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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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707526 No.707526 [Reply] [Original]

All you do is talk about anime and shit.

Where is the actual 'general' side of this board, what about those of us who want to talk about clubbing/bars/general nightlife/girls of Japan and so on? I've been twice, both times with friends on a booze up, stayed in Hostels, partied the night away, even sang all night in our rooms at the hostel because we were so hammered.

It's moments like that that would make this board fun. Come on guys....

>> No.707541

i know! instead of being a whiny bitch about it, you could start a thread like "hey, the japan nightlife is awesome!"

maybe post some photos you took for good measure? i don't think touhou people would mind.

i dunno, i'm just throwing ideas out there.

>> No.707533

You first.

>> No.707535

I don't think you know what anime is.

Enjoy playing pretend. Alone.

>> No.707537


>> No.707539

>Where is the actual 'general' side of this board
Try different times of day... It happens, you just miss it.

>> No.707542
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>> No.707543

No. /jp/ is a refuge for last year's /a/'s nightlife.

Go away.

>> No.707545

Most of us are sufficiently inept that even in Japan we just join the ranks of the hikkis.

>> No.707547

people with pretend social lives go to /b/ to discuss. we don't play pretend here. against the rules. moot agreed, don't bother him about it.

>> No.707548

>i don't think touhou people would mind.

speak for yourself.


dont act like we tolerate this shit here. fuck off if you do.

>> No.707550


>> No.707555

>>even sang all night in our rooms at the hostel

King of /jp/.

>> No.707564

>what about those of us who want to talk about clubbing/bars/general nightlife/girls of Japan and so on? I

I dont understand, why would anyone go to another country to do the shit they can do in their own country? I notice a lot of americans do this. Why?

>> No.707569

10/10 troll I can't help but rage

You're a bad person for using this clubbing bullshit to troll with, that's like cheating.

>> No.707579


it's easier to have the confidence to mack on a chick when you know that if you're rejected, you won't run into her again at some other event

>> No.707581

Never go to Roppongi. All you get is black guys saying "come to my titty bar!" and pubs full of whiteys. It's basically Japan lite so foreigners don't feel overwhelmed.

>> No.707582

>> No.707583

ok fine i will stand down to your flawless logic, you didn't see anything other than touhou during your limited time here, so OF COURSE that's the only thing posted on /jp/!


>> No.707590

Mahjong/language/cultural threads? Sure.

Clubbing and 'picking up girls'?

Get the fuck off.

>mack on a chick

Die in a fucking fire.

>> No.707592


You fall for trolls too often. You should go back to being anon so you'd look like less of a dumbass.

>> No.707605

Why not post about it on facebook, or your myspace page instead fag, now turn around and leave the same way you came in.

>> No.707601


You're stupid for presuming so much from his post and completely missing the point.

This "clubbing" faggotry is not tolerated by anyone, Touhoufags or otherwise. It's not about this board being just for Touhou, this board is (or should be) for a lot of things--but NEVER normalfags. NEVER. NO MATTER WHAT.

>> No.707610

Oh you guys.


>> No.707608

Japan sucks.

>> No.707609


chill out bro it's all good simmer down

>> No.707614

>dont act like we tolerate this shit here. fuck off if you do.

Speak for yourself. Faggot.

>> No.707612

Forgot your sage, aniki

>> No.707619


>> No.707623

Look, I'm going to be frank here. Other anons have mentioned or alluded to it before. But in essence 4chan is one of the few places we can go, ANYWHERE now (even on the internet itself), where we won't have to be reminded of our terminal single-ness. Everywhere else, television, film, fuck... even video games - the ideal of the happy couple is rubbed in our face 24/7 - 4chan, and perhaps more specifically /jp/, is an escape from that.

That's why we dont like hearing about it. Also, add onto that thought the fact that the kinds of conversations you see on /b/ and /r9k/ discussing such things are merely disguised bragging anyway and don't really contribute to the quality of a board.

That's it basically. At it's core we just dont want to have a bravado like mentality about how you went out and fucked X girl at Y party on the /a/ overflow section of a fucking futaba themed imageboard.

>> No.707624


haha i remember that

good times

>> No.707625

>chill out bro

well played troll, well played...

>> No.707631

you and what army? Go to /b/ if you want to talk about clubbing and picking up girls. Or if you want to pretend to be an oldfag you can go to /r9k/.

>> No.707642

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>> No.707643


>> No.707646

pardon me for suggesting ways to make such threads interesting and relevant to /jp/. god forbid something mildly interesting comes out of a thread with photos of japan.

>> No.707645

>I everytime feel different culture.
>Because you always say "sage" when you write sage in e-mail blanc.
>Because we don't write anything we write sagelol
>you write "I sage! I sage!". Why? Are you American?

>> No.707648

I was pointing out the irony.

>> No.707649


Get out.

>> No.707652

you know the kopipe, you know what that kind of stuff brings with it.

not one step down the slippery slope.

>> No.707661


I was recently non-single for a month and a half and it fucking sucked, because I had to repress my powerlevel more than usual, to the point where I was starting to be like a normalfag. That shit is done with, and FEELS SO GOOD TO BE BACK. If you aren't going out with someone like you, it blows, and ain't many out there are like us.

If you want to do things in which the happy couple shit rarely gets rubbed into your face, get involved with a good theater or improv group, or really any other bunch of artfags, because there's one thing that every creative person has in common: Not a single one is happy, by themselves, or with others.

Well, back to being a trolling bro bro bro asshole I go.

>> No.707667

must be the new troll to talk about clubbing on /jp/

this is the 3rd thread ive seen like this this week, all of them ending in a fire of sages.

>> No.707677

Or a more simple reason would be that the board is Japan/General, not Clubbing Blog.

>> No.707678

We can't give normalfags a chance. /jp/ is and shall remain our stronghold until the mods fuck that over too.

>> No.707691


We're cutting this shit off at the head.

>> No.707682


we're glad to have you back in the fold.

>> No.707686

Forget something?
