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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 229 KB, 598x331, Screen shot 2011-03-11 at 2.50.39 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7076010 No.7076010 [Reply] [Original]

>Reitaisai confirmed cancelled. They will update when they're able to.
>Already confirmed that ZUN and his beer are okay
>Akiba is mostly fine, pictures of dude buying eroge off AkibaBlog's twitter.
>Tokyo public transport is SHUT. DOWN. EVERYTHING.
>One oil refinery in Chiba confirmed for Terminator 2 It's in flames
>NONE of the nuclear sites have been confirmed compromised.
>Al Jazeera broadcast is switching between Japan and Libya
>North Japan payphones confirmed for currently free to call everywhere else.
>Calls to North Japan are blocked though due to lolOverload
>TBS is old guys, press conferences, and replays of earlier shaking.
>NHK is FLOOD FLOOD FIRE SHAKE SHAKE also current press conference.

I'm currently watching YokosoNews. He's aggregating pretty well.

>> No.7076017

lol Japanese people look so cute, it it true all the manly men died in the war?

>> No.7076024

They are unable to cool one of the nuclear reactors and have declared a nuclear emergency

>> No.7076027

>Suntory confirming existence of emergency handle for their vending machines. Emergency handle is located under a label and is made for these occasions.
>Public transport is still at a standstill, but bus service will try to resume tonight
>News advising everyone to stay where they are.
>Departments stores, train stations providing shelter for tonight.

Can you confirm from someone other than Al Jazeera?

>> No.7076029

Are you fucking serious?

>> No.7076032

>Al Jazeera broadcast is switching between Japan and Libya

that's reasonable

>> No.7076037 [DELETED] 
File: 522 KB, 1280x1024, k-on 1d54c592596ff7fd7199baeaa6701ea8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

us tv news livestream + chat coverage


>> No.7076038

Japan's holocaust

>> No.7076040

>Fox News

>> No.7076041

is Index going to air?

>> No.7076042

Only from aljazeeera, they don't have enough electricity to pump water in, but they are urging people to remain calm...

>> No.7076046 [DELETED] 

>your face when the Earthquake was Chinese engineered

>> No.7076051

>Reitaisai confirmed cancelled. They will update when they're able to.
Goddammit Japan, why can't you be a floating city.

>> No.7076055
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Once they mentioned Katrina, I went off.

Just got confirmation that the COOLING system stopped but NO RADIATION LEAK has been found.
This was in the press conference I screenshotted. Didn't hear it cause HURR HAD IT ON MUTE.

Don't hold your breath. It might, if it's not airing on TBS or NHK.
Just assume that ALL programming is getting canceled or getting time shifted.

>> No.7076057



Update on Onagawa plant. Al Jazeera caster announced the report "with a health check", as in, "unconfirmed but possible". At the moment, Al Jazeera is no longer circulating the story. So QFT you hypocondriac.

>> No.7076059

Yes, info confirmed, also aired at : http://www.ustream.tv/channel/zerowanx

>> No.7076061
File: 52 KB, 467x292, Screen shot 2011-03-11 at 3.14.17 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reitaisai main office tweeted everyone to STAY THE FUCK AWAY.

>> No.7076063

Index airs on ATX and Tokyo MX tomorrow, both of which are based in Tokyo. Don't count on it. It airs on about four other stations the day after though.

>> No.7076064

Its on the live stream right now, says state of emergency announced as cooling system stops working at nuclear plant

>> No.7076068

But there's NO leak.
Once that happens THEN you can freak the fuck out.

>> No.7076070
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>nuclear holocaust

>> No.7076074


State of nuclear emergency is no reason to freak out? Good to know.

>> No.7076075


>> No.7076077
File: 322 KB, 599x333, Screen shot 2011-03-11 at 3.20.01 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TBS confirming 46 dead, 51 injured.

>> No.7076078

Just in:
AJE relaying a Kyoto Reporting Agency update that there has been an "Atomic Power Emergency" declared for the reactor lacking cooling.

>> No.7076080

Plant in question appears to be Fukushima plant, not Onagawa.


>> No.7076081

Does this mean that /b/ trolls will raid us with tsunamis now instead of atomic bombs? Change is so exciting.

>> No.7076085

I think any incident involving nuclear reactors is a reason to freak out.

>> No.7076086

Atomic tsunami bombs.

So exciting!

>> No.7076089

Just read that myself... REALLY hope cooling goes back online.

>> No.7076093
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>> No.7076103

>Have Japanese penfriend.
>Only sent a few emails to each other over the last couple of weeks.
>Earthquake and Tsunami.
>Worried for a girl on the other side of the world I've spoken to maybe 4 or 5 times, and never met.

This sucks.

>> No.7076106
File: 52 KB, 466x280, Screen shot 2011-03-11 at 3.27.18 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Of course, US military is all accounted for and completely fine.

>Also, Reitaisai office confirming trying to deal with the event.
Advising catalogs not be thrown out. i.e. CALM YO' TITS

Twitter helped for this..

>Elections in April may be delayed

>> No.7076109

Ayup. The poor buggers are irradiated enough as is. I'm not sure what other failsafes they may have for meltdowns, but I'm not looking forward to a potential Chernobyl level event, except this time in a light water plant at a coastline in a very densely populated region.

>> No.7076110

This can't be happening. How would Japan cope with a third nuclear disaster?

>> No.7076130


>Of course, US military is all accounted for and completely fine.

What do you mean by that?

>> No.7076132

>A 67 year old man fell in his garden hit his head and died

>> No.7076144

now I feel bad for laughing

>> No.7076147
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>> No.7076155

Seems like most of the damage isn't from the earthquake, but rather the tsunami caused by it. Must have been unexpected seeing the quickly rising death toll.

>> No.7076157

Miku will save Japan, it's ok gaiz11

p.s. i hope danny choo died. i dont care if its wrong, i hate him.

>> No.7076158
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goddamn I've watched this drama for like 5 hours...

>> No.7076159
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> oil refinery

>> No.7076161

NHK just did the bilan of deaths, caoudn't count precisely but it's more than a hundred.
Small villages had been washed away by the tsunami.

>> No.7076168
File: 49 KB, 458x301, Screen shot 2011-03-11 at 3.42.58 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Since /a/ is being dicks
SO MUCH FOR THAT. Not like I cared for it but some of you might.

They're taking it easy.

It's not the best way to go either. Mine got a stroke in the dining room and smacked his head on the floor when he fell ;_;

>> No.7076169

I just asked about the power plant...It's apparently fine.

>> No.7076170


>> No.7076186

Fuji was running death tolls a while ago on a per-area ticker.

>> No.7076197



>> No.7076199

>TOKYO — The Japanese government issued a state of emergency at a nuclear power plant Friday after a cooling system failure in the wake of the giant earthquake and tsunami off the east coast of the Pacific nation.

Not looking so cool.

>> No.7076216
File: 15 KB, 569x81, Screen shot 2011-03-11 at 3.53.39 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Update on nuclear plants. PLURAL.
They seem to be safely shutdown.
Fukushima plant confirmed for cooling.

I thought he lived in Kyoto?

That's a double negative watdo

>> No.7076223

>Fukushima plant confirmed for cooling.

>> No.7076225
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>> No.7076239
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Confirmed death.

>> No.7076273
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>> No.7076278

Reactor 1 from Fukushima automatically went off went the earthquake struck, the problem is they didn't have electricity to cool it off, even the diesel power supply malfunctioned, so they had to use emergency power supplies. But now they are bringing power generating machines to keep it juiced. No radiation leaks confirmed.

>> No.7076285

Gojira...is angry...

>> No.7076289
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>> No.7076290

>Prime Minister confirming having declared nuclear emergency as a precautionary measure. No leaks have been found.

>Al Jazeera reporting that waves will hit California 12hrs after quake. Mexico soon after.

>> No.7076306


>> No.7076314

Is the Tokyo Tower OK?

>> No.7076323



>> No.7076326


seems fine. Only the lights at the very top are off.

>> No.7076327
File: 85 KB, 1037x391, Screen shot 2011-03-11 at 4.12.20 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I reading this right or is Reitaisai office buying back catalogs?

No one but /a/ and the weaboos are caring about Tokyo Tower.

>> No.7076331

pics or it didn't happen

>> No.7076336
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>> No.7076343 [DELETED] 

The guy on the stream says assquake and arsequake.

>> No.7076338
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>> No.7076345

Has there been any word of Reitaisai's new date?

>> No.7076351

can you shoop a earlier-now picture?

>> No.7076358
File: 180 KB, 1680x1050, qb_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking knew it!!

>> No.7076359

They are still deciding whether to reschedule or cancel.

>> No.7076361

i heard Nihei is among the missing people ;__;

>> No.7076362
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>> No.7076365

Urobochi tweeted earlier that he hoped he can still be alived for Madoka ending before ep10 aired.
I guess we finally knew why.

>> No.7076368

Reminds me of some good times with Ace Combat.
Ew. Well, could have been worse.
Yeah, totally not /jp/-related. Go back to shitposting, kid.

>> No.7076369
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>> No.7076371
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>> No.7076374

this is like in my japanese animes tokyo magnitude 8.0

>> No.7076380

Quick google says otherwise. http://twitpic.com/48dwl8

The venue suffered damages.

>> No.7076381
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taken with shitty iphone camera. You can see the top where the lights are off.

>> No.7076383
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>> No.7076389

When I saw that posted I was like "what the hell?" then several hours later I found out what happened.

>> No.7076392

PSA, signed yours truly. Just want to give you all an idea of how massive this quake is.

The Richter magnitude scale tells us how much energy was released in an earthquake, and increases with a factor of 1000 per point. That means a 5.4 earthquake is 1000 times more powerful than a 4.4 earthquake, and 1000000 times more powerful than a 3.4 earthquake.

Still struggling to under? Alright, let me put it this way:
Christchurch earthquake released energy equivalent to 42.3 kilotons of TNT exploding.

The earthquake Japan experienced released energy equivalent to 336 megatons of TNT exploding.


CHRISTCHURCH = 42300 tonnes of TNT exploding
JAPAN = 336000000 tonnes of TNT exploding

Kiwis can suck a cock

>> No.7076393
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>> No.7076398
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>> No.7076400
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Your time is over, human scum!

>> No.7076402
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>> No.7076411 [DELETED] 

this scene was the first thing that popped in my mind when i heard about erthquake.

than i was like "OMIGOD POOR FIGURES"

>> No.7076412


Has anyone offered up the theory of a tsunami bomb or a nuclear bomb detonation in the ocean?

Can it be ruled out that some country did not detonate a nuclear device in the ocean?

>> No.7076420

Apparently it's the 7th largest earthquake recorded.

>> No.7076426

Can I expect a jump next week?

>> No.7076427


Yes, this can be ruled out. Powerful thermonuclear weapons release huge ammounts of gamma rays that can be picked up from anywhere on the planet. We would've known immediately.

>> No.7076438

2km radius around the NPP is being evacuated.

>> No.7076443

>2,000 residents near Fukushima nuclear plant urged to evacuate - Kyodo News

>> No.7076445


unless there's a week of national mourning, yes.

>> No.7076451

If I remember correctly, the earthquake in that one had movement akin to the Northdrige earthquake from back in 1994.
That one felt REALLY violent.

Propagation of status and location of evacuation centers is being prioritized for Tokyo and northern Japan at the moment.

Kyodo News is reporting that. Hopefully that's still precautionary since they haven't given the ALL OK for radiation leak.

>> No.7076454
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Huh. That puts into perspective, I guesse..

>> No.7076455
File: 23 KB, 522x322, tsar_bomba1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think 5 Tsar bombs would have enough power to cause this much of an impact. Then again, I'm no physicist.

>> No.7076470

>mfw the new S.T.A.L.K.E.R. game is on japan
>Okuu is the final boss

>> No.7076475

3 Tsar Bomba would roughly release the same ammount of energy as a 9.0 earthquake. So 5 of them would cause a bigger tsunami if detonated underwater. You wouldn't get the same tectonic shock, but the damage would probably be more devestating.

>> No.7076481

glorious japan is now Detroit

what now ?

>> No.7076482
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Is NHK world even getting updates or something because the newscasters seem pretty lost.

On a related note, is bkub okay?

>> No.7076487

even one Tzar could vaporize all the japanese islands

and kill half of the chinese people

>> No.7076496

I was actually thinking while watching it burn that the oil refinery in >>7076336 reminded me of the lightning thingies next to Chernobyl NPP in SoC.

>> No.7076499

I just woke up and saw it on the news, came here to see whether you were having any interesting conversation about it.
>Already confirmed that ZUN and his beer are okay
This is why I love /jp/.

>> No.7076501

Where is your face?

>> No.7076502

tv asahi http://justin.tv/imononakanoyakult
nhk g http://justin.tv/redsno13

>> No.7076511 [DELETED] 


>> No.7076518

Hello western poster posing as a Korean.

>> No.7076519

Japan gov't formally asks for disaster help from US military forces.

>> No.7076525

For that one bro in Tokyo near the Tokyo Tower, this may be of interest to you.
>Public shelters open to Tokyoites this evening
>Train lines reopened
>Public shelters open to Tokyoites this evening
>Free drinks and phone charging services


>> No.7076528
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>> No.7076531
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>> No.7076533

>Free drinks and phone charging services
call ecchi hotline nao!

>> No.7076535


>> No.7076539

is that gonna hurt our already really bad economy issue?

>> No.7076549

No Kamen Rider/Sentai this weekend because of earthquake...fuck you nature.

>> No.7076551

1999.co building was destroyed..

>> No.7076556
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matsushima airbase is sunk

>> No.7076559
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your fucked bro
hlj - http://www.hlj.com/
Mikatan - "Earlier today a strong earthquake (8.9) hit Japan and GSC office kind of got hit by it, but good thing none of the staffs got hurt.

Anyway, the damage may affect some release dates, so don’t be surprised if there are delays coming for this month’s release dates. For more information on the Earthquake you can go Here.

This may affect other company’s releases also."

>> No.7076563

Who is ZUN? And why should I care about his beer?

>> No.7076566 [DELETED] 

Let's hope the rest of Japan follows ^___^

>> No.7076571

Think the Yen fell against the dollar as reported in one of the other threads. It's still around 83yen to the dollar so it will probably won't be something to worry about until the Yen is around the 90's.

HobbyLife's bodega is a mess. The bigger issue is the shipping services since the ports are on the east side.
Don't know if you noticed but that's where the tsunami hit.

>> No.7076574

Well Shit...

>> No.7076578
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Those reporters with helmets... oh Japan...

>> No.7076579

All ports are closed till further notice.

>> No.7076581

Thats insane..
Also it looks like its raining now.

>> No.7076583

>Think the Yen fell against the dollar as reported in one of the other threads.
Shit, we have to order more goods while it's still low!

>> No.7076588

pffft who gives a fuck about nihon.
is gensokyo okay?!

>> No.7076591


>> No.7076593

RT @martyn_williams: Still thousands on streets of Tokyo. Transportation a mess. Waits of hours for taxi. Roads gridlocked central Tokyo.

>> No.7076594

>66 dead
>66 suicide
Amiright /jp/

>> No.7076596

ZUN makes all these touhou games, using his drunken stance.

>> No.7076597
File: 309 KB, 608x332, Screen shot 2011-03-11 at 4.50.17 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good luck to Tokyo-bro if he's taking the bus home...

Narita is now allowing outbound flights.
Inbound are still being rerouted south.

>> No.7076598
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>> No.7076600

>>7076559 This may affect other company’s releases
>>7076535 MY FIGURES

have some compassion you selfish heartless fucks.

>> No.7076604

stickying this and cleaning up the rest of the board.

>> No.7076605

He's giving a new report re: tsunami warning areas. Possible affected areas are spreading and getting more serve.

>> No.7076606

WHERE can I get so high quality stream?

>> No.7076608
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>> No.7076609
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>> No.7076610


Fuck now you actually have me worried if Bkub is okay.

>> No.7076611

Streaming TBS in HQ, if you're interested.

>> No.7076613
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>> No.7076614

Forgot the link, derp.

>> No.7076615
File: 229 KB, 610x369, Screen shot 2011-03-11 at 4.56.35 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another press conference.
>Tsunami warning still in place.
>Please stay calm.

Pretty much confirming detail, status, and nuclear plants being okay.

>> No.7076617

>Reitaisai confirmed cancelled. They will update when they're able to.
There is no god

>> No.7076618

Twitter confirmed for "FUCK YEAR" status.

>> No.7076619

most people in tokyo live an hour or so by train from their work/school.

I live 30mins by train and it took me 2+ hours to walk home.

>> No.7076620
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>nuclear plants being okay

I expected no less. Nuclear power is the future.

>> No.7076623

>have some compassion you selfish heartless fucks.

Chill asshole I wasn't complaining, it was a quote by Mikatan not me.

>> No.7076625

My thoughts go out to yamas03, an amazing youtube poop music video and [MAD] maker. Please be okay.... :'(

>> No.7076624 [DELETED] 

Power was out in Kanagawa prefecture all day, and just came back up like 30 mins ago. That's about 9 million people without electricity. Stores closed because cash registers weren't working, traffic lights were dark. No niggar-like looting though.

>> No.7076626

>nuclear plants being okay
Get of of here stalker

>> No.7076627

>Reitaisai confirmed cancelled. They will update when they're able to.

Nature couldn't have waited 4-5 days? fuck

>> No.7076628

Thank you. I feared the bannings on /a/ would cause the shitpost tsunami to come this way.

>> No.7076629
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>> No.7076630
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I just want to know if the Maglev train is alright.

>> No.7076631

54 deaths confirmed

>> No.7076633

I wonder what every NEET, every shut-in Otaku, is doing right now in the areas with no power? With no kettle or microwave to fill their bellies? No internet to answer their questions and soothe their fears about the terrifying outside world that has suddenly collapsed around them!

My heart goes out to our eastern brothers.

>> No.7076634

Oh man, looking at the boats getting sucked under bridges and entire warehouses being pushed around is pretty scary.

Good thing Tokyo wasn't hit as bad as up north. It would've been the worst disaster in modern history.

>> No.7076635

>Anyone know if yamas03 is okay?!!?!?

>> No.7076636

Thank you

>> No.7076638


>> No.7076640

I'm excited.

>> No.7076641

Hey, this gonna affect the prices of LCD and LED?

>> No.7076642

As a site more or less designed for sending out the most useless messages you could want to, it's surprisingly useful at time like these.

>> No.7076643

my thoughts as well.

>> No.7076644

JR trains are resuming service right now. Shikasen to the west are running. To the north, i.e. to Tokyo to Aomori is closed for the time being.

I pray they have power supplies like me. It's the only thing that got me through the California brownouts.

>> No.7076645

Somewhere else they had 63 deaths confirmed... I I Wonder how high the death toll will be in total.
Seeing how there are videos where you can see cars being encased in water...

>> No.7076646

I heard 56

>> No.7076647

Hows 2chan reacting to this?

>> No.7076648

>Already confirmed that ZUN and his beer are okay
I can finally go back to sleep.

>> No.7076649

>74 dead 244 injured

>most of them elderlies

>mfw nothing of value was lost

>> No.7076651

apparently about 100 people were either missing or just found dead...

>> No.7076652

Probably with lots of 笑?

>> No.7076653
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>> No.7076654


>> No.7076655


>> No.7076657
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>mfw sticky

>> No.7076658

I... wonder what would have happened if the earthquake had happened on the same day as Reitaisai. I hear Tokyo area was not hit too hard (?) but, suddenly I am very happy it was before the event, seeing as it might as well have been during.

>> No.7076659

Thanks dude but I'm in my apartment so all is good. Well worth the 2 hour walk, seeing the tons of people waiting for buses.

There's also the Minato-ku Health and Nutrition building around here and I can hear them announcing some messages on the PA.

>> No.7076660


By trying to identify a man who picked his nose on TV

>> No.7076661

I expect the deathtoll to reach 1000 at the very least

>> No.7076662
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So far 74 confirmed casualties as of now. Hopefully it stays under the 1k mark after all this is over.

>> No.7076665
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>> No.7076666

Well sometimes you just gotta stick your finger up there to see whats what yah know?

>> No.7076668

I lol'd

>> No.7076669


What's twitter doing?
People managing to update their status through it?

>> No.7076670
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>> No.7076671
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oh lawd

>> No.7076672

Anyone know how the city of Hikari is fairing? My sister lives there.

>> No.7076673

so i'm estimating about 6 miles from your place to where you were with a 20 min/mile walk?

>> No.7076674

Wow I sure was late to my post.

>> No.7076675

Good to hear you're alright.

For some reason; I've always wanted to try something like that.

Making my way through Tokyo after an earthquake.
Like in that anime Tokyo Magnitube 8.0 or something.

>> No.7076676

fucking this

in a situation like this i'd imagine 2chan as one of the major sources of related information.
and that said information would be spread around international image bbs qickly.

>> No.7076677

R.I.P Hawaii, Vanuatu, Samoa.

They won't survive.

>> No.7076678
File: 23 KB, 152x199, hmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, now is our chance to become heroes just like in our animes.

Let's go to Japan and save all the scared schoolgirls.

Is your body is ready?

It better be.

It was born for this.

>> No.7076681

it's not as fun as you might think
my neighborhood blew up after the gas pipe explosion back in september. the six month anniversary was two days ago. giant fucking fire.

>> No.7076682

fuck saving the schoolgirls save the maids dammit!

>> No.7076683

It was due to a few building falling on them.
I'd rather not post casualties at the moment due to the number still coming from people still being pulled from rubble.


>Toll lines down
>Traffic still fucked
>Haneda Airport partially open now.
>Norther Japan airports confirmed for closed.
>Many Universities postponing entrance exams.

Good to hear.

Yes. It's how I heard Fukuyama was "lolwut" and a buddy's status in northern Kanagawa.

There's another series that hasn't been animated. I haven't kept up with it but it involved a girl in gothic lolita and a salaryman.
You have to take into account epicenter and HOW it shakes. TM8.0 and that other one are more akin to Northridge than the one that hit.

>> No.7076685

Judging from all the shit about the nuclear power plants, next stalker game will be set in sendai

>> No.7076686

>No inbound flights
>No experience in rescue
>No super powers
Yeah... right...

>> No.7076687

Is there a chart where you can see how strong the earthquake was in entire japan for every prefecture?

>> No.7076688

Dow opened, currently DOWN 228, sharp drop on opening.

>> No.7076692

the DOW doesn't open until 9 you retard, that's from yesterday

>> No.7076694

It was about 6 miles give or take, according to google maps and me getting a little lost.

Tokyo wasn't really affected damage wise. There was no post disaster feeling. I'd imagine that if all the trains shut down for half a day, it'd be about the same.

Except for the fact a big disaster did happen. There were so many people just standing around in Shinjuku staring at the big screens of the news about 2 hours after the quake.

>> No.7076695


Just checked. I don't have many uses for twitter beyond a few laughs, but the few people I follow are all 11s.

They seem to be alright. Glad

>> No.7076698
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better than nothing.

>> No.7076700

I don't think of it as fun of games, don't get me wrong.

It's just that the situation is very fascinating.
I've never had the chance to cling to my life with my fingertips, and it's not like I go out searching for those experiences or anything like that.

But if I had to do it; Japan would be the place.

I wouldn't fear getting robbed or killed like I'd probably be if I was in Haiti or something.

I'd try helping people, making it back, etc.

>> No.7076707

Now that the japanese are extinct I lost all my reason to learn their language. Damn, but it was going so well.

>> No.7076709
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Ah, crap....
Core is still hot, but confirming that evacuation is a precautionary measure.

>> No.7076710

Fucking hell, someone give me a quick brief on the Nuclear powerplant please.

>> No.7076714

Is this shit legit? I want to help Nippon.

>> No.7076716

No, this is wonderful. Now, you can help repopulate Japan and restore its glorious culture!

>> No.7076721

People in the area evacuated.
Fire put out.
No leaks confirmed.

That's what I've got so far by following the news in my country (Denmark).

I really feel about this situation. Much more than any other natural disaster, because they always seem to hit areas that I don't really care about.

I wasn't more than 8 years old when the one in Kobe hit, and I pretty much didn't know what Japan was until I got into it in high school.

>> No.7076722

All of them were safely shutdown.
Fukushima is the one we're worrying about though since their main AND backup cooling failed so the core is still running hot.

Personally, I'd wait until stuff settles down a bit more.
It's hard to trust anything in the US for donations due to lolKatrina.

>> No.7076723

This might fix their low birthrate problem.

>> No.7076724

>The latest report of missing persons comes from 48 missing (mostly students) in Iwate Oohunato who were swept away by the tsunami.

>> No.7076727

Not if Fukushima has a meltdown

>> No.7076728

Aren't there quite a few small islands near the epicenter that should be totally fucked?

Death count should be 4 digits most likely.

>> No.7076729
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Lots of powerful afterquakes

>> No.7076730
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90 dead.

>> No.7076731

Tsunami waves crash ashore Japan Tsunami Welle trifft Japans Küste

>> No.7076732

What's the best news stream to watch? TBS on salmon?

>> No.7076733
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Blowout soon, fellow youkai...

>> No.7076736

Did Ishihara die?

>> No.7076738
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I wonder why is it that all the tsunamis caused by earthquakes happen during the day?

I bet people would flip their shit completely if a tsunami would just creep through the lands during a pitch black night, turning of street lights as it goes.

>> No.7076739

(All times are local in Japan GMT+9)


A ship carrying 100 people has been swept away by the tsunami off Japan's coast, the Kyodo news agency has reported, saying its whereabouts are still unknown.

Meanwhile authorities have told residents living near the Fukushima nuclear plant, hit by a fire earlier, to evacuate the area.

Authorities said peole living in a two kilometre radius of the No.2 reactor of the Fukushima No.1 plant should leave.

Tokyo Electric Power Co, which operates the plant, is still working to maintain water levels to avert the exposure of nuclear fuel rods, the Reuters news agency said.

Oh god yes, please tell me japan is gonna have a nuclear disaster. PLEASE!

>> No.7076740

I think the Japanese can help themselves.
It's not like Japan is some 3rd world helpless place which is thrown into instant anarchy.

Insurance companies are gearing up by cashing in on investments abroad in order to brace for the hordes who will come with damage reports over the next couple of days.

Looking at all the buildings, boats, etc.
Shit, they're in for a ride.

>> No.7076741

First tsunami hitting Kauia.
Here's the stream... it failed for me though...

>> No.7076742

For now, yes.
Atleast that's what I'm doing.

>> No.7076748

March 11, 2011 Japan. Sendai Tsunami

>> No.7076749

More like abducted by the creatures responsible...

>> No.7076751


This guy's got Adonis DNA.

>> No.7076752

Here's a better stream for Hawaii.

Personally using the UStream channel for TBS and NHK.

>> No.7076753


please if someone could tell me what was the earthquake magnitude in shizuoka-ken and if the tsunami waves height.

i have family members living in there

>> No.7076755

I've never seen someone give any less of a shit in a time of crisis

>> No.7076756
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>> No.7076758
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>> No.7076759
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Is the 200-300 estimates in casualties?

>> No.7076760

Oh, cool. When?

>> No.7076761

>Fuji tv is reporting Eastern Bay of Sendai called Arahama is washing up a lot of dead bodies

Don't remember the magnitude but wave height was somewhere around six meters according to NHK.

>> No.7076762

Wow, that guy got some nerves.

>> No.7076763
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>> No.7076766

He'll probably be killed by family and friends.

>> No.7076768
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>> No.7076769



Now you have.

>> No.7076770

How much warning time was there for the coastal areas? Were most people able to evacuate before the tsunami hit?

>> No.7076771




>> No.7076772

not the total estimate, they're saying they just found around 200-300 drowned cropses

>> No.7076773


Aaaw shit, it's hitting the fan

Seriously guys, I'm starting to feel bad the first I thought of when I read this was the release dates

I hope the death tool isn't very bad ;_;

>> No.7076775

You just spun me out...
so true, until it travels across the world into the night..
But they do seem too start off in day light

>> No.7076776

The earthquake would have been felt as around a 4 there.

>> No.7076777
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>> No.7076778

Here's NHK's Youtube channel.

Also, apparently public transport out of Tokyo is closing for the night and people are being advised to stay at the nearest available shelter.

>> No.7076779

zoom in and see.

and for waves, http://www.jma.go.jp/en/tsunami/focus_3.html

>> No.7076780

Pretty old news, but thanks nontheless.

>> No.7076781

I really want to help.
This is awful.

>> No.7076783

oh jesus, already called my brother and he said they're all fine.
just hope anything worse happens, like a nuclear catastrophe

>> No.7076787

I don't even want to imagine how young these students were. I wonder if it was a commuter bus heading home, trying to beat the tsunami.

>> No.7076788

they already scrammed all their reactors, they will be fine.

>> No.7076789
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Gotta love natural disasters, it triggered my USD/JPY short order and hit my TP to net me $22,000 while I was sleeping. Normally that move would've taken at least a week of a straight down trend.

>> No.7076790

I live in California, is anything serious going to happen?
Because I don't want to leave my fucking house.

>> No.7076792

in tv they said, they already discovered 300 dead people and expect many more

>> No.7076793

I thought Fukushima was still running hot?

>> No.7076794
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>> No.7076795

Situation at Fukushima nuke plant growing increasingly worrying. Evac order now covers 3,000. Sr. gov't & defense officials ordered to scene

Also several petrochemical plants exploding or on fire.

>> No.7076796

That's going to rise by an order of magnitude at least.

How much time was between the first warnings and the arrival of the Tsunami?

>> No.7076799

Holy shit

>> No.7076800



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波屋舟車木箱波火波波波波波箱波岩          人

>> No.7076801

>I'm sorry for not being able to write in English
>The death count is sure to be over 3000
>It's worse than the Kobe quake
>100 people on boats and trains are missing
>The images from the quake have been showing on TV all day
>I wonder if there are a lot of writers and artists among the victims
>Maybe they have lost family in the quake
>Shirou Masamune (Ghost in the Shell) lost everything in the Kobe quake
>It took a long time before he felt like making manga again

>So if you want to help your favorite writers, bring out money for their anime and goods.

Did I get it right?

>> No.7076802
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>> No.7076804

Fukushima had a terrible fire, and they couldnt get the reactor to cool, so it was running hot when the waves hit, now they are scrambling to keep water from hitting the fuel rods causing catastrophe

>> No.7076806


>> No.7076808

anybody relevant seiyuu, mangaka, game maker etc reported dead yet?

>> No.7076809

All trolling aside, imagine discovering hundreds of drowned corpses on a beach somewhere, realizing that just the day before they were living a perfectly normal life, most likely with their loved ones.

Shit's unsettling.

>> No.7076811

Any tsunami personifications taking it up the ass on Pixiv? Can't access from work for some reason

>> No.7076814


J.C.Staff offices have been hit pretty hard though and SHAFT had to evacuate their offices for a while.

>> No.7076815

>Tsunami detectors are screwing up and not reporting properly...
>News reports from Hawaii saying they can take tsunami levels that have arrived so far.
>Other reports coming saying the levels are rising...

If anything, it's the first kilometer by the beach. Watch the situation in Hawaii. It's a slightly better indicator since it'll hit us in a bit under two hours.

>> No.7076816
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I find corpses unsettling in general

>> No.7076817

Sent a chill down my spine...

>> No.7076818
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Holy fuck Mother Nature, it's not like I was going to leave for Japan tomorrow for ten days or anything. Nope, don't even sweat it. You bitch.

>> No.7076820


>> No.7076821

No, the news just likes to hype shit.

Most of the energy from the earthquake will have dissipated by the time it reaches even Hawaii, much less Cali.

>> No.7076822

No surprised - it shouldn't be different from finding crushed bodies under rubble

>> No.7076823


>> No.7076824


Oh shit son, don't make me feel worse than I already do

>> No.7076825

>SHAFT had to evacuate their offices for a while.

They will need to reinstall power point on their new laptops

>> No.7076827
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3km evac zone set up around fukushima nuke plant

>> No.7076829


I was watching the HI live stream. It was totally anticlimactic. I wouldn't worry unless you're right on the beach.

>> No.7076830
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It's god's payback for the crappy miku concert.

>> No.7076831
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Except the international flights have been canceled, you derp.

>> No.7076832
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Japan deserves each and every death. Fucking bullies.

>> No.7076834
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Specifically is Wai-ki-ki (sp?)

AP is reporting about 200-300 bodies are washing up on the shore

>> No.7076835

Why let planes stop you?

>> No.7076836

You should be fine. Unless something changes drastically the estimated wave height is roughly 3-5 feet. Buoys outside Hawaii were reporting 5-8 ft or so so by the time it reaches the west coast it'll be smaller.

>> No.7076837

babbys first troll

>> No.7076838

Chilean tsunami last year was in the night which was a lot worse because people didn't knew it was coming. In one case there was a party on an island (end of summer) and if is not for some fishermen that went to save all the people they could all of them would have die

>> No.7076840

A girl from my shared kitchen told me this morning that her uncle and aunt went out on a boat a bit later than they had booked for, and that they switched with a German couple. All because the uncle overslept.

This was back when the tsunami hit Indonesia a couple of years ago.

The German couple went out early and got back minutes before the tsunami hit the shore, and the girl's uncle and aunt pretty much saw the water level look weird from the boat, and the one who controlled the boat just slammed the throttle towards the sea in order to lower the wave effects on the boat.

The Germans died.

>> No.7076841

S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Fukushima

>> No.7076842
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I own a hot air balloon, if you want to use it.

>> No.7076843


Is it just supposed to affect the west coast, or is it going to hit the rest of us to?

I live in the east coast, so I bet the worst we'll get is some rain. Its already flooding out here.

>> No.7076844

>100 people on boats and trains are missing
no, it says "there are missing trains and boats that carried around a hundred people (each)", it's not just a hundred people total that's missing

>> No.7076847

I'd play it.

>> No.7076848


It's not the planes stopping me, it's the lack of a place to land it.


I'd use it, but I think I'd be a little late by the time it got me there.

>> No.7076849

>Ryan McGuinness on the Hawaiian island of Maui tells CNN that he is standing about 10ft away from the shore.
>He says there have been surges, during which the sea has advanced about 20ft further inland than normal. But now, he says, the sea level has receded about 200ft, exposing reefs and rocks which are normally always covered.
>People are calm, he adds, but they are now moving to higher ground.

BBC update for Hawaii

>> No.7076850

There's no fucking meltdown, why would they evacuate?

The core overheating when the plant is shut down would simply mean big repair bills for the plant. Fucking liberals and their nuclear idiocy.

>> No.7076851

it's going to transmit the energy through the entire continent and hit you on the east coast. if you mean the other direction, it's going to transmit the energy through three continents and hit the east coast.

>> No.7076853


So it's hundreds instead of a hundred.
I guess that makes sense, everything accounted for.

>> No.7076855

can't help but to think

some where in japan there is a loli being rape right now

>> No.7076856

better safe than sorry is the stance

>> No.7076859

They are evacuating as a just-in-case because they are still having trouble keeping the core cool. It's under control for the moment but due to emergency measures but it's not out of the woods yet.

>> No.7076860

スタジオダブ studio Dab

旭プロダクション asahi -pro

>> No.7076862

unless water hits the overheated fuel rods and causes radiolysis of the water resulting in an increase in the nuclear reaction. Oh and lets also not forget the possibility of steam explosions throwing core material yknow up to a kilometre away.

>> No.7076864


"A nuclear meltdown is an informal term for a severe nuclear reactor accident that results in core damage from overheating."

>> No.7076865
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Here's a better shot of it from the stream before.
See that brown/green area behind the white (beach sand) that's the coral reef as the ocean has receded to expose it.
The area is called Diamondhead. They say its a good football field long recession from the shoreline.

>> No.7076868

Oh God.

I seriously hope Gensokyo is alright.

>> No.7076870

with the number of people in the world there is a loli being raped somewhere in the world at all times of the day

>> No.7076871
File: 224 KB, 606x348, Screen shot 2011-03-11 at 5.59.15 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rehash on the map.

Please learn to geography.

>> No.7076873

so let's see some tsunami jokes in here

>> No.7076874

"You're a faggot."

It's in quotes so it must be true.

>> No.7076876

Fucking hell /jp/
I can't remember what's worse the initial shock of the aftershock?

>> No.7076878

Millions of life's have been affected, to be quite frank you are a joke.

>> No.7076879
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>> No.7076880

It's behind a barrier. You should know this

Neither. It's the buildings falling on you.

>> No.7076881


>> No.7076882

The tsunami.
Japan is relatively earthquake-proofed, but the Tsunami hit them hard.

>> No.7076883

>The plant lost cooling
>Core was running hot (Being managed)
So what's happening here for real cap'n

>> No.7076884

THEN what about the aftershock tsunami?

>> No.7076885

The tsunami killed 400 people or so in Sendai.

>> No.7076886

Touhou dude died?

>> No.7076889
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>Waves above 10 meters reported for some areas, moved very fast over land ("Yukkuri supiido desu")
>At least 200 believed drowned in Sendai
>Earlier nuclear cooling problem solved, caused by backup diesel generator failing to power pumps

>> No.7076890

Technically, the initial shock is the worst. Aftershocks are weaker but they can go on for weeks and loosen shit that was already fucked up from the original earthquake.

>> No.7076891

Nope he Tweeted that he and his friend Jack Daniels is okay.

>> No.7076892
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>> No.7076893

Nope, see OP's post.
>YUN and his beer are confirmed save

>> No.7076895 [DELETED] 
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Open image in new tab and hold F11.

>> No.7076896

I had important things to do today, but as the reports keep coming in and death numbers keep rising I can't take it easy, much less focus on anything else. This is a lot worse than I first thought...

I'm really worried now, and there goes my day. This is all too much...

>> No.7076897
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>> No.7076898

ZUN, damn you different keyboard layout.

>> No.7076900

They do have concrete all over the coastline, though, so it's not like they haven't done anything to try and prevent it.

But you can't really fortify a harbor area with 10m walls thick enough to resist the massive force a tsunami hits with.

>> No.7076902

Those within 3km of Fukushima nuke plant ordered to evac. Between 3-10km asked to stay indoors.

>> No.7076903

What's the least popular detergent in Japan?

>> No.7076905

So much coverage of Tokyo which was 300km away. But what about Sendai which was right next to quake? Any survivors?

>> No.7076907
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>based on a true story

>> No.7076909

especially not one from a 8.9 quake
that's like swatting a fly with a rocket launcher

>> No.7076910

Same here. I was in the middle of a project and just had to stop so I could find out if my friends were okay. Still haven't heard from them and all I can do right now is keep watching the news reports. Haven't slept yet and it's about time for me to go to work too.

>> No.7076911

Nothing happened to you though

>> No.7076912

WHY did portal to Gensokyo open without me?

>> No.7076913

so, whose house it that?

>> No.7076914

I'm too tired to explain it, but the only real danger is radiation if you're physically in the plant. The plant is shut down so they're not burning fuel and there's no danger, but the core overheating when the plant is shut down can still cause damage similar to your graphics card frying. It's not gonna explode.

>> No.7076915

It's not the reactor that is the problem, but the SPENT fuel rods that sit in a huge pool and are constantly cooled by cool water. If the cooling of the spent rods stop, they will evaporate all the water and get so hot they will set the building on fire, spread radiation.

see that documentary on what if all humans disappeared on discovery.

>> No.7076916

fuck from kyodo news

* BREAKING NEWS: Fukushima Pref. says enough water to cover fuel rods at nuke plant (23:07)

This is NOT a good thing. this is a very very very bad thing.

>> No.7076918

I wonder how long it will be till /jp/ returns to normal and all the normal fags that came here to troll leave.

>> No.7076919

Is everybody on /jp/ safe?

>> No.7076917 [DELETED] 

I hate these miserable Asians on the news.

Nothing worse than having a Jap sigh on your tv.

>> No.7076921

not sure anyone has gone in to find out yet
9 hours sounds like a long time but in terms of deploying relief efforts it's a very short period

>> No.7076922
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>> No.7076923

Yes because I live in the UK

>> No.7076924

Oh, fuck no.

>> No.7076925 [DELETED] 

I can't watch what's happening in Japan, it's just wrong that Craig Charles isn't doing the voiceover.

>> No.7076926

Source first, brick shitting later.

>> No.7076927

Isn't this the "Big One" that the Japanese said would arrive over the next thirty years? Or is this the first one?

Because an 8.8 is a pretty deadly earthquake.

>> No.7076928


>> No.7076930
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>> No.7076931

I imagine a couple /jp/-ers do live in japan, but for the most part everybody's just freaked out in natural disaster modo and a bit frustrated about R8.

I suppose if we see some absent regu-wait, that would only make sense for trip users, nevermind.

>> No.7076932

I don't know anyone personally who's in japan, but I have the families and friends of friends there. Not to mention all my indirect ties to many, many people online. It's enough to make me worry...

It's also scary, because we've known for a long time something like this could've happened, yet when it does happen, it still feels very surreal.

>> No.7076933
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You do realize thos fuel rods are covered in water all the time?

>> No.7076934



The dead is everywhere

>> No.7076935
File: 45 KB, 650x366, 964051-japan-quake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FACT: Japanese people and Asians in general do not react the same way as Americans do when an earthquake hits.

>> No.7076936
File: 58 KB, 454x454, 1272433934295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh, sounds like good news to me. How is having enough water a bad thing?

>> No.7076938
File: 1.68 MB, 300x222, 1297582155429.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you...

>> No.7076939
File: 390 KB, 603x347, Screen shot 2011-03-11 at 6.10.22 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Biggest worry right now is Fukushima

Can you confirm with a source? Was it NHK, TBS or FujiTV?


Yes. Tokyo-bros confirmed for anti-social and walking home instead of waiting for public transport.
I'd do the same, especially with how everything getting out of Japan is jam packed...


>> No.7076940

He's the guy who commented Takeshi's Castle, isn't he?

Man, Robot Wars is the best thing to come out of British TV ever.

I'm still butthurt that Hypnodisc lost against Chaos 2.
>dat fucking wheel

>> No.7076937 [DELETED] 

To be quite honest, this is nothing big, it's just Japan jumping on the earthquake bandwagon after New Zealand a few months ago. Shame on you Japan.

>> No.7076943

LA here, 90% chance were next i bet

>> No.7076944

If there was this much destruction in Japan, Hawaii is fucke.d

>> No.7076945

I'm pretty sure the biggest earthquake in Japanese history would qualify as the big one.

I actually just read about it yesterday. Kinda eerie.

>> No.7076947

San Francisco here, we're on the list too

>> No.7076949

How long will it take them to get shit back to normal? That footage of the tide racing across farmlands was fucking terrifying. Seeing all the power outages and nuclear plants shutting down too makes me think it could be like this for a while, and have some economic implications.

>> No.7076950

300 dead bodies just got wash up around sendai ?

>> No.7076951

Is Fukushima okay or not?

>> No.7076953

You'll get yours when that super volcano under Yellowstone goes, I believe.

I'd love staying around here, but I really have to go shopping in order to not miss out on a sale on some shot glasses I want. Maybe I'll pick up some nice beer glasses as well.

>> No.7076954

guys, can the tsunami affect lakes? i live by a lake. :(

>> No.7076956

>CA next
>somehow tsunami bypasses HI
if HI goes, CA somewhat goes

>> No.7076957

you do realize japan was right next to the quake
you also realize that there are buoys in the oceans that report wave heights and they were not big numbers near hawaii
furthermore the waves already reached hawaii and they're carrying on like usual

>> No.7076958

Will Hatori Hanzo be okay?

>> No.7076959

>when that super volcano under Yellowstone goes

Thats gonna be fantastic to watch on a livestream, largely because Americans will panic 10 times more than necessary and then start blaming it on gays or muslims

>> No.7076960 [DELETED] 
File: 62 KB, 450x273, craig-charles-pic-itv-517616314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was in Red Dwarf also and has a role in Coronation Street too.

>> No.7076961

yes and no.

the rods are covered in a heavy water and coolant slurry that mediates the nuclear reaction and helps prevent overheating. Right now the fuel rods are overheated at least, and possibly near meltdown or at meltdown at worst (no ones inside). When the water hits them, the rods will either shatter (bad), vaporize (very bad) or explosively shatter (extremely bad). In addition the water will undergo radiolysis throwing off massive quantities of hydrogen and h2, which will have its own secondary nuclear reactions. This process will rapidly heat the core material, bringing it closer to melt down. Best case scenario? Giant clouds of radioactive steam drift over the surrounding area and the entire core is destroyed. Worst case scenario? The core enters meltdown with secondary reactions, breaches contaiment, radiolysis creates boric acid and other secondary chemicals from interactions with corium, clouds of radioactive steam, acid, molten particles of core, etc spread over the nearby area.

Regardless of which situation happens, ground water will be tained with at least heavy water and uranium, possibly plutonium and secondary heavy metals.

>> No.7076963

Would it have been more deadly if this quake had hit the mainland and not in the ocean?

>> No.7076964

Stop that.
And a Tsunami is a huge motherfucking wave caused by an earth/seaquake, so unless you have a genuine, strong quake right in that lake, then NO.

>> No.7076965

LA isn't even closing its beaches.

>> No.7076966

I thought we were talking big earthquakes, not the tsunami which is already flattening out.

>> No.7076968

Damn, I know the feeling of seeing your fellow citizens devastated by a huge tsunami (I'm Indonesian). It was a horrible experience.
My condolences to all people affected by this disaster.

>> No.7076969

Were talking about the next big quake, not a tsunami

>> No.7076970

Only if the sea water pours into the lake.

A lake is a pretty isolated system as far as water currents goes, I believe.

It's not like your lake is connected to a river delta where the land is shallow and there's nothing to really stop the wave.

>> No.7076974
File: 43 KB, 599x334, 1251515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bye bye sendai, you will be ashes by the day's end

>> No.7076976
File: 231 KB, 1920x1080, 1299853090886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now everything is on fire?

>> No.7076977

If the earthquake originated near Japan, how does that go around HI?

>> No.7076978

>Already confirmed that ZUN and his beer are okay

ZUN - beer = universe divited by 0

>> No.7076979

i guess if there was a large quake near a lake it could cause the lake to make a big wave.

>> No.7076980
File: 38 KB, 595x331, 2134154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7076982

Shots from military helo taken 3 hrs. ago show Kesennuma, Miyagi-ken ablaze end to end. About 73,000 people lived there. #jpquake

>> No.7076981 [DELETED] 

Can't wait, it'll be on foxnews with a headline that reads "They're just jealous of our freedom"
On a serious note though, I've love to see America hit by another devastating act of God, I'd watch it 24/7 with a extra large bag of popcorn.

>> No.7076984
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>> No.7076985

We're talking about the next big earthquake. We're not talking about the one that happened offshore Japan 10 hours ago. We're speculating about where the next one is going to occur.

>> No.7076986


>> No.7076987

>bye bye sendai

That's not sendai - at least if you go by the city name displayed.

>> No.7076988

This. Shit hitting the fan in america is like a national holiday for the rest of the world.

I will never forget 9/11 for this exact reason. It was kind of great.

>> No.7076989


>99% chance of magnitude 6.5+ before 2038

>> No.7076991

>eurotrash jealous of our freedom samefaggin
oh you

>> No.7076993
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Kesennuma city

>> No.7076994
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>> No.7076995
File: 738 KB, 3500x1374, San-Francisco-in-ruins-1906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


it was NOT the earthquake that destroyed San Fransisco, it was the FIRES

>> No.7076998

It's at warning level now. They're advising people to stay away from the beach and are prepared to close beaches if it gets worse.


>> No.7077000

I just saw filmed footage from during the quake on the ustream. As a person who's grown up in a region entirely without earthquakes I'd have to say it looks fucking terrifying. I experienced a series of very minor quakes last time I was staying in Tokyo and that was enough to make me shit my pants.

>> No.7077001


>> No.7077003
File: 17 KB, 514x385, futurama_fry_looking_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how the fuck did everything get on fire when there's water everywhere. Must be some oil leaking or what? I can't imagine houses spontaneously combusting, that didn't really happen in Katrina either.

>> No.7077004

well shit. I know over in California we get forest fires so often we have a "fire season" so our guys have experience but how much experience does Japan's have in fighting that?

>> No.7077005

taking bets on which studio will do an animu adaptation of the disaster

>> No.7077006

japan confirmed for flammable

>> No.7077009

>Already confirmed that ZUN and his beer are okay
I heard it at high school.
I was really afraid for the whole freaking day.
But I'm happy now that ZUN is ok.

>> No.7077010

Trolling or not, you need to learn about fire types


not every fire should be put out (or can be) by water

>> No.7077011


>> No.7077012

all you need is one fire to go unchecked and it'll spread as far as it can. wind can pick up embers and throw them around so they land on something else and start more fires. if there's no one around to extinguish them then they just grow bigger and bigger. given that they're already trying to deal with the earthquake and the tsunami, a fire is like a kick in the nuts on top of that.

>> No.7077013

Only Japan could suffer both widespread firestorms and a tsunami simultaneously.

>> No.7077014



>> No.7077015

BREAKING NEWS: Defense force's Chemical Corps dispatched to nuclear plant (23:23)

>> No.7077016

Production I.G. + BONES, in a sequel to their previous earthquake series. The title? "We Fucking Told You So."

>> No.7077017

So you're in highschool. What grade?

>> No.7077018 [DELETED] 

Honda have launched details of their new model - The Tsunami - They expect to flood the market immediately!

>> No.7077019

gas lines broken + sparks

>> No.7077021

It would be an conspirancy to drown the Nips and how they'll deal with it.

>> No.7077022


>> No.7077023

In the Netherlands VWO 5th year.
Don't which grade in America.

>> No.7077024

Aw shit. Source?

>> No.7077025

I stayed up all night watching these streams. I'm going to miss work, but I don't care. Hopefully it won't be too bad when I check on this thread when I wake up.

>> No.7077029

im going to work so I can watch streams all day on my work PC and get paid for doing it

>> No.7077031

still. They keep updating the ticker as they can

>> No.7077033
File: 88 KB, 637x245, fire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From the bbc front page.

How unlucky would you be if you were in that house?

>> No.7077034

Australia did about a month ago

>> No.7077035

The camera man is alive?

>> No.7077036

This was actually my work day, even left early.

>> No.7077038


I don't know what surprises me more, the fact that he is so chill and keeps playing during the earthquake or the fact that a Japanese is playing CoD.

>> No.7077040
File: 32 KB, 461x407, 1292865502594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when you wake up you'll remember you're still in a dream and the earthquake never happened. In fact, the world you live in has been dead for more than 3000 years and you are being kept alive by your dreams.

>> No.7077044

Earthquake - 2ch

>> No.7077045

Sup fellow dutchfag

>> No.7077046

Trains were running after the atomic bomb.Have their public transport system really degraded that much?

>> No.7077041 [DELETED] 
File: 52 KB, 505x316, 45452436346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not from Europe, lardarse.

>> No.7077049


>> No.7077050

i was going to bid on something on yahoo auctions and i'd probably win it unopposed but i think i'll pass. don't even know if the item still exists and i doubt the proxy or the postal system is going to care right now.

>> No.7077051

Atomic bombs don't cause concrete tunnels through the earth to unpredictably collapse. The way that, say, powerful and regular vibrational waves through that same earth might.

>> No.7077052

I hope our /jp/ brothers are safe along with the rest of Japan citizens.

>> No.7077053

Where is it currently?

>> No.7077056
File: 108 KB, 398x398, 1277408683398.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is nothing like my Tokyo Magnitude 8.8 anime.

>> No.7077058


>> No.7077059

no, policies have changed. for public safety they now shut everything down til they check it out because there might be damage along the track.

>> No.7077061

Just because you can run trains after an earthquake dosen't mean you should.

>> No.7077062

>>7077003 Buildings with gass torn off foundations ruptured gas tanks, docks flooded containing fuel. ETC Many videos showed houses in the wavefront burning.
NOt all areas were flooded quake can shear gas lines or people lighting fires to keep warm getting out of control so on.

>> No.7077063
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>> No.7077064

/m/an here, the Gundam is safe.

>> No.7077065


There was a war going on back then. Trains are vital in such a situation. In the current one - not so much

>> No.7077067 [DELETED] 

Tomorrows news headlines:
>Super Smashing Good Fun Time Earthquake Cause Tsunami Good Time Fun

>> No.7077070

Watching NED 1 since this morning when I read about the quake, and having a cold :<

>> No.7077073

Did you see that footage of the old guy in the white shirt getting held while the building crumbled?


>> No.7077074
File: 484 KB, 850x700, FUCKING TENSHI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

440+ posts
100+ pictures

No mention of tenshi.

>> No.7077075


that is an interesting get you have there, sir.

Or should I say ...


>> No.7077076


>> No.7077078

"getting held"?
What does that mean? Show it to me.

>> No.7077079


If there is ever a earthquake in NZ... cancel all plants to a holiday along the ring of fire.

>> No.7077080


>> No.7077081

Earthquake related threads - 2ch


>> No.7077083
File: 14 KB, 522x486, sad_alien.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I can't read any of that.

>> No.7077084

Someone held him, protecting him. It was on NED1 a few minutes ago.

>> No.7077085

i don't know if people in libya pay attention to what is going on elsewhere but if they do i imagine they a) feel fucked if they are rebels because japan is now the stage or b) feel happy as shit if they're qaddafi because now he can fuck people over even harder and not have to worry about a no-fly zone or any international intervention anytime soon

>> No.7077087

2011 began fucking well...

>> No.7077088

BREAKING NEWS: 1 train derails, contact lost with another in coastal area in Miyagi (23:27)

>> No.7077089

I think I did yeah

Well thank you meneer!

>> No.7077090
File: 196 KB, 435x392, wave house.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will they produce some good doujins on this?

>> No.7077092

Any videos of the tsunami hitting land/causing destruction? Saw one earlier, looking for more.

Also none of the western media is telling me what's the actual current situation in Japan... it's almost midnight there right now.

>> No.7077095

Holy shit at all the fires on TBS right now.

How did that happen?

>> No.7077093 [DELETED] 

a quake, a quake, oh what a mess they make!

>> No.7077096

... or did 2012 came early?

inb4 James Bond jokes 'shaken not stirred'

>> No.7077097

The rebels are okay since the earthquake is not as serious as it could have been. In one or two days it will be all Libya on the news again.

>> No.7077098

The whole zone caught fire and it's fiercer with each moment passing. Godness.

>> No.7077099


>> No.7077103


>> No.7077104

American here

Don't be fooled. This was an attack by Al Qaeda.

>> No.7077101 [DELETED] 

Must be a real bummer trying to sleep with all that racket and your house rattling.

>> No.7077108

See: San Fransisco earthquake
See: Nagata-ku in Kobe earthquake

Gas lines break and start fires, while water lines break and you can't put out fires.

>> No.7077110

So how are our precious companies doing?

Is Alice Soft doing ok?
Is Nitro+ ok?
Type Moon?
etc etc

>> No.7077111

Your sexbots aren't gonna save you now.

>> No.7077112
File: 312 KB, 1677x1021, whitedude.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm >>7077089

I forgot that Windows Media Center records everything for time-shifting. I think this is what >>7077073 meant

>> No.7077114

2011: Japan
2012: USA
2013: EU

>> No.7077116
File: 42 KB, 413x700, touhou1224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he uses KDE

>> No.7077115 [DELETED] 

I think the Libyans are just selfish and like the moan personally, I mean look at what is happening in Japan and they have the audacity to whine about an old man?

>> No.7077117


seeing this made Anthem of our Dying Day play in my head

>> No.7077118

that's what happened when gas line here blew up. no water in the local neighborhood area so the firefighters had to hump hoses something like a mile away to draw water from those pipes

>> No.7077119

Dammit I'm trying to be concerned but this is making me smile

>> No.7077120

Shut up, you barely know anything. There's no report of the coolant having been boiled off, it's still there but just not beeing circulated. You can also moderate the nuclear reaction through control rods and there are absolutely no reports indicating that system has failed. There's no reports of the crew at the plants having been evacuated, in addition nuclear power plants have passive safety systems that don't require human intervention. If they fail to pump in coolants within two weeks, then there's cause to worry about nuclear rods overheating. But right now the experts they have interviewed aren't the least bit worried about some second Chernobyl.

>> No.7077126

Al Jazeera is keeping tabs on that.

>> No.7077128
File: 236 KB, 328x309, kuma.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am confused about how the earthquake has affected the yen... it seems the yen has increased dramatically in value against the british pound today!
why is this?

>> No.7077127 [DELETED] 

Have you guys heard the new Japanese Anthem?
I really like it.


>> No.7077129

I'd be pissed if Nasu dies.

>> No.7077130

Wow this absolutley terrible news...Hearts and prayers go out to the people of Japan.

-Canada here

>> No.7077131

Quite a few companies are in deep ship.

>> No.7077132

yo /jp/
i've got this iphone girlfriend (some chat program) who is underage and thinks i'm from japan
are their cell phones n shit working over there? she's floodin my fuckin inbox but i don't want to break my cover.

>> No.7077134
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>> No.7077135


>> No.7077137

>keikaku doori

>> No.7077138

which would do the complete reverse of strengthing the yen

It must be a domestic British issue because the yen hasn't increased in value against anyone else

>> No.7077139
File: 63 KB, 510x286, im-dead-okay2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The guy who's scanning magazines for us called half an hour ago. Luckily e's studying in Nagoya, so he wasn't that much affected, but his cousin lives in Sendai and he can't get throught to him by phone, so he's kinda worried. :(

>> No.7077140

I remember watching one of those helicopter camera feeds without thinking much, until a little detail struck my eye. A big building, propably an industrial factory hall or the like, was being hit by the front of the tsunami and gradually surrounded by larger waves. It looked pretty uninteresting at first, although something about it bugged me a bit. It wasn't until after a while of squinting that I noticed that the whole freaking building, propably at least a quarter of a soccer field in size, was uniformly slowly moving in the direction of the flow.

I have to say that I'm very content for living in just about the safest spots of the Eurasian plate.

>> No.7077142
File: 81 KB, 300x178, Namazu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7077143

Perhaps japanese Governament will react whit some money intake
Maybe Japan may receive some international founds

>> No.7077144

just don't respond for now
phone lines after a disaster are always fucked up because everyone is trying to call everyone else

>> No.7077145

tell him to prepare for the worse not a lot of people survive in jthat area

>> No.7077147


>> No.7077148

>mfw all the surfing tomboys in japan are dead also lolis

i have no face for it.

>> No.7077149

the exchange rate doesn't work that way

>> No.7077150

it has gone up a little compared to usd as well

>> No.7077151

If I had money in Sony I would sell my stock now. Wouldn't that decrease the value of the Yen? I am not an expert of this but I would like to get some euros back.

>> No.7077156

All call to Northern Japan are blocked by the telcoms.
Northern Japan can call OUT but everyone else can't call IN.

Tell him to find another way to contact him like Skype, Twitter, Facebook or something over the internets.
Those are working just fine.

>> No.7077157
File: 109 KB, 497x374, AT A TIME LIKE THIS 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]





>> No.7077155 [DELETED] 

I can't stop chuckling, I feel really bad now.

>> No.7077158
File: 12 KB, 208x360, tf2_pyro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sup. I'm burning down japan and heating up the nuclear cores. Umad?

>> No.7077159


Except the Yen is increasing when by all logic it should be decreasing.

>> No.7077160

Someone on ATS is reporting from northern Japan- Hokkaido island...

All I can say is that it was a BIG one. Official reports here say that the first quake of 8.9 today lasted a whole 5 minutes! Have had big aftershocks ALL day long today. Here, our apartment was really shaking at about a 4.5 during the first quake. Felt like we were on a ship during a big storm or something. I couldn't even walk straight it was rocking so bad. In the years I have lived here, I have never experienced anything this big. Japanese news is now reporting that at least 200 are dead and many, many more missing, but I am suspecting at least 3,000-4,000 dead when this is all over with. Large sections of outskirts of Sendai city are now burning, according to live news shots taken by Japanese military flying overhead. Looks like it was carpet-bombed or something. Coastal cities everywhere along the east coast of Japan are flooded. Devastation is unbelievable. Will report more later if anyone is interested.

>> No.7077162
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>> No.7077163

So Reitaisai 8 is COMPLETELY cancelled? We won't be getting Touhou 13 demo 'till Comiket?

>> No.7077164

Nevermind. misread your post bigtime.

>> No.7077166

Yes, but is possible a foreign intervent to stabilize the yen, in some weeks is conceivable an increase
I'm not an economy expert though

>> No.7077165 [DELETED] 

It's their own fault really, Japan should have really kept its eyes open for this kind of thing. Silly place to settle a Country if you ask me, they're just asking for trouble.

>> No.7077167

the colors over Fukuoka where my proxy warehouses are keep changing

>> No.7077168
File: 38 KB, 500x375, 1299854360652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

from japan

>> No.7077171

in another post people said big sight had some damage
disregarding that for the moment, convention centers are usually booked on multi-year contracts where they know the dates already years in advance. getting a new date just isn't possible. convention centers are already going to be rented out to other persons.

>> No.7077172

All I am hearing about is "Water near the fuel rods!!"

Now, a little nuclear physics here...
Water is a good neutron decelerator, which makes it a cheap and easy coolant for nuclear reactors.

Water acts to take fast neutrons (>0.1 MeV) and slows them causing them to become thermal neutrons (0.025 eV)

Water in the reactor is not a bad thing. This would effectively prevent a meltdown.

If water is entering the reactor and being leaked out with radioisotopes in it then yes that could be dangerous. But I think that a radiation leak would be small and not significant. It is unlikely that radiation levels leaked from the reactor would be much higher than the background radiation.

Also, to anyone who may think a Chernobyl style explosion may happen here, it cannot. Chernobyl was an outdated reactor design at the time of the disaster, reactor technology is much safer and those accidents can no longer happen.


>> No.7077173

sucked in weeaboos

>> No.7077175

Times in JST
21:01 Minor abnormality found in Fukushima No.2 nuke plant.
22:10 Minor abnormality found in Fukushima No.1 nuke plant. People around plants told to evacuate.
23:35 200-300 bodies found in Sendai city. Sendai Police reported.
23:40 Kesennuma city swept away and engulfed in fire. JSDF reported.
23:44 Magnitude 4.8 quake in Ibaragi.
23:56 Minor quake in Fukushima.

>> No.7077178


It is far too quick for any intervention or aid (none of which has been announced) to have an effect on the market.

Exchange rates work by supply and demand for the currency.
So increase in value tends to indicate increased confidence in an economy as well as increased investment.

That won't be the case here.

>> No.7077179
File: 39 KB, 704x480, 1267287231885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope they don't start slaughtering random foreigners like last time: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1923_Great_Kant%C5%8D_earthquake#Post-quake_massacre_against_ethnic_min

>> No.7077177 [DELETED] 
File: 17 KB, 444x299, 365654757567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The clinics in Japan are going nuts, as the amount of people with crabs overflows.

>> No.7077181

Someone needs to tell Yuugi to stop walking on fault lines.

>> No.7077185

Wasn't Chernobyl because the control rods and the coolant were removed at the same time?

>> No.7077186

>random foreigners
>dirty coreans
Pick one.

>> No.7077182 [DELETED] 

Do you think this will delay the next episode of IS?
Better fucking happened all there will be hell to pay.

>> No.7077188
File: 187 KB, 854x960, 1299854200978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7077189

that was during japan's "stupid crazy" period
post ww2 they've done a lot of changing and learning about the world

>> No.7077190

that and no fucking containment building

>> No.7077191

Anybody know how the koreafags are holding out? Know a few people who live there :/

>> No.7077193

weird. i had my very first living in japan dream last night. woke up to see it was hit by a fucking earthquake. i feel responsible.

>> No.7077192 [DELETED] 

The Chinese and Koreans must be laughing it up right now.

>> No.7077194

that looks like some scene from dawn of the dead. we should expect a few thousand dead people..

>> No.7077196

>/a/ - This better not delay my anime.
>/jp/ - Fuck, Reitaisai is canceled.

Stay classy, guys.

>> No.7077200

koreans are both foreign and random

>> No.7077202
File: 249 KB, 1440x810, 791654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7077203

RT @YonhapNews: S. Korean president pledges assistance to help Japan recover from quake

>> No.7077207

you see deadlier earthquakes every year but no one fucking cares since they happen in negro countries

>> No.7077204 [DELETED] 

Well no one here really cares about Japan, we just want the Anime and Video games.

>> No.7077208
File: 112 KB, 256x256, nope.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7077209

Just finished reading through the thread after waking up.
Hope all /jp/ers in Japan are all right.

>> No.7077211

negros had it coming

>> No.7077212

No thanks.

>> No.7077213
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>> No.7077215


By then we'll have the full game.

>> No.7077216
File: 51 KB, 540x332, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy on fuji saying anything interesting?

>> No.7077219

Their fault for being incompetent. Look at Haiti, if they Japan got a quake like they did it wouldn't have even gotten on the news.

>> No.7077220
File: 10 KB, 691x248, theydrowned.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anime and goods
I got a feeling that mine already drowned.
Time like this, I wish I used EMS.
RIP ;_;

>> No.7077218 [DELETED] 

Nothing of value ever comes out of negro countries so no one gives a shit, including me.

>> No.7077222


>implying the official numbers right now aren't severely underestimated

If you think the death count is going to stop before 1,000, you're delusional.

>> No.7077223 [DELETED] 

Wow, this whole thing is kind of depressing don't you think?:

>> No.7077225

This is the coup-de-grace for Japan's economy.

There is no way they can recover from this economy wise, the country is going to have alot and alot of hard years ahead of itself.

>> No.7077226
File: 45 KB, 377x537, Tsubomi-2010-star.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is she alright?

>> No.7077227


This is our Katrina of /jp/... truly sad :(

>> No.7077228


>> No.7077230
File: 114 KB, 345x286, 1273891325423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh mai gawd, the cram school webcam has 404d. They're all dead. o_o


>> No.7077231

It would still have to reach 2000 for it to be thousands

>> No.7077229 [DELETED] 

It's not really an Earthquake, it's just the Dolphins getting their revenge.

>> No.7077233
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>> No.7077234
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>> No.7077235
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>> No.7077236

The Tsunami is God's wrath.

Just think.

>> No.7077238

over 50 waifus confirmed for dead

i'm sorry, /jp/

>> No.7077239

well with the new degenerated youth i wouldn't expect a post WWII miracle, still you can't underestimate Japan crisis GARness

>> No.7077240

I'll be very surprised if there aren't at least 3000 dead. I'll be glad to be wrong, though. Even only 3000 victims would be a testament of a progressive nation's capability to handle natural crisises. Unlike in the case of, say, Haiti or Katrina.

>> No.7077241

yeah nah

>> No.7077237 [DELETED] 

Yeah, let's liven up the place with some jammin' beats.


>> No.7077242


ZUN announced delay on 13 as it had something to do with earthquake. Plot rewrite.

>> No.7077243
File: 174 KB, 964x593, article-1365318-0D925D90000005DC-780_964x593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7077244

if it makes you feel better i have no idea where mine are. i always use sal no tracking so i don't know if they were on a plane or not.

>> No.7077245

I hope Tote-chan is okay.

>> No.7077246

Katrina was because yanks are retarded

>> No.7077247
File: 154 KB, 978x510, 1299856675016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7077249

There's an estimated number of 88000 missing people. at least 3000 dead is an unfortunate possibility.

>> No.7077250


>> No.7077251

also negro population

>> No.7077252

katrina had black people involved. lots of them. they returned to their true natures after the hurricane. not even a host of angels could have handled that one well.

>> No.7077254

>Haiti and Katrina
Because they are niggers.
They care more about raping and looting instead of actually helping and saving people.
Last I check, the death toll didnt even hit 300.

>> No.7077255

dem socks

>> No.7077257

Power shortages and communication breakdown, remember?

>> No.7077258
File: 123 KB, 682x500, japan3_682_1269645a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7077259

Fukushima reactor cooling system to come back on @ 1.30am. No leak: RT @asahi_fukushima 福島第1原発2号機の冷却系は午前1時半に復旧する見通し! 福島県対策
本部の情報です。今のところ放射能漏れはない (via @shioyama)

>> No.7077260

watching the nicovideo livestream, it seems there are still aftershocks all around japan...

>> No.7077261 [DELETED] 

Eaten by Whales.

>> No.7077266 [DELETED] 
File: 288 KB, 978x510, whitecars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7077262

Turn to God before it's too late.

>> No.7077263

this one, about 14:20, anyone else see this? people still on ground level with the water just the other side of the building, and guys on the roof sprinting across it to warn them.
Fucked up man, though it looks like that side of the building was sheltered long enough for them to get up.

>> No.7077264

What is all that? Some kind of grain? Rice?

>> No.7077267


Oh God, that's wonderful news.

>> No.7077268

>>go to cram school
>>walk on the desks
doesn't seem to be much cramming going on

>> No.7077270 [DELETED] 

Oh well, look on the bright side guys.

>> No.7077271 [DELETED] 

the left building is a beer factory btw

>> No.7077276

asian beer is shit anyway

>> No.7077279

It's beer. The building was a brewery.

>> No.7077283

Rental cars, pretty standard at most ports of entry.

>> No.7077284
File: 378 KB, 607x800, 1290273192795.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daiteikoku was set for next month, right?

>> No.7077286
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>> No.7077287


>> No.7077288

if i don't get to watch my saturday morning little girl shows on keyhole because of this, i'm gonna be pissed
fix your shit by then, japan

you got 8 hours

>> No.7077290
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>> No.7077293
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>> No.7077294

ironically if you had read the thread you would have not only known that it was old news but that crisis was averted as a few posts above yours detailed.

but you're probably not going to read this post either.

>> No.7077295

I hope my mangaka are okay

>> No.7077298

Did we ever see her again?

I woke up every morning at the same time, watching the same room hoping to see her. She never came again.


>> No.7077296 [DELETED] 

Hey mod stop being a black and deleting posts.

>> No.7077299

She probably went onto college. We should be happy for her.

>> No.7077301


Why you so slow?

>> No.7077302
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>> No.7077304
File: 8 KB, 300x226, denzel mah nigga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>88000 missing

captcha: survivor criftec

>> No.7077306

I can only imagine all the creepy pedos using this to their advantage to get some washed up lolis.

>> No.7077305 [DELETED] 
File: 26 KB, 300x504, 45753765875435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BBC News: ''Google Aids Quake Victims''

>> No.7077310

it's parked, nothing dramatic

>> No.7077313

>88000 missing
Are you serious?

>> No.7077314

Necrophiliac pedos? Hmm...

>> No.7077317
File: 478 KB, 1247x814, j12_11116542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some more images of the fires here

>> No.7077318
File: 5 KB, 200x200, nigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw there'll never be a natural disaster where i love in which i can take advantage of and rape the corpses of dead children

fucking las vegas.

>> No.7077319

>I can only imagine all the creepy pedos using this to their advantage to get some washed up lolis.

Didn't even think of that.
Oh God. That would be fucked up.

>> No.7077320
File: 163 KB, 900x870, ttvulhvpd9-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go Americans

>> No.7077323


>> No.7077322 [DELETED] 

Perfect time for a bit of raping amid all the panicking and confusion.

>> No.7077325

From what I have read Peru will be hit the worst.

>> No.7077326

Gotta give it to the Japs, they're well-prepared for this kind of shit. The tsunami in Indonesia a few years ago was caused by an only slightly bigger quake (9.1) and killed 200,000 people or so. Casualties in Japan seem unlikely to exceed a few hundred so far.

>> No.7077327

there's only that many missing because it is just after the event and no one knows where a lot of people are. they might be alive and well just they're in the middle of bumfuck right now and unable to communicate with someone else to say they aren't missing. as time goes on the people who are alive will lessen the count as they report in to the authorities/others. those that are trapped/dead will remain missing til discovered.

>> No.7077331
File: 119 KB, 345x285, 1273824456095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The direct links still seem to work, but the main page is down.


>> No.7077332

I am...I just miss her.
Maybe if she could stop by once in a while and give us a wave...


>> No.7077336

when you live in a country that gets as many earthquakes as they do it makes sense to have multiple plans and to educate your children from birth about earthquakes and what to do.

>> No.7077339

Time to get started constructing Neo-Sendai

>> No.7077345 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7077352

I thought they hung themselves when I looked at the thumbnail. Heart skipped a beat.

>> No.7077354

In excitement or in fear?

>> No.7077360

Japanese school life ain't easy...

>> No.7077363

i know we're past the katrina phase of things but i was reading wikipedia and this stood out:

"In Texas, where more than 300,000 refugees were located, local officials ran 20,000 criminal background checks on the refugees, as well as on the relief workers helping them and people who opened up their homes. The background checks found that 45% of the refugees had a criminal record of some nature, and that 22% had a violent criminal record. The number of homicides in Houston from September 2005 through February 22, 2006 went up by 23% relative to the same period a year before; 29 of the 170 murders involved displaced Louisianans as victims or suspects."

haha wow

there's one with times in pst on cnn.com

>> No.7077357 [DELETED] 

Hey guys, does anyone know if Pikachu is safe?

>> No.7077366

Stupid Japan, you are supposed to go UNDER your desks in an earthquake

>> No.7077368
File: 83 KB, 800x557, 800px-2011Sendai-NOAA-Energylhvpd9-05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7077369

I know I'll probably be trolled to oblivion... but is there any information on Miyamoto or Eiichiro Oda?

>> No.7077372
File: 106 KB, 600x619, 1267878158334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pissess me off that those picture reportags show nothing else except those fires and images of destroyed building.

Where are all the images of sensei leading small children to safety, police guiding people, japanese ordnung as they are very calm compared to americans mimicing hollywood retardness (in one stream: people queuing in half-broken shop quietly should be the image world should see), people gathering in parks, engineer wondering about a ship on a street...

I'm kinda flambergasted how media whores itself and provides absolutely nothing interesting or insightful. Just flame, fire, water, destruction.

>> No.7077375


>> No.7077377 [DELETED] 
File: 106 KB, 747x810, 1299325111625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moshimoshi, huh? No dial tones.

>> No.7077381

Who cares about the people who are safe? It's about the possible casualties, and developments of dangerous situations.

>> No.7077382

Just caught me off guard, that's all.

>> No.7077384

Holy shit, did a dam just burst?!

>> No.7077385

It's like past midnight in Japan right now, it' s not a live feed obviously.

>> No.7077387

It did.

>> No.7077389

Miyamoto is dead.

His dying words were "Lets'a go..."

>> No.7077391

that gets left to the amateurs. i know if i was over there with my camera i'd be taking pictures of everything, good and bad.

>> No.7077395
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>> No.7077396

Those people are too busy helping out to stop and video it. Only unhelpful gawkers think to grab their cameras.

>> No.7077398


From Bkub's twitter: "I want to get back to Tokyo quickly."

>> No.7077401

stupid anon, no, that's not how it works

>> No.7077406
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>> No.7077408

he's talking about the major news media and how most of the footage coming out right now is going to be of fires and shit like that.

>> No.7077410

That's the JB cam. The loli-cams are still functioning.

>> No.7077413

Any fresh Japanese widows out there wanting some close comfort tonight?

>> No.7077415


>> No.7077417

not liking how they just keep adding more colors

yellow: damaged
red: high damage
red and white: fubar

going to be a long week for japan as they find just how bad things are...

>> No.7077418
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>> No.7077419

Well, most of the media video is from Japan. I do not know whether it's amusing or sad that Japan's guilty of the same shit the American media is.

>> No.7077421
File: 126 KB, 750x563, 1292806077753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7077425

That one amateur video that runs up and down on NHK is really "impressive".

>> No.7077427
File: 38 KB, 561x191, Screen shot 2011-03-11 at 7.45.45 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fujikushima Dam broke according to Kyodo news.

That was earlier. Everything is more or less calming down.
Public transportation is jam packed due it being Tokyo on a weekday. People in the city are for the most part okay.

Like I've asked before, aren't they in Kyoto? They're on the other side of Japan.

>> No.7077428


>> No.7077429

Man that Chinese Oil Facility looked badass, like the apocalypse was happening.

>> No.7077432


sankaku quality

>> No.7077434
File: 38 KB, 346x410, 1298590449099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Helfer werden helfen!
Für Japan!!!!!

>> No.7077437

Because that shit isn't important and people will freak out everywhere. With that said, you only really see freak outs in movies, not real life.

>> No.7077438

>Many suffered toppled figures and found manga volumes flung from their shelves, with heavy casualties reported amongst figures flung from loftier displays. The cleanup is expected to take many hours.


>> No.7077441

>worrying about manga falling off the shelves

>> No.7077444
File: 527 KB, 1920x1080, FUUUUU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reactor problems you say?

But seriously, I hope all the /jp/ers in Japan are ok.

>> No.7077445

>Look at NHK World schedule
>"Fishing tours in Japan"
>Footage of boat being thrown inland on top of wave

I can't stop laughing

>> No.7077446

look here >>7077014

It's really horrible, if you think about how much these cost.

>> No.7077448
File: 34 KB, 435x425, goddamn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank god

>> No.7077450


It's a fucking tsunami, how autistic can you possibly get?

>> No.7077452

NEETs are super-OCD. They may not survive, especially if their Master series Biribiri-figmas are missing a leg or arm.

CNN is reporting that the Fukushima coolant problem is still unresolved. Is this true or are they just slow?

>> No.7077453

仙台 = New Orleans

>> No.7077455

Oh yeah I can totally see your point now. I will worry about the lovely manga and figures more than I worry about the country that is producing them up in flames and buried under rock and water.

>> No.7077457

They got their info from the press confrence being broadcasted over NHK/FujiTV/TBS. It's still unresolved at the moment.

>> No.7077459

Good maybe Japan will actually improve it's image then.

Also it's not cooled yet, it actually started looking worse for a few minutes there.

>> No.7077461
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>> No.7077462

they just haven't updated yet
the article is dated 10am est so an hour ago
the plant was cleared about 30 minutes or so ago

>> No.7077463
File: 96 KB, 1550x480, 1299854737516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7077466

Welcome to the Apocalypse boys.

>> No.7077468


Haha all those figurines all broken and shattered. I mean figurines are great for them and all but they should kinda be concerned about themselves and families at the very least. Figurines don't mean shit and shouldn't be cared about right no....

>See's the busted Shin Getter 1


>> No.7077473
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>> No.7077475
File: 679 KB, 1920x1080, vlcsnap-2011-03-11-16h57m40s194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7077478

actually theres been another update from asahi news. the dam breakage in fukushima is endangering the generators keeping the plant stable.

>> No.7077479
File: 217 KB, 1440x810, 1299859190281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7077484

that's just sad

>> No.7077487

The Generators are starting to go unstable again with the recent dam break.

>> No.7077495

It's almost as if you really expect the media to be a service for it's users, instead of being a money maker for the people who run them.

>> No.7077499

That has to be very disheartening. "Okay guys, we're good to go." Dam breaks. "FUCK."

I think I'll just go to sleep. I've been up too long following this. 8am.

>> No.7077501


>> No.7077506

Yeah it's got to be, on top of all this shit and they have the possibility of being nuked again, not cool.

>> No.7077507
File: 338 KB, 700x765, ato6hi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It has been foretold.

>> No.7077512
File: 791 KB, 465x426, laughing-man-akiba.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Otaku with disaster insurance now get to buy an ENTIRE NEW COLLECTION.

>> No.7077513

I hope otakus in Japan will become confidence because Japan's population has been on a decline prior to this...

>> No.7077519

>will become confidence

>> No.7077520

No, they'll kill themselves because their figurines broke. Which means Japan wont have loser otaku and NEETs running around, so we might get kickass Samurai and Ninja with Guns now.

>> No.7077524

I hope you learn English to speak.

>> No.7077525

Updates from BBC:

>1600: US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton says the US Air Force in Japan has transported coolant to the plant. Officials say the facility should be back to normal soon.
1559: Meanwhile, the World Nuclear Association has said it understands the situation at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant is "under control", and that water is now being pumped into its cooling system. The Japanese government earlier declared an emergency as a precaution and evacuated people living nearby, after there was a malfunction and the water level began to fall. A WNA analyst said the back-up battery power system was now online

>> No.7077526
File: 79 KB, 800x207, 124a4bf2a885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are they spinning in two different directions?
That shouldn't even be possible.

>> No.7077532

The Eyes of Neptune have targeted the Asians.

>> No.7077535


>> No.7077536

they just showed some cars being swept away by the wave.
Some car that had been upside down inside the water made a spin and you could make out something that looked like a human leg inside.


I don't know anyone that's in Japan atm, but a few of my profs are from Sendai or have friends there.

>> No.7077537
File: 172 KB, 821x810, 1299858513793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tsunami Wars: Revenge of the Fish

>> No.7077539

>Its a tsunami, I ain't gotta explain shit

>> No.7077543


>> No.7077545

Until you find out otherwise, assume that all of them are dead.

>> No.7077548

divide by 0.

>> No.7077554
File: 21 KB, 500x302, Wotw..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7077558

Fukushima officials have announced that the reactor in plant 1 is now cooled and under control, plant 2 is still in danger and generators are not sufficient to cool it at this point, no additional generators can be brought in due to the flooding from the dam.

>> No.7077560
File: 118 KB, 600x600, 1294840946506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's all pray for the poor five year old loli who was just confirmed dead.

>> No.7077561
File: 99 KB, 609x688, derp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Of for fuck's sake!

>> No.7077566

And when that goes off, the rest will. Japan's getting nuked again fellows, I think that's a sign.

>> No.7077568

What was her name?

>> No.7077573

Score one for the US if true.

>> No.7077574

No, maybe mourn her.

>> No.7077575

Does he say baka?

>> No.7077570 [DELETED] 

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton says the US Air Force in Japan has transported coolant to the plant. Officials say the facility should be back to normal soon.

>> No.7077578

Nuclear power plants don't work that way.

>> No.7077579


>> No.7077580
File: 314 KB, 1280x720, vlcsnap-2011-03-11-17h12m10s186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7077584
File: 346 KB, 1591x744, 1297426487978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7077585

GOOD! I thought that Japan was going to have a Chernobyl on its hands.

>> No.7077586

thats a really huge yukari

>> No.7077587

Whoops, sorry I deleted my post since >>7077525 already mentioned it. And there are about 50,000 US soldiers based in Japan right now and they are helping out. Especially with the firefighting efforts.

>> No.7077583 [DELETED] 

It's a boy. The name probably reads Kazumasa, but I'm not sure since rules for names readings are weird.

>> No.7077589

When they go off they do. It'll be just like Chernobyl, that's not any better man.

>> No.7077590
File: 435 KB, 1280x720, vlcsnap-2011-03-11-17h12m34s176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7077592
File: 51 KB, 549x563, intredasting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7077593

I assure you, he was not serious

>> No.7077594


>> No.7077598
File: 354 KB, 1280x720, vlcsnap-2011-03-11-17h11m42s169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7077600

Stream where?

>> No.7077601

Area affected by earthquake live CCTV: http://cam176354.miemasu.net/CgiStart?page=Single&Language=1

>> No.7077603

It's a boy, the name's probably Kazuo but I could be wrong since name readings are weird as fuck

>> No.7077610

>This is scary!
>Why is this happening?


>> No.7077611

thats not any different from standard japanese traffic anyway

>> No.7077617

Asahi news reports ground defense forces are now evacuating emergency responders from plant 2, reactor shows a 2m drop in coolant. Defense forces have an additional flyover planned

>> No.7077624
File: 36 KB, 456x170, Screen shot 2011-03-11 at 8.26.00 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Current toll according to Kyodo.

>> No.7077625

It's daylight at that camera. It is not daylight anywhere in Japan right now.

>> No.7077627


>> No.7077628

>evacuating emergency responders from plant 2, reactor shows a 2m drop in coolant

m = meter?

>> No.7077630



>> No.7077632

They should hurry up and cover the entire plant with lead and concrete BEFORE it goes poof.

>> No.7077635

shit man, I may be a neet and short on money. But I'm so gonna donate some of my money to Japan if they need it.

>> No.7077640

I Perfume okay?

>> No.7077642

You all do know that nuclear reactors do not work that way, yes?

>> No.7077643

justin tv sucks
Throws me out every 10 secs or so.

>> No.7077646

Someone on /b/ was farming donation money from people who thought they were sending funds to the victims in japan. He got to 13.000 bux.

>> No.7077647

How come they never see this coming? I thought you can predict earthquakes?

>> No.7077648

Really have to hand it to those USAF guys. Good job.

>> No.7077649

oh genious how to them work

>> No.7077651

>Are you serious?
Lol, watch how many houses are swimming there, why so surprised? And yes, they were not evacuated, since it was so sudden. If there is less than tens thousand of casualties, I would be surprised for sure.

>> No.7077654

UStream link work fine if you can tolerate the quality.

>> No.7077655

Your internet sucks. Also lol saging a sticky.

>> No.7077658

I would like to reiterate, in fewer words, what one of us said in one of the various spam threads:

Our younger generation is full of idiots and dumbasses.

>> No.7077659

The officials who first made the 88000 estimate are actually backing away from that number now. They say it's lower than that.

>> No.7077660

Lets see how the yen to us dollar rate goes after this.

80 yen to the dollar is killing me :(

>> No.7077661

Every citizen should listen to this, to keep their spirits high.

>> No.7077663


>> No.7077664

TV Asahi as well?

>> No.7077667

Are those listed missing or dead?

>> No.7077671

Is shit still happening? Or are they just evacuating now?

>> No.7077672
File: 11 KB, 380x282, 1299861134242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7077673

The signs were there. Nobody bother to investigate the cause of it.

>> No.7077675


>> No.7077676

You got a link to that?

>> No.7077680

don't even try, people won't listen when the word "nuclear plant" is mentioned
you could piss all over the consoles in the control room and come back a week later and shit wouldn't happen

>> No.7077683


>> No.7077684

There are still a lot of fires going, a lot of places still have major tsunami warnings, and possibly a lot more damage that might be caused by the current situation. But yea...quite a restless night for a lot of people in Japan.

>> No.7077685

It says dead...

>> No.7077687
File: 107 KB, 1036x1494, aika1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we at /x/ are discussing a "Supermoon" on March 19th which means it's the closest to the Earth. It can cause a shitstorm as one guy says or it could be absolutely nothing but a good view of the moon..

My thoughts are with the Japanase.

pic related. she better be alright damnit

>> No.7077693

oh yea the link


>> No.7077694

Indeed, it's as if people don't realize that there are safety mechanisms in place to be able to handle these types of situations. Japan =/= Tsjernobyl

>> No.7077697

The Japan Atomic Industry Forum (JAIF) issued a notice saying all reactors in the north-eastern part of Japan had shut down automatically. It noted that the Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency (Nisa) had said no damage to nuclear power plants had been reported as of 3.16pm. Japanese prime minister Naoto Kan made a statement on television in which he noted that there was no indication of any radioactive release.

Tokyo Electric Power Company (Tepco) has reported that emergency diesel generators started as expected at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, but then stopped after one hour, leaving units 1, 2 and 3 with no power for important cooling functions. This led the company to notify the government of an 'emergency' situation, which allows local authorities to take additional precautionary measures. An evacuation has been ordered of people living within three kilometres, while engineers work to restore power.

At neighbouring Fukushima Daini, sufficient cooling water is being maintained by injection using the reactor core isolation cooling systems of units 1 to 4. At unit 1 an increase in reactor containment pressure has been noted, and "assumed to be caused by leakage of reactor coolant in the reactor containment" this led Tepco to notify government of another emergency status.

Nisa has noted that emissions from the exhaust stack of the these power plants show no increase in radioactivity.

Tohoku Electric Power Company has reported a fire in the non-nuclear turbine building of Onagawa 1. A minor fire burned in a non-nuclear service building of Tepco's Fukushima Daini 1 but this was extinguished within two hours.

>> No.7077699

How far inland has the tsumani reached? has it reached Sendais city centre yet?

>> No.7077700


tl;dr there won't be a nuclear disaster

>> No.7077702

>we at /x/ are discussing a "Supermoon" on March 19th

The Moon has fuckall effect on Earth, it being a tiny bit closer or a tiny bit further away makes very little difference. Not surprised /x/ would waste on time this though.

>> No.7077705

Is Kamakura alright?

I don't want historical sites destroyed by this...

>> No.7077709
File: 162 KB, 701x1000, aika2218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are Aika-chan fans in /x/?
don't worry I think she is alright, watching her closely and other Musumes in the Musume thread.

>> No.7077712

She's plain looking bro.

>> No.7077713

Then what happens if it can't cool down?

>> No.7077715
File: 114 KB, 500x374, 1290785461491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


for background music in this thread please?

>> No.7077717

Worst case scenario, if all the safety functions failed, it'd burn a hole a few meters in the ground and stay there.

>> No.7077720

Don't even bother, people don't give a damn about sensible explanations whenever the word "nuclear" is mentioned. This is mainly due to the popular belief that nuclear plants are ready to blow during every second of activity. Blame the sensationalist movies

>> No.7077721

There is a fuckton of protection around it.

>> No.7077724


There won't be a nuclear explosion (unless the situation changes drastically), and it's unlikely there will be a meltdown.

However with the (almost certain) coolant leaks it is currently possible that there is fissionable material leaking as well. Not all "nuclear disasters" come in the form of explosions; some are a lot more insidious, like radioactive groundwater for the next few decades...

>> No.7077725
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>> No.7077729
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>> No.7077731
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>> No.7077732


>> No.7077733
File: 356 KB, 1280x720, vlcsnap-2011-03-11-17h40m51s242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7077736
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>> No.7077738

You do know that /a/ and /b/ are playing around with that, right? Anyone can submit information saying that so and so is dead. It's a pretty horrible thing to joke about.

>> No.7077739

Which stream are you all watching, mainly?

Link me please

>> No.7077740

I don't want to believe
Seriously, no...

>> No.7077744
File: 390 KB, 1280x720, vlcsnap-2011-03-11-17h43m06s60.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7077745

Not even a /b/tard would be heartless enough to upset people like that

>> No.7077746
File: 552 KB, 1486x883, 1280955889739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


God fucking damn it! THIS IS AN OUTRAGE!!!!!!

>> No.7077747
File: 24 KB, 563x110, Screen shot 2011-03-11 at 8.44.24 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honda reported one fatality.

>> No.7077748

>/a/ and /b/ are joking around

I'm not even from /jp/, but god fucking damnit I hate it when all of 4chan gets lumped in with those tards.

>> No.7077752

Is he in front of a green screen? The perspective doesn't make sense.

>> No.7077753


>> No.7077758

well yeah, i'm just trying to make it clear to people that chernobyl 2.0 is not about happen

>> No.7077760
File: 107 KB, 692x766, Saitama2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7077765

japanese people are short

>> No.7077767

It real, the guy behind with the cellphone constantly tried to stay in front of the camera, glancing and winking at the camera man from time to time.

>> No.7077768

/v/ is just as bad.

>> No.7077769


>> No.7077772

I like how they report the situation honestly and quickly as it develops. It's like they trust the people not to panic and think and act rationally. This could never be done in the west with all the fear mongering and panic.

>> No.7077775

Oh yea, I forgot to include /v/ too. They were putting in well-known voice actors and manga/anime people.

>> No.7077779
File: 273 KB, 1440x810, 10mai592668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7077783

Not really. /v/ is too busy arguing to ever organize anything.

>> No.7077787

ery=Hideo+Kojima at least this guy's still alive and kicking

>> No.7077788

The others should think about a helmet as well.

>> No.7077797
File: 697 KB, 959x410, Screen shot 2011-03-11 at 8.52.40 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have some photos.

>> No.7077798
File: 7 KB, 301x65, kojima.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7077802
File: 45 KB, 746x788, He's alright.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Kojima being alright is quickly becoming a meme on /v/

>> No.7077804


>> No.7077809
File: 22 KB, 250x264, 1262768320487.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope all the JAV idols are okay.

>> No.7077810


>> No.7077811
File: 16 KB, 254x277, 1299862131511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

araki is from sendai

>> No.7077814

>no injuries at age. All employees gone home. Servers moved to another building for safety.
Alternative is safe guys.

>> No.7077816

Does anyone know the situation in south, like how is Nagoya hanging?

>> No.7077823


beware of whale on stream, but good english info

>> No.7077826
File: 410 KB, 633x350, poor nhk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so they were advertising that person finder.

people are trying to use it legitimately

>> No.7077838

18,000 houses in Fukushima are not houses anymore...


>> No.7077841

damn sounds like things got a lot more serious overnight with dem tsunamis. stay strong japan.

>> No.7077844


>> No.7077846

Anyone know where the NHK world stream is? My moonspeak isn't good enough for the TBS stream.

>> No.7077855


>> No.7077856
File: 124 KB, 640x427, deadfigs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HLJ says they are still getting aftershock every 5-10minutes now.
At least their warehouse didnt go under.

>> No.7077857

NHK World is also broadcasting in Japanese, at least it is in the UK. I think it is some sort of emergency broadcast.

>> No.7077858
File: 262 KB, 628x489, Screen shot 2011-03-11 at 9.01.30 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NHK Stream here since the other one died.

>> No.7077871


>> No.7077872


>> No.7077880
File: 32 KB, 411x309, tronbonne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw failed third impact

no, but seriously, this is sad. i hope everyone's ok

>> No.7077882

Any legit ways to donate money?

>> No.7077885

Japanese officials say over 400 are confirmed dead, 350+ others missing and hundreds of others injured. The death toll will likely climb throughout the days and weeks ahead. Again, CATDAT expects a $100 billion pricetag at least.

>> No.7077886

This NHK WORLD stream has an english speaking broadcaster.

>> No.7077887


>implying your $5 would help

>> No.7077892

Buy japanese goods.

>> No.7077893

The Red Cross buddy.

>> No.7077899



>> No.7077901
File: 28 KB, 512x382, Toller Tag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Das ist die perfekte Welle..~♫

>> No.7077903

Makes you wonder how much of a bigger deal this would've been if it happened near the Phillipines or some shit instead.

>> No.7077907

That doesn't look good.

I hope they are well insured.

>> No.7077908

It's really a symbolic gesture to show my support. If I could just walk over to Japan and give them food and some blankets, I would.

>> No.7077910
File: 36 KB, 461x216, Screen shot 2011-03-11 at 9.08.16 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.7077912

The Philippines would be destroyed.

>> No.7077917
File: 14 KB, 660x439, SAAAAAAAAKUUUUUUUURAAAAAAAAAAAAAI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Outside the building shook violently, highway stops, I shall flap arms in the office.

>I shall flap arms in the office.


>> No.7077918

The death toll would be probably 100x higher.
If this 8.8mag earthquake strikes somewhere else besides japan, we would have the worst disaster ever.

>> No.7077919


Would likely kill more than half the population

>> No.7077920

Oh, fuck off idiot.

>> No.7077922
File: 186 KB, 970x797, bollocks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.7077929

No one gives a fuck about brown Filipinos, they're the niggers of Asia.

>> No.7077933 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7077937
File: 69 KB, 250x250, myface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


MFW filename

>> No.7077941

>Daily Mail

The Daily Fail has never been right about anything. It is the worst newspaper in the world. What do you expect?

>> No.7077942
File: 236 KB, 490x375, 1275868924196.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No one gives a fuck about brown Filipinos, they're the niggers of Asia.

>> No.7077943
File: 304 KB, 1024x768, alicia-reimu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7077946

It would have been another Mt. Pinatubo incident: Earthquakes, violent volcanic eruptions, lava flood, flash floods, etc. Whole villages were demolished and eroded. It might be worse, with the tsunamis.

>> No.7077947


>> No.7077951 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7077953 [DELETED] 
File: 46 KB, 255x300, 24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you guys posting about a country you never been too?

Oh wait


>> No.7077959

Who the fuck pissed in your cheerios this morning?

>> No.7077963

why do you come here to post that shit?
no lifer

>> No.7077964

Its a fucking disaster. I've lived in Japan, and I'm living in LA right now. People I know might be dead, and a tsunami might hit my fucking house any minute.

>> No.7077968

I've lived in Tokyo for well over five years now, and I'm not an exception on this board. So shut it :)

>> No.7077971

>mfw i live in japan
What did you say?

>> No.7077972

Someone's streaming NHK world, in english, but they only do a full report every hour, no continuous live news

>> No.7077979

Why are you posting ignorant shit in a board you shouldn't be in?

Oh wait


>> No.7077981

Don't worry my dear boy, it's merely a shit-tier internet troll.

>> No.7077983

Oh fuck that would take this disaster to the next level...praying it doesn't happen

>> No.7077985
File: 22 KB, 513x93, Screen shot 2011-03-11 at 9.17.56 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

California will be fine.

>> No.7077990

Anyone translation please.



>> No.7077991 [DELETED] 
File: 68 KB, 315x275, 50d21e5d9d_billb_08272008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.7077998

It has nothing to do with the quake and tsunami.

>> No.7077999

I'd be a lot more confident if I didn't live right next to the beach. I'm literally looking at sand right now.

>> No.7078000

Is it the best time to buy figs right now?

>> No.7078006

Is Aroe all right?

>> No.7078007

see >>7077856

In other news the Yen appears to rise (for obvious reasons).

>> No.7078010


>> No.7078011


At least for a while...

>> No.7078012


Considering you might be waiting months for them to ship, no.

>> No.7078014

Reported as illegal content. We'll see who's laughing now.

>> No.7078020

They said the Asian and European markets went down when the earthquake started.

I don't know why Europe did though.

>> No.7078022

Hakurei shrine donation box

>> No.7078030
File: 4 KB, 120x120, dog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We'll see who's laughing now.
I feel bad about this whole situation, but, god, I hope you're joking.

>> No.7078031

Something about 50 whales.

>> No.7078032

>When the moon goes super-extreme, Nolle says, chaos will ensue

Sure is scientific terms in here.

>> No.7078034

"LMFAO you can hear a clerk scanning items in the background the whole time."


>> No.7078036

I got some figures coming at the end of the month. Hope they can send them.

>> No.7078039

The economy market will be going down.
Just wait till the US market open this morning. It will be going down.

>> No.7078045
File: 21 KB, 600x450, x2_4f5cbfe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7078041 [DELETED] 
File: 156 KB, 432x324, gorilla_432_crossroads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT : Weeaboos concerned for a country they've never been too

wow /jp/ how pathetic are you?


>> No.7078047

Well I can think of two reasons:
1. Japanese investors retract their foreign investments since they need money now.
2. The Re-insurance companies will make a big loss. Munich Re is down 5% today, and the money they need to pay will eventually turn into yen.

That's why the yen is rising and foreign markets are down.

>> No.7078048

Ah c'mon ;_;

>> No.7078049

Why are you still here?

>> No.7078051

Wait a second are you fucking serious?

>> No.7078058

It looks like most (if not all) of the statue's parts are intact.

>> No.7078059

That Gundam was dismantled long ago
Captcha: nerfs social

>> No.7078061

yes http://plixi.com/p/83217406

>> No.7078064

It's been open for several hours now.

Looks like a regular day at the NYSE.

>> No.7078066

This is terrible, I feel so bad for everyone who has lost friends or family... ;_;

>> No.7078068

It was put up again?

>> No.7078069


>> No.7078075

Why are all the fucking links are japanese links ? WE DONT KNOW JAPANESE FAGGOTS

>> No.7078076

Well maybe dollar might gain some strength from this haphazard.

But that's very cynical of me to say that.

>> No.7078077
File: 9 KB, 240x272, o0240027211092658723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A week ago...
Same coast...

>> No.7078078

Yes near one of Bandai's manufacturing plants

>> No.7078082


>> No.7078083


Those puddles of wine looked ominous as fuck.

Like big puddles of blood.

>> No.7078084

It wasn't really a question actually. But yeah, I know.

>> No.7078085


ITT: Concerned by the nicest person I have ever known who happens to be in Japan right now.

Sorry for being pathetic

>> No.7078088

So it was Ika musume's doing after all.

>> No.7078090

That makes me sad.

>> No.7078092

[12:06 p.m. ET, 2:06 a.m. Tokyo] Radiation level rising in Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant turbine building, Kyodo News Agency reports.

>> No.7078093

No, there is no way the dollar is going to profit from this.
What does Japan need to buy from abroad to fix this mess?

>> No.7078095

guess they could've just left them for another week and they'd been washed back into the ocean.

>> No.7078101

I hope Hirohiko Araki and his family are okay...

>> No.7078106
File: 72 KB, 349x294, revilsad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7078108


>> No.7078109

well so far this earthquake seems A+. It'll end up bringing about a construction boom without having touched much important infrastructure. Maybe now the japanese will start spending their savings instead of hording their money and then asking themselves why their economy is awful.

>> No.7078110


>> No.7078113

It has and will continue to do so, once the oil prices adjust then we will see even more dramatic impact.

Yen closed at 83.70 or so

>> No.7078115

Exactly what I have thought. This might also be a way to finally bring down the yen.

I miss the 1 EUR = 160 JPY times. ;_;

>> No.7078116
File: 363 KB, 659x327, Screen shot 2011-03-11 at 9.33.59 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obama giving press conference. Now he switched to the gas price crap.

40minutes have passed. Yet to hear anything since.

>> No.7078118

They are gonna spend a fuckton of $$$ to rebuild the whole fucking city not to mention importing tons of cheap labors for reconstruction.

>> No.7078125

building materials maybe?

>> No.7078127

Mayans already predicted this natural disase before.

>> No.7078131
File: 3 KB, 150x142, 1299776522092.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Gee ! I wonder who cares about that nigger now.

>> No.7078133

Oh wow, haven't seen this photoshop in a while.

>> No.7078143


>> No.7078144

Is that anything like super saiyan?

>> No.7078146

>our friendship and alliance is unshakable

not the right time, obama..

>> No.7078152

jesus cnn, good music choice

>> No.7078154

any updates on zun and/or radioactivity? don't forget to list sources.

>> No.7078158

i warned you, japan. don't try to ban my loli, or you'll face divine wrath. but did you listen? no.

so, here, enjoy your earthquake. if you don't stop this shit right now, there'll be more.

>> No.7078159
File: 372 KB, 800x771, 18774a26783df1b46dc93a005fc7eb9b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7078161
File: 95 KB, 800x532, 06eef8cf7fa8e16986ca6c0fcb17ad3a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This look familiar?

>> No.7078169

Soulja boy is a celebrity weaboo.
We need to know how HE feels about the situation. That's what really matters.

>> No.7078173

So I go to the "Above Top Secret" website to see how crazy they're going over the earthquake, since the site is full of schizophrenics and it can be a decent source of humor. Then I stumble upon this shit. What the fuck.


>OK, lets get really crazy

>This was predicted on 07/02/2011

>07+02=09 i.e. 9th

>If I posted this on the 7th then I could have dreamed it on the 6th!

>20+11 = 31

>06/02/2011 + 31 = 09/03/2011 further confirmation of the 9th!


>how freaky is that!!

>> No.7078176
File: 190 KB, 608x337, Screen shot 2011-03-11 at 9.45.34 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rain incoming.
But who really trusts weather reports anyway

Hearing reports over Yokoso that they're considering releasing the vapor. Everything seems to be contained still.

>> No.7078178
File: 45 KB, 145x130, 1296670250091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7078179

inb4 people being retarded about the date

>> No.7078181
File: 75 KB, 960x540, snapshot_22.07_[2010.10.18_22.19.54].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7078182


Forgot to add - fail trolls , gtfo.

>> No.7078184
File: 32 KB, 600x393, zun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Already confirmed that ZUN and his beer are okay

I can picture ZUN in a boat made from a giant hat, throwing his empties overboard with notes inside saying "SEND MORE BEER".

>> No.7078186

idk if you'd catch it but it's a parody of a dave chappelle joke about how, after 9/11, MTV asked Ja Rule how he felt about the situation. "NIGGA I DON'T WANNA KNOW HOW JA RULE FEELS, WE NEED SOME PROFESSIONAL HELP."

>> No.7078187
File: 256 KB, 849x565, cooling-tower.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean this kind?

>> No.7078189

>Mayans said something bad will happen eventually
>hundreds of years later something happened

>> No.7078197
File: 342 KB, 615x346, what the fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hearing you guys freak out about nuclear radiation and chernobyl hurts me on the inside because you guys have no idea how many failsafes there are in nuclear technology nowadays. Chernobyl happened because LOLRUSSIANENGINEERING. The concept of nuclear meltdown is one that is so unlikely in this current day and age that the only danger of nuclear reactors is finding a place to put the waste. It's thinking like this that keeps us from harvesting the most cost efficient energy solution and reaping its benefits because some idiots think of the Simpsons and Chernobyl when they think nuclear plant.

tl;dr get science educated you nerds


>> No.7078202

Everybody wave goodbye to Japan!
Everybody wave goodbye to Japan!
Everybody wave goodbye to Japan!
Everybody wave goodbye to Japan!
Everybody wave goodbye to Japan!
Everybody wave goodbye to Japan!
Everybody wave goodbye to Japan!
Everybody wave goodbye to Japan!
Everybody wave goodbye to Japan!
Everybody wave goodbye to Japan!
Everybody wave goodbye to Japan!
Everybody wave goodbye to Japan!
Everybody wave goodbye to Japan!
Everybody wave goodbye to Japan!
Everybody wave goodbye to Japan!
Everybody wave goodbye to Japan!
Everybody wave goodbye to Japan!
Everybody wave goodbye to Japan!
Everybody wave goodbye to Japan!
Everybody wave goodbye to Japan!
Everybody wave goodbye to Japan!
Everybody wave goodbye to Japan!
Everybody wave goodbye to Japan!
Everybody wave goodbye to Japan!
Everybody wave goodbye to Japan!
Everybody wave goodbye to Japan!
Everybody wave goodbye to Japan!
Everybody wave goodbye to Japan!
Everybody wave goodbye to Japan!
Everybody wave goodbye to Japan!
Everybody wave goodbye to Japan!
Everybody wave goodbye to Japan!
Everybody wave goodbye to Japan!
Everybody wave goodbye to Japan!
Everybody wave goodbye to Japan!
Everybody wave goodbye to Japan!
Everybody wave goodbye to Japan!
Everybody wave goodbye to Japan!

>> No.7078204
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Actually , no one mentioned chernobyl.

>> No.7078207
File: 232 KB, 888x868, 1299366250466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sincerely doubt /jp/ has watched his show. He's fucking hilarious though.

Pic related.

>> No.7078212
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>> No.7078215
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Also , stalker is an fiction.

>> No.7078219
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>> No.7078221
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gdi SoCal


Mind you this is the LAST major worry aside from the missing people.

>> No.7078222

I was trying to keep with most of the live feeds thoughout the day today... I'm shocked about how it's actually turning out with all the victims / industry being destroyed by the tsunami...

Poor Japan, I wish you survive and recover soon! ; _ ;
2ch stay strong too, I read throughout some of the emergency threads and got very emotional whilest seeing all this solidarity. I wish 4ch was this strongly binded together as they are.

>> No.7078223

You are bad at faikng

>> No.7078227
File: 98 KB, 863x810, 030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It is being reported that strange creatures have been seen in the damaged areas
>They appear to be some sort of quadruped with an extra set of appendages growing out of their back

>> No.7078234

It's now or never, weeaboos. The one-world government is using HAARP to destroy Japan. Will you stand up to defend your glorious Nippon or die on your knees?

>> No.7078235
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land of the rising tide

i mean sun

>> No.7078237

That was just your family going back from feeding

>> No.7078247 [DELETED] 
File: 604 KB, 673x397, wetwithdewgrass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Press conference interrupted by Days of Our Lives


>> No.7078246

I may be incredibly petty, but why did they use "pray"? Good job on pushing religious shit onto people.

>> No.7078249

The cooling systems automatic failsafes are what's currently not working, bro.
The generators stopped working, it's on battery now and the water rises due to a broken dam.
If water rises, the cooling system will fail altogether and a leakage can happen. When a leak opens, you will have all different kinds of nasty stuff in your water, soil and air.

If someone should educate himself about anything, it's you who should educate yourself about the current situation...

>> No.7078256

You're the reason why people hate atheists.

>> No.7078257


[ ] Toldam
[ ] Nadesstold
[ ] Told Gayuss
[ x ] Legend of the Galatic TOLD

>> No.7078264
File: 376 KB, 600x598, 1268681140022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Timi, the resident cat at the Keiro senior care center passed away today due to injuries by falling debris caused by the earthquake. Timi enjoyed keeping residents company for 7 years, she will be missed.

This is horrible!

>> No.7078271
File: 182 KB, 607x337, Screen shot 2011-03-11 at 10.11.00 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Stuff seems to be returning to acceptable levels according to TBS considering how many times they kept repeating 安心しま.

>> No.7078276


>> No.7078278

>Posting in a sticky?
>Posting in a sticky.

>> No.7078279
File: 179 KB, 964x591, article-1365318-0D92D24D000005DC-318_964x591..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fixing shit like this seems hard / disruptive enough. I can't imagine having to fix a whole country.

>> No.7078280

>US rushing coolant to Japan

This isn't over yet, not at all.

>> No.7078285


>implying there will be any americans, or mexicans, or canadians left after the yellowstone eruption


>> No.7078286


>> No.7078287

Doesn't look that hard to drive on. You just can't overtake.

>> No.7078288

I can't help but laugh at the stories of people being washed up by the tsunami and going missing.

>> No.7078290

why couldn't this tsunami happen to a shitty third world country that nobody cares about like all the other natural disasters? Lame.

>> No.7078291
File: 93 KB, 815x791, Screen shot 2011-03-11 at 10.19.48 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess this is a good a time as any so, ANN is reporting animu and mangoes affected by it all.

Your news is also about an hour old. Of course it's not over but it's not as serious as it was an hour ago.

>> No.7078295

Well, can you help by posting more recent material?

>> No.7078298


This. I'm seriously upset about this, I think this is the first time I actually cared about a disaster of any kind. I'm kind of angry that it went for Japan instead of some shithole like Indonesia.

>> No.7078300

Crap. Getting another tsunami warning through pretty much everything already affected due to that last aftershock.

>> No.7078303

Wouldn't the area affected by that be evacuated already?

>> No.7078304

Natural disasters aren't a fucking game weeaboo faggot

>> No.7078305

or any african country. i will actually donate to this relief fund, i didn't donate to haiti.

>> No.7078306
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>> No.7078313 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7078308


Fucking go back to /b/.

>> No.7078309

>to a shitty third world country

Yeah, like Texas!

>> No.7078310
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>Joshisah !eTJKKWVoDg

get out of /jp/

>> No.7078314

Donating to Haiti is immoral.

>> No.7078318
File: 200 KB, 615x339, Screen shot 2011-03-11 at 10.27.37 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7078321

why the FUCK does that retard janitor/mod think this thread belongs on /jp/

god fucking dammit

no /jp/ regulars are even here anymore, it's just retards from other boards

nobody cares about japan, fuck off, the only vaguely /jp/-related news was reitaisai getting canceled, which sucks admittedly, but fuck off

oh well, time to steer clear of this board for a few days

>> No.7078322

>strongly binded
>that whole post
Are you from animesuki, animexx or ANN?

>> No.7078328 [DELETED] 


Does that mean, what I think it means?

>> No.7078323

How the fuck are they gonna fix everything?

>> No.7078324
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>> No.7078326

Anyone know if Ryukishi07 is okay? ;_;

>> No.7078327



>> No.7078329

>no /jp/ regulars are even here anymore, it's just retards from other boards.

Yes like your self. Now fucking leave.

>> No.7078333

i've been watching aljazeera on and off for about 12 hours, other than op links where else are you guys watching the news about this stuff?

i normally don't care about news and all that but this is important

>> No.7078338


Why would I complain about this thread if I didn't actually browse /jp/? I'd be posting hilarious images of atom bombs and ffffuuuuu- comics along with zany greentext stories, like all these friends are doing.

>> No.7078340

Well, shit. Last thing i saw on the TV was that there are multiples sectors of Tokyo on fire and a video of houses being destroyed by the water as cards-houses

>> No.7078341

links for NHK and i think TBS streams are posted somewhere above, all in Japanese but probably a lot more info.

>> No.7078344

Are Satoshi Taraji and Ken Sugimori ok?

The people responsible for my childhood love dying an untimely death like this would be... I don't even.

>> No.7078345



>> No.7078350 [DELETED] 


>> No.7078353

3:19am AFP news agency is quoting Japan's trade minister as saying "a small radiation leak could occur" at Fukushima nuclear plant - after officials said a pressure build-up had occurred in one of the power station's reactors.


>> No.7078356


>major disaster in japan
>says it doesn't belong on Japanese board

Really, anonymous?

>> No.7078357


yeah, i have three streams going right now from the above posts, they are all muted except for yokoso.

this is shitty :(

>> No.7078367

I wish TBS wasn't on repeat

I guess that'll change in an hour or two

>> No.7078369
File: 33 KB, 455x192, Screen shot 2011-03-11 at 10.41.22 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like they're doing something about the pressure...

It's really irritating listening to news and having them compare disasters like these.

>> No.7078382

yokoso is waifu material

>> No.7078390
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>> No.7078395

who is yokoso guy?

>> No.7078407

So who's signin up to go help out relief efforts in a week or so when it's open to the public?

>> No.7078408

check this out http://youropenbook.org/?q=pearl+harbor&gender=any

>> No.7078411

Plant Status of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (as of 0AM March 12th )

Plant Status of Fukushima Daini Nuclear Power Station (as of 0 AM March 12th )

>> No.7078412
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>Fukushima update: Japanese authorities will release radioactive vapor to ease pressure at nuclear reactor - AP
Get out of here Stalker

>> No.7078413


get a real hobby like cars u stupid animu faggot i mean fuck ur so goddamn pathetic even the japs are tired of ur dumbass fig collection shit

none of them even play wth figs like u guys do, they just pretend to so they can make money off ur pathetic virgin asses lol omg

>> No.7078415


Can you do really do this? How exactly would oen go about it?

>> No.7078421
File: 120 KB, 511x382, 1297477594806.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw he's only asking because he thinks they'll send him to Japan if he signs up

>> No.7078423

Is Sion okay?

>> No.7078424



>> No.7078430


>> No.7078435


Fuck off. I don't want to do it because of that.

That country is single handedly responsible for most of my interests and hobbies, and I want to help it in any way I can.

Sure, it's because I'm 'weeaboo', I admit it freely, but it's not some superficial I CAN FINALLY GO TO JAPAN desire. I genuinely want to help the people there.

>> No.7078436
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>> No.7078437
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>get a real hobby like cars

that's the most stupid piece of shit i've ever read in my entire life, please kill yourself

>> No.7078440


Except they're xenophobic fucks and don't want you anywhere near their precious earthquake ridden soil.

>> No.7078441

You trolled.

>> No.7078445
File: 241 KB, 598x336, Screen shot 2011-03-11 at 11.01.22 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7078446

Oh Shit

>> No.7078447

If I was physically able, I would actually like to do this. I want to help.
and i'm poor, so I have no money to spare.

>> No.7078449

Niigata and Nagano were just hit with earthquakes.

>> No.7078450


Another one? For fuck's sake, why can't they just be left alone, they already had one. I am angry.

>> No.7078456
File: 75 KB, 1055x583, aftershock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aftershocks in Gunma near Nagano

>> No.7078457

land of the rising water

>> No.7078458


pretty funny, asshole.

>> No.7078459

oh god it keeps getting closer to Tokyo

>> No.7078461
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Update on strength and location

>> No.7078477
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Sorry guys, shouldn't have devoured that shipment of beans.

>> No.7078478
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Ibaraki getting earthquake warning.

>> No.7078480
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another one... MAKE IT STOP ;___;

>> No.7078482

I want to help them so badly, but there's nothing I can do. I feel so powerless... ;_;

Yes, I'm visibly upset.

>> No.7078483

It's all Tenshi's fault.

>> No.7078484

You can really do this. They had something similar to this for Haiti. You go over for a couple of months and help out, they'll pay for your ticket and stay and such but it's very minimal. It's not something you can randomly just decide to do.

Settle down.

>> No.7078485
File: 242 KB, 604x373, Screen shot 2011-03-11 at 11.11.21 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, not as bad. Typical "Oh, stuff is swawing"

>> No.7078487


Me too.

I'm angry, but there's nothing to direct my aqnger at.

>> No.7078490



>> No.7078491

mostly aftershocks i guess, although they're saying that the niigata one might be unrelated to last night's right?

>> No.7078494


>It's not something you can randomly just decide to do.

Please explain what that means.

>> No.7078496

John Madden.

>> No.7078497

I'd go if I could put my exams on hold, but that is unfortunately not an option. Guess I'll just have to give them my money instead.

>> No.7078498

still unsettling, two earthquakes in 10 minutes... and 3/4 isn't too weak either... given it's something that normally wouldn't do much, but still... a lot of buildings might get additional damage and it is right in front of Tokyo...

>> No.7078504


You can always donate blood. That will provide major, major help.

>> No.7078505


I want to help out. Are you trying to say I shouldn't because "It's not something you can randomly just decide to do"? What does that mean, anyway? I want to go help. If they will pay to get me there, then why shouldn't I go if I want to? I have nothing going on here.

>> No.7078506

tsunami on the east coast , aftershock at the west

japan is in so many level of fucked

>> No.7078507

I think he means that you need to give it a lot of thought before you decide to do it.

>> No.7078509

John Madden

>> No.7078510

another one in niigata

>> No.7078511

Fuck i feel so useless rigt now...

>> No.7078512
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>> No.7078513


>> No.7078514

Good coverage on BBC Radio for those whose Japanese is a bit rusty.


>> No.7078515

1904: The BBC's Rajesh Mirchandani in Los Angeles says there have been evacuations around Crescent City in northern California. However, along the Santa Monica coast many people are using the opportunity to go and look at the waves.

>However, along the Santa Monica coast many people are using the opportunity to go and look at the waves.
>many people are using the opportunity to go and look at the waves

>> No.7078520 [DELETED] 


This guys doing a livestream where he translates NHK? news here.

Apparently another NEW earthqauke is hitting i think.

>> No.7078517
File: 199 KB, 606x346, Screen shot 2011-03-11 at 11.17.13 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another warning for Nigata/Nagano/Gunma

They're keeping everyone that's not already over there out of the country. Heard that around 2am PST

Confirmed Real Earthquake

>> No.7078518

Someone invite 2chan to this thread so they can see how much we care!

>> No.7078519
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Also they say it might be a strong one...

>> No.7078522

Once again - a great way to help out is by giving blood.

>> No.7078524

Watching this live this morning watching people in cars desperately trying to get away only to be cut off by the water, then turning their cars around and speeding back only to be once again cut off and eventually swallowed up was pretty disturbing.

>> No.7078525

Dammnit I was just heading towards Santa Monica...

>> No.7078526


The earthquake just hit now there's aftershock warnings

>> No.7078528

But I'm in Norway, how can I give my blood to Nippon?

>> No.7078530


They'll set up something specifically for it, then sure. Send as much of my blood over there as possible. As long as I know for a fact that's what it will be used for.

>> No.7078531
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>> No.7078532

Bug zapper.

>> No.7078533

Yahoo has breaking that Central Japan hit with 6.6
I imagine it has already been reported here but still, aftershocks off the fricking charts

>> No.7078534

The funny thing is that I probably wouldn't care much if something like this happened to my own country.

>> No.7078535


37.037 138.355

Coordinates of the 6.2 earthquake on the West coast of Honshu. Just copy paste those numbers into Google Maps.

Just after that one a 6.1 hit the East coast. The whole region is getting double penetrated.

>> No.7078537

6.6 richter scale quakes aren't that bad though right? I doubt anyone got harmed by these latest ones.

>> No.7078539
File: 29 KB, 535x250, kojima.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh lol

>> No.7078541
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I wish that too...

here Ken Sugimori site or something...


>> No.7078542

That isn't funny weeaboo scum,
you're forefathers would be disappoint

>> No.7078546


>> No.7078547

Seriously now? A greentext sticky thread on /jp/? I'm out of here.

>> No.7078549
File: 92 KB, 809x463, Screen shot 2011-03-11 at 11.22.42 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Confirming DP

>> No.7078552

It's about the location of the aftershocks now as well
it will disrupt water, electricity, destroy roads, create even more chaos

>> No.7078555

Scale of Intensity.
Weakest at top, strongest at bottom.



>> No.7078559


It can still be very bad. Rupturing gas lines, damaging foundations even more, breaking windows and it could have a potentially bad ground effect.

>> No.7078561
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>> No.7078562
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/jp/ will miss you

>> No.7078564

Wouldn't that also exacerbate any damage done to buildings so far? IIRC Some people are trapped in a factory still.

>> No.7078565

There's been fire in Yokohama. Most people should be fine though.
Things should be starting to go to normal.

>> No.7078566

What's the status on the nuclear reactor(s)? German TV is in full retard meltdown panic mode and I find this hard to believe.

>> No.7078568


>> No.7078571


It means it's not just something to decide on a whim. It's a big commitment, you'd be there for a couple months depending on which program you help through.

Yes, for now. They won't let any relief workers go over that aren't trained professionals right now anyway. But it will get opened to public help just like any other major natural disaster.

>> No.7078573


Out of all of the things that you could bitch about in this thread you choose this? Awesome.

>> No.7078574


>> No.7078575

Yeah, people like doing that
Not usually a good idea

>he fire had attracted a crowd of spectators along the shoreline, who believed they were a safe distance away
>many victims were burned to ashes or literally blown to bits

>> No.7078576

Seriously, why is this relevant?
Only 1k people or so died and they were probably poor fishermen. The rest of wealthy nips are okay probably just enjoying their day off.
/jp/ japan general

>> No.7078577

Anyone up for some prank calls to the Japanese national guard?

>> No.7078578


Seems to be contained. The US just sent a bunch of coolant and other supplies.

>> No.7078582


>> No.7078584

Weeaboo much?

>> No.7078585

Chiba prefecture tokyo just got another quake. Not big , though.

>> No.7078586


They're "slightly concerned" about it, ignore German TV

>> No.7078590
File: 61 KB, 640x480, the gundam has fallen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: Filename

>> No.7078592

Earthquake every other 5 mins now. Might be some landslides in Niigata.

>> No.7078593

You're on /jp/. Go kill yourself.

>> No.7078594

You need ordnance dropped on your house.

>> No.7078597

It's relevant because of Reitaisai. That's really about it.

>> No.7078598


That sounds perfect for me. My current job ends very, very soon and it's doubtful that I could find another. It'd give me something to do for a few months.

I'll look into it more and wait until they open it up to the public, if they do. I'll probably go.


Seriously, why are you even on /jp/? Really, why?

>> No.7078599

Oh shit.

That's it Japan is doomed.

>> No.7078600
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Every five minutes at this point....

>> No.7078601

I thought the gundam was taken down shortly after it was put up.

Or was it just moved from the popular area?

>> No.7078603

Screw the earthquake, give me my Reitaisai back!

>> No.7078604

Yeah, also Greenpeace said 2m of the fuel rods are sticking out of the water.
Which is kinda intersting seeing how I doubt that the guys running the powerplant would ever hand out information to fucking greenpeace

>> No.7078607

Why is everyone making a big deal about some stupid earthquake? Since when does /jp/ care about other people?

>> No.7078608


Wow, someone just asked if the Gundam statue is ok...

>> No.7078609


>> No.7078610

This a million fucking times. China is probably doing a lol.

>> No.7078611
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/m/ confirmed for watching.

>> No.7078612


Because Reitaisai.

>> No.7078613

Pick one.

>> No.7078614


>> No.7078616

About the "nuclear dissaster"
There are chances that large quantities of polluted water reach the ocean. Nothing too serious, though. An oil spill is thousand times more dangerous to the environment.

Now take this back to /int /newnew/ or whatever

>> No.7078617

Hundreds killed in tsunami after 8.9 Japan quake

>Scientists said the quake ranked as the fifth-largest earthquake in the world since 1900 and was nearly 8,000 times stronger than one that devastated Christchurch, New Zealand, last month.

New Zealand are you even trying. Some official write ups from Yahoo

>> No.7078618

Well when they are all done Japan won't have to worry about Earthquakes for a long time, right?

>> No.7078620
File: 208 KB, 594x321, Screen shot 2011-03-11 at 11.33.38 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GDI Tochigi is getting another earthquake warning.

>> No.7078624

kanto is getting one soon

>> No.7078625

They don't want random unskilled fucks wandering around not helping. When the earthquake hit haiti, that's exactly what happened, hundreds of white people asking "HOW CAN I HELP ALSO U GOT ANY TOILET PAPER AND CLEAN WATER LOL?"

Japan won't have it *quite* so bad since it's not a complete shithole like Haiti was before the earthquake, but the only aid that Japan will possibly need is medics, doctors, nurses and people who are intimately familiar with emergency situations, as well as specialists in emergency engineering, chemical and hazardous wastes and things like that.

they've already got the general population wandering around, dazed, confused, and needing help. they don't need foreigners to come and do the same.

>> No.7078627

can I get the nhk stream or the best one in japanese?

>> No.7078629



>> No.7078631

link to that page please

>> No.7078633


Don't worry. The majority of people in this thread are not from /jp/.

>> No.7078634

much appreciated, thanks

>> No.7078634,1 [INTERNAL] 

Bumping, because following this thread on easymodo is easier than on /jp/.

>> No.7078636
File: 102 KB, 960x600, RumiaDoom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7078638


Eh, you're not wrong. Maybe I can still give blood, or something.

>> No.7078639

Man I can only imagine the plate tectonic action going on right now, I hope all this shit aligns itself properly. No way their Nuclear Plants can keep taking Earthquake hits either

>> No.7078640

Finding this ironic that I'm a /jp/ tripfriend...

>> No.7078642


I dont give a fuck about the people making jokes abou the earthquake etc its 4chan. I actually give a fuck because i have family in Sendai and im semi shitting myself because my calls aren't going through.

>> No.7078644
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>sage in a sticky

>> No.7078645
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>> No.7078649


>> No.7078650

Dont call, use the internet.
Also holy shit, sendai is like the place that was the most devastated. I feel for you.

>> No.7078651


>> No.7078654
File: 37 KB, 599x336, 1289155024874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw people think japan will import westerners to fix their buildings when they can get 25 chinese

>> No.7078658

good stream too, great quality

>> No.7078659


>mfw you're a fucking idiot from /v/ who needs to take his "mfw" back there where it belongs

>> No.7078660

Pixiv is back up.

>> No.7078662

Ouch, I have a sister I'm Ohmi... and some friends em Fukushima... dang it. ;_;

>> No.7078663

My cousin was due to fly over today with his girlfriend to meet her family, just lucky he wasn't already there.
Luckily the gf has got through to her family, and last I heard they were all ok, so far at least.

>> No.7078664


>> No.7078666

Apparently there’s been an avalanche in Niigata.

>> No.7078669

Japan right now reminds me of that Simpsons episode where Homer and Mr. Burns are stuck in a cabin and every time they speak there is an avalanche.

Except now every time someone says Moshi Moshi an aftershock happens.

>> No.7078671


You two are completely missing my point.

I'm responding to someone who said "why is has to be Japan? Why not xxxx"

It's a disaster, It's not fine even if it happened in Africa or something.

It's better at least if it happened in Japan; they're well prepared. If it was in some developing country, death toll will be much times higher.

>> No.7078675

You also tried to troll the same guy using the same method 30 minutes ago, try to throw in some variety if you want to actually get something out of him.

I'm sure something will open up at some point and you'll get a chance to do some good.

>> No.7078676

It was caused they the earlier two. It's blocking roads...

>> No.7078677

Thanks BOOF, you're kind of cool.

>> No.7078678
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>> No.7078679



>> No.7078680


Japan is where everything I like comes from. The people there are directly responsible for my happiness, so I care about their wellbeing.

I'm sure you'd rather some stranger you didn't know have a heart attack instead of your own mother, it's a similar principle here.

>> No.7078682
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>mfw japan is swimming in whale carcasses

>> No.7078685

Don't even start another tripfag circle jerk group. We already have enough of that.

>> No.7078691

>weeaboos caring because is japan

yeah nothing new here

>> No.7078692

David Applegate, a senior science adviser for earthquake and geologic hazards for the U.S. Geological Survey, said the 8.9-magnitude quake ruptured a patch of the earth's crust 150 miles (240 kilometers) long and 50 miles (80 kilometers) across.

>> No.7078694
File: 49 KB, 592x261, Screen shot 2011-03-11 at 11.49.17 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nagano getting aftershocks now.

>> No.7078697

He's not trying to start anything.

Take a look at pixiv, there are memorial pictures popping up.

>> No.7078699

I just heard on BBC Radio that *some* trains in Tokyo will resume normal routes in about ten minutes from now. :)

>> No.7078701

Are there any earthquake JAVs out there?

>> No.7078704

Kaguya can you link me to that page please

>> No.7078705

Any news on Oda ;_;

>> No.7078708

where are you getting these from?

>> No.7078710


>> No.7078712
File: 6 KB, 365x36, Somuchforcheapfigures.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn it Japan

>> No.7078713

what's that means ?

Or Miyamoto ;_;

>> No.7078717

FUCK NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! WHY god why? I come to jp to look for a Earthquake general and I get this? Glorious Nihpon, please save NEEHI!

>> No.7078725
File: 37 KB, 598x179, Screen shot 2011-03-11 at 11.55.50 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Akita got hit with a 6.4....

>> No.7078727


This is why I love getting paid in yen.

>> No.7078731

will this fuck with earth rotation like the chile earthaquake?

>> No.7078734

How come there is no 8.9 listed there?

>> No.7078740

Also useful.

>> No.7078742


Apparently some volcanoes started activity. This is just one.

I hope it doesn't get worse from there.

>> No.7078743


They had a lot of quakes since that one.

>> No.7078748


For fuck's sake. I can see it now. Yet more earthquakes, more tsunamis, some sort of nuclear mishap, and all the volcanoes erupt.

It'd be fucking typical. This shit is practically proving my theory for me.

>> No.7078752

Pictures of closed shops: http://translate.google.co.uk/translate?hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http://zip.2chan.net/3/res/467411.h

>> No.7078756

So, did North Korea try anything funny during the aftershocks?

>> No.7078757


The impact of the quake that hit Japan this morning shifted earth’s rotation axis nearly 10cm.

So Yeah.

>> No.7078758
File: 106 KB, 822x747, Screen shot 2011-03-11 at 12.02.48 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

JR Press release. They're staring back up at 7am.

Fukushima plant has been confirmed safe now.

>> No.7078765

Can I get a FUCK YEAH?

>> No.7078769

/jp/ - Japan/General

>> No.7078770
File: 29 KB, 447x144, Screen shot 2011-03-11 at 12.07.07 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. You get a キターーーーーー!!

>> No.7078772

Did anyone relevant die?

>> No.7078778


Sakurajima has been active over the last 50 years or so without interruption.
I doubt this is something to worry about.

>> No.7078783
File: 78 KB, 599x497, Untitled-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Entire east coast is getting 3m+ size tsunamis.

>> No.7078789



>> No.7078792
File: 82 KB, 513x289, kojima_confirmed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Confirmed: some Kojima is dead.

>> No.7078793

How long do you think this shit's going to last?

>> No.7078797

Man, I can't tell you how happy I am about that...

>> No.7078802 [DELETED] 
File: 61 KB, 514x296, niigata.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here we go.

>> No.7078803
File: 257 KB, 603x332, Screen shot 2011-03-11 at 12.13.29 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another warning for Nigata/Nagano/Fukushima WHEN WILL IT END?!

>> No.7078806

I have no idea. I hear that there are still some aftershock tremors going on in parts of Tokyo, Chiba and Sendai. They keep coming but hopefully, not for long.

>> No.7078806,1 [INTERNAL] 

Fuck you and fuck this thread

>> No.7078811

Recovery time: Over/Under 2 years?

>> No.7078816

i just hope the cute little girls are ok

>> No.7078821 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7078820

Aftershocks aren't that hard to understand.

"Like most earthquakes, the recent earthquake is expected to be followed by numerous aftershocks. Aftershocks are additional earthquakes that occur after the mainshock and in the same geographic area. Usually, aftershocks are smaller than the mainshock, but occasionally an aftershock may be strong enough to be felt widely throughout the area and may cause additional damage, particularly to structures already weakened in the mainshock. As a rule of thumb, aftershocks of magnitude 5 and larger are considered potentially damaging.

Aftershocks are most common immediately after the mainshock; their average number per day decreases rapidly as time passes. Aftershocks are most likely to be felt in the first few days after the mainshock, but may be felt weeks, months, or even years afterwards. In general, the larger the mainshock, the longer its aftershocks will be felt.

Aftershocks tend to occur near the mainshock, but the exact geographic pattern of the aftershocks varies from earthquake to earthquake and is not predictable. The larger the mainshock, the larger the area of aftershocks. While there is no "hard" cutoff distance beyond which an earthquake is totally incapable of triggering an aftershock, the vast majority of aftershocks are located close to the mainshock. As a rule of thumb, a magnitude 6 mainshock may have aftershocks up to 10 to 20 miles away, while a magnitude 7 mainshock may have aftershocks as far as 30 to 50 miles away."

Because the mainshock was so large, we are seeing abnormally large after shocks that are happening with greater frequency and further away from the mainshock.

>> No.7078825


>> No.7078830


>> No.7078833
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Tsundere store owners?

>> No.7078839
File: 53 KB, 640x479, 1299874754295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well fuck........

>> No.7078840


>> No.7078844

2009: The World Nuclear Association said pressure inside the containment of Reactor 1 at Fukushima-Daichi had been steadily increasing over the time that its emergency core cooling systems had not been active. The Tokyo Electric Power Company reported at 0200 local time (1700 GMT) that pressure had increased beyond reference levels, but was within engineered limits, the WNA added.

2021: Contact has been lost with four trains in Miyagi and Iwate prefectures, Japan's official Kyodo news agency reports.

>> No.7078849

Fuck off

>> No.7078852


>> No.7078856

>>7078839 >>7078852
why are you still here?

>> No.7078859

Looks like your a kind of guy that hates everything.
Kill yourself.

>> No.7078871
File: 67 KB, 500x336, noy1gtvy0wht4hndejez-500x336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7078873

stickies are made to avoid retards shitting up the entire front page about one particular topic
blame the people who absolutely had to post 1234 variations of the same PRESS F11 TO JAPAN xd LOL WHAT'S SHAKING shit in both boards

>> No.7078875

yfw this was caused by a North Korean nuke careful placed on the fault line and detonated

>> No.7078876

Laid back japan worker is ok

>> No.7078878


Kaguya, is there anything new?

>> No.7078879

What is the status on that nuclear facility?

>> No.7078881

Three to four new power supply cars have arrived at the Fukushima-Daiichi nuclear plant in north-eastern Japan to provide emergency electricity for the earthquake-damaged cooling system of one reactor, the World Nuclear Association has said. The power cars are being prepared for connection, the WNA said, citing the Japanese ministry of economy, trade and industry. Other power modules are being flown in.