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7077808 No.7077808 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a decent way to cut your hair without spending money on it? I'm not going to embarrass myself after they found out I haven't gone in more than 6 months, and be forced to have awkward conversations for 15+ minutes.

I don't want anything fancy, just good enough to not look like a complete idiot on the few occasions I'm forced to go outside.

>> No.7077825


>> No.7077830

>I haven't gone in more than 6 months
What. Even when I still cared about that shit I went less. What kind of faggot are you?
Come back when you haven't gone in 6 years.

>> No.7077835 [DELETED] 

Asking something totally unelated and using such a image? Get out.

>> No.7077847

Wear your hair in a tail/bob and cut it simply to control the length occasionally. So long as you tie your hair up you can get away with really shitty cutting. I always cut my own hair; shit is cheap and easy.

>> No.7077863

buzzcut nigger

but dont get a 10 dollar pair of electric clippers

get a semi decent pair

trust me price matters I did cosmetology in highschool, you dont need 200 dollar clippers, but spend at least 30 or 40 bones man

>> No.7077865

Just spend the money you'll feel better.

>> No.7077868

My mom cut my hair for the longest time, nobody noticed except the barber.

"Can I ask who cut your hair before?"
"My mom, why?"
"Oh thank god, because if this was done by a professional!"

>> No.7077874

I got a good pair of clippers, Just move dat bitch over ur head son.

You be looking sexy in no time.

>> No.7077879

Shave and start wearing a hat

>> No.7077884


>> No.7077894

I'm half a year out of high school, and I haven't had my hair cut since about the start of middle school. Sure, it's a little hard to get a job, but people have less problems with a guy with a ponytail than a guy with a mane of hair.
Unless you're one of the guys from Queen.
Just tie it back, and act like you think it's perfectly normal. Or think that's it's perfectly normal.

>> No.7077898

Just go, usually barbers are too busy blabbing to each other to even care about you.

If you're growing long hair, you could buy shears to cut the ends.

>> No.7077904

Single blade razor all around, Hiki a month for hair to grow.

>> No.7077928
File: 67 KB, 576x599, 576px-Zinedine_Zidane_2008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just shave off all your hair, all the cool people do it.

>> No.7077932

>Just shave off all your hair, all the balding people do it.


>> No.7077931
File: 21 KB, 313x226, banabald1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7077945
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>> No.7078462

I want ideas too!

>> No.7078495

I keep my so short it is almost bald, I like it. I never have to deal with my hair.

>> No.7078560

6 months is a long time now?

>> No.7078581
File: 7 KB, 269x215, vargsmirk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep it long

>> No.7078628

Buzz cut, #2 blade guard.

>> No.7078686

You shouldn't have an awkward conversation about it Plenty of people go several months without cutting their hair -- and even those that go regularly come back to the stylist with messed up hair because they tried to cut their own split ends, trim their bangs or even cut bangs from long hair, color attempt, etc etc

They deal with messed up and mismanaged hair everyday Just go You'll be fine and it won't take long

I myself had my last hair cut in July and considering the load of money I spent and the length I like to keep I should be getting a trim every couple of months but I always go back with terrible splits and he always cuts off at least half a foot

Just go!

>> No.7078689

I just cut my own hair.

I don't do a good job of it, it generally looks terrible, but I don't do it to look stylish, I do it because I don't like my hair covering my face and eyes and it getting in the way of eating.

It looks bad but you can't complain about free.

>> No.7078729

Baldie here (shaved bald, not natural bald), shave my whole head twice a week.

Never having to worry about my hair feels great.

I've let my hair grow back a couple months ago, but after I got used with being bald / shaved, having hair felt so awkward and uncomfortable. It was then that I fully realized what a bother hair is. Once you go bald, you never go back. This is from a guy who used to have long hair down to the waist.

And yes, chicks dig bald / shaved guys (not that I care, I'd never cheat on my waifu with some 3dpd slut). The only awkward part of being bald is that a lot of people seem to think I'm a cop for some reason.

>> No.7078764
File: 118 KB, 864x465, skullet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ponytail master race report in

>> No.7078874

I want a pony tail, but it's still a bother to wash and dry.

>> No.7078894

Just buy a shaver and cut it really short, you can get ones that make it easier to cut it yourself.

>> No.7078892

Have your parents do it. My dad has cut my hair every other Sunday since before I can remember. Even when I lived away from home for a few years I still came home for a haircut. Dat father-son bondage.

>> No.7078924

>>7078892 Dat father-son bondage.

>> No.7078926

I want to try and pull off a ponytail, but I can't make it work without looking really feminine.

This would be nice if I was aiming for being a trap, but I've got a manly face and almost always have some stubble on my chin, so it just ends up looking kind of weird.

>> No.7078928

you can check out some yourube tutorials on cutting your own hair and such. just practice and it should be ok, nobody is gonna really notice unless they're barbers themselves or something. it's not really hard, i've been doing it for a few years now and it looks pretty ok. than again for over 10 years i've had a hime cut, so what do i know. also, i've been failing terribly the first 2 times, even though it's just fuckin straight horizontal cuts. than again try trimming your own hair when it's waist long.

>> No.7078970

i'm too scared to go to the barbers

they always make conversation here and it's always about sports or something else that i don't know about

it's so awkward

my hair is getting long now but it doesn't go long in the straight, normal way. it just goes "mullet" long and makes me look like a faggot.

so scared .-.

>> No.7078978

also the spoiler part is irreveland because you're male and if you screw up you'll look gay. doesn't happen to girls unless they go bald or mohawk. than again it doesn't matter because you're probably a neet anyway, and nobody will care.

>> No.7078992
File: 81 KB, 619x612, 1295500032878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then go to espn.com for five minutes before you get your hair cut

>> No.7079381

I haven't gotten my hair cut in almost two years, and the ladies think I look great with long hair. Haven't shaved since November either, and the only thing I might need to trim is my mustache - too much like one from some cheesy porn.

However, when I did get haircuts, I went to Supercuts, since it was cheap and I'm a Jew.

>> No.7079402

Ponytailfag here.

I have long hair and I don't give a fuck.

>> No.7079443



>> No.7079452 [DELETED] 


>> No.7079473

local asian haircutter in sf charges $10
thanks, asians

>> No.7079477

Fuck off.

>> No.7079525


Why you so mad, bro.

>> No.7079535

u mad you were told to fuck off

>> No.7079541


Actually he was told to fuck off.

I'm just curious.

>> No.7079555

dude ponytails are the worst. might as well get a leather trench coat and a fedora while you're at it

>> No.7079589


Do you know a place to buy a decent Fedora?

>> No.7079599

Why did you post this in /jp/? people are DYING and you're worrying about your hair?!

>> No.7079608


>> No.7079623



I've been fapping all day.

>> No.7079700

Moment of silence.
Move on.

>> No.7079735

Put your hair in a pony tail, then cut off the pony tail. It comes out looking like a bob cut, so make sure you know what that is before you do it.

>> No.7079784
File: 25 KB, 693x315, LeonMathilda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7079802

So I'll look like her if I cut off my pony tail?

>> No.7079811


Natalie Portman <3

>> No.7079849

/jp/ - Blog Culture

>> No.7079853

ask that cute girl you knew from high school that used to cut her friends' hair in her spare time
you know which girl i am talking about
