japan or the US

>> No.7084150

It's like, the earth quake was really man-made by the USA to balance the karma.
Amazing how most posters weren't even alive when pearl harbour happened.

>> No.7084152

>post about how Japan deserves the tsunami on facebook
>"oh boy, i'm sure this would make me popular"
>still a virgin

>> No.7084177
File: 266 KB, 500x700, 891ad7fbd2f8c070120d21c762f7cb6f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't it funny? "God is with us", "God punished them"



Isn't the God of Christianity supposed to be all-loving? He taught us to try and approach even our greatest enemies with love, to share with people we don't necessarily know. Ever heard of the Good Samaritan? Samaritans were mortal enemies of Jews. Jesus even said: "When attacked, turn your face away" which meant "do not seek revenge".

Aren't the USofA supposed to be a deeply-Christian nation? They all look like Satanists.

>> No.7084187

please anon, save your breath we're all aware of the contradictions practiced by the followers of the main religions

>> No.7084231

careful, if you use that word as a curse than edgy teenagers will start claiming they are zionists just to feel rad.
look what happened whan the word 'nazi' was overused.

>> No.7084238

like, no
maybe somekinda butchered version for savages

>> No.7084246

A lot of the 'Christianity' in the US is a clear example of what happens when you mix religion and politics. People will mutilate religion in all kinds of ways to control people. Do you really think the Islam tells people that their goal in life is to blow themselves up and take as many people as they can with them, and that they'll be rewarded for doing so?

Religion is being, and has always been, used to control people. It plays a large role in many people's lives, so it's one of the first things to exploit when you want to change the way people think.

>> No.7084254

Salty pear harboring tears.

>> No.7084263
File: 65 KB, 1013x648, 1299946791024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and here we have another funny guy

>> No.7084268
File: 208 KB, 500x400, Untitled 1 copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7084285

Nah, US evangelicals pretty much take the word of the bible as literally as possible. Would that not make them the "true" Christians, while everyone else is merely picking and choosing which parts to believe?


>> No.7084293


>> No.7084299

You can't blame a new generation for something they had nothing to do with.

I wish people though a bit more before talking their ass off.

>> No.7084318

Yeah I've actually never used a board with spoiler tags before (pretty much been a /mu/tant for three years and thats it). My bad.

>> No.7084319

Learn to spell Americunts, it's harbour
