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7068602 No.7068602 [Reply] [Original]

Well now, this is interesting.

>5pb. will be giving console releases to Age's 2003 PC love themed adventure game Muv-Luv and its 2006 sequel Muv-Luv Alternative. The platform is, of course, Xbox 360.

Source: http://www.andriasang.com/e/blog/2011/03/10/muvluv_x360/

I wonder how/if this will affect Ixrec's deal with age...

>> No.7068622

Maybe they'll shove the translated script in the game /sarcasm

>> No.7068632

Can't wait to see how they'll look in 3d models, after Ever17 and Robotics;Notes using them.

>> No.7068642

>3D Models
Please tell me this isn't true.

>> No.7068654

you didn't know?

>> No.7068661

Well now I'm sad.

>> No.7069117
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>I wonder how/if this will affect Ixrec's deal with age...

>> No.7069131 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7069150

Watch it!

>> No.7070262

>I wonder how/if this will affect Ixrec's deal with age...

Who wants to tell him?

>> No.7070266

>I wonder how/if this will affect Ixrec's deal with age...
It probably won't. Most likely a Japan only release.

>> No.7070303

inb4 official english release delayed until 2012 so they can re-release the game for the pc with the new content

>> No.7070329

As if it was going to be released this year anyways.

>> No.7070336

>implying Ixrec would do this to his many fans

>> No.7070342

>insinuating he still has fans after selling out to age.

>> No.7070344

Ixrec already implied in his blog that it will likely be released before May 21st. So I don't think you have to worry about that.

>> No.7070347

Goddamn that was a fucking fast greentext reply.

>> No.7070409

Really? Are you referring to:
>What we should expect is a very, very long (3 months? maybe???) startup time while they work out all the international copyright nonsense, which as we should all know are the only real reason for the worst of the official licensing delays (technical problems are just excuses since that’s the company’s engine failing), and after that things should start moving very quickly.
Or did he make some other comment regarding the timeframe?

>> No.7070413

>Hey Ixrec, I’ve been hearing a lot about all this evidence coming forth that the world is going to end on May 21st. Do you plan on continuing your translation efforts even if the world ends? I’d be pretty sad if I never got to play MLA because of something stupid like Judgment Day.

>I wouldn’t worry about it.

>> No.7070422

I think he's just implying that that theory is stupid.

>> No.7070429

I don't know... I've seen a lot of convincing evidence for it.

>> No.7070431

I'm impressed with the relaxed way he replies to things, even when he's replying to something really idiotic. I respect him for that. But on other issues...

>> No.7070437

How so?
We have a higher chance of having 1 of the #ammy spy to leak the patch than having ammy devs releasing them.

>> No.7070436

My toilet flushed the other way today. This must be an omen that the world is going to end soon.

>> No.7070510

I hope they don't. Even if I'm personally not interested in liar-soft games after inganock, I really hope something team-destroying like leaks don't happen.

>> No.7071296

Site has gone up, but it's extremely bare bones currently.

>> No.7071321

BETAverse with Armored Core-like gameplay segments. Make it happen, 5pb!

>> No.7071343

I still remember that segment of something like that on the DVD that came with Altered Fable.
Still wishing for something like that.

>> No.7072527


Turning MuvLuv into a normal video game would be the most awesome thing ever.

Hell, you could even still keep the dating sim elements. Persona does it.

>> No.7072537


So, sanitizing the creator's vision to appeal to a broader spectrum of normals sounds good to you?

Get out.

>> No.7072550


No, giving it actual gameplay and the ability to move around in the game world sounds like a good idea to me.

'Normals' never buy JRPGs anyway and anyone who claims such is an idiot.

>> No.7072714

So suddenly FFs are not JRPGs anymore? Retard.

>> No.7072725

>'Normals' never buy JRPGs anyway
What, you think "normals" refer just to clubbing rednecks or something? I've seen plenty of people with a social life, friends, girlfriends talk about Persona 3-4, being into nerd hobbies nowadays isn't just for losers, didn't you get the memo?

>> No.7072735


People who play any videogame that isn't CoD/Starcraft/etc, or are into anime, are still shunned by the actual normals. They aren't normals. Stop calling them that because they actually leave their homes and have jobs.

>> No.7072737

>Xbox 360

>> No.7072740

5pb, lol.

>> No.7072748 [DELETED] 

Nobody gets shit for playing Final Fantasy. Each of them sell like two million copies in the United States, and considerably more than games like Knights of the Old Republic. Don't be a fucking idiot. Even Half-Life only sold ten million copies.

>> No.7072753

>People who play any videogame that isn't CoD/Starcraft/etc, or are into anime, are still shunned by the actual normals.
I guess my entire high school was abnormal, to the man.

>> No.7072760

Leaving home and having a job has nothing to do with being normal, it's how you fit into society and its people. I'm telling you, plenty of people who play videogames who aren't your average FPS or Starcraft or watch anime are about as socially normal as people can get.

>> No.7072780


If they ever broadcast that they HAVE those hobbies they will probably lose a vast majority of their friends. Most people still think that anime is for pedophiles.

>> No.7072790

There are levels of normalfaggotry. If FPS players are the "jocks" of normals, then RPG playing guys that watch Gurren Lagann are "hipsters" of normals.

>> No.7072828

Stop thinking video gamers are a 'cool underground subculture'. Normal people play all kinds of video games, which makes sense considering that video games were invented by normal people for normal people.

>> No.7072829

You're too monolithical in your definition of normal, you're talking about the ultra-conservative redneck kind, which is not the only shade of normal. Which means that you're probably one of those guys I'm trying to argue that are normals, while you think yourself as abnormal. I've got bad news for you.

>> No.7078057


>> No.7078098

CURRENT FPS players (who are actually all fucking retards) are all normals. People that played Q3/UT etc were all fucking badasses. Those games had insane skill caps and were amazing. No normal could handle them.

>> No.7078098,1 [INTERNAL] 

HEAD-CHOMP soon to be in 3D?
