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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 70 KB, 750x469, putin railgun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7068618 No.7068618 [Reply] [Original]

So, besides the amazing OP parody and Putin, is it actually a fun VN?

>> No.7068627

average moe game. If you like reading about cute characters and their adventures, yeah. If you go in expecting amazing characterization or godlike comedic sense, just prepare the ass bandaids.

>> No.7068630

Depends on what you're searching for.
This is pretty much a standard VN with a joke plot, some might consider it a nukige but personally I find it too long to be one.

>> No.7068633

It's stupid, generic harem fun. I like games like that. I don't know if you would.

>> No.7068635

From what I've read so far, it's basically a VN for you to enjoy, without expecting brilliant character development or a superb plot

>> No.7068636

I just want cute world leader shenanigans. I don't give a shit about the eroge parts or the actual quality of the plot.

One question: Why do they call it 'Nippon' in all the promo material in English, instead of Japan? Is it another 'alternative reality' country where Nippon =/= Japan?

>> No.7068644

>average moe game
I'll love this.

>> No.7068651

I remember this game being funny.

>> No.7068657

From what I played of the translation, it was an amusing game with an interesting premise in what's often a stale genre.

It isn't groundbreaking, but it's certainly an enjoyable waste of time.

>> No.7068662

It's probably part of an explanation as to why Japan would even have a presidency in the first place.

>> No.7068685

>prepare the ass bandaids.

You got unlimited own works material right there.

Not like something with moe presidents would be the least bit realistic, but calling japan nippon is about as correct as calling the USA america, it's just a cultural slang.

>> No.7068686
File: 137 KB, 850x637, dt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Vladimir Putin aware that a game exists where you can have sex with a teenage girl version of him?

I mean sure, AliceSoft is about to have a game where you can fuck Hitler and Stalin, but they're both dead. Putin's still alive.

>> No.7068693


Well, in the classic OP parody, the president of 'Nippon' is replaced with Obama, and the place in the op where the alien ship lands in the original looks like the White House, so I was curious if it was some alternate reality where U.S/Japan are the same country.

>> No.7068695

Was there ever a complete patch released or did "license happen we drop everything and destroy it"

>> No.7068694

[15:35:31] <Moogy> the osadai translation is basically made-up but that just makes it funnier
[15:36:44] <Moogy> well the guy who translated it didn't know kanji so he used an autoromanizer for everything
[15:36:56] <Moogy> then tinfoil edited it into something that made sense
[15:37:37] <Moogy> there are a ton of mistakes everywhere and it's way, way too literal
[15:37:46] <Moogy> but the original game sucked and it's funny this way so i doubt anyone cares

>> No.7068703

There's a patch doing the rounds that was completely translated but not completely proof-checked.

>> No.7068707

There's a buggy patch.

>> No.7068710
File: 627 KB, 800x600, putin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a fuck was given, not like I was going to play the English version anyway. Sounds like I could keep jisho.org open and get a better understanding myself if it's like that.

Can I make Putin mai waifu or is she CANNOT HAVE and you're stuck with the blonde girl?

>> No.7068715

Moogy is just a pretentious furry, you shouldn't take what he says too seriously.

>> No.7068718

Even a pretentious furry is right twice a day.

>> No.7068726

If a visual novel doesn't use kanji no one uses since WWII or puns only japanese linguists understand it's shit for him anyways, so he's not really the best person to gauge a visual novel quality.

>> No.7068741
File: 569 KB, 850x531, barack obama.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the blonde girl's name is Ouhama Yukino

Did they really turn Barack Obama into THIS?

I guess Nippon = America in this game after all

>> No.7068752

No, Nippon is still Japan.
America is Ameriga.

>> No.7068754

She's got her own route yeah and I loved it, deredere Putina is the best. Is there a harem ending? I still have to do Yukino's and Ell's routes at some point.

>> No.7068762

Ouhama --> Obama seems like too much of a coincidence, plus the red/white/blue theme for her and the psuedo-white house.

Does Ameriga have a separate leader in the game?

>> No.7068759

It's Nippon in English because in Japanese the kanji is 新本 instead of 日本.

>> No.7068761

Nippon is written with different kanji than the usual ones, it's the name of a multinational alliance that comprises Japan and America

>> No.7068768

IIRC he's not mentioned by name but he shoots nukes at Nippon during one of the story events.

>> No.7068778

So...which one is correct? Or are you BOTH right and like half of the U.S. is allied with Japan and the other half isn't?

>> No.7068780

Not America, it's the in-game North Korea that shoots them nukes.

>> No.7068797

Ameriga makes more sense than America since it's named after Amerigo Vespucci.

Wait, why the fuck isn't it Vepsuccia?

>> No.7068812

From what I remember checking out the scripts when it was still on the wiki, the nuke launch part was a victim of fuzzy translation. I recall it being mistakenly translated in a way that would make someone think that America was launching the nukes. It was pretty messy.

>> No.7068845

sorry, oftopic but has anyone a working link for the latest eng patch?

>> No.7068852

/jp/ is not your personal army

>> No.7068853
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>> No.7068854

Nippon = America (and probably Japan too, like the guy earlier said in a country that encloses both of them)

You can see in the beginning that the spaceship falls from orbit over the U.S., and crashes on the white house in Washington D.C. (which the game says is where the 'prime minister of Nippon' lives)

>> No.7068884

didnt mean to ask for personal army, i was just wondering

>> No.7068892
File: 150 KB, 640x480, spongebob with wallet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So let me see if I have this straight: This game is about a world where aliens crash-land on the white house, leaving George Bush dead, and then the aliens install Barack Obama, who is a young blonde girl, as President of America and Japan, and she then goes to war with loli KGB Putin over the MC's affection?

>> No.7068891

working link
>>7068852 fag

>> No.7068893

Yes I do.

>> No.7068905

1. It's the Snow House.
2. It didn't exist until after the alien tried to fix everything, but thought that all of Earth was like Ameriga.

>> No.7068934

and don´t forget the starship,

>> No.7068976

>crash-land on the white house
>George Bush dead
>Barack Obama
>President of America

>> No.7068993
File: 462 KB, 1027x772, Sin título-1w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7069005
File: 456 KB, 1024x768, Sin título-22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7069014

Back when I was playing tsukihime years ago a weeaboo suggested some game about your girlfriend secretly being the head of an evil organization dead set on making her the ruling party of the planet.

I should have played that because now I can't remember what it was.

>> No.7069024
File: 314 KB, 789x768, Sin título-144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7069060

Uhh, off mark. Aliens crash-land on some government building in Japan, killing off most of their leaders, including the president guy. Aliens use nearest local girl as a conduit for brain-washing device. They use America's government system as the base for brainwashing Japan, so now they have shit like the Snow House. And no, genderbent-Putin is in no way a loli.

>> No.7069076

You mean Prime Minister.

>> No.7069078

Oh, my bad.

>> No.7069086
File: 482 KB, 1027x768, Sin título-199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7069097


Best character in the game or best character in the game?
