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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7067443 No.7067443 [Reply] [Original]

So yeah. Looks like a raiding from other boards is starting. I'm going to read some VNs.
Just making this thread to let you know that that is also an option.

>> No.7067449

Thank's for the heads up, I'll come back in time for the next flanfly.

>> No.7067461

Could you post the thread that incites the raid? Then a passing mod could ban the people in that thread.

>> No.7067462

You're using a reaction face and shitposting. You're one of them.


>> No.7067464

See ya later anon.
I guess that way I can at least study for the french exam tomorrow

>> No.7067467

My guess is that someone's favorite thread was deleted, so they started spamming because they're really mature.
What annoys me is that who /just deleted those threads is apparently not here anymore to deal with the children. Why the fuck is your moderation so inconsistent, 4chan?

>> No.7067476

A bunch of kids making stupid off-topic threads, maybe they think they can have the same behaviour as in their boards.
Yeah, I guess I'll do the same. Well, see ya.

>> No.7067485

There was a blatant troll thread and the first ten responses were all the exact same "Reported" with sage, so he went over to /v/ to cry about it, and that got us a few board visitors shitting up the place.

>> No.7067496

Yep, looks like he's also a /b/tard, since he post a link on /v/ about it.

>> No.7067500

Don't be so beta and maybe you wouldn't be raided.

>> No.7067504

Aren't all "raiders" /b/tards, though?
They've fallen so much. They don't even raid sites, but just stick to boards that made them angry.

>> No.7067501

Or just a typical /v/ poster, seeing how they're almost all /b/-level posters anyways.

>> No.7067502 [DELETED] 

>Why the fuck is your moderation so inconsistent, 4chan?
Because the right people are not in charge of that.

>> No.7067508

your sages are useless

>> No.7067511

Not sure what that was supposed to prove, everyone knows sage does nothing besides not bump a thread.

>> No.7067513

Oh right, /v/ doesn't know the purpose of sage.

Stay buttangry, kid.

>> No.7067514

Secret Arts - Stealth Sage

>> No.7067515

You don't know how the sage works, isn't it?.
Typical /v/ user.

>> No.7067516

Mods are all moot's friends, and at least one of them became a mod solely because she fucked moot.
None of them are /jp/ users, and only come here once a week or so to clean up any threads they think don't belong.

It's really annoying, in more ways than one. I wish they'd just pick some random guy in one of our NEET threads and try him out for modship.

>> No.7067517

Most of these threads aren't worse than the average /jp/ ones.

>> No.7067519 [DELETED] 

Looks like there is a mod deleting some of those threads randomly as they show up on his report queue.

You promised janitors moot. I'm such a fool for having expectations.

>> No.7067520

>/jp/ shitposters getting butthurt

>> No.7067522

Just relax, as soon as they 'finish' going over the mod applications we'll probably have several new meidos.

>> No.7067526

I miss Meido.....

>> No.7067527

You're autism is showing.

>> No.7067529 [DELETED] 

You are naive anon.

>> No.7067530

Unlikely. Remember AoC? After him, the general consensus, especially with Anonymous-san, is that less moderation is good, otherwise you provoke spammers.

I, too, miss Meido.

>> No.7067531

Fuck him and fuck you too

>> No.7067533

The most hilarious thing is when they act as if they were on their respective boards.

>> No.7067536

Being naive is /jp/'s most defining trait.
Everyone here is an innocent little girl who's frequently bullied by everyone else.

>> No.7067540

Thanks for informing us.

>> No.7067543

>dialy lucky star fap
Are you seriously this retarded?

>> No.7067539

Safe travels.

>> No.7067538

oh i go, now you can return to your dialy lucky star fap

>> No.7067542 [DELETED] 

What a pathetic argument.

While it still is true doesn't mean mods should simply make a round of 10 minutes, ban people randomly for retarded reasons and ignore the huge amount of horrible, retarded, stupid threads that are scattered among the pages like they (he) does right now.

>> No.7067563

Good luck and God speed.

>> No.7067565
File: 105 KB, 1073x814, boards.4chan.org-jp writes like a teenage girl. Her style is personal and happy._1299693631121copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ is also rude to people they don't like. It is not a lie about little girls.

>> No.7067566

We're being raided?

I can't even tell...

>> No.7067571
File: 38 KB, 598x284, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7067572

It's just one guy doing it.

>> No.7067592

Feels just like last summer again.

>> No.7067657

Why do you even bother showing them attention?
